Firearms training as a part of the professional training of the Ukrainian Border Guard agency personnel

Features of fire training of officers at the higher military educational institution of the State Border Service of Ukraine. Improving the skills of safe and reliable shooting at stationary and moving targets from different positions in a limited time.

Рубрика Военное дело и гражданская оборона
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Язык английский
Дата добавления 15.04.2024
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Department of firearms and special tactics training

Bohdan Khmelnytskyi National Academy of the

State Border Guard Service of Ukraine

Firearms training as a part of the professional training of the Ukrainian Border Guard agency personnel

Serhii Zabolotnyi

PhD in Psychology, senior researcher, professor

Oleh Reznik

PhD in Psychology, associate professor

The article reveals the features of the firearms training of future officers at the higher military education institutions of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine. It has been established that the firearms training is an essential part of the professional training of the SBGSU personnel. The acquired knowledge and skills regarding firearms handling enable border guard officers perform the tasks assigned to the SBGSU more efficiently, feel confident while protecting the state border, when performing detention of border violators, and also organize shooting exercises of the personnel of the unit in a safe and secure manner. Such knowledge and skills are acquired by the cadets of the National Academy of the SBGSU while studying the “Firearms Training” discipline. It is presented as a set of activities aimed at studying the legality of using firearms and improving the skills of safe and secure shooting at stationary and moving targets from different positions in a limited time, and in motion. Such training includes studying the safety measures when handling weapons, knowledge of parts of small arms, as well as peculiarities of practical training with weapons and organization of shooting exercises. The purpose of firearms training at the National Academy is to prepare officers of the primary level of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine to act with weapons in various situations of operational and service activity and to lawfully stop illegal actions as part of a unit, group and independently.

Key words: border guard officers; professional training; firearms training; higher military educational institution.

Заболотний С., Резнік О.


У статті розкриваються особливості вогневої підготовки майбутніх офіцерів у вищому військовому навчальному закладі Державної прикордонної служби України. Встановлено, що вогнева підготовка є основною і невід'ємною частиною професійної підготовки особового складу Державної прикордонної служби України. Отримані знання та навички поводження зі зброєю дозволяють прикордонникам якісно виконувати покладені на них завдання, впевнено почуватися під час виконання завдань з охорони державного кордону, під час затримання порушників кордону, а також організовувати заняття з вогневої підготовки для особового складу підпорядкованого підрозділу. Таких знань та вмінь курсанти Національної академії Державної прикордонної служби України набувають під час вивчення дисципліни “Вогнева підготовка”, яка включає комплекс заходів, спрямованих на вивчення законних підстав застосування вогнепальної зброї та вдосконалення навичок безпечного й надійного ведення стрільби по нерухомих і рухомих цілях з різних положень за обмежений час і в русі. Вогнева підготовка також охоплює вивчення заходів безпеки при поводженні зі зброєю, знання складових частин, а також особливостей проведення практичних занять зі зброєю та організації службово-прикладних вправ стрільб. Метою вивчення навчальної дисципліни “Вогнева підготовка” є підготовка офіцерів первинної ланки Державної прикордонної служби України до дій зі зброєю в різноманітних ситуаціях оперативно-службової діяльності та правомірного припинення протиправних дій порушників у складі підрозділу та самостійно. Це дає змогу всебічно оцінити їх готовність до виконання оперативно-службових обов'язків з охорони державного кордону. Подальші наукові дослідження потребують вивчення досвіду провідних правоохоронних органів країн ЄС та світу щодо вогневої підготовки прикордонників для виконання різноманітних завдань з охорони кордону.

Ключові слова: офіцери-прикордонники; професійна підготовка; вогнева підготовка; вищий військовий навчальний заклад.


Problem statement. Nowadays,in view of the russian aggression and taking into account the importance of adapting training standards in the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine (SBGSU) to the requirements of the NATO member-countries, it is considered necessary to revisit the approaches and the whole system of the border guard agency personnel professional training system [1].The level of professional training and, as a result, competence of the future law-enforcement officers depend primarily on the level of their mastering specialized disciplines such as tactical-special training, fire training and special physical training. Nowadays, the Ukrainian law-enforcement agencies require qualified, adequately trained personnel, and shooting skills occupy a key place in the structure of the future officer readiness for performing professional duties in the field[9].

