Challenge of the European Union

Reducing regional inequality, problems of most governments. Causes of economic threats and political instability for the country. Ensuring the well-being, freedom, communication, and ease of travel, trade for its citizens. causes of economic inequality.

Рубрика Экономика и экономическая теория
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Challenge of the European Union

Mojdeh Pouryazdankhah - Phd student of the Department of International and European Law, V. Karazin Kharkiv National University

Скорочення регіональної нерівності є проблемою урядів більшості країн. Велика регіональна нерівність створює серйозні економічні загрози та політичну нестабільність для країни, а в деяких випадках може навіть призвести до насильницьких протестів у найбіднішихрегі- онах або навіть до відділення багатих регіонів, сподіваючись запобігти перерозподілу їх доходів. Часто випадки економічної нерівності призводять до етнічних, расових, культурних та релігійних відмінностей. Оскільки більшість великих країн стикаються з такими відмінностями, для урядів, які керують цими країнами, важливо зменшити та мінімізувати ці відмінності. Сьогодні місія ЄС полягає у забезпеченні благополуччя, свободи, спілкування та простоти подорожей та торгівлі для своїх громадян. ЄС може підтримувати цю місію за допомогою різних договорів, які підтримують його функціонування, співпрацю його держав- членів та унікальну структуру його уряду.

Ключові слова: Європейський Союз, криза, колапс, Covid-19, економічні проблеми, регіональні нерівності.

Муждэ Пур язданхах - аспирант кафедры международного и европейского права, Харьковский национальный университет имени

В. Каразина


Сокращение регионального неравенства является проблемой для правительств большинства стран. Большое региональное неравенство создает серьезные экономические угрозы и политическую нестабильность для страны, а в некоторых случаях может даже привести к насильственным протестам в беднейших регионах или даже к отделению богатых регионов в надежде предотвратить перераспределение их доходов. Часто случаи экономического неравенства приводят к этническим, расовым, культурным и религиозным различиям. Поскольку большинство крупных стран сталкиваются с такими различиями, для правительств, управляющих этими странами, важно уменьшить и минимизировать эти различия. Сегодня миссия ЕС заключается в обеспечении благополучия, свободы, общения и


Interdiction: The EU's domestic policy is based on unity and mutual understanding of the law, and efforts have been made to take a unified approach to various issues. The EU appears to be nearing the end of the Covid-19 epidemic, but geopolitical challenges such as the aftermath of the Afghan refugee crisis, the lack of a common position by EU member states amid the experience of immigration waves in recent years and the new wave of new migration. The EU has considerable power, and the priority of the national interests of its member states does not mean that the chances of its collapse are premature and serious. But what is at stake is the long-term goal and legitimacy of the European Union. This article tries to give a brief overview of the problems of the European Union and the efforts of the European Union to solve the problems.

Summary of the Main research results : The mismatch in fiscal policy has helped to widen imbalances among eurozone countries. Policymakers implemented short-term policies. The main causes of the crisis in the European Union are the heterogeneity of the political system among the member states, the mismatch between fiscal and monetary policy, and the heterogeneity of the economic system.

Conclusion: Reducing regional inequalities is a concern for governments in most countries. Large regional inequalities pose serious economic threats and political instability to the country, and in some cases can even lead to violent protests in the poorest regions or even the separation of rich regions in the hope of preventing redistribution of their income, often Cases of economic inequality lead to ethnic, racial, cultural and religious differences. Since most large countries face such differences, it is essential for the governments that run these countries to reduce and minimize these differences. The EU's mission today is to continue the well-being, freedom, communication and ease of travel and trade for its citizens. The EU can maintain this mission through various treaties that maintain its functioning, the cooperation of its member states and the unique structure of its government.

Keywords: European Union, crisis, collapse, Covid-19, economic problems, regional inequalities.

