The conceptual principles of strategic management by competitiveness of higher educational institutions

The components of the system of ensuring the competitiveness of higher education. The strategic planning for the development of an educational institution. Tasks of the process of higher school development. Contents of stages of strategic management.

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Podilsky Special Educational and Rehabilitation Socio-Economic College, Ukraine

The conceptual principles of strategic management by competitiveness of higher educational institutions

Bachynska Olena Mykolaivna, Phd in Economics, teacher

Humeniuk Iryna Leontiivna, Phd in Economics, teacher

Voloshchuk Maryna Borysivna Master, teacher


The essence and components of the providing higher educational institutions' competitiveness system are examined. The necessity of strategic planning of educational institution development is substantiated. Intensifying of competitive activity requires from higher educational institutions the creation of mechanisms of strengthening of their positions over the educational market, that's why the research of innovative directions and tasks of the process of strategic higher educational institutions development are actual for reforming of modern educational system of higher institutions. The content of the stages of strategic management is exposed, in particular: of strategic analysis, strategic choice and the realization of strategy.

That person, who is working now over the problems of tomorrow's day and in such way prepare oneself and one's organization for new tasks, in the near future will get leading positions. That person, who puts aside their decisions on then, will remain behind and, probably, never can catch up. Druker P.F. [4]

Key words: competitiveness of higher educational institutions, the competitive activity, strategic planning, strategic analysis, strategic management.


Бачинська Олена Миколаївна

кандидат економічних наук, викладач Гуменюк Ірина Леонтіївна кандидат економічних наук, викладач Волощук Марина Борисівна магістр, викладач Подільський спеціальний навчально-реабілітаційний соціально-економічний коледж, Україна


У статті розглядається сутність та складові системи забезпечення конкурентоспроможності вищої школи. Обґрунтовано необхідність стратегічного планування розвитку освітнього закладу. Охарактеризовано напрямки та завдання процесу стратегічного розвитку вищої школи. Розкрито зміст етапів стратегічного управління, зокрема: стратегічного аналізу, стратегічного вибору і реалізація стратегії.

Ключові слова: конкурентоспроможність вищої школи, конкурентна боротьба, стратегічне планування, стратегічний аналіз, стратегічне управління.

1. Setting of the problem

higher education strategic management

The economic, sociopolitical and cultural development of the last two decades occurs by more powerful influence of globalization. To the important vectors of globalization belongs the education, which is not only remain aside of the processes of globalization, but is active in bringing over to them, because, in fact, the development of economics and field of social spheres requires the high level of education, raising of intellectual and spiritual potential of society, preparation of people of new generation, which are able to create new techniques and technologies, to be sweepingly active in the realization of reforming of economics, to develop spirituality and culture of population. All that caused the increasing of demand for the higher education and, according to the laws of market, appearance of considerable quantity of educational institutions, which are ready to satisfy requirement of society in knowledge.

The misbalance of structure of education in Ukraine, unstable legislative base, fiscal deficit of educational institutions, insufficient experience of market managing confirm the existence of problem task of strategic managing by high school in conditions of competitive activity.

The analysis of the last researches and publications. The research of questions of higher educational institutions (HEI) managing, in particular in strategic perspective, were devoted works of V. Bahirov, Yu. Kholin, V. Hairapetian, O.Kasianova, Popova, V.Sobol'eva, S.Stepanova, V.Philippova and others. More scientists, which were researching the question of strategic managing, in particular: H.Keller, P.Blau, J.D'iudershtadt, P.Loranzh, I.Ihnat'ieva, Markina, L.Sokolov, I.Krupenna, O.Radionov, M.Murashko and others - in their works substantiated the necessity and an important role of strategic management in higher educational institutions.

Selection of unsolved earlier parts of general problem. Difficult and dynamic external conditions of nowadays need further development of theoretic and practical bases of strategic analysis as informative soil of drawing on higher educational institutions development strategy.

The aim of the article. Intensifying of competitive activity requires from higher educational institutions the creation of mechanisms of strengthening of their positions over the educational market. Thus, solving of tasks of raising of the competitive level of higher school in conditions of changing market environment and constantly growing requirements real to the sector of economy to the qualifying level of specialists, and determines the aim of the research as the creation of methodic and practical recommendations for strategic planning of the high level of competitiveness of higher educational institutions.

The presentation of the main material of the research. Competition is a base element and main feature of market economy from economy with centralized planning.

The peculiarity of the educational services market is in their irregularities, semi-segment over the combination of related markets, which are forming under the influence of different circumstances.