Firearms training is an important component of the border guards' professional training in departmental educational institutions, speaking about future officers' training, it is conducted at Bohdan Khmelnytskyi National Academy of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine [2]. Maintaining an adequate level of understanding of effective firearms using is necessary to acquire operational efficiency in long-term conditions of nervous and physical stress, mastering a number of applied motor skills and abilities of special physical training, all of which is indispensable in the course of performing everyday border surveillance, patrol, first and second line functions at the border crossing points or other official duties of a border guard officer.

Analysis of recent research and publications. A significant number of Ukrainian scientists are engaged in studying the specifics of professional training of border guards, including: O. Torichny, O. Didenko, K. Tushko. The keyissues of the problem of firearms training of military personnel ar- erevealed in the works of V. Voloshin, Kitsai, Lopatkin. A comprehensive approach to mastering firearms using innovative technologies and modern methods were considered in his works of L. Vashchuk, M. Hryshyn, A. Kravchuk.R. Mishenyuk and V. Ganaba [6] researched the peculiarities of use of laser technologies in cadets' training at the National Border Guard Academy. Yu. Moisieenko and O. Shkvyr [7] studied the fire training of military personnel of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine. Balendr studied implementation of European border guards' common educational standards in Ukraine.

However, our investigations have shown that nowadays there is practically no thorough analysis of the problem of organization of the firearms training of future border guard officers at the higher military education institution within the system of professional training of Ukrainian border guards. The relevance of this study and the lack of scientific investigations and methodological literature on firearms training of future border guard officers give grounds to study this issue in detail.

The research aim is to reveal the features of the firearms training of future officers at the higher military education institution of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine.


border fire training

Nowadays, in the light of the russian invasion in Ukraine, new requirements have been put forward for military personnel in different arms and services of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, especially, what concerns adaptation to the NATO standards. This is also true for the border protection specialists. If we analyze the measures taken by the border guard service in the fight against crime, we can conclude that border violators have become more daring and versatile in their criminal actions [11]. This is reflected in the nature of the attacks committed at the border and on border guard details. The legislation of Ukraine allows border guards to use firearms when on duty, which gives them the right to use firearms not only as a last resort. Showing high trust in law-enforcement officers, society at the same time places on them a great responsibility to ensure that the weapons given to them are used only to protect the state border, the rights and freedoms of citizens, protection of public order at the border crossing points, and preventing other types of cross-border offences.

Firearms have to be applied and used by law-enforcers in a variety of conditions: in populated areas, on transport, in the field, in the forest, and in some cases in crowded places. And every time, using a weapon in operational circumstances, an officer must be able to hit the target, effectively, with one or two shots. And such results can be achieved only when he or she learns to master weapons perfectly [12]. It means skillful use of a weapon in the most varied and unexpected situations, from any position, regardless of the method of firing, to be able not only to hit the target, but also to shoot accurately at the intended points on the target, lawful use of weapons during the detention of a violator or his escort. Firearms training of a specialist as a system of educational activities is aimed at gaining theoretical knowledge and practical skills necessary to ensure high combat readiness of law-enforcement officers, without which it is impossible to ensure effective formation of a law-enforcement officer in institutions with specific training conditions of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine [5].

It is considered important by experts in the field to use innovative forms, teaching methods and the latest scientific and technical means. So, S. Havryk and A. Chernikov, highlighted the importance of shooting readiness of future law-enforcement officers, indicating that the guarantor of the life and health of an officer in the event of fire contact with a criminal is quick action when using firearms. According to researchers, in the educational process of future law enforcement officers it is necessary to introduce elements of simulation modeling [3].For further improvement and development of skills, as well as to bring lessons closer to real-life conditions, 220 it is necessary to perform exercises that reproduce different situations and simulate the use of weapons. To conduct such practical classes, it is necessary to organize combined classes together with instructors of physical and tactical training [14].

Therefore, the future officer training program at the National Academy of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine named after Bohdan Khmelnytskyi is aimed at:

increasing the level of combat capabilities of the State Border Guard Service bodies and their ability to perform tasks for the protection of the state border;

ensuring the readiness of the State Border Guard Service to protect temporarily uncontrolled areas of the state border after the restoration of control over them;

forming and ensuring the development of rapid response units, in accordance with the Strategy of Integrated Border Management for the period until 2025, bringing their capabilities and level of training to European standards, ensuring the ability to counter existing and potential threats at the state border of Ukraine in various conditions.

