Reformation the Organization of Educational Process on Physical Education of University Students

Analysis of scientific and methodological literature, study of sports and health-improving needs of students of Lutsk, as well as the level of their satisfaction. The results of the dynamics of indicators of the level of physical fitness of students.

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Дата добавления 20.11.2020
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Reformation the Organization of Educational Process on Physical Education of University Students

Nina Dedeiluk,

Nadia Kovalchuk,

Olena Tomashchuk,

Anna Ivanova

Lesia Ukrainka Eastern European National University, Academy of Recreational Technology and Law, Lutsk National Technical University (Lutsk)


The scientific and methodical literature analysis, as well as investigation of sports and recreation needs of Lutsk students demonstrate that we need to pay constant attention to reformation of the educational physical training process of students of higher educational institutions. There is a tendency ofpoor health among students of higher educational establishments. Almost 90 % of young people have deviations in health, and more than 50 % have unsatisfactory physical training. The results of the study of the dynamics of students ' physical preparation indicate its reduction over four years ofstudy at the University. One of the most effective ways of reforming the educational process is to attract students to practice sports in extracurricular time, as well as during obligatory physical training lessons. It will help to optimize students ' physical activity, to improve their physical efficiency and to avoid current problems.

Key words: reforming, educational process, sports and wellness needs, physical education, health, physical activity, physical efficiency, students.

Ніна Деделюк, Надія Ковальчук, Олена Томащук, Ганна Іванова. Реформування організації освітнього процесу з фізичного виховання студентів вищих навчальних закладів. Аналіз науково-методичної літератури, вивчення спортивно-оздоровчих потреб студентів Луцька та рівня їх задоволення свідчить, що питання реформування освітнього процесу фізичного виховання студентів вищого навчального закладу вимагає постійної уваги. Спостерігається тенденція погіршення стану здоров 'я студентів вищих навчальних закладів. Близько 90 % молоді мають відхилення в стані здоров'я, а понад 50 % - незадовільну фізичну підготовленість. Результати дослідження динаміки показників рівня фізичної підготовки студентів свідчать про його зниження впродовж чотирьох років навчання у вищому навчальному закладі. Одним із дієвих спосбів реформування освітнього процесу вбачається залучення до занять різними видами спорту як у позааудиторний час, так і в процесі обов'язкових занять із фізичного виховання, що дасть змогу оптимізувати рухову активність, підвищити рівень фізичної працездатності студентів та усунути наявні проблеми.

Ключові слова: реформування, освітній процес, спортивно-оздоровчі потреби, фізичне виховання, здоров'я, рухова активність, фізична працездатність, студенти.

Нина Деделюк, Надежда Ковальчук, Елена Томащук, Анна Иванова. Реформирование организации образовательного процесса физического воспитания студентов высших учебных заведений.

Анализ научно-методической литературы, изучение спортивно-оздоровительных потребностей студентов Луцка, а также уровня их удовлетворения свидетельствует о том, что вопросы реформирования образовательного процесса физического воспитания студентов высших учебных заведений требуют постоянного внимания. Наблюдается тенденция ухудшения состояния здоровья студентов высших учебных заведений. Около 90 % молодежи имеет отклонения в состоянии здоровья, а свыше 50 % - неудовлетворительную физическую подготовку. Результаты исследования динамики показателей уровня физической подготовки студентов свидетельствуют о его снижении на протяжении четырех лет обучения в высшем учебном заведении. Один из действующих путей реформирования образовательного процесса состоит в привлечении студентов к занятиям различными видами спорта как во внеучебное время, так и в процессе обязательных занятий по физическому воспитанию, что позволит оптимизировать двигательную деятельность, повысить уровень физической работоспособности студентов и искоренить существующие проблеммы.

Ключевые слова: реформирование, образовательный процесс, спортивно-оздоровительные потребности, физическое воспитание, здоровье, двигательная активность, физическая работоспособность, студенты.

