Problems and prospects of human potential development in rural areas of Ukraine

Identification of fundamental problems of formation of human potential of rural areas of the country. Substantiation of strategic guidelines and perspective directions and means of their solution to ensure its growth and sustainable development.

Рубрика Экономика и экономическая теория
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Дата добавления 24.01.2022
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Problems and prospects of human potential development in rural areas of ukraine

Ivanyshyn Volodymyr, Bialkovska Oksana


The subject of the research is theoretical and practical aspects of the formation, development and growth of human potential in rural areas of Ukraine.

The purpose of the work is to identify the problems of forming the human potential of rural areas of the country and substantiate strategic guidelines and promising areas and means of solving them to ensure its growth and sustainable development. strategic rural human

Methodological basis of the article is the use of modern theoretical provisions of the economy of the national economy, rural territories, the reproduction of human potential; General scientific and special methods of knowledge: demographic, statistical-economic, economic-mathematical, graphic.

Results of work. It is determined that the human potential of rural areas of Ukraine is formed by demographic factors, employment and employment, income level, quality and social and environmental conditions of life. However, it is the narrowed natural reproduction, high unemployment and low incomes of rural residents that cause its deterioration and degradation. It is found that these and other problems should be solved by implementing state programs to support rural fertility, developing alternative activities and increasing employment, social and environmental development of rural areas.

The field of application of results. The conclusions and suggestions of the article can be used by local governments, rural communities, public organizations, charitable foundations in solving problems of human development in rural areas, educational and scientific institutions in educational and scientific activities.

Conclusions. Financial sources for the implementation of proposals can be monetary and other resources of agricultural enterprises, rural residents, rural communities, targeted state programs, public organizations andcharitable foundations. Public-private partnership, social responsibility, social innovation, information and digital technologies should be used as tools for achieving these goals. When determining priorities for implementing these measures in practice, it is necessary to take into account the specifics of each locality, the region where they are located, as well as the decisions of rural communities. This will contribute to the revival of rural areas, increase the prestige of rural life, preserve the rural way of life, expand the reproduction of human capital and personal growth of human potential.

Key words: rural territories, human potential, demographic situation, capital, agricultural enterprises, employment, problems, prospects, financial sources, management decisions, growth.


Проблеми та перспективи розвитку людського потенціалу сільських територій України

Іванишин В.В., Бялковська О.А.

Предметом дослідження є теоретичні та практичні аспекти формування, розвитку й зростання людського потенціалу сільських територій України.

Метою роботи є виявлення проблем формування людського потенціалу сільських територій країни та обґрунтування стратегічних орієнтирів і перспективних напрямів і засобів їх вирішення для забезпечення його зростання й сталого розвитку.

Методологічною основою статті є використання сучасних теоретичних положень економіки національного господарства, сільських територій, відтворення людського потенціалу; загальнонаукових та спеціальних методів пізнання: демографічних, статистико-економічних, економіко-математичних, графічних.

Результати роботи. Визначено, що людський потенціал сільських територій України формують демографічні чинники, зайнятість та сфера прикладання праці, рівень доходів, якість та соціальні й екологічні умови життєдіяльності. Однак саме звужене природне відтворення, високий рівень безробіття та низькі доходи сільських жителів спричиняють його погіршення та деградацію. Виявлено, що названі та інші проблеми доцільно вирішувати на засадах впровадження державних програм підтримки народжуваності на селі, розвитку альтернативних видів діяльності та підвищення зайнятості, соціального й екологічного облаштування сільських територій.

Галузь застосування результатів. Висновки та пропозиції статті можуть бути використані органами місцевого самоврядування, сільськими громадами, громадськими організаціями, благодійними фондами у вирішенні проблем розвитку людського потенціалу сільських територій, закладами освіти й науки у навчальній та науковій діяльності.

Висновки. Фінансовими джерелами для здійснення пропозицій можуть бути грошові та інші ресурси сільськогосподарських підприємств, сільських жителів, сільських громад, цільових державних програм, громадських організацій і благодійних фондів. В якості інструментів їх досягнення доцільно використовувати державно-приватне партнерство, соціальну відповідальність, соціальні інновації, інформаційні та цифрові технології. При визначенні пріоритетів втілення названих заходів у практику необхідно враховувати специфіку кожного населеного пункту, регіону їх розміщення, а також рішення сільських громад. Це сприятиме відродженню сільських територій, підвищенню престижу життя на селі, збереженню сільського способу життя, розширеному відтворенню людського капіталу й всебічному зростанню людського потенціалу.

