Biografistics (biography studies) and biography: differentiation of the related concepts

The article deals with the importance ofthe use of biografistics for the study of biographies of pedagogical personalities. It was noted that it is expedient to carry out a special synthesized study on the development of pedagogical biografistics.

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Biografistics (biography studies) and biography: differentiation of the related concepts

Rozman Iryna Illivna,

Ph. D. (Pedagogy), Associate Professor, Mukachevo State University, Mukachevo


The article deals with the importance ofthe use of biografistics (biography studies) for the study of biographies ofpedagogical personalities. It was noted that it is expedient to carry out a special synthesized study on the development of pedagogical biografistics (biography studies), which is conditioned by the need to solve and resolve a number of issues of modernization and improvement, based on new scientific paradigms, technologies and achievements in the study of biografistics (biography studies) by other humanities. The focus is on comparing the biography and biografistics (biography studies) as a science on the complex of key theoretical concepts of historical and biographical research. It is emphasized on the meaning of related concepts in scientific humanities.

Key words: vital activity, biografistics (biography studies), research, social component, methodological principles, personality, humanitarian.

В статье рассматриваются вопросы о важности использования биографистики для исследования биографий педагогических персоналий. Отмечено целесообразность проведения специального синтезированного изучения развития педагогической биографистики, которая обусловлена необходимостью решения и выяснения ряда вопросов модернизации и совершенствования, исходя из новых научных парадигм, технологий и достижений в изучении биографистики другими гуманитарными науками. Обращено внимание на сопоставлении биографии как жизнеописания и биографистики как науки о комплексе ключевых теоретических понятий историко-биографических исследований. Сконцентрировано внимание на важности отличия смежных понятий в научной гуманитаристике.

Ключевые слова: жизнедеятельность, биографистика, исследования, социальная составляющая, методологические основы, персоналия, гуманитаристика. biografistics pedagogical personalities

У статті розглядаються питання щодо важливості використання біографістики для дослідження біографій педагогічних персоналій. Зауважено на доцільності проведення спеціального синтезованого вивчення розвитку педагогічної біографістики, яка зумовлена потребою розв'язання та з'ясування низки питань модернізації та вдосконалення, виходячи з нових наукових парадигм, технологій і здобутків у вивченні біографістики іншими гуманітарними науками. Закцентована увага на співставленні біографії як життєпису і біографістики як науки про комплекс ключових теоретичних понять історико-біографічних досліджень. Наголошено на значенні відмінності суміжних понять у науковій гуманітаристиці. "Біографічний жанр" у широкому сенсі трактуємо як форму науково- документального або літературно-художнього життєпису історії конкретної особи, її індивідуальної долі, напряму суспільної діяльності. Біографія як жанр, як правило, вміщується у конкретно-історичний контекст, що надає біографічному твору статусу пам 'ятки певної епохи. Означені категорії важливі як для розробки науково-методологічних засад педагогічної біографістики, так і для реалізації конкретних наукових проектів у цьому напрямі. Вони визначають її роль і місце у загальному змісті біографістики, визначають взаємозв'язок і взаємозалежність, спільне і особливе із біографічними знаннями, традиціями суміжних галузей гуманітаристики. Для педагогічної біографістики є характерним категорія "біографія", яка, згідно з позицію авторитетних учених є визначенням базового рівня, концептом, що акумулює різні зміст і контексти, що визначаються метою, завданнями, іншими параметрами конкретного дослідження, досвідом його автора. В такому статусі вона фіксує і визначає підходи, способи і методи пізнання й дослідження та їхній процес і результат. У межах біографічної практики категорія "біографія" виступає домінантною і універсальною та окреслює весь комплекс проблем дослідження біографії особистості, незалежно від сфери її творчої і професійної діяльності або галузі знань, в якій вона досліджується. У широкому філософсько-історико-психолого-культурологічному сенсі поняття "біографія" відповідає існуючому в англомовному науковому просторі слову "biography". До його інтеоризації в українську гуманітаристику вагомо спричинився В. Чишко (1996 р.), якого вважають одним із фундаторів сучасної української біографістики. Вчений трактує поняття "біографія" як історико- культурне явище, що об'єднує різні види, роди, типи біографічних джерел, літературної і наукової творчості, що склалися історично, як завершений вид біографічної творчості, пов'язаний із життям і діяльністю людини, її внутрішнім і зовнішнім світом та роллю в історико- культурному процесі, як мистецтво створювати життєписи. Він акцентував на тому, що біографія має досліджуватися не лише в контексті загальної періодизації історії та конкретно-історичної ситуації, а й зважаючи на зміну наукових парадигм та ідеологічні коливання

Ключові слова: життєдіяльність, біографістика, дослідження, соціальна складова, методологічні засади, персоналія, гуманітаристика.

