Learning English grammar through short poems

The use of poetic material in English lessons. The main arguments for introduction of poems in the structure of the English lesson, determination of their methodological value in teaching English grammar. A thematic selection of poetic material.

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Learning English grammar through short poems

Elena V. Kostina


The article deals with the use of poetic material in English lessons. The arguments for introduction of poems in the structure of the English lesson are presented, their methodological value in teaching English grammar is determined. It is indicated that unlimited opportunities in this direction allow not only to interest students in creative activities, which will further turn into an interest in language learning, but also allow them to increase their knowledge in grammar and implement it in speech. The author offers a thematic selection of poetic material that can be used in the study of various grammar themes.

Keywords: English, grammar, poems, English lesson, teaching English grammar.


poem english lesson teaching

Е. В. Костина Изучение грамматики английского языка с использованием стихотворного материала

В статье рассматриваются вопросы использования стихотворного материала на уроках английского языка. Представлены доводы в пользу внедрения стихов в общую структуру урока английского языка, определена их методическая ценность при обучении грамматической стороне англоязычной речи. Указывается, что неограниченные возможности в этом направлении позволяют не только заинтересовать обучающихся творческой деятельностью, которая в дальнейшем обернется интересом к изучению языка, но и позволит им увеличить объем знаний по грамматике английского языка и реализовать его в речи. Предлагается тематическая подборка стихотворного материала, который может использоваться при изучении различных грамматических тем.

Ключевые слова: английский язык, грамматика, стихи, урок английского языка, обучение грамматической стороне речи.

The main text

In the conditions of humanization of education, when the personality of a growing person is at the center of all educational activities, the search for effective means, including teaching a foreign language, attracts the attention of many scientists, methodologists and teachers [Костина, 2014, с. 34-36], [Костина, Пронькина, 2015, с. 91-93], [Костина, 2015], [Костина, Чалдышкина, 2017], [Логунова, URL], [Лузина, URL], [Рачок, 1999, с. 58-59]. One of the effective means of learning is the use of poetic materials in English lessons.

Many teachers and methodologists working with children at different stages of education give a large place to poetic texts in teaching English. Some textbooks are entirely based on the use of poetic texts: either authentic or specially composed. The importance of this work cannot be overstated. I.L. Sholpo gives the following arguments for using of poetic works.

First, poems are the material that children like, which is interesting to them, and therefore, work with them is positively emotionally coloured for the pupils of all ages, which, as it has been already mentioned, greatly contributes to the assimilation of the material.

Second, authentic literary or folklore material contributes to the understanding of language in the context of cultures.

Third, poems are an excellent material for practicing rhythm, intonation of foreign language speech, for improving pronunciation.

Fourth, when working with poems, the problem of multiple repetition of statements on the same model or perception of the same word is solved. Repeated playback of a poem is not perceived as artificial [Шолпо, 1999, с. 117].

According to T. P. Rachok, “poetry gives impetus to creative imagination and has a huge potential for emotional impact” [Рачок, 1999, с. 58]. But as experience shows, teachers often neglect poems in English lessons. And in the case of their use apply only to traditional works that causes the dismissive attitude of students towards poetry. For many teachers all work with a verse is reduced to “listening” and “learning”, so pupils often do not even understand the meaning of the verse they have learned.

Therefore, the use of poems in English lessons should deserve more attention at all levels of education, from primary to senior, as the love of poetry and music should be instilled in children from an early age and accompany them throughout their lives.

Many scientists in their works determine the methodological value of poetic texts in teaching English grammar. In our opinion, unlimited opportunities in this direction allow not only to interest children in creative activity which will turn back further interest in language learning, but also will allow them to increase the grammar stock, realizing it in the speech.

After studying a large number of different sources, we carried out a thematic selection of poetic material that can be used in the study of various topics.

Present Simple Tense

I always like to smile at you.

I never let boys bully you.

I often think that I love you.

I sometimes dream I'll marry you.

Tell me what you always do Tell me what you never do Tell me what you often do

Tell me what you sometimes do [Логунова, URL].

Past Simple Tense

Hickory, dickory, dock,

The mouse ran up the clock.

The clock struck one,

The mouse ran down,

Hickory, dickory, dock [Козлов, 1994, с. 21].

Future Simple Tense

I promise I will do it I will do it now or soon I will do it in the morning or in the afternoon I will do it in the evening,

On Monday, June 3rd I will do it in September.

I will do it, take my word [Логунова, URL].

Present Continuous Tense

We are running,

We are jumping,

Trying sky to get.

We are skipping,

Trying sky to get.

We are flying like a real jet.

We are hopping,

We are climbing Like a funny cat.

Mew [ЗИФ, URL].

Степени сравнения прилагательных

Honey is sweeter than sugar,

Coffee is stronger than tea.

Juice is better than water,

You can't be smarter than me [Логунова, URL].

Глагол to be в Present Simple

I am happy.

You are happy.

He is happy.

She is happy.

It is happy.

We are happy.

You are happy.

They are happy too [Измайлова, 2005, с. 35].

Модальные глаголы can, must

I can read, I can write,

I can speak English too.

I love learning English!

And what about you?

I must go to school.

You must drive a train.

She must clean the house,

He must fly a plane.

It must find a mouse.

We must read and write.

You must watch the stars,

They must march andfight.

You mustn't eat much chocolate.

You mustn't smoke cigars.

She mustn't feed the fish.

He mustn't drive fast cars.

