The essential characteristics of the concept "communicative competence"

Approaches to the definition of "communicative competence". Levels of personality’s competency. Classification of the main lists of key competencies classification. Consideration of key competencies for a successful life and function in society.

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Язык английский
Дата добавления 23.12.2020
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Berdyansk State Pedagogical University


Lesyk Anzhelika, Master of Pedagogical Science,

Senior lecturer of the chair of pedagogika


communicative competence society competency

Different approaches to the definition of "communicative competence” are analyzed in the article. Levels of personality's competency upper and lower are defined. Classification of the main lists of key competencies classification, which were divided into three main blocks, is characterized. The authors' view of the problem considering age characteristics ofprimary school children is presented.

Key competencies for a successful life and function in society include: autonomous action (the ability to protect and take care of the responsibilities, rights, interests and needs of others, the ability to draw up and implement individual projects, the ability to operate in a large (wide) context); interactive use of (the ability to use language, symbols, texts interactively, the ability to use knowledge and information literacy, the ability to use (new) interactive technologies); ability to function in socially heterogeneous groups (successfully interact with others, to cooperate, to solve conflicts).

Our analysis of scientific sources shows that the notion of communicative competence is understood as ”a specific system of different types of used meanings only partly conscious by an individual who is the subject of reflection, conversation, and regulates interactive actions and speech communication”; ”a set ofpersonal qualities of a student (value-semantic orientations, knowledge, skills, abilities) resulting to his/her experience in a particular social and personal and significant area”; human ability to communicate in labour and learning activities to satisfy their intellectual needs; ”the person's ability to communicate in one or some kinds of speech activities, which is a special quality of linguistic personality acquired in the process of natural communication or specially organized training ”; "ability to communicate orally and in writing in native and foreign languages”

Keywords: competence, communication, communicative competence, communication, younger students.


Лесик Анжеліка, кандидат педагогічних наук, доцент кафедри педагогіки Бердянського державного педагогічного університету, Україна


У статі проаналізовано різні підходи до визначення дефініції "комунікативна компетентність”, акцентовано увагу на тому, що це поняття передбачає наявність знань і вмінь, але не обмежується цими показниками й охоплює особистісне ставлення людини до них, а також її досвід, який уможливлює поєднання старих і нових знань, дозволяє особистості збагнути життєву ситуацію, в якій вона зможе їх застосувати.

Визначено рівні сформованості компетентності особистості: вищий і нижчий. Автором зазначено, що мотиваційною основою для компетентності вищого рівня як відповідного вміння є прагнення до самоствердження та широкі соціальні мотиви. Зазначений рівень компетентності безпосередньо залежить від якості навчальних здобутків, які мають трансформуватись у систему компетентностей суб 'єкта.

Охарактеризовано класифікацію головних переліків ключових компетентностей, які розподілилися за трьома основними блоками.

Подано авторське бачення цієї проблеми з урахуванням вікових особливостей дітей молодшого шкільного віку, згідно з яким комунікативна компетентність - це сукупність особистісних якостей учня, зумовлених досвідом його діяльності в певній сфері, здатність до спілкування в одному або деяких видах мовленнєвої діяльності рідною та іноземними мовами.

Problem formulation

In Latin the word "competentia” means a range of issues in which people are well aware, has the appropriate knowledge and skills, which makes it possible consciously perceive a branch of science and effectively operate in it. In the scientific literature some of the concepts are synonymous such as "competence", "knowledge", "awareness", "experience", "authoritativeness".

According to experts of the Council of Europe competence involves the individual's ability to respond to individual and social challenges, to form a set of attitudes, values, knowledge and skills [1, p. 19]. This definition somehow coincides with the provisions of Ukrainian teachers but representatives of the European educational community imply personal and social needs the satisfaction of which should contribute to competence [1, p. 19].

According to the definition of the International Department standards for learning, achievement and education (International Board of Standards for Training, Performans and Instruction) the concept of competence is defined as the ability to conduct qualified activities, to perform a task or job. This notion of competence includes a set of knowledge, skills and attitudes that enable the individual to operate effectively or perform certain functions aimed at acquiring certain standards of profession or activity [2, p. 1-3], [3, p. 20]. To facilitate the assessment of competencies the department proposes to allocate this notion with such indicators as acquired knowledge, skills and educational achievement.

