Toolkit for managing joint cooperative institutions of higher education in wartime settings

Demand for innovative developments by the national economy and financing of innovative projects. Shifting emphasis from supply to demand, to the real needs of the consumer. The peculiarity of ensuring the achievement of various educational goals.

Рубрика Экономика и экономическая теория
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Дата добавления 13.12.2023
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Chernihiv Polytechnic National University

Toolkit for managing joint cooperative institutions of higher education in wartime settings

Victoriia H. Margasova



The article presents the research finding in the area of building an integration framework for managing cooperative institutions of higher education in wartime settings. It is emphasized that such transformation has been underpinned in the first place by the demand for innovations by the national economy and active financing of innovative projects. Given that attaining the above objectives in developed economies is of paramount significance, no wonder the institutions from such countries as the USA, Great Britain, Switzerland, China and Singapore are among the top most ranked universities in the world. However, the QS World University Rankings for 2021 features eleven Ukrainian universities. And although their positions range from 401 to 700 among the 959 top world universities, currently, this sample can be considered a tremendous success of domestic institutions of higher education. It is observed that in recent years, higher education institutions all over the world trying to increase their own competitiveness has been quite active in building and supporting cooperative links to develop global competitiveness and ensure their entry into the international market. It is argued that among the benefits of cooperation of higher education institutions in wartime is its strong focus on the recipient of educational services, that is, shifting the emphasis from supply to demand, primarily to meet the real customers' needs. It is emphasized that the integrated cooperation of higher education institutions greatly contributes to attaining a wide range of various educational goals, in particular, the pursuit of personal training, professional and cultural development, gaining new knowledge, achieving economic goals along with attaining social and the overall synergistic effects.

Keywords: integration process; vertical integration; network development model; cooperation; horizontal integration; vertical constraints.


Вікторія Г. Маргасова

Національний університет «Чернігівська політехніка», Україна


У статті викладено результати досліджень у сфері інтеграційних процесів управління кооперативними закладами вищої освіти в умовах воєнного часу. Наголошується, що таке перетворення пов 'язане щонайменше з такими важливими складовими, як затребуваність інноваційних розробок національною економікою і фінансування інноваційних проєктів. Встановлено, що це забезпечується в країнах з розвиненою економікою, і як наслідок, саме тому серед найбільш рейтингових університетів світу представлено заклади переважно з таких країн, як США, Великобританія, Швейцарія, Китай, Сінгапур. Водночас, за даними світового рейтингу університетів «QS World University Rankings» за 2021 p., в ньому присутні одинадцять українських університетів. І хоча їх позиції знаходяться в межах з 401 по 700 серед 959 кращих університетів світу, ця вибірка на сьогодні може по праву вважатися вагомим досягненням вітчизняних закладів вищої освіти. Обґрунтовано, що останніми роками заклади вищої освіти різних країн, намагаючись збільшити власну конкурентоспроможність, доволі активно формують та підтримують кооперативні зв'язки для розвитку глобальної конкурентоспроможності і входження до міжнародного простору. Визначено, що перевагою кооперації закладів вищої освіти в умовах воєнного часу є, насамперед, фокусування на отримувачі освітньої послуги, тобто перенесення акцентів із пропозиції на попит, на реальні потреби споживача. Підкреслюється, що інтегрована кооперація закладів вищої освіти якнайкраще сприяє забезпеченню досягнення різних цілей здобуття освіти, зокрема, прагнення персональної підготовки, професійного та культурного розвитку, отримання нових знань, реалізації економічних цілей, досягнення соціальних ефектів, а також синергетичного ефекту загалом.

Ключові слова: інтеграційний процес; вертикальна інтеграція; мережева модель розвитку; кооперація; горизонтальна інтеграція; вертикальні обмеження.

Formulation of the problem

Integrating assets in such a way as to effectively manage jointly cooperative institutions of higher education in wartime conditions is not a simple issue, and in fact does not mean that the integration process has ended at the stage of unification or joint management. Currently, Ukraine has a situation where, first due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and since February 24, the invasion of Russia and full-scale military operations, the spheres of business, education, and science have changed the vectors of their work in the usual mode. Therefore, it is important to understand how the process of integration in the state, education, science, and business will take place in such a difficult situation as, for starters, a pandemic, and currently active military operations and at the same time in conditions of an economic crisis.

In the conditions of wartime, business, education, and science spheres suspended their work in the usual mode, which strongly affects the state and society. Therefore, it is important to understand how the process of integration in the state, education, science, and business will take place in such a difficult situation as the full-scale aggression of the russian federation.

Analysis of recent research integration processes gain strength with the emergence of active firms in the market of management of joint cooperative institutions of higher education in wartime conditions Integration mechanisms are studied in the works of world classic economists A. Weber, K. Arrow, R. Coase, A. Marshall, S. North, S. Rosenfeld, E. Polymer, D. Solier, J. Tyrol, O. Williamson, G. Hacken, E. Chamberlin, J. Schumpeter and others.

