Leadership as a phenomenon of modern management

The role of leadership in the enterprise management system. Combination of leadership in its essence and form with the phenomenon of power. Classification of leadership in management. Differences in the functional focus of management and leadership.

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Дата добавления 27.02.2023
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Open International University of Human Development "Ukraine"


Kuchmieiev Oleksandr Oleksandrovich

Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor,

Associate Professor of the Department

of Management and Administration



Today Ukrainian enterprises operate in difficult conditions. In these conditions, the question of improving management arises. The work of a well- coordinated team is required. We need a leader. There are managers who skillfully manage enterprises. They guide workers towards common goals. But there are those who cannot influence their subordinates. These leaders do not have the necessary leadership qualities. We believe that the issue of leadership in modern management is relevant and timely. The aim of the study is to clarify the concept of "leadership". The place and role of leadership in the enterprise management system has been determined. Some scholars combine leadership with the phenomenon of power. We believe that being a leader and being a leader in an organization are not the same thing. There is no single definition of leadership. Each researcher gives his own definition. The phenomenon of leadership is complex. There are many classifications of leader types. One part of them concerns life and professional experience. The second part relates to psychological characteristics. The third describes habits and style. Leader style is the manner in which the leader behaves with subordinates. Several manners are shown in the article. Leadership is the relationship between the leader and the members of the group. They influence each other and strive to achieve results. We believe that management and leadership are equally important for an enterprise. But, it is necessary to distinguish between a leader and a manager. The definition of management is similar to the definition of leadership: achieving the goals of an organization with the help of people subordinate to a manager. Managers should be leaders. The distinctive features of management and leadership are given. The main difference between a manager and a leader is the source of power. The ideal is the merging of the qualities of a leader and a manager in one person. Leadership is a form of manifestation of influence on people's behavior, based on socio-psychological contact and socio-psychological methods of management.

Management is a form of influencing people's behavior, based on administrative, legal and economic methods of management. Leadership does not replace the management process. It complements it when traditional management methods fail to solve the problem. Effective leadership is built on trust. The development of the leadership concept changes the content of modern management. Distinguishes between old and new approaches to management. These approaches are leadership and leadership oriented.

Keywords: administration, chief, leader, leadership, management.


Кучмєєв Олександр Олександрович доктор економічних наук, доцент, доцент кафедри управління та адміністрування, Відкритий міжнародний університет розвитку людини «Україна» м. Київ


Актуальність дослідження полягає в тому, що в умовах економічної кризи особливо гостро постає питання удосконалення системи менеджменту якості управління для досягнення високих показників ефективності господарської діяльності підприємства та забезпечення його конкурентоспроможності на ринку. У цих умовах особливо гостро постає питання удосконалення системи менеджменту для досягнення високих показників ефективності господарської діяльності підприємства та забезпечення його конкурентоспроможності на ринку Необхідна робота злагодженої команди, яка можлива лише за наявності лідера, який координує роботу свого колективу.

У статті уточнено сутність поняття «лідерство», визначено місце й роль лідерства у системі менеджменту підприємства. Виділені ключові ознаки, що характеризують феномен лідерства; вказано, що першоосновою прояви лідерства є особистість лідера; наведено відмінні риси функціональної спрямованості менеджменту та лідерства.

Зокрема зазначено, що одна з головних відмінностей між менеджером і лідером пов'язана із джерелом влади і рівнем лояльності породжених ним послідовників. Ідеал - злиття якостей лідера і менеджера в одній особі, що займає керівну посаду: у такої людини багатшими є інструментарій та можливості впливу, більш гнучкі підходи, включаючи індивідуальний, ймовірність появи в команді другого лідера-опозиціонера. Він може бути більш «довгограючим» і адаптивним до ситуацій, «синтетичним керівником». Вважаємо, що лідерство можна визначити таким чином. Лідерство - форма прояву впливу на поведінку людей, заснована на переважно соціально- психологічному контакті і соціально-психологічних методах управління в досягненні цілей організації за рахунок гармонізації інтересів організації та інтересів послідовників лідера і прагнення до досягнення синергетичного ефекту. У цьому контексті менеджмент - форма впливу на поведінку людей, заснована переважно на адміністративно-правових і економічних методах управління для досягнення цілей організації. І лідер, який займає керівну посаду, і менеджер повинні володіти всіма методами управління людьми і вміти підібрати в кожному разі найбільш ефективний метод. Відмінності полягають у пріоритетах. В ідеалі керівником повинна бути та людина, яка вміло поєднує лідерство і менеджмент в одній особі. Відзначимо, що лідерство не підміняє процес управління, а доповнює його тоді, коли традиційні методи менеджменту не дають змоги вирішити необхідні завдання і досягти поставлених цілей.