Presenting the issue:

After World War II, six countries - Belgium, the Federal Republic of Germany, France, Italy , Luxembourg and the Netherlands - decided to convert the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC) to, as the first step in the European integration project. The ECSC was envisioned as a single market in which coal and steel sovereignty were merged and controlled by an independent transnational authority. Over the next five years, coal and steel trade between the six members increased by 129 percent. Following the success of the ECSC, two new treaties were signed in Rome: one of the treaties created the European Community (EEC) to develop common economic policies and to integrate national economic markets into a single market for goods. Capital and services created the European Atomic Energy Community (EURATOM) to ensure the use of energy for peaceful purposes (Rome Transactions). The Maastricht Treaty has regulations that led to the creation of the Eurozone, in which companies had a common currency, a common central bank (ECB) and a common monetary policy (but there is no common fiscal policy and no member For national expenditures and taxes, subject to conditions designed to maintain budgetary discipline, maintained, as well as a plan for greater coordination on foreign policy and domestic security issues.In the late 1990s, The 1985 Schengen Agreement - which created a constitution to remove border controls between participants - became EU law, and the European integration project has long been seen as a way for participants to increase their political and economic influence. (That is, the sum is greater than the sum of the components.) The European public has historically had a great deal to do with the EU and values freedom of travel, work and easy living throughout Europe. Those members who seek a “closer union” through greater integration are those who can be able to look at the EU more intergovernmentally, rather than from its national sovereignty. Better protect. As a result, some EU countries have “abandoned” some aspects of integration, including the Eurozone and the Schengen area.This article describes the problems and challenges facing the European Union.

простоты путешествий и торговли для своих граждан. ЕС может поддерживать эту миссию посредством различных договоров, которые поддерживают его функционирование, сотрудничество его государств-членов и уникальную структуру его правительства.

Ключевые слова: Европейский Союз, кризис, коллапс, Covid-19, экономические проблемы, региональные неравенства.


The European Union is a unique partnership in which member states combine their sovereignty in specific policy areas and harmonized legislation on a wide range of economic and political issues. The European Union is the last step in the process of European integration, which was started by six Western European countries after World War II to promote peace, security and economic development. The European Union is largely seen as the cornerstone of European stability and prosperity. For many decades, however, many EU countries have faced significant economic difficulties, and since 2017, economic pressures and social change have contributed to the rise of populist and antiregime political parties. Such trends have complicated the EU's ability to meet numerous internal and external challenges. Among the most salient challenges can be Britain's pending from the EU, concerns about democracy and the rule of law in Poland, Hungary and other EU member's immigration and concerns about social cohesion, and the growing threat of terrorism, Reviving Russia. The United States is a supporter of the European Union and sees it as vital to European peace and security and as a way to strengthen. the United States' strong allies and trading partners, believe the evolution of the European Union in the coming years may have strategic and economic consequences for the United States.[1]

One of the EU's main problems in the next ten years will be the sharp decline in the number of workers in the market, which will lead to a significant slowdown in economic growth in the EU. The aging of Europe, which is putting pressure on pension, health and social care systems, is reducing its own population. Shock in the social and economic aspects of the EU economy. Another problem is Europe's inability to establish external and internal security: the Russia-Georgia conflict in 2008, the occupation of Crimea in 2014, the Syrian crisis that led to the influx of Syrian refugees into the EU in 2011, and internal security in the EU. We have seen more in France and Germany, and in the EU capitals we have seen an increase in crime, including robbery, which is a sign of a very weak system or a lack of defense mechanisms.[2]

Biodiversity is steadily declining, largely as a result of human pressures the door. The reason for the importance of this issue is biodiversity underlying the functioning of ecosystems, which is directly and indirectly necessary for human life and includes food, fuel and medicine, pollination of crops, climate regulation through carbon storage and local rainfall control, water treatment And the weather is reducing the impact of natural disasters and soil formation on a global scale, and the reason for the loss of biodiversity can be due to natural or human factors. Evidence suggests that climate change will pose the greatest threat in the future. the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) and of which the European Union is a member. In 2010, the CBD Parties adopted a ten-year global biodiversity strategic plan to combat biodiversity loss, including the Aichi Biodiversity Goals, most of which are likely to be ignored.At EU level, nature conservation policy is based on two main rules, the Birds Directive and the Habitats Directive, which form the basis of the Natura 2000 network of protected areas. Other relevant EU laws include the Water Framework Guidelines (for inland waters) and the Maritime Strategy Framework Guidelines (for marine waters). As well as the Common Agricultural Policy and the Common Fisheries Policy.In 2011, the European Union adopted a biodiversity strategy until 2020 that reflects the commitments made in the CBD. This is a key goal (“to stop biodiversity loss and degradation of ecosystem services in the EU by 2020, and to restore them as much as possible, while increasing the EU's contribution to preventing global biodiversity loss”). But the EU is not on track to achieve its main goal of 2020. [3,p2,3,4] european union crisis collapse

