Methodological skills of tactical training instructors: theory, experience and practice
The need to improve the methodological skills of teachers of tactical and tactical-special training in higher military educational institutions. The process of training troops in techniques and ways of fighting. Tactical formation and tactical classes.
Рубрика | Военное дело и гражданская оборона |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 24.02.2024 |
Размер файла | 49,4 K |
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Naval Institute National University «Odesa Maritime Academy»
Methodological skills of tactical training instructors: theory, experience and practice
Cherkun Ihor Anatoliiovych
Head of the Military Training Department
The article notes that the need to improve the methodological skills of instructors of tactical and tactical-specialized training in higher military educational institutions is due to the fact that Ukraine is currently in a difficult geopolitical situation in the context of national security, as it is under the threat of constant shelling and terrorism from Russia. Therefore, the tactical and tactical-specialized training of the Ukrainian Armed Forces is of great importance for repelling the military invasion of Ukraine by Russian troops, and instructors should be as competent as possible regarding this matter.
It is found that the problem of improving the methodological skills of instructors of tactical and tactical-specialized training has repeatedly attracted the attention of scientists and practitioners. The methodological skills of tactical and tactical-specialized training instructors include the ability to create educational and methodological materials, organize and conduct training and educational activities for military personnel aimed at developing their tactical skills and special abilities.
Tactical training, as the process of teaching troops the techniques and methods of conducting combat, is the main and defining subject in the combat training system. The following forms of training are used in tactical training: tactical formation and tactical exercises, live fire and tactical drills.
The main method of training in tactical and formation exercises is an exercise (training) in the implementation of techniques and methods of action on the battlefield (in the course of practicing tactical standards). Explanation and demonstration may also be used.
Taking into account the experience of professional activity, we propose a number of activities. These activities can help instructors develop their methodological skills.
To improve the level of methodological skills of instructors, it is advisable to follow certain recommendations, in particular updating the knowledge in the field of tactics and tactical and special operations by studying modern strategies, technologies and methods used in military affairs, in particular, during the participation of military personnel of the security and defense sector in combat operations against units of the Russian armed forces, etc.
Keywords: methodological training, methodological skills, instructors, tactical training, higher military educational institutions, methodological recommendations.
Черкун Ігор Анатолійович начальник кафедри військової підготовки Інституту Військово-Морських Сил, Національний університет «Одеська морська академія»
Методична майстерність викладачів тактичної підготовки: теорія, досвід і практика
tactical military educational skill
У статті зазначено, що необхідність підвищення методичної майстерності викладачів тактичної та тактико-спеціальної підготовки у вищих військових навчальних закладах зумовлена тим, що Україна нині знаходиться у складному геополітичному становищі у контексті національної безпеки, оскільки перебуває під загрозою постійних обстрілів та тероризму з боку Росії. Тому тактична і тактико-спеціальна підготовка військовослужбовців Збройних Сил України має велике значення для відбиття військового вторгнення російських військ в Україну, і викладачі повинні бути максимально компетентними в цьому плані.
З'ясовано, що проблема підвищення методичної майстерності викладачів тактичної та тактико-спеціальної підготовки неодноразово привертала увагу вчених і фахівців-практиків. Методична майстерність викладачів тактичної і тактико-спеціальної підготовки передбачає володіння вміннями та навичками створювати навчально-методичні матеріали, організовувати та проводити навчання та навчальні заходи для військовослужбовців, спрямовані на розвиток їх тактичних навичок і спеціальних вмінь.
Тактична підготовка, як процес навчання військ прийомам і способам ведення бою, є головним і визначальним предметом у системі бойової підготовки. У тактичній підготовці використовуються такі форми навчання: тактико-стройові і тактичні заняття, бойові стрільби і тактичні навчання.
Основним методом навчання на тактико-стройових заняттях є вправа (тренування) у виконанні прийомів і способів дій на полі бою (у ході відпрацювання тактичних нормативів). Можуть застосовуватися також пояснення і показ.
З урахуванням досвіду професійної діяльності запропоновано низку заходів, які можуть допомогти викладачу розвивати свої методичні навички.
Для підвищення рівня методичної майстерності викладачів доцільно дотримуватися певних рекомендацій, зокрема актуалізація своїх знань у галузі тактики та тактико-спеціальних дій шляхом вивчення сучасних стратегій, технологій і методів, які використовуються у військовій справі, зокрема під час участі військовослужбовці сил сектору безпеки і оборони у бойових діях проти підрозділів російських збройних сил тощо.