Ключові слова: сільські території, людський потенціал, демографічна ситуація, капітал, сільськогосподарські підприємства, зайнятість, проблеми, перспективи, фінансові джерела, управлінські рішення, зростання.



Иванишин В. В., Бялковская О. А.

Предметом исследования являются теоретические и практические аспекты формирования, развития и роста человеческого потенциала сельских территорий Украины.

Целью работы является выявление проблем формирования человеческого потенциала сельских территорий страны и обоснование стратегических ориентиров и перспективных направлений и средств их решения для обеспечения его роста и устойчивого развития.

Методологической основой статьи является использование современных теоретических положений экономики национального хозяйства, сельских территорий, воспроизводства человеческого потенциала; общенаучных и специальных методов познания: демографических, статистико-экономических, экономико-математических, графических.

Результаты работы. Определено, что человеческий потенциал сельских территорий Украины формируют демографические факторы, занятости и сфера приложения труда, уровень доходов, качество и социальные и экологические условия жизнедеятельности. Однако именно сужено естественное воспроизводство, высокий уровень безработицы и низкие доходы сельских жителей вызывают его ухудшение и деградацию. Выявлено, что названные и другие проблемы целесообразно решать на основе внедрения государственных программ поддержки рождаемости на селе, развития альтернативных видов деятельности и повышение занятости, социального и экологического обустройства сельских территорий.

Область применения результатов. Выводы и предложения статьи могут быть использованы органами местного самоуправления, сельскими общинами, общественными организациями, благотворительными фондами в решении проблем развития человеческого потенциала сельских территорий, учреждениями образования и науки в учебной и научной деятельности.

Выводы. Финансовыми источниками для осуществления предложений могут быть денежные и другие ресурсы сельскохозяйственных предприятий, сельских жителей, сельских общин, целевых государственных программ, общественных организаций и благотворительных фондов. В качестве инструментов их достижения целесообразно использовать государственно-частное партнерство, социальную ответственность, социальные инновации, информационные и цифровые технологии. При определении приоритетов воплощение этих мер в практику необходимо учитывать специфику каждого населенного пункта, региона их размещения, а также решения сельских общин. Это будет способствовать возрождению сельских территорий, повышению престижа жизни на селе, сохранению сельского образа жизни, расширенному воспроизводству человеческого капитала и всестороннему росту человеческого потенциала.

Ключевые слова: сельские территории, человеческий потенциал, демографическая ситуация, капитал, сельскохозяйственные предприятия, занятость, проблемы, перспективы, финансовые источники, управленческие решения, роста.

Formulation of the problem

Rural areas are of exceptional production and economic importance for Ukraine as a world producer and exporter of agricultural and food products. At the same time, 1/3 of the country's population lives here, so they perform important socio-economic and demographic-reproductive functions. Finally, the village preserves unique cultural, historical and ethnographic traditions and customs of the Ukrainian people. In fact, as a significant number of scientists rightly point out, this is the basis of the gene pool of the Ukrainian nation. Therefore, the preservation of its main productive force-the rural population, ensuring its expanded reproduction and prosperity, and building human potential in qualitative and quantitative terms and dimensions are among the most important tasks of the state budget.

Analysis of recent research and publications. Issues of organization, formation and development of rural areas have been and remain the subject of research and interests of many foreign and domestic scientists. Among Ukrainian authors on this topic are known works by A. Danylenko, O. Yermakov, M. Ihnatenko, I. Kovalenko, M. Malik, L. Marmul, I. Prokopy, A. Rusnak, I. Romarnuk, O. Shkilov. Their works deal with the factors, components and models of rural development, their environmental and social problems, the labor market and employment, financial sources and mechanisms of management and regulation. However, the development of human potential is characterized by special dynamics and requires further development.

The purpose of the article is to identify problems of human potential formation in rural areas of the country and substantiate strategic guidelines and promising areas and means of solving them to ensure its growth and sustainable development.

Presentation of the main research material

The Ukrainian state is making significant efforts to implement economic and social reforms, organize rural territories based on the principles of supporting rural communities and preserving rural lifestyles. However, the situation in rural areas remains a crisis. Despite the exceptional importance of rural development in the economy and life of the country, now they continue to be destroyed or degraded, losing their strategic significance for rural society.

