Gender approach as an integral part of adult education procedural characteristics in Turkey and the USA

Procedural features of adult education in Turkey and the United States from the standpoint of gender. Functions of teacher and students during the model of realization of interdisciplinarity. Analysis of traditional and banking models of education.

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Gender approach as an integral part of adult education procedural characteristics in Turkey and the USA

Terenko Olena Oleksiyivna,

candidate of pedagogical sciences,

senior teacher Sumy state teachers' training

university named after A. S. Makarenko, Ukraine


education gender adults

Розглянуто процесуальні особливості освіти дорослих у Турції та США з позицій гендерного підходу. Схарактеризовано принцип, що лежать в основі навчальної діяльності дорослих у Турції та США. Визначено функції викладача і студентів на кожній із стадій десятиступеневої моделі реалізації принципу інтердисциплінарності. Здійснено компаративний аналіз методів навчання та обґрунтовано доцільність використання кожного з них. Наведено результати порівняльного аналізу традиційної та банківської моделей навчання.

Ключові слова: гендер; гендерний підхід; освіта дорослих; принципи; методи; форми; моделі; функції; Турція; США.


Terenko O. O. Gender Approach as an Integral Part of Adult Education Procedural Characteristics in Turkey and the USA.

Introduction. During the last decades the politics of gender equality in society and in educational sphere, in particular, has become one of the key directions in Turkey and the USA. It is proved that society cannot be democratically if there are any forms of discrimination, taking into account gender discrimination. Scientific conferences that are devoted to the problems of gender equality in the sphere of higher education that are conducted in Turkey and the USA prove special importance of this problem. At the beginning of the XXI century vital interest raised in Ukrainian Pedagogic to unstandardized methods, forms and techniques of teaching. It is connected with the needs of society development, fulfillment of every personality educational needs and with enactment of certain acts that regulate functioning of educational institutions and provide integration of Ukraine in UNESCO educational programs for creation of educational links with foreign countries in the field of education. Women's education is fundamentally traditional, for it was created certain centuries ago and innovative, because it is based on the methodology of gender and personalized approaches. National Academy of Science, National Research Foundation, and Ford's Fund are the main establishments, which order gender studies.

Purpose. The aim of our article is to analyze gender approach in procedural characteristics of education in the USA and Turkey. The main assignments of the article are to characterize banking model of teaching and active model of teaching; trace differences between interdisciplinary and traditional disciplinary specialization of educational process; single out principles of gender education.

Results. Nowadays gender education is the main form of constructive interaction of different educational directions. Problems of educational content and methods of teaching are viewed in this constructive interaction. Education is not finished by acquiring certain knowledge. It is reflexive, for it is finished due to understanding of action process, vision and assessment of its forms. Changing of different subjects approaches of teaching is important aspect of gender education in high school. Usage of innovative techniques is necessary, for gender education is aimed not only at providing students with knowledge, but also at destroying stereotypes of their thinking and behavior. In developed countries enactment of gender approach in education is viewed as broadening of life experience for development of every personality individual talents, obliteration of sex stereotypes in teachers ' thinking. One of the important ways of gender education fulfillment is development of women's educational establishments system.

J.Klein and S. Sjolander analyzed principles, which are methodological basis of gender approach enactment in education. Having made comparative analysis of J. Klein and S. Sjolander works we can trace differences and uniformities in educators ' vision. Both J. Klein and S. Sjolander stressed that basic principles of educational process in the borders of gender approach are principles of interdisciplinary, democracy, participation and context. J. Klein stressed that usage of students ' experience as an educational source and orientation at investigation are additional factors that reinforce efficacy of educational process. At the same time S. Sjolander stated that efficacy of educational process can be raised due to usage of such principles as collaborative teaching and socialization.

As a result we single out the following principles that are basic methodological features of gender approach fulfillment in the USA and Turkey. Principle of triangle that is combination of several teaching forms such as groups with raised conscience, collaborative writing, lectures and visual techniques that helps to raise educational process efficacy due to diversification and enacting of cognitive activity of every student. Collaborative teaching, which presupposes interaction of educational process participators not in the format of teacher-student, but giving every student power that depends on contribution and interest in knowledge. This principle helps to form individual learning way and correct it due to achieved results. Interdisciplinary orientation of educational process which presupposes learning of every educational topic in interdisciplinary context. Due to this principles students can trace interdisciplinary links, that help to learn educational material more fundamentally. Democracy is the basis of good psychological climate creation that helps to raise efficacy of educational process. Participation principle helps to form individual learning style. Principle of context presupposes creation of knowledge that is relevant to experience of those who study and is an effective way of reinforcing inner motivation of those who study. Desocialisation presupposes critical approach to dominating educational conceptions and moving to dialogue that is a necessary element in formation of analytical skills. Orientation at research presupposes that teacher studies students and students investigate educational material. Mentioned principle helps to learn educational material actively and raise teacher's pedagogical skills.