Ключові слова: методична підготовка, методична майстерність, викладачі, тактична підготовка, вищі військові навчальні заклади, методичні рекомендації.
Problem statement
The need to improve the methodological skills of tactical and tactical-specialized training instructors in higher military educational institutions of Ukraine (hereinafter - HMEIs) is due to a number of factors. It must be stated that Ukraine is currently in a difficult geopolitical situation in terms of national security, as it is under the threat of invasion and terrorism from russia. Therefore, the tactical training of the Ukrainian Armed Forces is of great importance for repelling the military invasion of Ukraine by Russian troops, and instructors should be highly competent in this area.
Ukraine is continuously modernizing its armed forces and other components of the security and defense sector to meet modern threats. This requires tactical training instructors to constantly update their methods of teaching taking into account best practices.
Moreover, in modern conditions, the standards of tactical actions on the battlefield are being adapted to international norms and standards, as well as the experience of participation of armed forces units in combat operations. In this regard, tactical trainers need to have up-to-date knowledge and understanding of these standards, as well as to constantly analyze and take into account information from combatants.
Thus, improving the methodological skills of tactical training instructors is an important aspect of pedagogical theory and practice to ensure national security and respond to modern threats in Ukraine.
Analysis of relevant research
The problem of improving the methodological skills of research and teaching staff in higher military educational institutions has repeatedly attracted the attention of scholars and practitioners. In particular, the main directions of the development of methodological competence of HMEI instructors are presented in the article by A. Halimov [1]. The issues of improving the effectiveness of methodological skills of fire training instructors in higher education institutions of law enforcement agencies of Ukraine were the subject of attention of O. Koval [2]. Some aspects of solving the problem of implementing the modern content of fire training and personal safety, in particular for future border guard officers, are presented in the publications of V. Voloshyn [3]. The issues of diagnostics, in particular, criteria and indicators for diagnosing the levels of development of methodological competence of military specialty disciplines instructors in higher military educational institutions were in the focus of attention of V. Ostapenko [4], while researchers O. Heorhadze, S. Stolinets and O. Yuriev presented a partial methodology for assessing the level of methodological skills of training leaders while conducting combat coordination [5]. The publication of V. Kushchenko and M. Komziuk is also of interest. The authors examine the peculiarities of tactical training of police officers based on the example of the United States of America [6]. Some aspects of the role and place of tactical and special training in educational institutions are highlighted by D. Hloba [7].
At the same time, the solution of the scientific task of studying the theory and practice of improving the methodological skills of tactical and tactical-specialized training instructors in higher military educational institutions requires further consideration.
The aim of the article is to publish the results of a study of the theory and practice of improving the methodological skills of tactical and tactical- specialized training instructors in higher military educational institutions.
Presenting basic material
In the study, we assume that tactical and tactical-specialized training of future officers is one of the most important and responsible areas of educational activity of academic staff in higher military educational institutions who provide training for future officers, as well as retraining and advanced training of military personnel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine [8].
This type of training is extremely important for officers in the armed forces for many reasons.
First, officers must be able to act in combat conditions and be leaders in their units in any situation. Leadership means competence, which implies awareness of the tactics of conducting combat operations. Proper tactical and specialized training helps increase the combat potential of units and the effectiveness of commanders in offensive, defense, stabilization and other forms of warfare.
Second, officers are responsible for planning and managing military operations, including combat operations. Tactical and specialized skills help them develop strategy and tactics that ensure the effectiveness and success of military operations.
And third, knowledge and skills in tactics and special operations help officers develop safe and effective methods of accomplishing tasks ensuring the safety of their military personnel. Military operations may vary depending on the particular situation and the enemy. Tactical and specialized training provides officers with the skills to adapt to different scenarios and make quick decisions in rapidly changing conditions.
In general, tactical and specialized training is aimed at preparing future officers to perform duties in a military environment, providing them with the necessary skills and knowledge to effectively plan and manage military operations, ensure security and perform tasks at a high professional level.
At the same time, the results of the study show that in some cases, tactics instructors may use outdated methods and approaches to teaching. Such methods may not take into account modern challenges and threats that require up-to-date and modern solutions.