Formation of the Scientific Problem and its Significance. Student youth is a special social group united by certain age limits, specific conditions of training, work and life. Modern Ukrainian science has significant achievements in studying problems of students educational process in order to ensure not only high level of professional training, but also the formation of physically strong, able-bodied and healthy individuals. sports students physical

However, there is a tendency of poor health among students of higher educational institutions. Practice shows that each year the number of students involved in special medical groups increases. Almost 90 % of young people have deviations in health, and more than 50 % have unsatisfactory physical fitness (O. D. Dubohay, A. I. Drachuk, 2011; N.O. Belikova 2013; A.P. Yunak, 2015 and others).

The provisions of the Law of Ukraine "On Higher Education" dated 01.07.2014 encourage to active search of new forms and methods that will improve the quality of physical education of future specialists with higher education, because the current organization of physical education at higher educational institutions is not effective enough to improve physical fitness and health, as well as to provide high level of interest to physical exercises among great number of students. The researchers consider that students are indifferent to the contents of obligatory physical education classes (S. M. Kanishevsky, R. T . Rajewski, E. M. Svirhunets, 2011; V. V. Romanenko, 2013 and others). This causes the urgent need in developing new scientifically based ways of improvement the organization of physical education at universities that will lead to current systems' reforming.

Objectives of the Study are: 1. To analyze the current state of sports and recreational activities organization at higher educational institutions, to describe its impact on the dynamics of students physical fitness during studying process. 2. To examine sports and fitness needs of Lutsk university students, as well as to study their level of satisfaction. 3. To prove the necessity of reforming the current system of educational process on physical training organization for students of higher educational institutions.

In Order to Implement the Goals and Objectives of the Study the Following Methods were Used: analysis of scientific, methodological, legal and regulatory bases; teacher testing; questionnaires; organizational and pedagogical experiment; medical and biological methods; mathematical and statistical processing of research results.

Introduction of the Main Material of the Study. Discussion. The State Program of Physical Education at universities provides two interconnected profound and didactic components. The first component is a compulsory © Dedeiluk N., Kovalchuk N., Tomashchuk O., Ivanova A., 2015 one which forms the basis of physical culture of individuals that are specialists of appropriate level of education (bachelor, specialist, master). The second one is an elective component which is based on the compulsory one and complements it according to professional physical training, individual motives, interests, needs and health. Teaching material of each component is implemented through the program sections: theoretical preparation, methodical preparation, physical training and control.

Nowadays, unfortunately, physical education of students is very far from being perfect. This is due to several reasons: insufficient number of classes according to the curriculum; low motivation for regular exercises; low use of technology during the training sessions; insufficient financial support; inefficient management of physical education process that is carried out at Universities [4].

In 2014, according to Ministry of Health, the students morbidity happen in 565 cases out of 1000, for each thousand of students there were 204 that were at the dispensary records. It was mentioned steady growth tendency of the average duration of one incapacity case. These may indicate that the whole range of lifestyle factors, socio- hygienic conditions of life and learning conditions at higher educational establishment do not provide students' health optimization. Modern Ukraine has the following morbidity data: almost 90 % of students have deviations in health and over 50 % have poor physical training [5].

In Lutsk the number of illnesses cases among young people has increased by 30 % during the last decade. Almost two thirds of young men cannot be called up to the army because they require treatment and rehabilitation. This fact is directly related to sports and recreational activities, as these are the most effective ways of health promotion without any significant economic cost [5].

An important condition for health preservation and effective motor mode of students is the abidance of rational norms of motor activity, especially concerning its amount that should provide health promotion and improvement of professional efficiency of a person [1; 2].

In professional literature one could find various recommendations on weekly amounts of students' physical activities. The authors offer their versions of physical training that have common and distinctive features. In general, weekly amount of physical activity varies from 10 to 15 hours. In the draft of National Doctrine of Physical Culture and Sports Development it is stated that the weekly amount of physical activity for students must be at least 8-10 hours. Such amount of physical activity provides health effect, reduces morbidity and allows forming the habit to further systematic exercises.