It mustn't bark and bite.

We mustn't fight with boys.

You mustn't drink cold juice.

They mustn't break their toys [Логунова, URL].

Количественные числительные One little, two little, three little Indians,

Four little, five little, six little Indians,

Seven little, eight little, nine little Indians,

Ten little Indian boy [Лузина, URL].].

Порядковые числительные There are eight monkeys at the Zoo:

The first monkey is kind.

The second monkey is wild.

The third monkey is small.

The fourth monkey is tall.

The fifth monkey is fat.

The sixth monkey is sad.

The seventh monkey is cold.

The eighth monkey is old [ГС, URL].

Повелительное наклонение

Stand up, sit down Clap, clap, clap.

Point to the window,

Point to the door,

Point to the board,

Point to the floor.

Stand up, sit down

Clap, clap, clap [Нехорошева, 2006, с. 24].

Множественное число имен существительных

A cat - cats, a hat - hats,

A sock - socks, a clock - clocks.

A pen - pens, a hen - hens,

A bee - bees, a tree - trees.

A fox - foxes, a box - boxes,

A bus - buses, a glass - glasses.

A lady - ladies, a baby - babies,

A cherry - cherries, a berry - berries.

A shelf- shelves, a wolf - wolves,

A wife - wives, a knife - knives [Фурсенко, 2009, c. 36].

Употребление определенного и неопределенного артиклей I know a doctor. - The doctor is nice.

I know a teacher. - The teacher is wise.

I know a girl. - The girl is pretty.

I know a boy. - The boy is witty [Фурсенко, 2009, c. 70].

Г лагол “have got”

Have you got a dog?

No, I haven't got a dog.

Have you got a cat?

No, I haven't got a cat.

Have you got a bird?

No, I haven 't got a bird.

But I've got a little mouse and it's got a little house [Hill, Vince, 2001, p. 50].

Личные и притяжательные местоимения I am a dancer, my job is to dance.

You are a Frenchman, your home is in France.

He is a preacher, his job is to preach.

She is a teacher, her job is to teach.

It is a seagull, its home is the sea.

We are tea drinkers, our drink is black tea.

You are bus drivers, your job is to drive.

They are scuba divers, their job is to dive [[Логунова, URL].

Вопрос Who? в настоящем времени Do you know who does what?

Who sings?

Who flies?

Who plays?

Who cries?

The birds sing and fly.

The girls play and smile.

The boys fight

To prove that they are right [ГС, URL].

Конструкция there is / there are

There is a mouse in the house.

There is a cat in the flat.

There is a fox in the box.

There is a bee in the tree.

Is there a mouse in the house?

Is there a cat in the flat?

Is there a fox in the box?

Is there a bee in the tree? [ГС, URL].

The use of poems and rhymes creates a psychologically favourable climate and a comfortable atmosphere in the classroom. Methods of working with poems and rhymes combined with other techniques make the lesson easy, interesting and memorable. Moreover they make a live stream in the course of the lesson, creating the effect of novelty. Any material on a poetic basis is remembered easier and faster, stronger and deposited in the long-term memory of pupils.

Библиографический список

1. Грамматические стихи на английском языке. URL: http://kenglish.ru/ grammaticheskie-stixi-na- anglij skom-yazyke-dlya-detej/ (в тексте - ГС).

2. Зарядка или физкультминутка на английском языке. URL: http://kenglish.ru/fizkultminutka/zarvadka-ili-fizkultminutka-na-angliiskom-vazyke/ (в тексте - ЗИФ).

3. Измайлова Е.В. Песни и стихи на уроке английского языка в 3 классе // ИЯШ, 2005. № 3.

4. Козлов С.Н. Говорите по-английски стихами. М.,1994.

5. Костина Е.В. Использование электронного учебника по английскому языку в период педагогической практики студентов факультета иностранных языков МордГПИ // Гумани - тарные науки и образование. Саранск, 2014. № 2 (18).

6. Костина Е.В., Пронькина В.М. Tests as the modern means of assessment of the students' progress in learning English // Гуманитарные науки и образование. Саранск, 2015. № 2 (22).

7. Костина Е.В. Драматизация как эффективное средство обучения английскому языку // Актуальные проблемы германистики и методики преподавания иностранных языков: материалы V Международной науч.-практ. конф. Саранск, 2015.

8. Костина Е.В., Чалдышкина А.М. Формирование грамматических навыков речи на уроках английского языка с помощью наглядных средств обучения // Актуальные проблемы германистики и методики преподавания иностранных языков: материалы VII Международной науч.-практ. конф. Саранск, 2017.

9. Логунова Е.Н. Использование стихов и песен на уроках иностранного языка и во внеурочной деятельности. URL: http://izberdeischool.68edu.ru/documents/

10. Лузина Е.С. Использование стихов и песен на уроках английского языка в обучении межкультурной коммуникации в школе. URL: https://nsportal.ru/shkola/inostrannve-vazvki/angliiskivvazvk/librarv/2014/09/28/

11. Нехорошева А.В. Rhyme your English: сборник стихов, рифмовок и песен на английском языке. М., 2006.

12. Рачок Т.П. Работа над стихотворениями на уроках английского языка // ИЯШ, 1999. № 2.

13. Фурсенко С.В. Грамматика в стихах. СПб., 2009.

14. Шолпо И.Л. Как научить дошкольника говорить по-английски. СПб., 1999.

15. Hill D., Vince M. Smart (Beginner). L., 2001.

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