Tactics instructors should have in-depth and up-to-date knowledge of tactical issues, as well as be familiar with modern technologies and approaches to tactics. Insufficient knowledge updating can be a problem.
The problem is worsened by insufficient access to the necessary resources, such as modern teaching materials, training grounds, specialized equipment, etc. Such a state of affairs can make effective methodological training difficult.
It must be noted that tactics instructors may face the problem of insufficient professional training, they may not have the necessary pedagogical skills required for effective teaching of cadets. Also, tactics instructors may not have any experience in teaching and training cadets. They may not have the pedagogical education and practical experience that would help them to effectively pass on their knowledge to future officers.
In view of this, these problems can be solved through ongoing training and education of instructors and lecturers, introduction of modern approaches to teaching, and providing them with access to relevant resources and teaching materials.
The methodological mastery of tactical and tactical-specialized training instructors includes the ability to create educational materials, organize and conduct training and educational activities for military personnel aimed at developing their tactical skills and special abilities. This mastery includes in-depth knowledge of tactics and special operations, methods of warfare and modern military technologies; the ability to create curricula and programs, define learning goals and objectives, and develop practical exercises and simulations for practical training; effective communication skills to convey information and instructions to military personnel, ability to explain complex concepts and give clear and understandable instructions, ability to evaluate learning progress and to adjust learning activities to improve results; the ability to adapt their methods and approaches to the needs of different groups of servicemen, taking into account the level of training, specialty and other factors; constant selfimprovement and updating of knowledge, as well as the use of modern methods and technologies in the educational process.
Tactical training, as the process of teaching military forces the techniques and methods of combat, is the main and most important subject in the system of combat training. The following forms of training are used in tactical training: tactical drills and tactical classes, live firing and tactical exercises.
The main method of training at tactical drill classes is exercising (training) in performing techniques and methods of acting on the battlefield (in the course of practicing tactical standards). Explanations and demonstrations may also be used.
Tactical classes are the main form of coordination between a section (crew, service) and a platoon. The main point of such classes is that all the training issues of the topic are practiced in the sequence that is typical for a real battle, without pauses and breaks, on the background of a single tactical situation with a designated enemy. If necessary, certain techniques and actions can be repeated in order to eliminate mistakes.
Tactical classes are usually conducted as one-sided with a designated enemy. The location for these classes is usually a tactical training field. It is possible to conduct such classes on an unequipped area, but it should provide for the practicing of the planned training issues using the target equipment of the company tactical complex and various simulation tools. Tank crews and platoons are deployed for such classes with regular weapons and military equipment. It is possible to conduct tactical classes with a platoon using laser simulators of firing and damage. In this case, classes are usually two-sided: one platoon is on one side and the other two platoons of the company are on the other side.
Tactical classes are organized and conducted: with a squad (tank crew) - by a platoon commander and with a platoon - by a company commander. The duration of a tactical training class with a section is 3-4 hours, with a platoon 6-8 hours. When conducting tactical classes at night, it is advisable to practice the transition from daytime to nighttime operations. According to their purpose, tactical classes are divided into regular and control classes.
Regular tactical exercises with a section and a platoon are conducted at the final stage of the topic studying to test the commanders' skills in organizing combat and managing units, and the personnel's skills in performing techniques and methods of actions in the course of hostilities.
Control tactical classes are conducted with a section and a platoon at the final stage of learning tactical preparation as a subject before conducting live firing and are a pre-requisite for conducting it. The purpose is to check the training and cohesion of the section (platoon) and their readiness to conduct tactical exercises for sections (platoons).
At a control tactical training class, its head is obliged to check, first of all, the personal training of sections (platoons) commanders, their ability to creatively apply the theoretical provisions of the Army Field Manual in practice, to understand and manage a rapidly changing complex environment, the ability to make competent decisions, skills in organizing a battle in the field and managing subordinates in the course of it, as well as to determine the cohesion of the section (platoon), its readiness to act in the conditions of modern combat.
The control tactical class is conducted on the tactical field control strip. The content of such a class is determined by the company commander for the section and the platoon.
The main method of training in tactical classes is the practical work of the trainees in performing their professional duties in conditions close to combat.