Of particular concern is the demographic situation both at the level of scientists, agricultural economists, managers of various ranks, business managers, and at the level of the General public. Population decline, low life expectancy and a rapid drop in the birth rate, a negative balance of migration have become characteristic signs of demographic processes in Ukrainian villages over the past almost three decades. They give grounds to assert that there is a demographic and, as a result, settlement crisis in the country. According to research by М. Ihnatenko, this requires a comprehensive justification, development and implementation of new models of rural development with a focus on expanded population reproduction, growth of human capital and potential in rural areas [1, p. 86].

Among the problems of rural development, first of all, is the deterioration of quantitative and qualitative parameters of demographic processes as a result of complex social and industrial and environmental conditions of living in rural areas, low levels of employment and income of the rural population. This is a rapid curtailment of social and industrial infrastructure, a reduction in educational, cultural, and household institutions. In addition, they are much worse than in cities. As a result, the rural way of life has ceased to be prestigious, even in spite of the charms of picturesque nature, environmental factors and unique social communications of good neighborhoods. Naturally, it is accompanied by a low birth rate and a high death rate, which have long reached a critical point.

Wages in the agricultural sector continue to be the lowest among the sectors of the economy. In rural areas, the problems of poverty are becoming more acute, the living standards of the population and their optimism in life are decreasing. In the structure of monetary income of households in rural areas, the share of income from selfemployment is about 39,0%, while 59,0% of family budgets are generally spent on food products. However, the actual level of food consumption per capita in comparison with scientifically based standards is insufficient and amounts to an average of 63,0% [2, p. 14].

The development of the village's social infrastructure has been curtailed and even in many cases, the provision of social, cultural, artistic, household and other services to the rural population has been reduced. The rural population's access to social services is decreasing from year to year, and their range and quality are deteriorating. In 47,5% of the total number of villages, there is no mandatory paramedic (midwifery) point. Only 31,4% of villages are provided with children's institutions, schools - 46,6%, club-type institutions - 57,9%.

Almost completely absent was the system of consumer services developed in the past. The vast majority of the rural settlement network does not have housing and utilities companies and services. Engineering support and landscaping is at an unsatisfactory level. As a result, the attractiveness of living in rural areas, especially for young people, has been completely lost [3].

The current demographic situation in the country as a whole and in rural areas in particular is a cause for concern, as it is characterized by a number of threatening trends. Now, this low life expectancy; extremely high mortality of men of working age: at the age of 30 men die four times more often than women; the infant mortality rate in Ukraine is twice higher than the average in Europe; the country has one of the lowest birth rates in the world, the epidemic TB incidence at 10.0 to 12.0 times higher than in developed countries; Ukraine seized catastrophically large-scale HIV-infected.

If in 2000 there were 63,1 HIV-infected people per 100,0 thousand people, then in 2013 there were 308,8 people, or 4,9 times more. With this dynamic, the average annual growth rate of HIV-infected people is 13,0 %. Thus, Ukraine and its rural territories in particular have entered a stage of stable and long-term depopulation. In these conditions, the study of the essence of demographic security and the development of effective mechanisms to neutralize demographic threats are extremely relevant.

The lack of an effective population policy in rural areas of the country also significantly complicates the demographic situation, which, along with the categories of reproduction and settlement, belongs to the main concepts of the population knowledge system. Demographic processes indicate the emergence of negative phenomena in the system of reproduction of the rural population. The main component of the demographic crisis in rural areas, as well as in Ukraine as a whole, is a significant decrease in the birth rate, as evidenced by the dynamics of the number of births and indicators of the intensity of this process.

Birth rates for mothers of different age groups in rural areas differ significantly. So, if the highest rates are among women aged 20,0-24,0 years (127 children per 1000 women), they are slightly lower for mothers under 20,0 years. The total coefficient, or so-called exhausted fertility of women, which is characterized by the number of children that a woman can give birth to over the entire period of fertility, has fallen to a level that does not ensure simple reproduction of the population does not even reach two children.

The results of scientific research have shown that by 1996 the main reason for the decrease in the total fertility rate was a decrease in the number of rural women of fertile age due to their intensive outflow from the village, and since 1996- the decline in the childbearing function of women aged 15,0-49,0 years. Among the economically developed countries of the far abroad, the indicator of exhausted birth rate (1,2 children) is lower than in Ukraine only in Italy, Spain, San Marino and Hong Kong.