The problem formulation. Actuality of the study of the formation and development of pedagogical biografistics (biography studies) in Ukraine at the end of the XX - early XXI century is determined not only by scientific facts, but also, of course, educational,pedagogical and socio-cultural factors. For a certain period of time, Ukrainian historical and pedagogical science has accumulated enormous material on scientific, educational, popular science literature on the vital activity of outstanding teachers and educators. In connection with this, there is a need for a special comprehensive development of the methodological foundations of pedagogical biografistics (biography studies).

Analysis of recent research and publications. An important scientific and theoretical basis for solving the specified tasks is the work of Ukrainian scholars on the history of development of education and pedagogical thought in Ukraine: L. Artemova, L. Berezivska, H. Bilavych, M. Hryshchenko, N. Hupan, M. Yevtukh, T. Zavhorodnia, I. Zaichenko, M. Levkivskyi, O. Liubar, B. Mitiurov, N. Nychkalo, S. Sysoieva, M. Stelmakhovych, B. Stuparyk, O. Sukhomlynska, H. Trotsko, T. Usatenko, D. Fedorenko, M. Chepil, M. Yarmachenko and others.

Goal setting. The purpose of the article is to determine the understanding of biografistics (biography studies), which studies the sources of information biographies of the person and various types of biographical products.

Results of investigation. From the Antiquity people had to read the works of the lives and activities of famous people, to think about the origin of the biographical genre and to get biographical knowledge. A broad-based biography is understood as a collection of concepts, theoretical constructs, representations and specific factual data collected by various branches of knowledge in the process of comprehension of a complex of problems associated with the phenomenon of a biography. We can refer to them as empirical, obtained on the basis of experience, experiment, and theoretical knowledge in the form of abstractions, analogies, schemes that reflect the structure and nature of the historical person. This category represents already accumulated representations and means, ways of further research for obtaining the most complete objective knowledge about the object of each research [2].

"Biographical genre" in the broad sense is interpreted as a form of scientific documentary or literary and artistic biography of the history of a specific person, its individual destiny, the direction of social activity. Biography as a genre tends to fit into a concrete historical context, which gives the biographical work the status of a monument of a certain age.

These categories are important both for the development of scientific and methodological principles of pedagogical biografistics (biography studies), and for the implementation of specific scientific projects in this direction. They determine its role and place in the overall content of biografistics (biography studies), determine the relationship and interdependence, common and special with biographical knowledge, traditions of related fields of humanitarian.

For pedagogical biografistics (biography studies), the characteristic category is "biography", which, according to the position of authoritative scientists, is the definition of the basic level, a concept that accumulates different content and contexts determined by the purpose, tasks, other parameters of a particular study, the experience of its author. In this status, she captures and defines the approaches, methods and methods of knowledge and research their process and result. Within the limits of "biographical practice, the category biography" acts as a dominant and universal and outlines the whole complex of problems of studying a person's biography, regardless of the sphere of his creative and professional activity or the field of knowledge in which he is being studied. [5].

Conducting the circulation of the term "biography" at the end of the XVII century is associated with the English T. Fuller and J. Dryden, which thus, singled out the genre of creating biographies of famous masters of the pen. In the eighteenth century, primarily due to the Scotsman J. Boswell (his two volume "Life of Samuel Johnson" is called "the most famous biography" in English), the requirements were defined for the writing of biographical works, which consisted of precision, realism, detail, figurative narration and reproduction of rice appearance and behavior of the person.

On the pages of scientific publications periodically discussions arise as to the expediency or inexpediency, importance or lack of importance of conducting biographical studies and their significance for pedagogy.