One should keep in mind that these recommendations are of estimated character. Every student must organize his motor mode individually, but strive to follow the optimal amounts of physical activity [3; 4].

While studying the health of young Ukrainians M. Dutchak states that youth overprice the assessment of their health: 21,8 % of respondents aged 16-24 consider their health being excellent, and more than half of respondents - 51,8 % - good [4]. The majority of young people did not mention any chronic diseases. At the same time, this age group has the highest rate of colds - 44,8 %. A much smaller number of respondents noted about their cardiovascular system diseases (2,6 %), musculoskeletal diseases (2,6 %), respiratory system diseases (7,9 %) and other systems' diseases (5,3 %). In general the health of young people is a concern, since only a little over half respondents aged 16-24 (53,6 %) said that over the past 12 months they were not ill.

The results of Lutsk students' questionnaires on the state of their health are somewhat different. According to self-estimation, only 44,2 % of respondents believe they have good health, 32,9 % - consider their health being not very good, 18,5 % - assess their health as satisfactory and nearly every 20th student claims that he has bad health. Self-assessment of students' health is significantly different. According to these data, 90 % of students have significant variations in health status.

Bad habits seriously harm health of students. Questionnaires of Eastern European National University students showed that significant proportion of respondents are fairly tolerant to alcohol - 46,1 %, smoking - 39,1%, addiction - 5,7 %, prostitution - 2,4 %. Such anxiety requires some additional measures to physical education system that will help students to get rid of bad habits.

This tendency was observed while investigating the students ' opinions of other Universities in Lutsk. Only 15-17 % of Lutsk National Technical University and the Academy of Technologies and Recreational Law students were systematically involved in sports and recreational physical culture. At the same time 32-37 % of all students of these institutions study in special medical group.

Value orientations study of technical and classical Universities students (more than 400) showed that 74,2 % of respondents believe that their health is "the main value in life", 22,1 % - believe that such assets as financial status and career define the level of health and welfare and they are more important, 3,5 % - do not think about this issue.

Students select the following number of risk factors concerning their health. They are: abuse of alcohol - 66,9 %; smoking - 52,3 %; lack of physical activity - 34,2 %; environmental pollution - 32,7 %; large workload - 32,2 %.

At the same time, more than 44,7 % of young students smoke regularly and drink alcoholic beverages. Recently the percentage of students who smoke has increased significantly (up to 52,9 %). Many of them consider smoking as means of combating overweight, stressful situations, as well as means for physical relaxation. More than 72 % of students prefer other methods of physical activities, entertainment and leisure rather than parti - cipation in sports and physical activities of the institution. Thus, a significant increase in number of students with disabilities in health while studying at the University was revealed.

The above mentioned factors indicate the need to enhance the Universities ' role in educational process, to provide some changes in the organization of physical training classes. All these will make it possible to optimize students' motor activity and increase their level of physical fitness.

We have analyzed the dynamics of physical preparation indicators among students during their study at Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University. According to the results the peak of reducing the number of students with level of fitness among boys happens at the second year of studies, and among girls - at the third year of studies. At that period the number of students with high level of fitness is reduced in almost twice.

It was also found gradual decrease in number of girls with above average level of fitness during the first three years of study. And at the fourth course it was observed the decrease in number of such students in almost twice. Similar results were also found among boys of the third year of study.

Within four years of study there was not found any significant changes in quantitative characteristics of the students groups with an average level of fitness. The number of boys with the above mentioned fitness level indexes has decreased by 4,1 % till the fourth year of study. By the third year it was revealed a gradual increase of women group with an average fitness level by 3,8 %. However, at the fourth year the tendency to increasing has stopped and the number of girls with the above mentioned fitness level decreased back to that of the first year of study (Fig. 1).