One of the root causes of this situation is considered to be the deformation of the demographic ideal of rural women (the idea of the optimal number of children in the family) and its implementation in the direction of reducing the number of desired children. According to a sociological survey, 80,4 % of farmers planned a 2-3-child family, but only 37,9 % of women realized such demographic intentions. At the same time, the number of women with one child increased by 3,6 times compared to planned intentions.

So, the Ukrainian village, which was strong in the recent past with large families, is now being transformed into small families. Even the reproductive attitude of the peasants is aimed at narrowing the reproduction of the rural population. Its implementation has led to an intensive decrease in women's exhausted fertility. This was the result of the destruction of the legal basis for the formation of a rural family, and the decline in the standard of living of farmers. We are also talking about an increase in the rate of such a negative demographic phenomenon as an increase in single-parent families, the number of single mothers and illegitimate children, children in poverty, children in orphanages and orphanages, etc. [4, p. 49].

It is a shame to say that in recent years we can observe a sharp dissatisfaction with the needs of rural residents behind the pyramid of A. Maslow. The modern peasant is usually worried about how to feed his own family due to the lack of funds in the family budget, unemployment, and the lack of consistent state support for the areas of employment that would ensure sustainable development and restoration of rural areas. Other needs, such as cultural and artistic development, environmental education, health, recreation, rehabilitation and prevention of diseases, education and personal growth, take a back seat.

We share the belief of L. Marmul and I. Romaniuk that the problem of assessing demographic security is reduced to determining the range of indicators describing it, their normative, acceptable or critical values that need to be monitored [5, p.72]. According to G. Trinko, the best European standards or (in the absence of data) national target values established by experts can be used as normative (standard) values of indicators [6, p.97].

Any indicators that characterize the demographic situation are characterized by variability. The measure of such variability can be the coefficient of variability (variation). If the coefficient of variation is within 5,0 %, the aggregate can be considered homogeneous, and if it is more than 20,0%, the characteristic is characterized by high variability. Demographic threats are defined by these indicators:

the depopulation rate (DR) is calculated as the ratio of the number of people who died to those who were born during a certain calculation period. The maximum allowed value of the DR is one. A value greater than one indicates depopulation, since the number of deaths exceeds the number of births;

the coefficient of population ageing. It is calculated as the share of pensioners in the total population;

birth and death rate-refers to the ratio of those who were born and died to the existing population (per 1000 people of the actual population);

the age dependency ratio. Displays the number of disabled people for every 1000 people in the working population. It consists of two parts: a) the progressive age structure, which can be used to implement the process of demographic recovery, - the number of people aged 0-14 years; b) the regressive part, which makes it difficult to characterize the qualitative demographic situation - the number of people 65 years and older;

the ratio of the strength of the family;

demographic development of the territory or population density - the number of people per 1,0 km2.

- the coefficient of marriage asymmetry, which is determined by the formula we proposed:

Kma= 1000 - B (1)

where Cma - is the coefficient of marital asymmetry;

1000 - is a stable number;

B - the number of men per 1000 women.

A comprehensive assessment of the demographic security of a country and regions based on the coefficients of demographic threats makes it possible to identify the most problematic issues, the causes of negative trends and phenomena, and certain patterns. This will facilitate the study of the main priorities for overcoming them. The main cause of fertility decline to levels that do not ensure preservation of the rural population in the framework of the expanded reproduction in modern conditions of development of rural areas lies in the fact that meet the needs of children, parenthood competes with a number of other needs that are basic associated with a lower level and quality of life [7, p. 8].

If we take into account that 60,0% of the population of our country is below the poverty line, more than 70,0% of workers receive wages below the subsistence minimum, and the current level of subsistence of farmers is reduced to elementary survival, the situation with the birth rate in rural areas can be considered appropriate. Thus, the average monthly total income per household for 9 months of 2018 they were only 7681 UAH. Urban households received an average of UAH 7749 per month, while rural households received UAH 7542 per month. On average, per person in a household (hereinafter referred to as a person), the equivalent total income (hereinafter referred to as income) amounted to 3640 UAH. per month, in urban households - 3725 UAH, in rural-3476 UAH.