Competitiveness in the field of education can be examined in few aspects: competitiveness of native system of higher education, competitiveness of HEI, competitiveness of educational service and competitiveness of graduates.

One of the most exact determinations of higher educational institution competitiveness, according to our opinion, gives H. Shafranov-Kutsev. The competitiveness of HEI he considered as a complex of competitiveness of five elements it's activity: financial and economical, material and technical, staffing, marketing and competitiveness of the graduate [7].

We consider, that competitiveness of higher educational institutions - is it's ability to give the high quality of educational services for satisfying of needs of society in skilled and qualifying specialists, and also to create and to realize scientific and technical production and to make consulting activity.

A strict competition in educational market requires from HEI the searching for new instruments of competitive activity. If during previous time the making choice of educational establishment applicants were directed by such criteria as qualitative staff of teachers, provision of literature, the level of technical equipment of educational process, so now on the first plan is flexibility of educational plans and mobility of educational programs, which able to provide for the young specialist by competitive advantages at the market.

Today to these instruments of competitive activity HEI can attach:

- to find that market place, which is more required by the side of consumers of educational service;

- to get an active position, applying non- traditional approaches for the improvement of own attractiveness;

- to be more flexible and dynamic;

- to create new quality not due to the old scientific school, but due to approaches to the education as particular type of service etc.

In the conditions of competitive market environment of HEI it is important to choose one's right market segment, and also skillfully to provide the politics of differentiation and positioning.

Due to the gaining of long-term success, the work for the reaching of desirable level of competitiveness of HEI can be realized according to all aspects of it's activity. To the key aspects of providing of competitiveness we can include: productive, marketing, financial, social, staffing, organization and cultural, innovative and managing aspects (pict. 1).

Pict. 1 The main aspects of providing of competitiveness HEI Source: author's work

Needs of HEI in strategic management conditioned by the needs of basing their activity on exact determined strategic aim, necessity of adaptation to the changes of external environment, regular reviewing of amount, structure, programs and kinds of services, which are provided. The managing vision of that, what aspect HEI must have, and to which concrete position it must aspire to, it is a strategic plan. Process of strategic planning begins from the seeking of answer by the management of HEI due to three main questions:

1. What the aim of activity of HEI and what measures it is necessary to use for their gaining?

2. What place has HEI on the educational market?

3. According to the opinion of management, what position must have HEI in middle- and long duration period?

During the seeking of answers to the mentioned above questions, actions of management of HEI must be directed to the solving of great amount of related tasks in few stages (table. 1.).

Table 1 Main stages of the process of strategic development of higher educational institutions



Providing of educational and scientific process with pedagogical workers, which are able to create and implement the newest technologies of education

choice due to competitive basis qualifying scientific and pedagogical staff;

the preparation of Phd and Doctors of science due to own staff with the aim of strengthening of HEI scientific potential;

the organization of the process of qualifications raising of teachers in the directions to implementation in the educational process innovative and informative technologies;

creation and realization of models of internship in the leading native and international HEI.

Improvement of infrastructure of educational complex with the aim of further raising

restructuring of structural subdivisions of HEI;

implementation of interactive methods of education;

of scientific and educational activity indexes of educational establishment

realization of principles, forms and methods of individual oriented education and forming of culture of future specialists;

reduction of the amount of audience hours due to self-reliant work of students;

improvement of educational programs and preparation of textbooks according to the requirements of nowadays;

realization of concept of computerization of educational process.

Implementation in the educational process of flexible system of specialities according to the requirements of market of the work and international standards of quality of specialists ' training

monitoring of queries of applicants and needs of market work;

definition of market places in facilitating of new specialities;

realization of system of parallel education and integrative education, according to few directions;

forecasting of needs in specialists of certain profile on the level of administrative and territorial units and on the level of state in general;

analysis of international experience and realization of practical instruments of enhancing the quality of higher education.

Source: [2, p. 149]

We must remember that strategic planning is based on the row rules, main of them are:

1. strategy is not an exactly fixed plan of actions and must constantly specified;

2. formed strategic aims of HEI must assist providing of long-term competitiveness position;

3. every strategic direction has it's possibilities;

4. components of strategic brief-case HEI must be balanced, complementary and providing receiving of synergistic effect with the aim of most effective usage of strategic potential.

We consider that strategic management by the development of higher educational institution must be realized on three levels:

1) on the level of educational institution strategic directions of activity, it's organizing structure and dispensation of recourses are forming;

2) on the level of structural subdivision (faculties, institutions and branches) are realized strategies, which directed to the keeping of competitive edges in the educational market;

3) on the functional level (of the department) implementation is provided strategic tasks, which were formed on the level of establishment in general and structural subdivisions in particular.

