Assessment of the image of the innovative enterprise as a factor of its competitiveness in the conditions of new challenges and threats

The influence of the image of enterprises on the ratings of global and digital competitiveness of Ukraine in 2015-2019. Differential the concept of image, brand and reputation of the enterprise. Formation of a positive image of an innovative enterprise.

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National University “Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic”

Institution of Ukoopspilka “Poltava University of Еconomics and Trade”

Assessment of the image of the innovative enterprise as a factor of its competitiveness in the conditions of new challenges and threats

Lyudmila Shymanovska-Dianych*, DS (Economics), Professor Oksana Bondar-Pidhurska**, DS (Economics), Associate Professor Higher Educational Alla Hliebova***, PhD (Economics), Associate Professor


Lyudmila Shymanovska-Dianych, DS (Economics), Professor. Oksana Bondar-Pidhurska, DS (Economics), Associate Professor, Higher Educational Institution of Ukoopspilka “Poltava University of Economics and Trade”. Alla Hliebova, PhD (Economics), Associate Professor, National University “Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic”.

Assessment of the image of the innovative enterprise as a factor of its competitiveness in the conditions of new challenges and threats.

The questions of assessment of the process of formation and support of the image of innovative enterprise as a factor of its competitiveness in the context of new challenges and threats are actualized. It is noted that the image of domestic enterprises influenced the ratings of global and digital competitiveness of Ukraine in 2015-2019. The concept of image, brand and reputation of the enterprise is distinguished. Based on the study of literary sources formed the author's definition of the category "image of an innovative enterprise" as the internal and external appearance of the enterprise, which significantly affects its competitiveness through the implementation of innovative activities, and is a significant factor in improving its level in the face of growing challenges and threats. The analysis of the authors' approaches to the assessment of the process of formation and support of the enterprise image allowed to highlight the most significant indicators and criteria for its assessment as a factor of enterprise competitiveness, namely: business image (transparency of business activity, loyalty to clients, partners' impression of the company, reliability, openness of data on sales volumes, market share, range of goods, price flexibility); social image (sponsorship, charity, support of social movements, participation in solving environmental problems, employment, health care, and so forth), etc.

Key words: image, innovative enterprise, competitiveness, challenges, dangers.


Шимановська-Діанич Людмила Михайлівна, доктор економічних наук, професор кафедрименеджменту. Бондар-Підгурська Оксана Василівна, доктор економічних наук, доцент кафедри менеджменту, ВНЗ Укоопспілки «Полтавський університет економіки і торгівлі». Глєбова Алла Олександрівна, кандидат економічних наук, доцент кафедри публічного управління, адміністрування та права, Національний університет «Полтавська політехніка імені Юрія Кондратюка». Оцінка іміджу інноваційного підприємства як чинника його конкурентоспроможності в умовах нових викликів і загроз.

Актуалізовано питання оцінки процесу формування та підтримки іміджу інноваційного підприємства як чинника його конкурентоспроможності в умовах нових викликів і загроз. Зауважено, що імідж вітчизняних підприємств вплинув на рейтинги глобальної та цифрової конкурентоспроможності України у 2015-2019 рр. Розмежовано поняття іміджу, бренду та репутації підприємства. На основі вивчення літературних джерел сформоване авторське визначення категорії «імідж інноваційного підприємства» як внутрішнього і зовнішнього вигляду підприємства, що суттєво впливає на його конкурентоспроможність за рахунок здійснення саме інноваційної діяльності, і є значущим чинником підвищення її рівня в умовах зростаючих викликів і загроз. Аналіз підходів авторів щодо оцінки процесу формування та підтримки іміджу підприємства дозволив виокремити найбільш значущі індикатори та критерії для його оцінки як чинника конкурентоспроможності підприємства, а саме: бізнес-імідж (прозорість підприємницької діяльності, лояльність до клієнтів, враження партнерів про компанію, надійність, відкритість даних про обсяги продажів, частку ринку, асортимент товарів, цінову гнучкість); соціальний імідж (спонсорство, благодійність, підтримка соціальних рухів, участь у вирішенні екологічних проблем, зайнятість, охорона здоров'я тощо); маркетингові комунікації, планомірність проведення процедури ді-діліжанс; ефективність застосування стилів управління топ-менеджментом компанії; відповідальність і справедливість бізнесу перед суспільством; рівень цифрової грамотності та цифрової культури персоналу підприємства; рівень інноваційно-інвестиційної привабливості підприємства. Це слугувало підставою розробки обґрунтованого науково-методичного підходу щодо оцінки процесу формування та підтримки іміджу інноваційного підприємства в умовах нових викликів і загроз. Розроблено схему формування позитивного іміджу інноваційного підприємства (Y) як чинника його конкурентоспроможності у довготерміновій перспективі, де основними його складовими є: місія та цілі підприємства, гідна система цінностей персоналу (топ-менеджменту, колективу, кожного працівника як особистості) підприємства (А); інноваційно-інвестиційна привабливість підприємств (B); знання та навички (скіли) персоналу (C); ціна, якість, новизна товару (послуги) (D). Наголошено на доцільності приділення особливої уваги інноваційно-інвестиційній привабливості підприємства як чинника підвищення його іміджу та конкурентоспроможності в умовах нових викликів і загроз. Це має забезпечити стратегічні переваги підприємства у довготерміновій перспективі.