Modern conditions of the functioning of the SBGSU determine the need to improve the skills of handling firearms, knowledge of the legal grounds for its safe and secure application and, most importantly, its use in the process of performing service and operational duties. Such knowledge and skills can be acquired by the cadets of the National Academy of the SBGSU while studying the “Firearms Training” discipline. Firearms training is defined as a set of activities aimed at studying the legality of the basics of firing a firearm within the framework of its application and improving the skills of safe and secure shooting at stationary and moving targets from different positions in a limited time, and in motion. Such training consists of studying the legal framework and grounds for its application and use, knowledge of safety measures when handling weapons, knowledge of parts of small arms, as well as practical training of weapons handling skills and shooting exercises [8].

The purpose of firearms training at the National Academy is to prepare border guard officers of the primary level of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine to act with weapons in various situations of operational and service activity and to lawfully stop illegal actions as part of a unit, group and independently. It is a special section of the final stage of personnel professional training, both independently and as part of units, groups, border guard details, etc. It makes it possible to comprehensively assess their readiness to perform operational and special tasks for the protection of the State Border in accordance with the “Regulations on the Border Guard Service Department of the State Border Service of Ukraine”, including the specifics of the operational and service activities of type “C” border guard divisions. These divisions are particularly created to carry out duties of guarding the state border, performing border checks at the border crossing points, detain border violators, resolve conflict situations at the border, performing other professional functions which are part of the tasks assigned to the State Border Guard Service by the legislation of Ukraine.

The training program is oriented on preparation of future officers to perform the following tasks:

preventing armed conflicts and provocations on the state border of Ukraine;

combating terrorism independently and in cooperation with other law enforcement agencies;

participation in border (joint) operations;

guarding, escorting and keeping detained persons in special premises;

prevention of border conflicts and incidents at the state border of Ukraine;

keeping personnel, weapons and equipment in constant readiness to perform professional tasks;

participation in measures to ensure protection of places of permanent and temporary stay of the President of Ukraine and officials, defined in the Law of Ukraine “On Protection of Ukrainian State Authorities and Officials”;

involvement in measures of personal protection (physical protection) of servicemen and employees of the State Border Guard Service, as well as their close relatives;

use of weapons, special means and measures of physical influence in cases determined by the legislation of Ukraine [14].

In order to implement the assigned tasks, the training of cadets of the National Academy of the SBGSU is organized and conducted in accordance with the educational plan, the training program and requirements for the certain category of military personnel.

According to the Firearms Training Course firing exercises are divided according to their purpose [11]:

firing exercises for individual training of cadets (shooting with all types of small arms, grenade launchers, weapons of combat and special vehicles);

basic firing training exercises;

control small-arms firing exercises.

Firing exercises for individual training of future border guard officers include:

initial firing training exercises;

basic firing training exercises;

control firing exercises.

Control firing exercises are designed to determine the level of firearms training of personnel during inspection activities, complex control classes, final exams, confirmation and improvement of officers' qualification.

Qualification firing exercises are conducted to enhance the level of skills and competence of the border guard officers in handling weapons and reflect the level of readiness of an officer to use a weapon. The qualification shooting exercise is an exercise for individual training, which is intended to check the readiness of personnel of the border guard unit to carry out the functions of operational and service activity with a weapon and is the admission of a serviceman to perform tasks for the protection of the state border of Ukraine with a weapon. Also, Yu. Moiseenko and V. Shkyr interpreted the concept of “anadmission to carry a weapon on duty” as a special documented permit for a certain type of activity (especially difficult or dangerous types of service functions). By admission to service with a weapon, the authors understand the readiness of a border guard officer to perform tasks for the protection of the state border of Ukraine [7].

Practical focus of fire training is tactical-special and tactical-fire oriented, which is the basis of training future officers of the border guard units. In turn, situational training is conducted in the form of a professional role-playing game with combat shooting, while cadets are assigned to specific positions of the border guard units.

In foreign law-enforcement agencies the modern methods of firearms training include imitative or simulation and game modeling of the activities of law enforcement personnel in various conditions, namely reproduction of different conditions with a certain degree of conformity of processes, occurring in real life situations [11]. Construction of models and organization of work of cadets provides an opportunity to reflect on the various types of professional activity and form professionally specialized competencies necessary in operational and service activity of a modern officer.

Complex simulation, or simulation-game modeling, is an analogue of professional activity: the more complex it is, the deeper the process of acquiring necessary skills is, and also the richer is the potential of professionally specialized competencies and opportunities of the learner [13]. Modeling of typical situations in education process implements the principles of rational organization activity in the profession and gives space for self-expression, satisfies its participants, stimulates their independence and activity, the need to acquire professional competencies necessary in practical professional activity [10].