In the context of pedagogical biografistics (biography studies), the category "biography" (Greek life + writing) is considered on two levels. The first one reflects reflections at the level of general humanitarian knowledge and public consciousness, and its essence is best clarified by reference books. In the Soviet academic encyclopedias, the biography was regarded as "the old genre of historical, artistic and scientific prose" and as a "modern biography, "revealing the" causal relationships, historical, national, and conditionality" of the individual, its "psychological type" [3, p. 45-47]. The biography has been traditionally identified with a "biography in which", based on actual data, the process of formation of the human person in connection with the social conditions of the era has been traced.

Abstracted from the "social component", modern vocabulary publications in a similar perspective interpret the biography as "description of life", a description of the life and activities of the person, "life path", as a genre of literature with a thousand-year tradition.

Consequently, the studied one in the humanitarian field and public consciousness was confirmed the understanding of biography as a way of life and as a kind of intellectual creativity.

The second level reflects the reflexive diversity of the biography in the field of scientific methodology of biographical research, so for structural analysis we consider it in the "narrow" and "wide" senses . In the first case, it is rather about a series of interpretations of a biography in scientific humanities. By synthesizing their diversity, we distinguish four main, which we define in pairs of words, which in this case are synonymous: biography - life activity, biography - person, biography - research, biography - source.

The most widespread, both in the public consciousness and in the scientific humanitarian, is the understanding of the biography of life, which is broken through a series of related concepts. Often biography is identified with the notion of "life path", in which in scientific practice include different content and meaning. Based on the implementation by N. Lohinova of her special analysis [2, p. 52-56], in the context of pedagogical biography, it is interpreted as a unique, labor-intensive process and the result of a special personality activity that manifests itself and makes it clear in the totality of psycho-physiological qualities and products of professional and creative activity.

The term "description of life"is used mainly in two meanings: a) as synonymous with the term "life path", and in this sense they mean "the history of a person's life", that is, the biography appears as "the process of human life"; b) as identification with the process and the result of historical writing, research activity. In this sense, the origin of the concept of "description of life" is associated with the historical and literary tradition of biographical works that appeared before the XVIII century [1].

In particular, it is believed that it was based on two means of displaying a biography - as a means of describing individuality, distinguished from the historical process and historical-biogrfic narrative, where the person is an element, part and illustration of the historical process [4]. In modern humanities, biography is usually understood as a reflection of the development of individuality of a person through the prism of his inner world, inextricably linked with the socio-cultural environment in which it was formed in the case that it devoted itrself to.

O. Valevskyi, who considered the biography as a certain type of reflection, arose within of the European cultural tradition with the individualism inherent to it, contributed to the establishment of the understanding of the biography as a research in biografistics (biography studies). Therefore, under this notion, the scientist understood not the history of the person's life, but the process and the result of the study - "the reconstruction of life" [1, p. 12-26]. In this sense, it is approaching, almost identical with the categories "biografistics (biography studies)", "biographical method".

The use of the notion of "biography" as a synonymous concept "person" is widespread both in the research and in the social and professional spheres. In both cases, a person can stand as a "process" and "result"of his own past. Thus, the concept of "biography", as if, summarizes and expresses the "present" or "final" image of a person with all its features, achievements and defeats, white and black spots.

The use of the word "biography" to refer to sources of personal origin (memoirs, memories, diaries, epistolary, etc.) takes place in the practice of historical and psychological sciences, sociology, literary studies. It is receptives and expedient in the implementation of a special source-study analysis of the problems of biographical research, and in other cases isolated from this context, it can lead to discrepancies and terminological confusion [5].

Once again, we note that the pairs of words that are used as synonyms are so interconnected that, under certain circumstances, they can acquire the properties of each other and flow one to the other.

Speaking about the natural variability and dynamism of a biography, today's researcher T. Potyantsev calls it as a genre that "slides out constantly" by enriching the means of the image, and therefore its internal nature substantially complicates the understanding of the logic of such paradigmatic shifts and the mechanisms of convergence and alienate biography of other genres [2, p. 4].

At present, it is continued the accumulation of materials for writing biographies, which will require philosophical reflection, updated theoretical justification, the construction of modern paradigms, which will subsequently provide qualitative changes in science. However, there is no doubt about the importance of the biographical scientific genre and its promise for the latest methodologies based on bold creative experiments, the information that becomes important narrative projects.