Ключові слова: імідж, інноваційне підприємство, конкурентоспроможність, виклики, загрози.

Actuality of theme

In the current environment, the success of the company is due to many factors and, in particular, the existing image of the company. However, the formation and maintenance of a positive image and high reputation of the company is a long and complex process, which is one of the main factors in ensuring its competitiveness. Therefore, improving the efficiency of enterprise image management and its objective assessment is one of the urgent tasks of today, and it is especially important for innovative enterprises today.

The question of the role and importance of the image of enterprises in their activities and business activities is the subject of research by both foreign and domestic authors. Problems of forming a positive image of the enterprise were covered in the works of Aaker D. [1], Primak T.O. [16], Pocheptsova G.G. [15], Prikhodchenko Ya.V. [17], Semenova A.K. [22], Khimich I.G. [28], Sharkova F.I. [29], Fedoriv T.V. [26-27], Yasinskaya Yu. R. [30] and others.

Foreign and Ukrainian economists, in particular Zaruba V.Ya. [6], Kolyanko O.V. [8], Ilyashenko S.M., [7], Orban-Waterman I. [13], Sinitsa S.M. [24], Trusov G. [25] and others devoted their works to the problems of the company's image in its various aspects.

However, the issues of assessing the process of forming and maintaining the image of an innovative enterprise in the face of new challenges and threats require additional research.

Thus, the relevance of the research topic is due to the need to develop theoretical, methodological and practical aspects of assessing the process of forming and maintaining the image of innovative enterprises in the current realities.

The purpose of the article

The purpose of the work is to study the process of assessing the formation and maintenance of the image of an innovative enterprise and develop recommendations for improving its level in the long run, taking into account new challenges and threats.

Presentation of the basic material

Presenting main material. With the formation and development of the digital economy, the emergence of new information threats increases the role and importance of image, which is the basis of the company's reputation.

This is one of the most valuable assets, namely intangible. This allows you to create added value and increase the value of the company in the long run. Because the image is a certain part of ideas about the products (services) of the enterprise and how they evoke feelings in people.

The result of successful image realization is a reputation that opens wide opportunities for enterprise development and its cooperation with other stakeholders. This has a positive effect on the formation and maintenance of innovation and investment attractiveness of the enterprise as a major factor in increasing its competitiveness.

It is important to realize that a company's reputation is a comprehensive set of evaluative ideas of target audiences about it, formed on the basis of objective parameters of the company (reputation factors), important for the target audience. At the same time, you can “measure” the company's reputation with the help of a special service “Pravdaserm” [32].

“Pravdaserm” allows you to see an objective search result, free of behavioral factors, which, unlike the World Wide Web, is becoming more and more like a mirror, ie search engines, social networks, sites try to show users the most interesting information, distorting reality.

The company's reputation and image are vital for business development, as they not only attract customers, but also determine the possibility of their return.

A strong reputation and a high level of the company's image force the company to move forward quickly in its business and affect its market value. This confirms the importance of managing the company's image as a basis for ensuring its good reputation in the long run.

Thus, image management allows for phases of formation, support and implementation. It's just to create a good idea of the company in the minds of consumers, but also its support for a long time. Effective image management will allow:

create a comfort zone for the company (the possibility of constant cooperation with stakeholders) and the spread of a positive image;

get high rankings in search engines, and therefore customers will notice the company more often;

reduce the number of false rumors;

increase the level of satisfaction of your customers;

Increase the level of trust in your products.