Live firing is the highest form of training for a section or platoon, where tactical actions involve the use of weapons. They are held at the final stage of the units' harmonization. The essence of live firing is that commanders and units are trained to conduct combat with the practical performance of combat missions with live ammunition (projectile) using standard equipment and with attached units. They focus on correct tactical actions, skillful and effective use of weapons and military equipment to perform fire missions and control of units and fire during combat, as well as strict compliance with safety requirements.
Live firing is conducted according to one of the topics of tactical training, which involves the actions of units in the offensive, defense, and marching guard during the day and at night.
The main method of live firing exercises is practical work when all the trainees perform their functional duties, including solving fire missions.
Tactical exercises are the main form of field training for units (companies, battalions) and units, the most effective means and the most important element of improving the combat readiness of troops, allowing them to be properly prepared for modern combat.
During the exercises, commanders, headquarters, units and subunits practically perform tasks in a general, continuously evolving tactical situation, according to a single plan, in various types of combat, on various terrain, in great depth, continuously day and night.
The effectiveness and efficiency of tactical drills and tactical classes largely depend on the quality of their preparation. It is a set of activities conducted by a section, platoon or company commander on the eve of training, and covers the personal preparation of the head of the class, determining (clarifying) the initial data, choosing an area (site) for the class, developing a lesson plan, preparation of the trainees, the area of training, and material and technical support.
In each case, the scope and content of the activities will be determined by the experience and methodological skills of the head of the class.
The initial data for a tactical drill are the topic, content of training issues, training objectives, venue and composition of trainees, time (day, night), duration, number of weapons, military equipment and simulation devices. This data can be updated during demonstration, instructional and methodological classes, briefings, and when the unit commander evaluates the training.
It is advisable to start working on the initial data by clarifying the topic of the class. This is because each topic of tactical training usually includes several tactical drills and tactical classes. Therefore, it is necessary for the head of the class to clarify the general topic in order to understand the background of the tactical situation.
The head of the classes is taught at demonstration, instructional and methodological classes, meetings and briefings. The main method of preparation is self-study. It is necessary to start self-study by analyzing the governing documents. Reading these documents will help the instructor to identify the provisions and articles of the Army Field Manual, instructions, and textbooks that need to be further studied or reviewed.
When preparing for classes, the instructor assesses the level of preparedness of the personnel and the unit as a whole and then sets learning objectives.
The preparation of unit personnel for a tactical drill class is carried out under the supervision of section and platoon commanders during periods of self-preparation, which is planned in the training schedule.
This preparation involves studying and reviewing certain articles of the field manual, instructions, command signals, duties of officers in various types of combat, conditions and indicators of tactical training standards and other training subjects that are subject to practice and training, preparation of weapons, military equipment and protective equipment.
When preparing for a tactical class, the personnel must study ( revise) the organization, weapons and tactics of the potential enemy, depending on the type of combat.
On the eve of a tactical class, it is advisable to organize a watching of an educational movie in accordance with the topic of the class.
The results of the generalization of scientific publications on the research problem allow us to conclude that the improvement of methodological skills of tactical and tactical-specialized training instructors in higher military educational institutions can be organized in the following areas:
improving knowledge on the application of methods and techniques of tactical and tactical-specialized training. Methods are understood as a set of techniques and methods that are used to transfer and assimilate knowledge, develop skills and abilities, foster high moral, combat and psychological qualities, and coordinate a unit. The main method of training in tactical drills is an exercise (training) in performing techniques and methods of action on the battlefield (in the course of practicing tactical standards). Explanations and demonstrations may also be used;
improving knowledge of the forms of training, the choice of which depends on the specifics and content of training, training requirements for personnel and the unit as a whole, the organizational and staffing structure of the unit, and other factors. The form of training determines: the location and structure of the class; the length of time to work out the training issues; the procedure (algorithm of work) of the head of the class, instructors and trainees; use of elements of the training material and technical base, weapons and military equipment. The main forms of training during tactical training are tactical drills and tactical classes, live firing and tactical exercises;
mastery of teaching methods - individual details, components of methods. For example, demonstrating the action being studied by distribution or as a whole is a technique of the verbal and visual method; setting out the order of execution of an element is also a technique of the verbal and visual method. The methodological skill of an instructor is determined by the ability to find such a way of teaching shooting techniques that, in this lesson, when learning a particular shooting technique, will allow you to achieve the best result in the shortest possible time.
Techniques and actions demonstrated correctly and quickly always have a positive effect on cadets and encourage them to perform as demonstrated. Training in tactical techniques is recommended in the following sequence: familiarization with the technique; study of the technique; training and practice.