The level of the average monthly income of a single person is 2,3 times higher than the level of the legally established subsistence minimum for this period (1588 UAH). average Household income in January-September 2017 compared to the same period in 2016 grew at a higher rate than the consumer price index: in accordance with 131,0% against 114,6%. One of the reasons for increasing poverty in rural areas is unemployment. The problem of unemployment is still recognized as a national problem. If earlier unemployment was a problem of individual regions, today it is a problem of the entire territory of the country.

According to statistical data, the number of qualified workers in the agriculture, forestry, fish farming and fishing industries has decreased slightly over the past three years (table 1). In percentage terms, the number of skilled workers in agriculture decreased by 6,3% in 2018 compared to 2016. However, the reduction of employees over the last reporting period is observed in all groups, amounting to an average of 9,3 % per year.

Special attention should be paid to the lack of provision of the agricultural sector with qualified workers. This indicates the need to strengthen career guidance among young people, popularize domestic agricultural education. According to the results of a sample survey of the population (households) on economic activity, the number of employed people aged 15-70 years in the first quarter of 2018 this figure was 16,0 million people, and the number of unemployed persons of the corresponding age was 1,7 million. Unemployment rate among the economically active population aged 15-70 years in the first quarter of 2018 compared to the first quarter of 2017, it decreased by 0,4 percentage points and amounted to 9,7%, and among the working-age population-by 0,5 percentage points and 10,0%, respectively.

Table 1. Number of registered unemployed in Ukraine by occupational group in 2018

Number of registered unemployed at the end of the reporting period

January - March

January - June

January - September

January - December



in% to the corresponding period of 2016



in% to the corresponding period of 2016



in% to the corresponding period of 2016



in% to the corresponding period of 2016











legislators, senior civil servants, leaders, managers (managers)



























technical staff









trade and service workers









skilled workers in agriculture and forestry, fish farming and fishing









skilled workers with tools









workers for

maintenance, operation and control over the operation of

technological equipment, assembly of equipment and machinery









the simplest professions









Reference: [8]

Having analyzed the unemployment rate among the economically active population for the period from 2014 to 2018, we can conclude that the unemployment rate has not changed significantly. In 2014, it decreased slightly and the number of employees increased by 0,6%. In 2018, it decreased by only 0,1 %, that is, it increased by 4,0 percentage points compared to 2014. Of course, such values of the unemployment rate and its increase cannot be called satisfactory. They can be explained by the instability of the military and political situation in the East of the country, large-scale displacement of people from the war zone, the loss of work by migrants, and so on.

In our opinion, in order to achieve the goal of ensuring positive dynamics in the growth of the human potential of rural territories, it is necessary to constantly work on the justification of their development strategy [9, p. 14]. It should include the formation of a socially oriented economy; equalizing the proportions of economic and social development of rural territories; focusing on the interests of the village community, each of its participants; ensuring appropriate working and living conditions in rural settlements.


The main strategic goals of rural development in order to increase their human potential are: 1. Improving the demographic situation in rural areas using state programs to support the birth rate, employment and migration stability of the rural population. 2. Improving the efficiency of the use of labor resources, living standards and social protection of rural residents through the introduction of innovations in existing production and the development of new activities. 3. Achieving annual productivity growth in agricultural enterprises by 5,0-6,0%; increase in the share of wages in value added to 40,0%. 4. Increase in income from wages, cash and total income of households in rural areas not less than 80,0% of their average level. 5. Increase in income from the sale of agricultural products to 20,0-30,0% of the total income of households in rural areas. 6. Development of alternative activities, primarily rural green tourism, improvement of social and environmental development of rural areas.

Financial sources for the implementation of these proposals can be monetary and other resources of agricultural enterprises, rural residents, rural communities, targeted state programs, public organizations and charitable foundations. Public-private partnership, social responsibility, social innovation, information and digital technologies should be used as tools for achieving these goals. When determining priorities for implementing these measures in practice, it is necessary to take into account the specifics of each locality, the region where they are located, as well as the decisions of rural communities. This will contribute to the revival of rural areas, increase the prestige of rural life, preserve the rural way of life, expand the reproduction of human capital and personal growth of human potential.

Список використаних джерел

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3. Dudzyak, O. A. (2018). Implementatsiya svitovoho dosvidu vedennya polityky rozvytku sil's'kykh terytoriy do ukrayins'kykh realiy [Implementation of world experience in conducting rural development policy to Ukrainian realities]. Efektyvna ekonomika, 2.

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