It should be noted that the image of the enterprise depends and, at the same time, is reflected in business indicators, and the image of the state is reflected in international indices (press freedom index, global peace index, corruption perception index, rule of law index, rule of law failure index, political risk index), human development index, democracy index, global innovation index). This, in turn, determines the rating of the state at the international and world levels. For example, the World Bank's Doing Business rating is important for entrepreneurship, which allows us to assess the ease of its conduct on ten indicators in 190 countries. That is, the higher the figure, the lower the country's place in the ranking. This rating analyzes the legal norms applied to private enterprises in 10 areas (directions): “establishment of enterprises”, “obtaining building permits”, “connection to the electricity supply”, “registration of ownership”, “obtaining loans”, “Protection of minority investors”, “taxation”, “international trade”, “enforcement of contracts”, “insolvency resolution” [12].

Thus, the results of image management at the enterprise level are then projected on the international indicators (ratings) of Ukraine, in particular the rating of global competitiveness (Fig. 1).

Fig. 1. Dynamics of Ukraine's global competitiveness rating according to the IMD version in 2010-2019 Source: adapted by the authors based on mastering the source [3, p. 32]

This rating assesses institutions, infrastructure, macroeconomic stability, health and primary education, higher education and training, commodity market, labor market, financial market, technological readiness, market size, innovation and complex factors, including: business dynamism, innovation potential. In particular, in 2010 there were positive changes in some components, which formed positive trends. Such positive changes allow us to talk about improving the image of the state, which helps to expand the capacity of domestic enterprises to attract investment and create innovative attractiveness.

In addition, the Digital Competitiveness Index is calculated separately, which allows assessing the ability of countries to implement and study technologies that contribute to the transformation of government activities, business models and society as a whole (Table 1).

Table 1 Change of the rating of digital competitiveness of Ukraine in 2015-2019









General indicator
























Future orientation








Source: adapted by the authors based on mastering the source [3, p. 33]

Thus, the rating of digital competitiveness of Ukraine in 2015-2019 allows us to assess not only the speed of technological change, but also to talk about the effectiveness of image management of enterprises in the face of information threats.

However, the concept of "image" is quite closely related and is often identified with the concept of reputation and brand. Therefore, it is advisable to analyze the definition of "enterprise image" and form an author's interpretation of the term "image of an innovative enterprise" (Table 2).

Study, generalization and analysis of approaches to assessing the image of the enterprise, which are presented in the literature [1; 9; 11; 19; 21; 22; 30; 33; 34], the authors of this article developed a scientific and methodological approach to assess the process of image formation and maintenance innovative enterprises (Table 3).

Table 2 Definitions of "enterprise image”

Author (s)

Characteristics of the category





Robinson E. [31]

Image is the result of an adequate perception of the organization, its leader, staff, policy or activities. That is, it is assumed that manipulative actions do not have a decisive impact on the image of the organization or they do not exist. Experience shows that real practice will be stronger than the broadcast image, but it takes time, sometimes quite long


Bulgakova O. [2]

It is a set of features that characterize or identify a company, which are fixed in certain symbols or forms of information created by the company, purposefully transmitted to the audience in the communication process, recorded, perceived, recognized and evaluated by the entity belonging to a particular target audience. , and, taking the form of a stereotype, occupy a certain place in the consciousness and value system of the subject, determine it further action on this company and its products


Zverintsev A. [5]

Image is a relatively stable representation of any object


Doti D. [4]

Image is everything and everyone who has anything to do with the company and the goods and services it offers. It is a work that is constantly created both by words and images, which are bizarrely mixed and transformed into a single complex


Kolodka A., Ilyashenko S. [7]

Image is an image of the organization and attitude of society to its activities and products on the basis of established values


Kotler F. [9]

Image is the perception of a company or its products by society


Levkina R. [10]

This is a stated position, which is a system of enterprise characteristics based on the results of production activities, which was produced as a result of market analysis, and is promoted to target audiences in order to evoke in their representatives a stable set of imaginary characteristics and statements about it


Lozovsky O. [11]

Image is one of the most important components of the competitiveness of the enterprise, the basic prerequisite for its successful operation.


Orban-Lembrick L. [13]

Image is an impression that an organization and its employees make on people and which is fixed in their minds in the form of certain emotionally colored stereotypes (thoughts, judgments about them)





Reed S. [19]

The image of the company is the "face" of the company, created in accordance with the objectives and aimed at achieving them


Semenchuk T. [21]

This is a factor that plays an important role in the evaluation of the enterprise, and is a consequence of management actions of management, which is expressed through the perception of customers, employees and the manager himself. The bearer of the image can be an enterprise, an individual, ie a representative of the enterprise or its product or service


Sizonenko V [23]

The image of the company is a positive image of any company, which forms a stable competitive advantage through the creation of an overall image, reputation, public opinion, consumers and partners about the prestige of the company, its products and services, after sales service


Pshenishnyuk I.