Experts of the program "DeSeSo" ("Identification and Selection of Competencies: Theoretical and Conceptual Principles") initiated in 1997 under the Federal Statistical Department of Switzerland and the National Center for Education Statistics of the USA and Canada explain the concept of competence as the ability to satisfy individual and social needs successfully, to act and perform the tasks [4, p. 60]. Competence is based on knowledge and skills, but it is not limited to covering the personal relationship of a human to them, and his experience that allows this knowledge to "weave" in what he already knew, and his ability to understand the life situation in which they may be applied. Therefore, each competence is based on a combination of cognitive attitudes and practical skills, knowledge and abilities, values, emotions and behavioral components, is all that can be mobilized for active steps: imitation, empathy, reflection, the image of "I" conscience [5, p. 127].

Analysis of recent research and publications

In the linguistic and pedagogical studies by (E. Arkhipova, E. Bystrov, H. Horodilova, D. Izarenkova, A. Leontieva, M. Mazo, Mihalkyna, R. Sabatkoyeva etc.) communicative competence is defined as the realization of communicative behavior on the basis of components: motivation (verbal behavior), cognitive (knowledge), operative (overcoming controversies related to the learning content).

Goal formulation

To analyze current approaches to the definition of the concept communicative competence.

Presentation of the main material

According to J. Raven competence means specific ability required for effective implementation of specific actions in a particular subject area containing highly specialized knowledge, specific subject skills, ways of thinking, and involves responsibility for your own actions.

As for O. Pometun's point of view, competence is a complex integrated personality characteristic that marks set of knowledge, skills, attitudes that allow to carry out an activity effectively or to perform certain functions, providing problem solving and reaching certain standards in the profession or kind of activity [6, p. 18].

I. Bekh explains competence as the experience of the subject in a certain sphere of life [7]. Thus, semantic emphasis here is on the experience (not the knowledge or awareness) of the subject in a particular area.

Revealing the structure of this experience the psychologist distinguishes two levels of individual's competence: upper and lower.

According to I. Bekh, competence approach in modern education should provide students with the highest level of competence, which is represented in the individual's formation of the concept "competency" as a unity, where the science oriented basis of the action determines the logic of its practical implementation that is in intellectual and moral self regulation, directed to individual's effective solutions to some vital issues. Competence of higher level as appropriate skills is prompted by motivational basis the main motive of which is the desire for self-affirmation and broad social motives. The fundamental point of a higher level competence is the fact that it depends on the quality of educational achievements that have to be transformed in the individual's system of competencies. Only own personal theoretical heritage, according to I. Bekh, have sufficient capacity for such competence. Consequently, only developmental pedagogy an ensure the formation of a student's higher level competence [7, p. 39].

In 2002 the International Commission of the Council of Europe has introduced the concept of competence as the ability to meet individual and social needs, act and perform tasks; identified key competencies - a combination of mutually corresponding attitudes and practical skills, values, emotions and behavioral components, knowledge, skills - all that can mobilize for action [8; 270].

Key competencies for a successful life and function in society include: autonomous action (the ability to protect and take care of the responsibilities, rights, interests and needs of others, the ability to draw up and implement individual projects, the ability to operate in a large (wide) context); interactive use of (the ability to use language, symbols, texts interactively, the ability to use knowledge and information literacy, the ability to use (new) interactive technologies); ability to function in socially heterogeneous groups (successfully interact with others, to cooperate, to solve conflicts).

Based on the domestic content of key competencies recognized in Europe, Ukrainian researchers have developed a generalized classification of the main lists of key competencies, which are divided into three main units (groups of key competencies): social, motivational and functional competencies [8, p. 26].

The analysis of scientific sources shows that the term "communication" has no unambiguous interpretation in scientific sources. It refers to "fundamental feature of human culture, which is in intense mutual communication of people based on the exchange of different kinds of information" [9, p. 79]; phenomenon, revealing the semantic aspect of social interaction and communication, focused on the spiritual joining to others or joining them to itself or to each other. It is implemented through broadcasting of personally meaningful ideas, values, spiritual achievements, self-revelation of own uniqueness [10, p. 47-52]. This underlines the fact that communication is a backbone purpose.

Different views on the essence of communication offer various areas of scientific knowledge. Thus, in anthropology communication is seen as a phenomenon that lies at the basis of humanization of a man; in semiotics - as an exchange of verbal and non-verbal signs for the manifestation of group norms, a means of social control, environment for and implementation and distribution of roles; in psychology - a core component of the formation of individuality and personality, a way of adapting to the world and environment for feedback; in social psychology - the method and socialization environment, implementation of social objectives of the individual as a member of society; in axiology - environment for the development and implementation of human value system; in didactics - an environment of the educational process, the way of realization of learning objectives [11, p. 23].