Conclusion. Conducted research showed that during the last decades the politics of gender equality in society and in educational sphere, in particular, has become one of the key directions in Turkey and the USA. Nowadays gender education is the main form of constructive interaction of different educational directions. Changing of different subjects approaches of teaching is important aspect of gender education in high school. Usage of innovative techniques is necessary, for gender education is aimed not only at providing students with knowledge, but also at destroying stereotypes of their thinking and behavior. In the USA and Turkey enactment of gender approach in education is viewed as broadening of life experience for development of every personality individual talents, obliteration of sex stereotypes in teachers' thinking. Basic principles of gender education are collaborative learning, interdisciplinary orientation, democracy, participatory, context and orientation at research. Application of ten-stage model of interdisciplinary principle realization helps not only trace interdisciplinary links and personalize learning process, but also perfect teaching style and make adequate correction of individual learning way. Basic parts of active learning model are concrete experience, mirror observation, abstract conceptualization and active experiment. Kolb's model of active learning is one of the important ways of every student cognition activation, development of his critical and creative skills.

Key words: gender; gender approach; adult education; principle; method; form; model; function; Turkey; the USA.


During the last decades the politics of gender equality in society and in educational sphere, in particular, has become one of the key directions in Turkey and the

USA. It is proved that society cannot be democratically if there are any forms of discrimination, taking into account gender discrimination. Scientific conferences that are devoted to the problems of gender equality in the sphere of higher education that are conducted in Turkey and the USA prove special importance of this problem. At the beginning of the XXI century vital interest raised in Ukrainian Pedagogic to unstandardized methods, forms and techniques of teaching. It is connected with the needs of society development, fulfillment of every personality educational needs and with enactment of certain acts that regulate functioning of educational institutions and provide integration of Ukraine in UNESCO educational programs for creation of educational links with foreign countries in the field of education. Women's education is fundamentally traditional, for it was created certain centuries ago and innovative, because it is based on the methodology of gender and personalized approaches. National Academy of Science, National Research Foundation, and Ford's Fund are the main establishments, which order gender studies.

Analysis of the latest research works. Conducted analysis of modern sociological and pedagogical sources testifies that procedural aspects of women's colleges functioning and their place in the context of school development were worked out by many scientists. Modern problems of gender education in Ukraine were disclosed in works of T. Suhenko, K. Kobchenko, T. Tronko, L. Yershova. The problems of gender politics in education were presented in research works of L. Gonyukova, N. Gryutsak, L. Kobelska. There are no scientific works, which are devoted to gender aspect of adult education development in the USA and Turkey.

Purpose. The aim of our article is to analyze gender approach in procedural characteristics of education in the USA and Turkey. The main assignments of the article are to characterize banking model of teaching and active model of teaching; trace differences between interdisciplinary and traditional disciplinary specialization of educational process; single out principles of gender education.


Nowadays gender education is the main form of constructive interaction of different educational directions. Problems of educational content and methods of teaching are viewed in this constructive interaction. Education is not finished by acquiring certain knowledge. It is reflexive, for it is finished due to understanding of action process, vision and assessment of its forms. Changing of different subjects approaches of teaching is important aspect of gender education in high school. Usage of innovative techniques is necessary, for gender education is aimed not only at providing students with knowledge, but also at destroying stereotypes of their thinking and behavior. In developed countries enactment of gender approach in education is viewed as broadening of life experience for development of every personality individual talents, obliteration of sex stereotypes in teachers' thinking. One of the important ways of gender education fulfillment is development of women's educational establishments system.

J. Klein and S. Sjolander analyzed principles, which are methodological basis of gender approach enactment in education. Having made comparative analysis of J. Klein and

S.Sjolander works we can trace differences and uniformities in educators' vision. Both J. Klein and S. Sjolander stressed that basic principles of educational process in the borders of gender approach are principles of interdisciplinary, democracy, participation and context. J. Klein stressed that usage of students' experience as an educational source and orientation at investigation are additional factors that reinforce efficacy of educational process [1]. At the same time S. Sjolander stated that efficacy of educational process can be raised due to usage of such principles as collaborative teaching and socialization [2].