Unsolved parts of the problem

In the conditions of the growing dynamism of the external environment and internal threatening factors, there is a possibility of the risk of successful implementation of integration changes for higher education institutions. Therefore, an organizational toolkit for managing joint educational institutions is needed, using forms of integration in wartime conditions.

The purpose of the article is to generalize and develop the methodological foundations of managing joint institutions of higher education in the conditions of military operations and other threats to, substantiating the provisions and practical foundations of the development of integration processes of domestic higher education institutions on international markets of educational services.

Presentation of the main material

The rapid development of integrative interactions of institutions of higher education leads to the emergence of a qualitatively new type of knowledge, which is reflected in general scientific concepts, categories, approaches, etc. New conditions are emerging for the implementation of multi-faceted complex research. This gives impetus to the formation and approval of a way of thinking specific to our era, which turns into a style of scientific work. The integration of scientific knowledge is understood as the process of interpenetration of structural elements of different fields of knowledge, which is accompanied by an increase in their generalization and complexity, compactness and organization of interpenetration of knowledge from one scientific field into another, resulting in the emergence of qualitatively new knowledge with a greater information capacity.

The concept of integration of higher education institutions consists in providing opportunities for the accumulation of energy, environmental, and resource-saving initiatives, opportunities for increasing scientific potential, opportunities for the development of economic growth, and opportunities for the evolution of modern civilization. The purpose of the integration of higher education institutions is the realization of intellectual capital, as well as innovative projects and the acceleration of the turnover of financial means, the attraction of investors in the sphere of the implementation of new ideas, new technologies, in the sphere of new scientific research and search works, in the sphere of increasing scientific and technological knowledge of economic, humanitarian, ecological nature. innovative demand educational

Prerequisites for the formation of the process of integration of higher education institutions include:

creation of an interactive model of the innovation process;

creation of scientific centers, common goals, mutual trust;

availability of business infrastructure and technology transfer.

The integration process of higher education institutions is getting stronger over time due to:

reducing the life cycle of certain non-productive technologies and products;

strengthening of the integrated approach to the development of science and technology;

increasing the amount of investment funds for scientific research;

growth of innovative capital and innovative culture;

raising the level of consciousness regarding the use of science as a geological resource.

Global motives for the integration of higher education institutions are connected nowadays with the need for structural restructuring of the economy, the creation of a favorable ecological climate, the harmonization of the distribution of economic potential resources, the search for alternative sources of energy resources and the implementation of renewable bioenergy projects, the development of new professional skills, the creation and distribution of information on micro-, meso-, macro-, mega-, meta-levels of organization, formation of new branches of industry. The integration process can only take place under a stable situation in the country. Currently, this stability is absent in Ukraine. Such global challenges as the coronavirus pandemic, war, economic crisis, they affect the integration processes of higher education institutions, and this, in turn, affects the integration of the state in general.

Vertical integration can be analyzed both statically and dynamically. The resulting structure of vertical connections, in the form of a full cycle of service provision and distribution, is a static model of integration of higher education institutions. Therefore, we can talk about the degree of penetration of vertical integration processes in this industry segment. The dynamic development of institution of higher education in wartime conditions is associated with two types of vertical integration: "forward" or "ascending" and "backward" or "downward" vertical integration. When higher education institutions seek to merge or establish vertical control at the next stages of the educational chain, upward integration is carried out. On the contrary, "backward" integration takes place where the movement of expansion of higher education tends to increase the demand for educational services. Therefore, the type of vertical integration depends on the point of the process where the institution of higher education, which is the initiator, is located [2].

The attractiveness of network joint business structures or Network associations in wartime conditions is explained by the fact that quite high economic indicators are achieved, which are not available with an independent business process [1].

This is primarily due to the fact that joint network structures are an ideal school for improving the competence of employees of higher education institutions in wartime conditions. After all, the best performers are attracted to the solution of certain tasks. A similar elitist principle of cooperation, characteristic of a joint network association of institution of higher education, excludes the use of second-rate performers, although the latter work in the same company.

The increase in the effectiveness of the activities of the joint network institution of higher education in wartime conditions is explained by the low level and rational structure of costs. Networks exclude the duplication of the use of labor and capacities in different educational areas. This allows you to avoid high aggregate costs for the provision of various educational and scientific services. The members of the joint network institution of higher education are forced to abandon the motivational role of the "enemy's image" in the competitive struggle, since today's adversary may turn out to be a network partner tomorrow.


Integrated and Network associations and educational-scientific clusters of higher education institutions are formed in wartime conditions for opportunities for cooperative development and access to international markets. In the presence of vertical restrictions, as a result of the redistribution of profit between structural units of a vertically integrated structure, it becomes possible to lower the tax base. The following are the general goals of the management of joint higher education institutions in the research process: ensuring purposeful operational regulation of activities according to management directions to match the actual state of entrepreneurship development with target parameters, implementation of strategic, system-wide and tactical principles in the management process, ensuring optimal development of educational and scientific components taking into account basic elements , the legal form of the organization, the forms of capital that are integrated, the form of financial and economic interaction between participants, the form of management, the form of control, the degree of integration, the priority of the strategic goals of the development of joint educational institutions.


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