I. Hrishchenko and I. Tarasenko emphasize that, during the creation of strategic vision and corresponding strategy expediently to take into account such peculiarities:

• necessity of creation and usage of Data Bank of social, economic, political indicators with the aim of forecasting of development tendencies of educational field on the regional (national, international) level;

• taking into account results of objective monitoring of effectiveness of HEI activity during completing of strategy and in the process of it's realization;

• defining of market place of higher educational institution in educational, scientific and research sphere;

• concentration on the raising of effectiveness of organization of the activity of HEI, including raising of effectiveness of students' educational activity, educational staff;

* attracting external investments to the development of scientific, research and innovative work, material and technical base of HEI [3].

Nowadays, generally accepted are three stages of the process of strategic management, namely: strategic analysis, strategic choice and realization of strategy.

Strategic analysis is of the first priority stage, which forms strategic direction and pulls out strategic alternatives. For the gaining of the goal of strategic analysis a wide set of corresponding tools are used: SWOT-analysis, PEST-analysis, SPACE-method, matrix DCG, matrix McKinsey, competitive analysis, analysis of life cycle of organization/product, calculation of financial coefficients, resources' analysis, diagnosis of bankruptcy, analysis of risks, expert estimations etc.

Strategic choice of higher educational institutions provides, first, the choosing of general organizational strategic direction of development; second, generating of plenty of alternative strategies, which give an opportunity to gain desirable goals; third, their analysis and revision to the level of adequacy to the aims of establishment development within the limits of the chosen general organizational strategy [5].

The implementation of strategy - is mainly practical administrative task, which includes such aspects: improving of HEI structure, which will be able to use a strategy successfully; working at financial plan, which direct resources to the more important for strategic success of the education; realization of politics, which supports a strategy, realization of politics, which supports a strategy and introduction of practice of constant improving; creation of corresponding motivation for the staff, which will be stimulated for the gaining of attain goals; correlation of the award system with results of gaining of attained goals; creation of such culture of organization and business climate in it, which will assist a successful realization of strategy; introduction of system of inner leadership, which is necessary for management advancement of strategy forward and constant improvement of it's realization [1].

The process of realization of strategy is too difficult and can finish with failure through a lot of untaken to the account factors, for example:

• competing of strategic and operative plans, inadequacy in the determination of key tasks and actions from the implementation of strategy, error in making a choice of responsible for the realization of manager's strategy;

• limitation of the outlook of managers on the level of their competence by short-term tasks (conflicts of aims on the operative level);

• insufficient authoritativeness of managers of higher and middle links; incompatibility of national cultural values by the corporate norms of organization;

• inconsistency of planning and control systems;

• contradiction of division of necessary resources [6, p. 58].

1. In the process of programs and actions of strategic management HEI have to react in time over the external challenges, thus, taking to account announced mission and articulate tasks finding additional sources for support of strategic development.


The creation and realization of development higher educational institution strategy can be considered as a result of strategic management usage. Competitive environment concentrate the educational establishments to working at creation of strategies, which will be concentrated on realization of principle of maximization their evident and possible competitive advantages.

However, nowadays there is no general accepted standards and technologies of working at creation of competitive strategies for HEI, that's why the choice of strategy by management of higher educational institution is realized not reasonable and enough, often doesn't bring the expected results. Taking into account it, the question of creation of algorithm of strategies forming for raising of HEI competitive level remain open and needs further researches.


1. Bahirov V., Ziman Z., Kholin Yu. The high quality of university education is a requirement of time. Vyshcha osvita Ukrayiny, 2005. no. 1, pp. 15-19.

2. Bachynska O., Olshevskyi V. Paradyhma zabezpechennia konkurentospromozhnosti vyshchykh navchalnykh zakladiv v umovakh suchasnykh vyklykiv : monohrafiia. Lviv : Vydavnytstvo Lvivskoho torhovelno-ekonomichnoho universytetu, 2018. 276 s.

3. Hryshchenko I. M., Tarasenko I. O., Nefedova T. M. Stratehichni priorytety ta formy innovatsiinoho rozvytku VNZ Ukrainy v konteksti zabezpechennia konkurentospromozhnosti. URL: http://www.economy. .pdf

4. Druker P. F. Zadachi menedzhmenta v XXI veke / P. F. Druker; per. s anhl. O. L. Peliavskyi. M. : Izdatelskii dom «Vyliams», 2004. 272 s.


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