As a result we single out the following principles that are basic methodological features of gender approach fulfillment in the USA and Turkey. Principle of triangle that is combination of several teaching forms such as groups with raised conscience, collaborative writing, lectures and visual techniques that helps to raise educational process efficacy due to diversification and enacting of cognitive activity of every student. Collaborative teaching, which presupposes interaction of educational process participators not in the format of teacher-student, but giving every student power that depends on contribution and interest in knowledge. This principle helps to form individual learning way and correct it due to achieved results. Interdisciplinary orientation of educational process which presupposes learning of every educational topic in interdisciplinary context. Due to this principle students can trace interdisciplinary links that help to learn educational material more fundamentally. Democracy is the basis of good psychological climate creation that helps to raise efficacy of educational process. Participation principle helps to form individual learning style. Principle of context presupposes creation of knowledge that is relevant to experience of those who study and is an effective way of reinforcing inner motivation of those who study. Desocialisation presupposes critical approach to dominating educational conceptions and moving to dialogue that is a necessary element in formation of analytical skills. Orientation at research presupposes that teacher studies students and students investigate educational material. Mentioned principle helps to learn educational material actively and raise teacher's pedagogical skills.

It should be stressed that teachers of higher institutions differentiate interdisciplinary orientation, traditional disciplinary specialization and objective knowledge. It means that process of learning unites different approaches and their application for research of women's experience in broad understanding: women of different races, social layers and psychology, anthropology, physiology, history and art. For research of certain problem different sciences are united: methods of psychology, sociology and biology or approaches of philosophy, economy and political sciences. In such interdisciplinary context there is a basis for development of new knowledge and new educational programs that helps to view a certain problem from different positions.

Ten-stage model of interdisciplinary principal realization was firstly proposed in women's colleges. Taking into account mentioned above information there is a necessity to analyze teacher's and students' activity at every stage. «Singing old songs» is characterized by the fact that students begin to learn new material associating it with previous knowledge from different disciplines. At this stage teacher must form as much as possible questions, which are aimed at tracing links between previously acquired knowledge from different disciplines. At stage «From different side better» students realize that it is difficult to trace interdisciplinary links and necessity to study course more fundamentally and acquire additional knowledge from previously studied subjects. Teacher's role presupposes direction of knowledge acquisition in a right direction, taking into account modern research and scientists achievements. Stage «Returning to abstraction» is characterized by the fact that students face difficulty in integrating material that is studied in this course and previously acquired knowledge. The main function of the teacher at this stage presupposes development in student's skills to analyze and synthesize knowledge using such methods as analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, modeling, analogy that reinforces efficacy of educational process. Stage «Impossibility to make definition» is characterized by the fact that students having analyzed definitions of a certain concept, which were proposed by different scientific schools cannot give their own definitions, integrating knowledge from different courses. Teacher in his turn must teach students how to trace the most essential features of definitions that are proposed by every scientific school and make their own definition. Stage «Passing grass» is characterized by the fact that students take part in discussions that demand integration of knowledge from different subjects. As a rule students have worked with different sources and it helps to analyze and compare interpretation of a certain phenomenon by different scientific schools. Teacher must control that students take knowledge from different subjects and diverse scientific schools. At the stage «Play with glass balls» students continue presentation of their own definitions and analyze relevance of this definition. Teacher controls that analysis should be based on methodological and theoretical basis that helps to make objective evaluation. At the stage «Great failure» students face conclusion that nobody was able to propose the most complex definition, for group's definition was formed by the usage of several definitions. Teacher must help every student to understand what kind of knowledge she needs to learn the subject more fundamentally. At the stage «What has happened to me?» students conduct self-analysis of acquired knowledge and the level of skills development. Teacher must teach every student to make self-analysis of the level of acquired knowledge to correct individual scientific way. Stage «Acquaintance with enemy» is characterized by the fact that students begin to analyze methods and principles of research that are applied by scientists from different scientific schools. Teacher must teach students how to trace similar and different methods of research that are applied by scientist from different scientific schools. Stage «Real beginning» is devoted to students' self-analysis of acquired knowledge from interdisciplinary perspective. Function of teacher is to evaluate level of theoretical knowledge and practical skills [3].