The development of methodological skills of a tactical training instructor requires a systematic and planned approach. To improve the level of methodological skills of instructors, it is advisable to follow certain recommendations, the main of which are as follows: updating one's knowledge in the field of tactics and tactical and special operations by studying modern strategies, technologies and methods used in military, in particular, when members of the security and defense forces participate in combat operations against units of the russian armed forces; professional development by participating in trainings, seminars, and advanced training courses; mastering new pedagogical teaching methods, techniques and skills; use of modern technologies in the educational process - simulation tools and programs, virtual reality tools and other innovations; personal practical experience and participation in combat operations; research and analysis of best practices and methods of tactics training; evaluation of the results of sb's teaching activities and feedback from cadets; cooperation and exchange of experience, interaction with other tactics teachers, taking into account the experience of professional activity, to help instructors develop their methodological skills, a number of activities can be offered: organizing and participating in seminars and trainings on teaching methods for tactical and tactical-specialized training; learning new methodological approaches and teaching strategies; video recordings of their own classes and analyzing them to identify weaknesses and improve methods; creating clear and structured lesson plans for conducting classes and trainings; attending classes and trainings of other tactical and tactical-specialized training instructors to learn their methods and exchange ideas; discussing one's own experience and sharing useful information with colleagues; participation in pedagogical training courses or additional education to improve teaching skills; taking into account the psychological characteristics of cadets, their needs and opportunities for more effective learning; development of communication skills, learning effective ways to communicate with cadets and ensuring a favorable social and pedagogical atmosphere during classes; testing new teaching methods to evaluate their effectiveness.
These measures, in our opinion, will help improve the methodological skills of tactical and tactical-specialized training instructors and ensure better training of military personnel.
Conclusions and prospects for further research
The need to improve the methodological skills of tactical and tactical-specialized training instructors at Ukrainian higher military educational institutions is due to the fact that Ukraine is currently in a difficult geopolitical situation in the context of national security, as it is under the threat of constant shelling and terrorism from Russia. Therefore, the tactical and tactical-specialized training of the Ukrainian Armed Forces is of great importance for repelling the military invasion of Ukraine by Russian troops, and the instructors should be as competent as possible in this area [11].
The problem of improving the methodological skills of tactical and tactical-specialized training instructors has repeatedly attracted the attention of scholars and practitioners. The methodological skills of tactical and tactical-specialized training instructors include the possession of skills and abilities to create educational and methodological materials, organize and conduct training and educational events for the military personnel aimed at developing their tactical skills and special abilities.
Tactical training, as the process of teaching troops the techniques and methods of combat, is the main and defining subject in the combat training system. The following forms of training are used in tactical training: tactical drills and tactical classes, live-fire and tactical exercises [10].
The main method of training in tactical and drill exercises is to practicing techniques and methods of action on the battlefield (in the course of practicing tactical standards). Explanation and demonstration may also be used.
Taking into account the experience of professional activity, a number of activities are proposed that can help instructors develop their methodological skills.
To improve the level of methodological skills of instructors, it is advisable to follow certain recommendations, in particular, updating knowledge in the field of tactics and tactical and special operations by studying modern strategies, technologies and methods used in military, in particular, when members of the security and defense forces participate in combat operations against units of the Russian armed forces, etc.
1. Halimov A.V. (2019). Osnovni napriamy rozvytku metodychnoi kompetetnosti vykladachiv vohnevoi pidhotovky vyshchykh viiskovykh navchalnykh zakladiv [Main directions of development of methodological competence of firearms training instructors of higher military educational institutions]. Visnyk Natsionalnoi akademii Derzhavnoi prykordonnoi sluzhby Ukrainy, Vypusk 4. [in Ukrainian].
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5. Heorhadze O.A., Stolinets S.L., Yuriev O.O. (2019). Chastkova metodyka otsiniuvannia rivnia metodychnoi pidhotovky kerivnykiv zaniat pid chas provedennia boiovoho zlahodzhennia artyleriiskoi bryhady [Partial methodology for assessing the level of methodological preparedness of training leaders during the combat coordination of an artillery brigade]. Suchasni informatsiini tekhnolohii u sferi bezpeky ta oborony. № 2 (35). 155-158. [in Ukrainian].
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