In the wide philosophical-historical-psychological - culturological sense, the term "biography" corresponds to the word "biography" existing in the English-language scientific space V. Chyshko (1996), who is considered one of the founders of contemporary Ukrainian biography, greatly contributed to his integration into Ukrainian humanities. The scientist treats the notion of "biography" as a historical and cultural phenomenon, uniting different types, genders, types of biographical sources, literary and scientific creativity, which have developed historically, as a complete form of biographical creativity associated with human life and activities, its inner and outer world and the role in the historical-cultural process, as the art of creating biographies. He emphasized that the biography should be investigated not only in the context of the general periodization of history and the concrete historical situation, but also take into account of the changing scientific paradigms and ideological vibrations [5].

This universal, comprehensive definition is based on the concept as the "starting matrix" of finding an acceptable definition of the concept a "pedagogical biography", which should combine sociocultural and psycho-pedagogical understanding of this phenomenon as: a) the individual path of the individual of a scientist, educator, and public figure; b) the narrative form of its comprehension and reflection; c) the genre of scientific and biographical creativity; d) independent direction of research work; e) a separate integrative scientific and methodological challenge; e) the direction of formation of informative-resource base and development of publishing business; e) the section on the systematization of publications in library practice, etc.

It should be understood that the prescribed interpretations and definitions do not exhaust, the whole diversity of understanding of a biography, which is classified by certain attributes and criteria as an essential phenomenon (in the values person, livelihoods), by type, kind, object of research, etc.

The evolution of the terminology of biographical knowledge should be considered through the prism of scientific and methodological discourse, caused by social shifts in the social consciousness and the field of scientific humanitarism. Therefore, when at the intersection of XX - XXI centuries the scholars began to actively distance themselves from the Soviet understanding of biography as a linear sociologizer description of life, the content of this term began to dynamically modernize. In this ideological and intellectual process, his identity with the English word "biography" began to lose, and in the "Ukrainian-centric version" he acquired a new content and meaning. We observe narrowing and specification of the term "biography", which definitely began to focus on the study of biography as a reflection of the means of science and literature of a complex, contradictory inner world and social activity of man as a phenomenon that synthesizes, represents, produces exceptional physiological, socio-cultural, professional needs, interests, qualities, values, performance results [3].

Conclusions and further research perspectives. Thus, the need to modernize and improve the technology of scientific and pedagogical research of the person (designing, using of methodological tools, reflection) has risen, in particular at the interdisciplinary level, which will raise it to a qualitatively new level that meets European standards and the next challenges facing the Ukrainian pedagogical science. Classification and definition of informative-cognitive potential of its source-study complex will allow to specify the tasks of biografistics (biography studies).

That is why we consider it necessary to carry out historiographical monitoring of this branch of historical and pedagogical science in order to determine the achievements, gaps and prospects for further development, etc.


1. Andrushchenko, V. (2005). Vstup do filosofii. Velyki filosofy: navch. Posib [Introduction to Philosophy. Great philosophers: teach. manual]. Xarkiv: PPPF Chyzhenko S. Yu., LLC "RIF", 512 p.

2. Bazaluk, O. O. and Yukhymenko, N. F. (2010). Filosofiia osvity: navch. posib. [Philosophy ofEducation: Teach. Manual]. Kiev: Condor, 164. p.

3. Byelan H.V. (2013). Biohrafichnyi metod v istoryko-pedahohichnii nautsi: provided tendentsii stanovlennia [Biographical method in historical and pedagogical science: leading tendencies of formation] Pedagogical discourse: collection of scientific works/ Editor in Chief І.М Shorobura. Khmelnytskyi: Khmelnytsky i Humanitarian Pedagogical Academy, Issue 15. Р. 45-47

4. Holoviy О. (2015). Formuvannia biohrafichnoho metodu v ukrainskomu literaturoznavstvi XIX st. [Formation of the biographical method in the Ukrainian literary criticism of XIX century.] Scientific Herald of Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University: Philology, Literary criticism, № 9. P. 33-37.

5. Zaychenko, I. V. (2010). Istoriia pedahohiky: navch. posib. u 2 kn. Kn. 1.: Istoriia zarubizhnoi pedahohiky [History of Pedagogy: Teach. manual in 2 books - Kn. 1 .: History of foreign pedagogy]. Kiev: VD "Word", 624 p.

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