Preservation and reproduction of intellectual potential as a factor of recovery and growth of Ukraine’s economy in the post-war period

Structural economic changes that took place after the departure of about 6 million people from Ukraine were reflected in the transformation of economic activity and business in the country. Negative demographic trend - outflow intellectual capital abroad.

Рубрика Экономика и экономическая теория
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Дата добавления 19.03.2024
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Preservation and reproduction of intellectual potential as a factor of recovery and growth of Ukraine's economy in the post-war period Scientific Paper was elaborated within the framework of the project EU Next Generation EU through the Recovery and Resilience Plan for Slovakia under the project No. 09I03-03-V01- 00081 аnd EU Next Generation EU through the Recovery and Resilience Plan for Slovakia under the project No. 09I03-03-V01-00133

Labunska Svitlana

Dr.Sc in Economics, Professor, Established Researcher

Institute of Public Administration of the Bratislava University of Economics and Management, Slovak Republic Department of Accounting and Business consulting Simon Kuznets Kharkiv national University of Economics, Ukraine

Yermachenko Volodymyr

Phd in Economics, Professor, Postdoctorant

Institute of Public Administration of the Bratislava University of Economics and Management, Slovak Republic Department of Tourism

Simon Kuznets Kharkiv national University of Economics, Ukraine

According to the results of research by the Institute of Demography and Social Research named after Birds of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine [1 ], in almost two years of aggression by the russian federation, approximately 6 million people left Ukraine. They are mostly young women, mostly (about 70%) with higher education. In addition, approximately 4 million Ukrainians found themselves in the territory temporarily not controlled by Ukraine. In this situation, it is quite obvious that the number of the most able-bodied population has decreased radically. This actually led to structural economic changes and was reflected in the transformation of economic activities, business relocation, etc. [2].

Among the factors that could reduce the negative impact of the specified losses on the economy of Ukraine in the modern and post-war period, special attention should be paid to the issue of labor migration.

An extremely negative demographic trend in Ukraine today is the outflow of intellectual capital abroad. Forced labor migration took place, especially from the regions with the most active hostilities. The vast majority of migrants are young and middle-aged citizens, that is, the most able-bodied and economically active population. economic business demographic

Such an outflow is particularly evident in the service sector and innovative sectors of the economy. Young specialists are forced to work in foreign companies, as there is currently insufficient demand for science-intensive professions among national enterprises.

Another problem facing Ukraine is interregional labor migration, displacement of the able-bodied population and relocation of businesses from the most dangerous regions of the east and south of Ukraine, table 1.

Fig. 1 Dynamics of recruitment of Trainees and Junior Specialists, people in Ukrainian IT companies formed by the authors based on source [3]

Table 1

Relocation of business in Ukraine as of 10/27/23,[4]


Business relocation, number of enterprises


Business relocation, number of enterprises





1. Vinnytsia



14. Odesa



2. Volyn



15. Poltava



3. Dnipropetrovsk



16. Rivne



4. Donetsk



17. Sumy



5. Zhytomyr



18. Ternopil



6. Zakarpattia



19. Kharkiv



7. Zaporizhzhia



20. Kherson



8. Ivano-Frankivsk



21. Khmelnytskyi



9. Kyiv, Kyiv obl.



22. Cherkasy



10. Kirovohrad



23. Chernivtsi






24. Chernihiv



12. Lviv



25. Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the city Sevastopol

Information is absent


tion is


13. Mykolaiv



This leads to the threat of creating depressed regions in the future, which will require budget subsidies. In order to present such a situation at the state level, a well-founded strategy for attracting foreign investments must be developed to restore and revitalize the business environment in these regions.

In Ukraine, at this time, the issue of choosing the optimal strategy of behavior towards labor agents has become more acute in the conditions of military challenges on the one hand, and potential opportunities of the global market on the other. The strategy should be built on the basis of the use of national social potential and intellectual capital, which, in turn, will help solve the problem of supporting the depressed (most aff cted by aggression) eastern and southern regions of Ukraine.

The goal of domestic state policy should be to solve the problem of supporting the depressed (the most aff cted by aggression) eastern and southern regions of Ukraine, overcoming the demographic crisis caused by forced external and internal labor migration provoked by the war.

The practical implementation of this policy should provide for the development of an Action Plan for the return of young people and highly qualifi d middle-aged specialists thanks to financial support of the most eff ctive sectors and branches of the economy, which in a short time (compared to other branches) will allow to accumulate intellectual potential and use free resources, which in the first place should be directed to the rapid recovery of the economy of depressed regions.

This approach is fully consistent with the provisions set forth in the documents on the implementation of the UN Millennium Goals in Ukraine [5] and the National Economic Strategy for the period until 2030 [6].


1. Про демографічну ситуацію в Україні Круглий стіл в "Візія-2033" published on the media platform Ukrinform",

2. LIBANOVA Ella. How the labor market changed during the war: present and prospects/ mirror of the week/19 жовтня, 2023/ pratsi-u-vojenny-chas-sohodennja-ta-perspektivi.html

3. Dynamics of recruitment of Trainees and Junior Specialists in IT companies/

4. Опендатабот. Відкриваємо Україну. Дата звернення 27.10.2023

5. Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Resolution of the UN General Assembly

6. On the approval of the National Economic Strategy for the period until 2030. Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 179 dated 03.03.2021.

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