Children, the Treaty on European Union (TEU) focuses on the protection of the rights of the child, as stated in Article 24 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union. EU policies focus on all children, anticipate change, provide equal opportunities and reduce adverse life events, reduce migration and brain drain, trade, crisis management and the environment, and some new collections are directly related to children's lives. Europe calls for a comprehensive child rights strategy, including measures to protect vulnerable children, protect their rights online, promote child-friendly justice, and prevent and combat violence. Health, housing, nutrition, childhood education and care, quality education permits, digital education, health and food safety, healthy lifestyle education, including mental health of children and adolescents.[3,p 4,5]

The beginning of the 5G era, the role that 5G plays in the digital transformation of our society and economy, and it is very important that the European Union does not miss the opportunity to lead the 5G global competition and is expected to activate a new set of innovative services such as Transform production, energy, car production and health, which is why in many parts of the world 5G is becoming a national priority for the wider digital transformation of the economy. In this transformation, huge volumes of data are transferred much faster, a large number of devices are connected securely, and a very large amount of data is processed with the least delay. The first 5G-enabled human brain surgery was performed in China, with doctors and patients more than 2,400 kilometers apart. Europe plans to speed up 5G deployment, especially by updating EU rules to raise capital 5G Settings, with 5G support. The EU 5G Action Plan also sets out key objectives for member states, including a common EU calendar for the launch of 5G business and ensuring that all urban areas And the major land transport routes will have 5G coverage without interruption until 2025. It also supports R&D and partnerships, and has a high level of cybersecurity for 5G networks across the EU, making 5G more energy efficient. In the 5G era, we will see a revolution that will change the world.[3,p 6,7]

EU Asylum Policy Correlation crisis, mainly due to the lack of reform in the Common Asylum System (CEAS). Member States responsible for reviewing asylum applications as the first point of entry as well as an automatic and binding mechanism for the fair distribution of asylum seekers across all EU member states and restricting access to EU funding for non-partner countries In the European Union. But instead of building effective solidarity with front-line countries and a fair division of responsibilities, EU countries continued to maintain external border security and focused on working with third countries (especially Libya) to curb migration flows, which has been widely criticized by academics and It stimulated civil society organizations, and regional pedestrian platforms in third countries were considered as a way to

-- Міжнародне право solve the implementation problem, but no agreement was reached due to a lack of political and legal feasibility. Common asylum for all EU member states In order for any allocation system to be sustainable, member states must always be able to rely on the solidarity of other member states to counteract the negative effects of unbalanced dis- tribution.[3,p 13,14]

Climate action;Ambitious climate targets for 2030 and the urgent need for significant investment and the role that public funding can and should play. Global warming scenarios require a significant increase in investment to finance transfers in energy, land, urban infrastructure, and industrial systems. Aligning the world with the goals of the Paris Agreement requires additional investments worth $ 15 trillion by 2050, changes in the composition of investment and initial investment, and achieving the current climate and energy goals for 2030 requires at least 260 billion euros of additional investment Every year. the vast majority of EU citizens (84%) agree that more public funding should be provided for the transition to clean energy, even if it means reducing fossil fuel subsidies. Environmental protection is considered to be one of the EU `s top priorities. It finances many climate-related policy areas, including agriculture, cohesion, energy, innovation, and transportation And reinforce relevant considerations in all of its core financial instruments. To this end, EU institutions set a political goal of allocating at least 20% of total MFF resources to climate reduction and adaptation measures, but despite uneven progress in various policy areas, the mainstream climate focus is on climate and budget communi- cationThe EU has increased. [3,p17,18]