This is a stable idea of a particular object, enterprise, a set of associations and impressions about them, which are formed in the minds of buyers and determine their position in the market. An image is a general impression that is created about a person, organization or company. Image is always socially determined and influences public opinion and the results of business activity.




The image of an innovative enterprise is the internal and external appearance of the enterprise, which significantly affects its competitiveness through the implementation of innovative activities, and is a significant factor in increasing its level in the face of growing challenges and threats

Projection of scientific and methodological approach to assessing the process of forming and maintaining the image of an innovative enterprise in the face of new challenges and threats

Table 3

Indicators and evaluation criteria

Reference principles of management

Degree of implementation of the principles (+, -)


and suggestions for action





Business image

Transparency of business activities,

customer loyalty,

impressions of partners about the company,


openness of data on sales, market share, product range, price flexibility.

Social image (formed by informing the public about the social aspects of the enterprise)



support for social movements,

participation in solving environmental problems,


health care, etc.

Internal image (generalized attitude of staff to the company).

System of hiring and training,

evaluation of employees' work by criteria

the relationship between subordinates and the leader,

system of rewards and social assistance,

corporate style of the enterprise,

state of health of employees,


assessment of living and working conditions of the employee in the team

"Mirror image" (representation of managementcompany image)

The maximum approximation of the "mirror" image of the company to its real image and its transformation into a positive image, which strengthens the market power of the enterprise

Marketing communications

Evaluation of Public Relations, sales promotion, advertising, personal sales: the number of initiated materials; advertising equivalent of published materials;

the number of newspaper lines dedicated to the company or individual

Planning of the Di-delight procedure

The expediency of measures to assess the charity of the enterprise

The effectiveness of the application of management styles of the company's top management

Application of the Hertmenian model

Responsibility and fairness of business to society

Application of the CSR concept

The level of innovation and investment attractiveness of the enterprise

Advocacy and active innovation

Level of digital literacy and digital culture

Availability of digital strategy

General conclusion on the assessment of the process of forming and maintaining the image of an innovative enterprise

Source: summarized and built by the authors based on their own experience and research image competitiveness brand innovative

Thus, the evaluation criteria generalized by them became the basis for the development of a matrix for evaluating the process of forming and maintaining the image of innovative enterprises in the face of new challenges and threats.

Next, we present to the scientific community the scheme of forming an positive image of an innovative enterprise as a factor in its competitiveness (Fig. 2).


The issue of assessing the image of the enterprise as a factor of its competitiveness in the face of new challenges and threats has been raised. It was noted that the image of domestic enterprises influenced the ratings of global and digital competitiveness of Ukraine in 2015-2019.

Based on research and study of literature sources, the concepts of image, brand and reputation are distinguished. The author's definition of the category "image of an innovative enterprise" is formed.

The analysis of the authors' approaches to assessing the process of forming and maintaining the company's image allowed to identify basic indicators and criteria for its assessment as a factor of competitiveness, namely: social image (sponsorship, charity, support of social movements, participation in environmental issues, employment, health care, etc.); business image (transparency of business activity, loyalty to clients, impressions of partners about the company, reliability, openness of data on sales volumes, market share, assortment of goods, price flexibility); internal image (generalized attitude of the staff to the enterprise), "mirror image" (representation of the company's management about the company's image); planned conduct of the stagecoach procedure, responsibility and fairness of business to society, the level of digital literacy and digital culture, the level of innovation and investment attractiveness of the enterprise.

Positive image of an innovative enterprise Y= (А ; В; С; D)

Fig. 2. The scheme of formation of the positive image of the enterprise as a factor of its competitiveness

Source: author S development

This created a basis for developing a scientific and methodological approach to assessing the process of forming and maintaining the image of an innovative enterprise in the face of new challenges and threats.

The scheme of formation of positive image of the innovative enterprise as a factor of its competitiveness in the conditions of challenges and threats in the long run is developed.

It is emphasized that in further research it is necessary to pay attention to the innovation and investment attractiveness of the enterprise as a factor in improving its image and competitiveness in the face of new challenges and threats.


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