Зроблено висновок, що розвиток концепції лідерства певною мірою змінює зміст самої парадигми сучасного менеджменту, проводячи розмежування старого і нового підходів до управління, орієнтованих відповідно на керівництво та лідерство.

Ключові слова: керівник, лідер, лідерство, менеджмент, управління.

Formulation of the problem

Today, Ukrainian enterprises operate in difficult socio-economic conditions. In these conditions, the issue of improving the management system to achieve high performance indicators of the enterprise's economic activity and ensure its competitiveness on the market is particularly acute. The work of a coordinated team is necessary, which is possible only in the presence of a leader who coordinates the work of his team. When considering the issue of management effectiveness, scientists try to determine the need for leadership qualities in top-level managers. It is clear that there are managers who skillfully manage enterprises, directing the activities of employees to achieve common goals. However, there are also those who cannot influence subordinates accordingly. This shows that such managers do not have the necessary leadership qualities. We believe that the issue of leadership in modern management is relevant and timely.

Analysis of recent research and publications

Some aspects of the problem posed in the article are considered by such foreign and domestic scientists as U. Bennis, M. Weber, M. Wilson, L. Danchenko, D. Dyachkov, P. Druker, M. Zos-Kior, K. Kozak, V. Luhova, F. Nietzsche and others. But currently the problem of leadership in the enterprise management system remains understudied.

Formulation of the goals of the article

The purpose of the study is to clarify the essence of the concept of "leadership", to determine the place and role of leadership in the management system of the enterprise.

Presenting main material

The term "leader" comes from the English "lead". A leader is one who leads; the first to go always wins. A member of a group, all members of which recognize his leadership, rely on him to make serious decisions and solve important problems [1].

For the first time, the concept of "leadership" was highlighted by the Italian writer and politician N. Machiavelli (1469-1527). He noted that a political leader is a sovereign who unites and represents the entire society and uses any means to maintain public order and preserve his rule [2, p. 301].

According to S. Montesquieu, leadership is connected with any political activity of an individual [5, p. 396]. F. Nietzsche notes that leadership is inherent in the superhuman, and therefore "humanity must constantly work in the direction of their birth" [4, p. 286]. Freud considered leadership "a consequence of the sublimation of libido in the desire for power and dominance, a kind of means of compensation for an inferiority complex, and leaders are people who seek to compensate for their own losses by dominating other people" [5, p. 95]. We agree with P. Drucker's opinion that "leadership as a socio-psychological phenomenon arises and is realized only in the social environment, and therefore its property is character (virtue, freedom, self-improvement), not temperament (biology and genetics)" [4, p. 155].

Some scientists combine leadership in its essence and form with the phenomenon of power. Leadership is power because it consists in the ability of one or more persons at the top to force others to do something positive or negative that the latter might not do in other circumstances [5]. Of course, power as a special type of influence is the basis of leadership, but we believe that the existence of power relations cannot be the basis for constructing a definition of leadership. Power is in the hands of any leader, whether he is a leader or not. It is obvious that being a manager and being a leader in an organization are not the same thing.

So, as we can see, there is no unambiguous definition of the concept of "leadership", each researcher gives his own definition. The phenomenon of leadership is multicomponent and multifaceted. There are many classifications of leadership types. One part of them affects life and professional experience, the second part belongs to psychological features, the third describes habits and what can be called style. A fairly simple and clear classification of leadership in management was proposed by V. Pugachev (Fig. 1). According to the definition of the concept of leadership, L. Shutko, D. Shatko use two criteria of leader behavior: - the degree of consideration of the factor of the dynamics of the leader's behavior. The criterion of behavior dynamics characterizes the approach to the study of a leader: either from the standpoint of statics (analysis of only the presence of certain permanent qualities necessary for a leader); or from the standpoint of dynamics (analysis of behavior patterns, certain actions of the leader); - the degree of consideration of the situation factor. The criterion of situationality characterizes the approach to the study of a leader: either from the position of universality (identification of a single, best method of influence); or from the position of situationality (to ensure effective leadership, a change in the situation should be taken into account) [7, p. 62]. Leadership style is the manner in which the manager behaves towards subordinates. V. Kushniriuk distinguishes several manners:

- autocratic style (personal power). It is based on coercion, threat, fear, strict regulation of the rules of behavior of employees, staff;

- democratic style. It is based on the concept that a person is a conscious being who likes to work. Characteristic decentralization of powers, active participation of everyone in management decision-making, wide freedom of action during the execution of tasks, openness and trust;

- liberal style. Maximum freedom of performers, their self-control, minimal participation of the manager in the performance of tasks [8]. Thus, leadership is a relationship between a leader and group members influencing each other and jointly striving for real change and achieving results that reflect common goals.