The Arctic climate crisis is heating up twice as fast as elsewhere due to pollution and greenhouse gas emissions, mainly in other parts of the world, with far-reaching environmental, economic, demographic and security consequences, and significant domino effects for the entire world. The rise in temperature not only reflects the climate emergency, but also reveals a number of other underlying developments and stresses that are closely related to and affect the rest of the world. The interrelationships between geopolitics and the climate crisis indicate the need for sustainable development in all aspects of Arctic governance. Increased competition for natural resources - minerals as well as oil and gas reserves - and new navigation routes (especially the North Sea route, which shortens shipping routes between Europe and Northeast Asia by up to 40% compared to existing routes)Has attracted. the crisis of multilateralism and climate denial in the Trump administration has had the side effect of highlighting the EU's importance in upholding stability, multilateralism, peace, and the principles of international law. EU policy in the Arctic has developed significantly in recent years. The three countries are members of the European Union (Denmark, Finland and Sweden) and two members of the European Economic Area (Iceland and Norway) are the Arctic countries. About 500,000 EU citizens live in the Arctic. Denmark, Finland and Sweden are members of the AC Arctic Council, with seven EU member states (Germany, Spain, France, the Netherlands, Poland, Italy and the UK) overseeing the AC. The current EU policy on the Arctic - adopted in 2016 - focuses on science and research, with the aim of advancing international cooperation in response to climate change and contributing to sustainable development. These efforts were also reflected in the EU's decision to join an international agreement to curb illegal fishing in the Arctic Ocean, the first of its kind to cover the Arctic high seas. The EU's global strategy was to help the EU establish a regular and cooperative region in the Arctic. Despite the increasing global focus on Arctic developments, there is an urgent need to address the key priorities of current EU policy in the North Pole, and the Finnish presidency's efforts to intensify the EU focus on the North Pole, and ultimately update EU policy on the North Pole . [3,p 20,21]

Energy Transfer The European Union plans to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by at least 50% by 2030 and achieve climate neutrality by 2050. This requires a shift from fossil fuels to renewable energy sources. In particular, it means the gradual elimination of coal, which affects jobs and economies in the region. This collective goal of the European Union is an important step in climate change, curbing global warming, ensuring clean air and reducing health risks to the population. The European Green Agreement will be formed through a series of new legal proposals, including one on a fair transfer mechanism. This collective effort is likely to bring Europe closer to achieving its long-term climate goals, while at the same time sending a political message of climate justice and solidarity with regions and workers most affected by energy transfers. Other EU programs will be approved by providing potential funding from the social budget for retraining skills and job search support, energy investment and climate adaptation opportunities, and research into new clean technologies.[3,p8,9] In the postCOVID context, the Biodiversity Strategy aims to build our societies' resilience to future threats such as the impacts of climate change, wildfires, food insecurity or disease outbreaks, including by protecting wildlife and combating illegal wildlife trade and plants. The Biodiversity Strategy, as an important part of the European Green Deal, will also support a green recovery from the pandemic. [4,р2]

EU Long-Term Budget (EU Budget Reform) European citizens need a healthy planet and a new digital world in the light of the European Green Treaty and the Sustainable Europe Investment Plan, investing in advanced research and innovation, supporting long-term budget ideas previously proposed by the European Parliament, such as the transition mechanism A fair and European child guarantee is an action to strengthen the youth guarantee, and the financing of new instruments should be included in the next MFF agreement, and any proposal submitted after the approval of MFF 2021-2027 should be funded from the new credits. To prevent possible harm to EU citizens, Parliament and the Commission call on member states to speed up this process. The importance of timely agreement on a strong longterm financial plan for the EU goes beyond the European institutions. It is also important to know that any delay in approving the budget will have a major impact on the reputation of the EU at home and abroad, and ultimately on the people. This sends a negative signal about the unity of member states and their ability to meet commitments, and increases uncertainty for EU budget stakehold- ers.[3, p 15,16] Leading the global action in the circular economy The European Commission has adopted a new circular economy action plan that includes the following measures: normalize sustainable products in the EU, empower consumers and government buyers; Focus on areas that use the most resources and have a high potential for reuse, such as electronics and ICT. Batteries and vehicles; Closed; Plastic; Textile products; Construction and building; Food; Water and nutrients; Less waste production; Make reuse available to people, regions and cities.[4,p 3]