The National Academy of the State Border Service of Ukraine named after Bohdan Khmelnytskyi has practical experience of conducting training using a laser simulator of two-way fire contact of the Laser Tag type. In recent years, the department of combined military disciplines of the Faculty of State Border Security has conducted a number of classes, where the skills and abilities of using a laser simulator of two-way fire contact of the Laser Tag type were practiced. Given the fact that tactical and fire training is aimed at the assimilation of theoretical knowledge and practical skills necessary to ensure high combat readiness of units, it is important to provide future officers with real-life simulation training [9]

The didactics of conducting this type of educational tasks involves simulating the situation of repelling an armed attack on the checkpoint and demonstrating the actions of the border guard in such a situation. In general, laser combat simulation systems are widely used for tactical training of future Border Guard officers. The use of this innovative means of training allows to practice and effectively solve border tactical tasks during practical classes. They simulate almost all elements of firing from small arms: recoil, the sound of a shot, the amount of ammunition in the store, etc. Evaluating the qualitative indicators of the introduction of laser technologies into the educational process, it could be stated that there is an increase in interest in classes, an increase in the level of attention of cadets, an increase in their interest in other forms of educational activity, and an increase in interest in military issues in general [6]. The use of a laser simulator of two-way fire contact of the Laser Tag type during the teaching of the border guard unit personnel helps to increase the effectiveness of educational activities and implementation of NATO standards for the training of highly qualified border guard officers.

In the modern realia, taking into account russian invasion, it is necessary to develop special shooting exercises that reflect the specificity of professional functions of various border guard units in practice. So, to prepare future district inspectors of the SBGSU there should be introduces exercises that encompass the specifics of their professional activity at the border and professional situations in which they have the right to use a firearm. Such exercises should also be created for future specialists of mobile border guard units, officers of operational and investigative units. Important in this case will also be taking into account the mistakes made by the border guard officers and members of the border guard detailsin cases when firearms were utilized.

So, on the basis of experience and analysis of the mistakes made by border guards on duty were developed practical, close to real-life cases and scenarios where border guards have to use firearms. The exercises developed are performed individually or in small groups (not more than 4-5 cadets), with the use of paintball or Lazer Tag equipment and moderated by the instructor.

The specified exercises maximally reflect the specifics of the activities of various border guard units at the green border and at the border crossing points and are aimed at developing competence inprofessional use of firearms by future border guard officers. Such safe learning environment makes it possible for the teaching staff to recreatedifferent situations that actually took place in the operational and service activity of the border guard units, creating a necessary educational exercise. It makes it also possible to take into account the peculiaritiesof using firearms by border guard officers inpractice, and mistakes they made duringsuch cases. The purpose of performing such case-studies and exercises is to help border guard officers avoid common mistakes regarding firearms handling and shooting and formation of required practical skills for confident use of firearms.

Thus, conducting future officers' firearms training primarily contributes to ensuringof the practical component of their professional training, acquisitionof the skills necessary to perform tasks both in standard and- non-standard situations, which are mandatory conditions for successful practical activity of a border guard officer.


Gaining the skills of professional using of firearms is an integral part of both physical and psychological training of the future officers of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine. The acquired knowledge and skills regarding firearms handling enable border guard officers perform the tasks assigned to the personnel of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine more efficiently, feel confident while protecting the state border, when carrying out detention of border violators, and also organize shooting exercises of the personnel of the unit in a safe and secure manner. Such knowledge and skills are acquired by the cadets of the National Academy of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine while studying the academic discipline “Firearms Training”. It is defined as a set of activities aimed at studying the legality of using firearms and improving the skills of safe and secure shooting at stationary and moving targets from different positions in a limited time, and in motion. Such training includes studying the safety measures when handling weapons, knowledge of parts of small arms, as well as peculiarities of practical training with weapons and organization of shooting exercises. The purpose of firearms training at the National Academy is to prepare officers of the primary level of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine to act with different weapons in various situations of operational and service activity and to lawfully stop illegal actions as part of a border guard unit, mobile (quick response) group and independently. It makes it possible to comprehensively assess their readiness to perform operational and service duties for the protection of the state border.

Further scientific research requires study ingthe experience of the world leading law-enforcement agencies regarding firearms training of border guards for various missions as part of combined border guard units.


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