• Development of a methodology for teaching English business speech based on immersion technology. Learning a foreign language by teaching one or more subjects in that language. A set of exercises for teaching reading, speaking, listening and writing.

    статья (23,7 K)
  • Methods for regulating traffic and handling user reputation in the context of BitTorrent networks. An overview of various methods for calculating user reputation in networks and methods for differentiating the quality of service based on them.

    статья (18,6 K)
  • The systematization of the main modern methods of using reverberation in sound engineering and methodological bases of its use in the educational process in higher education institutions. The main modern methods of using artificial reverberation.

    статья (25,0 K)
  • The characteristics of the most important methods of estimation in the financial statements. Analysis of the views of different authors on the types of measurements and their classification. The concept of initial (historical), current (replacement) cost.

    статья (338,2 K)
  • Working capital optimization of global companies in the previous research. Methods of working capital optimization in the global petroleum industry in the literature overview. Findings of research on ExxonMobil and Chevron. Account payables management.

    дипломная работа (4,2 M)
  • The study of the history of the first operations on the pericardium, designed to correct problems with the heart. The most common types of surgeries: coronary artery bypass surgery, repair and replacement of heart, valves and atrial fibrillation.

    презентация (3,0 M)
  • The ways of committing domestic violence; traces arising after its use and the environment in which specified crime is committed. Inflicting bodily injuries that can lead to the death of the victim, violation of health, damage to his honor and dignity.

    статья (18,3 K)
  • A package of applied programs was alaborated, which allows conducting the calculation of seismic stability of protected object for the specific conditions of the explosion with the possibility of rapid adjustment of blasting parameters was developed.

    статья (532,2 K)
  • The method of biological conservation and using of highly productive cows in feeding of wet grain of sorghum, which provides the long-term "aerobic stability" of canned feed by using the hay meal preservative ingredient flour of Galega oritalis L.

    статья (28,5 K)
  • Consideration of the approaches of national and foreign scientists on analyzing and evaluating of engineering managers' competences. Defining the essence of an effective system of analysis and assessment of managerial competencies of employees.

    статья (148,2 K)
  • Description of the contrastive approach to the study of the usual metonyms in English, Russian and Turkish. The presentation of their semantic classification, which includes five basic, as well as some combined types of metonymic transfer in the text.

    статья (13,3 K)
  • Explore a repertoire of ancient tropes related to anger and courage. The use of linguistic means preserved among the descendants of the ancient Maya. A characteristic of a procedure that does not limit hieroglyphic reading to literal translations.

    статья (1,0 M)
  • Syntactic constructions, that appear in the inscriptions of the ancient maya express metonyms and metaphors related to anger and bravery. These figurative resources are located in royal titles or attributive adjectives forming names of rulers is stressed.

    статья (437,9 K)
  • Analysis of the semantic mechanism for creating a language game. Typical types and models of metonymic transitions for early and mature periods of creativity Sergei Dovlatov. The main functions of metonymy in the stories and works of each period.

    статья (23,2 K)
  • Examination of unlimited closed convex subsets of Banach space X, having the same recessive cone, and metric spaces, which they form with the Hausdorff metric. Receiving an analog of the theorem of approximation of convex compacts by normal polyhedrons.

    статья (123,9 K)
  • The essence of ventilation systems. Operation of special ventilation shafts, requirements for the location of the ventilation shafts. The design of the ventilation system, its role in the design of complex transport systems, road and rail tunnels.

    контрольная работа (15,4 K)
  • Рассмотрен общественно-развлекательный центр в Севилье (Испания) Metropol Parasol как шедевр современного градостроительства. Показаны особенности архитектурной конструкции Metropol Parasol. Материалы, использованные для возведения общественного центра.

    статья (389,6 K)
  • General characteristics and features Mexican cuisine. Description of the most common dishes used in the preparation of their food. Technology of preparation of the first, main dishes, desserts and drinks. Distinctive features of the European cuisine.

    презентация (2,7 M)
  • Features of the empirical study of the reasons for the use of communicative practices for the construction of interpersonal relationships. Consideration of the communicative ethnostyle by T. Larina. Analysis of ethnocentric decontextualized concepts.

    статья (52,8 K)
  • Mexico's search for new security instruments in Central America, solving the problems of migration and combating violence. Change in Mexico-USA attitudes towards domestic and international politics of Central America. Ways to establish partnerships.

    статья (25,7 K)
  • Знакомство с особенностями уcтaнoвлeния унифициpoвaнныx антикоррупционных стандартов служебного пoвeдeния гocудapcтвeнныx служащих, анализ проблем. Рассмотрение наиболее эффективных способов и методов бopьбы с кoppупциeй в cиcтeмe гocудapcтвeннoй cлужбы.

    статья (33,4 K)
  • Характеристика целей, видов международного маркетинга как одной из форм интеграции и взаимодействия предприятий различных стран. Принципы, методы международного маркетинга. Способы разработки международной маркетинговой стратегии. Выбор зарубежного рынка.

    курсовая работа (54,3 K)
  • Характеристика принципу роботи симетричних алгоритмів блочного шифрування. Послідовність дій при використанні асиметричного алгоритму для шифрування. Аналіз гібридного алгоритму. Опис методу захисту даних на основі багатошарового гібридного шифрування.

    статья (461,6 K)
  • Теоретические основы MICE-индустрии как направления развития туризма. Международные организации в сфере делового туризма. Субъекты деятельности в сфере делового туризма Вологодской области. Программа развития MICE-индустрии в Вологодской области.

    дипломная работа (458,2 K)
  • Понятие и основные виды делового туризма. Цель и задачи индустрии MICE-туризма. Особенности MICE-туризма в России. Перечень услуг, входящих в корпоративный туризм. Конгрессный туризм, его отличительные особенности и отличия от выставочного туризма.

    контрольная работа (80,0 K)
  • Biography of Michael Jordan who was the very famous American basketball player and NBA player. Michael Jordan's the shooting guard position. Start of Jordan's career in the team at the University of North Carolina. A promotional contract with Nike.

    презентация (640,9 K)
  • The concept of doing business as a combination of key principles of business process organization, relations with stakeholders. Micro- and macro-approaches in the development of the business concept. Strengthening the competitive positions of companies.

    статья (17,8 K)
  • Analysis of microacceleration as an integral factor of near-Earth space. Classification and features of microaccelerations as an object of study. Selection of the microacceleration component, which can be controlled by optimizing the construction scheme.

    статья (261,3 K)
  • Inter-appointment flare-up is characterized by the development of pain, swelling or both, following endodontic intervention. The causative factors of flare-ups encompass mechanical, chemical and/or microbial injury to the pulp or periradicular tissues.

    статья (278,0 K)
  • The evidence relating microbial microleakage and pulpa inflammation is reviewed. The experiments show that all dental materials permit fluid microleakage at the material cavity wall interface. Further research should be aimed at eliminating microleakage.

    статья (6,2 M)