Since the outbreak of COVID-19, the EU has been working with its member states to protect the health and well-being of EU citizens and save lives. The EU response to COVID-19 focuses on four priorities: limiting the spread of the virus, ensuring the supply of medical equipment, promoting research on treatments and vaccines, supporting jobs, jobs and the economy. Europe's response to the epidemic has been laudable, and more needs to be done to prevent economic ills and ensure a strong recovery. In Europe, policies aimed at preventing the unnecessary destruction of businesses and jobs and maintaining the structure of the economy in the face of a temporary exogenous shock. And the policy response so far - at both the national and European levels - has been incredibly successful. Monetary and fiscal regulatory policies helped prevent the conquest of financial markets by an epidemic. As corporate lending grows, household disposable income does not decline despite declining GDP, the job retention plan (reduced working hours without layoffs), “above-the-line” measures such as tax cuts, and “below-line” measures such as protection From stocks, loans and loan guarantees.[5]


The EU is made up of a set of binding treaties, and has the characteristics of a transnational institution (in certain areas it shares sovereignty and the EU institutions have executive power), as well as an intergovernmental organization ( In other areas, cooperation has been intensified by them, a political and economic partnership that is a unique form of cooperation between 27inde- pendent countries, the members of the European Union being a customs union, a single market (where goods, people Free trade), a common trade policy, a common agricultural policy and a common currency (the euro) used by 19 member states (Eurozone) .Twenty-two members of the European Union (Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland also participates in the Schengen area, allowing people to travel without passport control, and the EU has taken steps to establish a common foreign and security policy Common domestic security measures and continue to expand, especially for the Western Balkans. The vote to prevent a fall must continue. Britain's withdrawal from the EU was an unprecedented step in the history of the EU and will have important consequences for both Britain and the EU. Other key EU issues include persistent concerns about Greece and the stability of the eurozone, managing current immigration pressures. Dealing with Russia is reviving and fighting the growing threat of terrorism. Problems facing the EU include the Greek debt crisis, the conflict in Ukraine, the EU's policy towards Russia, the refugee crisis, and the potential threats posed by European militants in Syria and Iraq.[6]

Crises have brought progress throughout the history of European construction, and the last decade has not been without opportunities. But the European Union has survived more than one big leap forward, despite many crises that seem to pose existential dangers. The eurozone crisis threatened its survival, but ultimately led to coordination and There was more oversight - albeit without reform of financial laws or progress in the trade union. The 2015 refugee crisis led to a reduction in the number of migrants without the destruction of the Schengen area, but the common asylum policy still seems to have a long way to go. The British withdrawal showed that the union could disintegrate, but the terrible domino effect did not materialize, and the trade agreement with Britain was in line with Brussels' priorities and procedures. Coming out of the health, socio-economic and political crisis of the Corona virus will bring progress in green and digital Europe, with the next generation of EU funds being ambitious both in size and scope.[7]

Cohesion Policy targets all regions and cities in the European Union in order to support job creation, business competitiveness, economic growth, sustainable development, and improve citizens' quality of life. In order to reach these goals and address the diverse development needs in all EU regions, € 392 billion - almost a third of the total EU budget has been set aside for Cohesion Policy for 2021-2027. Cohesion policy has a strong impact in many fields. Its investments help to deliver many EU policy objectives and complements EU policies such as those dealing with education, employment, energy, the environment, the single market, research and inno- vation.Focusing on EU cohesion policy budgets has shown that regions with weak institutions face more difficulties in effectively attracting development funds and regional cohesion and maximizing use, and the quality of governance at all levels of government affects how cohesion investment is transformed into further growth. Quality institutions can have a positive effect on the return on investment in cohesion policy, regional competition and economic growth, while weak institutions will have an adverse effect.Government investment, therefore, requires adequate capacity at all levels of government to manage the EU budget and design strong investment strategies. For this purpose, the planning period 2021-2027 identifies specific strengths and weaknesses that should be addressed through a participatory process, involving all actors, and prepares a roadmap to address weaknesses with milestones, goals, and deadlines.[8]