Fig.1. Generalized Distribution of Students by Physical Fitness Level at Various Courses, %

The number of girls with below average fitness level at the first year is almost three times exceeds the number of boys with the same level of physical fitness. There is a gradual increase in the number of students of both sexes with above named fitness level within four years of study. However, the most significant replenishment of this group is observed at the second and the third courses. At the second year of study their number increased almost twice, and at the third year - in three times.

The study results concerning the dynamics of students ' physical preparation indicate its reduction over four years of study in higher educational institution.

Thus, the investigation of the Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University students fitness level indicates insufficient level of physical fitness both among boys and girls in the first year of study and its further deterioration within four years of study at higher educational institution.

In our opinion lack of physical fitness, as well as lack of its increasing tendency during the student life is caused by the poor quality of physical education both in secondary and high school. It is also due to activation of bad habits during the study and the lack of sustained motivation for regular exercises. This demonstrates the need to reform the traditional system of conducting physical training classes and organizing a wide network of sports and extracurricular forms for students activation.

The current structure of physical education organization at the University includes basic, sporting and special groups (physical rehabilitation), and the extracurricular program includes classes in some favorite kind of sport in the framework of health groups, sports clubs, which are organized mostly in the evening.

Sociological study helped us to reveal significant number of Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University students, who wish to engage in a favorite sport both during the main and extra-curricular classes. However, not all students are satisfied with the time of the classes, and some part of students do not like the material and technical base of the University. At the same time, practice the same exercises in some commercial sport clubs is not available for most of the students. Therefore, the introduction of lessons of favorite sport during studying hours, in our opinion, will increase the students' interest in compulsory physical training classes, the frequency of their presence in the classes, as well as improve the level of physical fitness and physical activities of students.


Scientific analysis of literature shows that the question of sports and recreational activities organization at higher educational institution requires constant study.

Investigation of students' sports and recreational activities organization during the study and extracurricular time, as well as peculiarities of introducing some changes in the organization of training sessions will provide an opportunity to optimize their physical activities, to improve physical efficiency and to eliminate existing problems

One of the most effective ways of reforming the educational process of physical education is to attract students to practice their favorite sports in extracurricular time, as well as the possibility of introducing such classes during obligatory lessons in the group with a sports orientation. Such differentiation acts as a link between the educational and extra-curricular forms that will improve the amount of students' physical activities.

The Practical Value. Reformation of sports and recreational organization activities among the university students with consideration of studied problems of modern educational process guarantees positive impact on students' level of health and physical fitness, on optimization and increasing of their physical activities.


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2. Byelikova N. O. (2012), Pidhotovka maybutnikh fakhivtsiv z fizychnoi reabilitatsii do zdorovyazberezhu- valnoi diyalnosti [Preparation of future specialists in physical rehabilitation to health-preserving activity] / Byelikova N. O. I. - Kyiv, Ukraine : KOZAR.

3. Dedeliuk N. A. Organization of sports-recreational activity of students of Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University / N. A Dedeliuk., T. Y. Tsiupak // Fizychne vykhovannia, sport i kultura zdorovya u suchasnomu suspilstvi. - №. 1 (17). - Lutsk, Ukraine, 2012. - P. 41-45.

4. Dutchak M. V. (2009). Theoretical-methodological principles of formation of sports system for everyone in Ukraine / M. V. Dutchak // Thesis abstract for Doctor Sc. (Physical Education and Sport). - 24.00.02. - Kyiv, Ukraine, 2009.

5. Annual report on condition of health of population, sanitary-epidemic situation and results of activity of health care system of Ukraine (2013). Ministerstvo zdorovya Ukrainy. DU "Ukrainskyi instytut stratehichnykh doslidzhen MOZ Ukrainy". - Kyiv, Ukraine, 2013 [Elektronik rosourse]. - Mode of access : http://www.uiph. %BD%D0% B0% 20%D0%B4%D0%BE%D0%BF%D0%BE%D0%B2%D1%96%D0%B4%D1%8C.2013. pdf.(accessed October 25, 2015).

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