Nowadays the term "communication" is revealed through the following values:

• universal, whereby communication refers to the way of connection of one place with another, means of transporting information and other material and ideal objects from one place to another;

• biological - research methods of signal communication in animals, birds, insects, etc.;

• social - to describe the characteristics and diverse connections and relationships that occur in human society. In this case we are talking about social communication - communication processes in society [12, p. 86].

Attention to the study of the concept of "communicative competence" as a scientific category dates back 60 - 70-ies. XX century. However, to date in psychological and pedagogical thinking there is no clear approach to its interpretation. This is due to the fact that "representatives of different disciplines describe this concept from the standpoint of their own interests and emphasize the points which are most essential to this science".

Researchers, who study communicative competence, state that the purpose of development as a prerequisite for effective communication should not only be the replacement of "natural" experience by other, more effective but also an organization or help in selforganization in more effective ways to master the richness of communicative culture. It means a person masters the internal regulation of communicative action, learning cultural heritage by observing the behavior of others [13, s.9-11].

Catching issues of diagnosis and development of competence in communication, Y. Zhukov, L. Petrovska and P. Rastyannikov certify: to communicate well, people should be communicatively competent. Communicative competence, in turn, is seen as a system of internal resources needed for an effective communicative action in a range of situations of interpersonal interaction [13, p. 4]. The aforementioned authors score up a certain set of knowledge and skills to the structure of the communicative competence that ensure effective course of communication process. In other words, communicative competence is the ability to establish and maintain necessary contacts with others [13, p. 3]. The process of improving communicative competence cannot be torn from the overall personality development. So mastering of communicative acts means of regulation is an integral part of human culture, and their learning and enrichment occurs by the same laws as the development and enhancement of cultural heritage in general [13, p. 9].

According to L. Petrovska, communicative competence presupposes the ability to expand (or to narrow) range of communication and the ability to vary its depth (the ability to communicate at different levels of trust); understand and be understood by the communication partner. Doing the terms "communicative competence" and "competence in communication" synonyms, the researcher distinguishes in this competencies similar to the common structure of communication such interrelated components as: communicative, interactive and perceptive. Hence, according to the researcher, competence in communication can be seen as competence in interpersonal perception, interpersonal communication and interpersonal interaction.

According to V. Moskalenko, communicative competence can be defined as an "appropriate pragmatic use social skills in communication" [14, p. 45]. To the main characteristics of communicative competence the researcher refers, firstly, the compliance of behavior to the context of relations in which it appears. Primary context mostly related to communication with others and comes out in effect of "pair conversation, the pair identity arising from the choice "we - theme", recalling "our" activities and manifesting of joint instructions during the conversation. Secondly, communicative competence means knowledge of the rules of communication and adaptation skills and flexibility in the implementation of this knowledge is necessary to achieve effective relationships. Thirdly, communicative competence is determined that it is related to the relationship, not with individuals. That is, it is about competent relationships and socially skilled individuals. Thus, as V. Moskalenko noted, communicative competence is the ability to maintain relations with the desired certainty, or in other words, the ability to avoid in relationships pits and traps; to correct violations when tactic of avoidance does not work.

T. Kobzar's study considers communicative competence as a set of personality traits that provide communicative content of a communication as an activity [15, s. 46-49]. It is noted that during psycho diagnosis such qualities should be based on two criteria - indicators of effectiveness, displaying of material properties of individual creative thinking and the level of formation necessary for this process and skills.

Unfortunately, T. Kobzar does not specify the qualities, by which communicative activity occurs, and which constitute the inner meaning of communicative competence.

Conclusions and recommendations for further research

Our analysis of scientific sources shows that the notion of communicative competence is understood as "a specific system of different types of used meanings only partly conscious by an individual who is the subject of reflection, conversation, and regulates interactive actions and speech communication"; "a set of personal qualities of a student (value-semantic orientations, knowledge, skills, abilities) resulting to his/her experience in a particular social and personal and significant area"; human ability to communicate in labour and learning activities to satisfy their intellectual needs; "the person's ability to communicate in one or some kinds of speech activities, which is a special quality of linguistic personality acquired in the process of natural communication or specially organized training"; "ability to communicate orally and in writing in native and foreign languages" [12, p. 5].

Based on analyzes of scientific approaches to the interpretation of the nature of communicative competence, we felt it necessary to clarify this concept, given the problems of our study. In our work, the communicative competence of primary school children is understood as personal integrative education, which provides installation and maintenance of contacts with other people for the transmission of certain information based on knowledge of ethical communication and evaluative attitude towards them.


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