The full implementation of the European Green Agreement and the widespread support for the Justice Transfer Fund and the relevant EU budget programs under the new planning cycle will significantly facilitate the achievement of the objectives. Many green contract initiatives will bring important mutual benefits to make this directive more efficient and faster. First of all, a higher climate ambition, which is realized in the form of increased energy efficiency and further development of non-combustible renewable energy sources, reduces the emission of air pollutants along with greenhouse gases. At the same time, the success of the transition to the “zero pollution ambition for a non-toxic environment” as required by the European Green Treaty will be beneficial.[9]

In circular economy and productivity approaches (climate change policies are excluded from evaluation, unless there is an explicit link to resource productivity or circular economy), resources vary greatly from country to country. In recent years, from resource efficiency to a circular economy.Many elements of resource efficiency and circular economics are now covered in other policies, such as waste management and waste prevention policies, along with environmental and sustainable development strategies, innovation policies, and economic programs. The use of Internet-based tools and information platforms is also growing and has the potential for further growth.National policy initiatives have been increasingly developed to supply national and raw materials.Vital Materials The aim of such schemes is to support the national economy by reducing the dependence of domestic industries on imports, rather than targeting the competitiveness of the mining sector itself . The EU's main role is seen as providing a policy framework, ensuring better integration between related policy areas and adapting EU financial mechanisms to support circular economy activities. On the international level, there is an acknowledgement of the global nature of the challenges and a recognition of the roles of the Sustainable Development Goals and the International Resource Panel in shaping and delivering the circular economy and resource efficiency agendas.[10,p 11]


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6. The European Union: Current Challenges and Future Prospects,Kristin Archick, Specialist in European Affairs , June 21, 2016,Congressional Research Service,URL: statey/pdf/R44249.pdf.

7. CIDOB,Paul Morillas, Future scenarios for the EU: resist or transform,2021.May,URL:www. notes_internacionals/250/what_will_the_eu_look_ like_post_pandemic_ten_challenges_for_a_eu- rope_in_search_of_recovery.

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9. EUROPEAN COMMISSION REPORT FROM THE COMMISSION TO THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND THE COUNCIL, on the progress made on the implementation of Directive (EU) 2016/2284 on the reduction of national emissions of certain atmospheric pollutants, Brussels, 26.6.2020,URL: pdf/reduction_napcp/1_EN_ACT_part1_v7.pdf.

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  • Prospects for reformation of economic and legal mechanisms of subsoil use in Ukraine. Application of cyclically oriented forecasting: modern approaches to business management. Preconditions and perspectives of Ukrainian energy market development.

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  • What is Demand. Factors affecting demand. The Law of demand. What is Supply. Economic equilibrium. Demand is an economic concept that describes a buyer's desire, willingness and ability to pay a price for a specific quantity of a good or service.

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  • Directions of activity of enterprise. The organizational structure of the management. Valuation of fixed and current assets. Analysis of the structure of costs and business income. Proposals to improve the financial and economic situation of the company.

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  • The global financial and economic crisis. Monetary and financial policy, undertaken UK during a crisis. Combination of aggressive expansionist monetary policy and decretive financial stimulus. Bank repeated capitalization. Support of domestic consumption.

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  • The essence of economic efficiency and its features determination in grain farming. Methodology basis of analysis and efficiency of grain. Production resources management and use. Dynamics of grain production. The financial condition of the enterprise.

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  • Chinese economy: history and problems. Problems of Economic Growth. The history of Chinese agriculture. The ratio of exports and imports of goods and service to gross domestic product at current prices. Inefficiencies in the agricultural market.

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  • General characteristic of the LLC DTEK Zuevskaya TPP and its main function. The history of appearance and development of the company. Characteristics of the organizational management structure. Analysis of financial and economic performance indicators.

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  • The stock market and economic growth: theoretical and analytical questions. Analysis of the mechanism of the financial market on the efficient allocation of resources in the economy and to define the specific role of stock market prices in the process.

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