Fig. 1 Classification of leadership in management [8]

We believe that management and leadership are equally important for the enterprise. But it is necessary to distinguish a leader from a manager. The popular definition of management is quite similar to the definition of leadership: achieving the goals of the organization with the help of people under the manager.

The main functions of the enterprise manager are situation analysis, planning, organization of activities, stimulation, accounting, control, coordination, regulation [9, p. 52].

In management, there are quite a lot of specializations related to the level, object and subject of management. Effective managers must also be good leaders, because the concepts of leadership and management are associated with different characteristics that provide different aspects of the organization's strengths.

The manager, as a rule, builds such a system of relations with subordinates, which is based on the positional basis of power and its sources. Leadership is primarily based on a certain managerial type of interaction that occurs in the process of the leader's social influence on the group, while the position system is not necessarily present. This process is somewhat more complicated, it involves the presence of followers of the leader, and not his subordinates.

Management is focused on ensuring sustainable activity of the organization on the basis of stability by implementing such classic functions as planning, organization, control, evaluation, etc.

This method of management is predictable because it relies on following certain steps, procedures, and rules.

At the same time, leadership is a game of anticipation, it is the creation of change, the development of potential, the generation of a vision, the creation of teams capable of realizing this vision. In this context, the difference between the functional orientation of management and leadership can be presented as follows (Fig. 2).

management leadership system power

Fig. 2 Key differences in the functional focus of management and leadership

In various organizations at all hierarchical levels there are managers who are also effective leaders, and most people are capable of developing the necessary qualities for this. Table 1 compares leadership and management in five areas of activity that are vitally important for modern companies.

One of the main differences between a manager and a leader is related to the source of power and the level of loyalty of the followers it generates. The ideal is the merging of the qualities of a leader and a manager in one person who holds a leadership position: such a person has a richer toolkit and opportunities for influence, more flexible approaches, including individual ones, the probability of the appearance of a second opposition leader in the team. He can be more "long-term" and adaptive to situations, a "synthetic leader". We believe that leadership can be defined as follows.

Leadership is a form of influencing people's behavior, based mainly on social- psychological contact and social-psychological management methods in achieving the organization's goals by harmonizing the interests of the organization and the interests of the leader's followers and striving to achieve a synergistic effect. In this context, management is a form of influence on people's behavior, based mainly on administrative, legal and economic management methods to achieve the organization's goals. Both the leader, who holds a managerial position, and the manager must possess all methods of managing people and be able to choose the most effective method in each case. The differences lie in priorities. Ideally, a manager should be a person who skillfully combines leadership and management in one person. It should be noted that leadership does not replace the management process, but complements it when traditional management methods do not make it possible to solve the necessary tasks and achieve the set goals.

Table 1

Comparison of leadership and management





creating an image of the future and developing a strategy;

concentration of attention on future performance results

planning and budgeting; concentration of attention on final financial results of activity


formation of corporate culture; stimulation of professional growth of personnel; elimination of borders

work organization and personnel

selection; management and control; creating groups


concentration of attention on people: inspiration and motivation of group members; use of personal power; performing the role of mentor, assistant

concentration of attention on the

achievement of corporate goals related to the production or sale of goods and services; use of official power;

application of the role of boss



емоційні зв'язки; відкритість (широкий кругозір); уміння слухати співрозмовника

(спілкування); нонконформізм

(сміливість); адекватна оцінка власних якостей (характер)

emotional connections; openness (broad

outlook); the ability to listen to the interlocutor (communication);

nonconformism (courage); adequate assessment of one's own qualities (character)

The results

initiation of changes, formation of a culture in which honesty is most valued initiation of changes, formation of a culture in which honesty is most valued

preservation of stability, formation of a

culture / in which work efficiency is most valued

Effective leadership is based on trust, which is an element of the organization's culture and influences it.


Within the concept of "new management" the image of a "new manager" is formed, who is usually called a leader. In contrast, the "old manager" is called a manager, characterizing him as a "dying type of manager." Thus, it can be stated that the development of the concept of leadership to some extent changes the content of the very paradigm of modem management, making a distinction between the old and new approaches to management, oriented to management and leadership.


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