We think that usage of ten-stage system of interdisciplinary principle realization helps not only develop skills to trace interdisciplinary links and personalization of educational process, but also helps to develop efficiency of a teacher and correct his teaching style.

It is important to analyze Kolb's model of active learning that was firstly applied in women's colleges. D. Kolb adheres to the thought that learning of material consists of four parts: concrete experience, mirror observation, abstract conceptualization, and active experiment. The first part is aimed at active selection of new information with the help of assignments: in particular active reading of texts, which were proposed by the teacher with the aim of information finding, independent selection of literature and work with it to broaden knowledge that were applied with the help of active reading.

In the second part students must make their own opinion of the problem and compare it with thoughts of scientists, which were analyzed in the first part, for this reason in this part the following assignments are proposed: taking part in discussion, which is aimed at comparison of diverse thoughts to study researched phenomenon thoroughly; writing of essay, which is aimed at comparison of scientists vision, defending personal position and comparison it with vision of scientists.

At the third stage teacher sums up results of students' research work and points out aspects, which were not thoroughly investigated, for this reason in this part teacher applies such forms of teaching as lecture aimed at explanation of aspects of phenomenon, which were not profoundly researched by students; lecture aimed at explanation of ways which must be applied in future for studying similar concepts.

Assignments of the fourth part help students to check whether they have enough level of theoretical knowledge for practical problem solving. For this reason at this stage such forms of work are applied: students discuss in groups what kind of knowledge they need for problem solving; students decide independently what aspects of theoretical knowledge must be applied for solution of practical assignments [3].

In the context of our research work it is vital to compare bank's model of learning and traditional model of learning. For this reason we have traced the following differences. In the frames of traditional model students passively learn material, because teacher passes knowledge. Due to model of active learning students started to learn material actively, for teacher doesn't pass knowledge, but organizes process of active learning. It is of vital importance that model of active learning promotes development of critical thinking, creative skills and research skills.


Conducted research showed that during the last decades the politics of gender equality in society and in educational sphere, in particular, has become one of the key directions in Turkey and the USA. Nowadays gender education is the main form of constructive interaction of different educational directions. Changing of different subjects approaches of teaching is important aspect of gender education in high school. Usage of innovative techniques is necessary, for gender education is aimed not only at providing students with knowledge, but also at destroying stereotypes of their thinking and behavior. In the USA and Turkey enactment of gender approach in education is viewed as broadening of life experience for development of every personality individual talents, obliteration of sex stereotypes in teachers' thinking. Basic principles of gender education are collaborative learning, interdisciplinary orientation, democracy, participatory, context and orientation at research. Application of ten-stage model of interdisciplinary principle realization helps not only trace interdisciplinary links and personalize learning process, but also perfect teaching style and make adequate correction of individual learning way. Basic parts of active learning model are concrete experience, mirror observation, abstract conceptualization and active experiment. Kolb's model of active learning is one of the important ways of every student cognition activation, development of his critical and creative skills. Future research work will be directed towards analysis of women's education development in the XXI century.


1. Klein, J. (2006). Crossing Boundaries, Knowledge, Disciplinarities and Interdisciplinarities. Charlotsville: University Press of Virginia (in Engl.)

2. Sjolander, S. (2005). Long-term and Short-term Interdisciplinary Work: Difficulties, Pitfalls and Built-in Failures. Sweden: Linkoping University (in Engl.)

3. Kolb, D. (1994). Experiential Learning: Experience as a Source of Learning and Development. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice Hall (in Engl.)

4. The Span of the Women's Life and Learning (1960). Washington, D. C: Commission on the Education of Women of the American Council of Education.

5. Bordo, S. (1993). Unbearable Weight: Feminism, Western Culture and the Body. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press. (in Engl.)

6. Chin, J. (1997). Shaping the Future of Feminist Psychology: Education, Research and Practice. Barkeley, CA: University of California Press. (in Engl.)

7. Barret, M. (1992). Destabilizing Theory: Contemporary Feminist Debate. Stanford: Stanford University Press (in Engl.)

8. Maddock, S. (2009). Challenging Women, Gender, Culture and Organization. London: Sage Publications (in Engl.)

9. Sadker, M. (2004). Failing at Fairness: How School Cheat Girls. New York: Touchstone (in Engl.)

10. Taylor, K. (2009). Developing Adult Learners: Strategies for Teachers and Trainers. San Francisco: Jossey Bass (in Engl.)

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