Pedagogical principles of professional training of future foreign language teachers in higher education institutions

Pedagogical content of integral competence of future foreign language teachers and its components. The importance of full self-determination of the applicant for higher education: the independence of goal setting, the inclusion of their capabilities.

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Дата добавления 18.10.2021
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Pedagogical principles of professional training of future foreign language teachers in higher education institutions

Yulia Stryzhak Marina Grinyova

Natalia Sas


Yuliia Stryzhak Maryna Grynyova Nataliia Sas

In the article the authors substantiate the relevance of the study of pedagogical principles of professional training of future foreign language teachers in higher education institutions (HEIs). It is emphasized that the institutionalization of the processes of renewal of higher education institutions is carried out in European and domestic regulations; generalization of previous experience is done in monographs, textbooks and manuals of Ukrainian and foreign scholars, which reveal the need for advanced training of future foreign language teachers in connection with institutional and structural changes in the labor market. In general, this applies to the purpose, content, technologies of teaching and learning, management of higher professional education for a specific category of pedagogical staff.

As the main trends of domestic educational theory and practice the competence educational paradigm, the need to harmonize the standards of professional activities and standards of professional education, the modelling of modular educational programmes are considered.

It was determined the pedagogical content of integral competence of future foreign language teachers and its components; the importance of complete self-determination of the applicant of higher education is emphasized: independent goal-setting, inclusion of one's capabilities as significant conditions in the model of goal realization, conscious organization of one's own life and direction of one's own development.

The main attention is paid to the content of professional training according to pedagogical approaches, patterns and principles of selection of educational content, organization of the educational process). The characteristic of modern technologies of educational process organization of future foreign language teachers' training is defined as perspective.

Key words: pedagogical principles, professional training of future foreign language teachers, competence educational paradigm, standards of professional activities, standards of professional education.


У статті автори обґрунтовують актуальність дослідження педагогічних засад професійної підготовки майбутніх учителів іноземних мов у закладах вищої освіти (ЗВО). Наголошено, що інституалізацію процесів оновлення діяльності закладів вищої освіти здійснено в європейських та вітчизняних нормативних документах; узагальнення попереднього досвіду - у монографіях, підручниках і посібниках українських та зарубіжних науковців, які розкривають необхідність випереджувальної підготовки майбутніх учителів іноземних мов у зв'язку з інституційними і структурними змінами ринку праці. Загалом це стосується мети, змісту, технологій викладання і навчання, управління вищою професійною освітою щодо конкретної категорії педагогічних кадрів. pedagogical language education

Як основний тренд вітчизняної освітньої теорії і практики розглядається ком- петентнісна освітня парадигма, необхідність узгодження стандартів професійної діяльності й стандартів професійної освіти, проектування модульних освітніх програм.

Визначено педагогічний зміст інтегральної компетентності майбутніх учителів іноземних мов та її складових; підкреслено важливість повноцінної самодетермінації здобувача вищої освіти: самостійність цілепокладання, включення своїх можливостей як значимих умов у модель реалізації цілі, свідомої організації власного життя і спрямування власного розвитку.

Основної уваги надано змістовому забезпеченню професійної підготовки згідно з педагогічними підходами, закономірностями та принципами добору змісту освіти, організації навчального процесу. Перспективною визначено характеристику сучасних технологій організації навчального процесу майбутніх учителів іноземних мов.

Ключові слова: педагогічні засади, професійна підготовка, майбутні учителі іноземних мов, компетентнісна освітня парадигма, стандарти професійної діяльності, стандарти професійної освіти.

Problem statement. Modern civilization largely connects the professional development of the individual, his productive activities with the development of higher education as the most important prerequisite for the creation of scientific, economic, socio-cultural and spiritual potential of society.

Restructuring of modern social and cultural living conditions of society, economic uncertainty in Ukraine create various problems in the field of higher education, the search for solutions to which is largely associated with the training of future foreign language teachers in higher education. That is why, in our opinion, the relevance of the study of pedagogical principles of professional training of future foreign language teachers in higher education institutions is beyond doubt.

Analysis of scientific publications. Updating higher education institutionalized European and national regulations; generalization of previous experience is carried out in monographs, textbooks and manuals of such Ukrainian scientists as: V. Andrushchenko, V. Kremen, A. Kuzminsky and other authors; Some issues of changes in professional training in higher educational institutions of Ukraine are covered in the works of M. Grinyova, N. Kryvoruchko, K. Kryvoruchko, R. Osadchuk, O. Ovcharuk, N. Sas, S. Trubacheva, V. Gromov.

The analysis of these sources motivates the generalization of pedagogical principles of professional training in higher education institutions.

The main material. Modernization of the content of higher training in higher education in Ukraine is influenced by institutional and structural changes in the labor market, which motivate feasibility proactively training; require modifications in the content and technology of the pedagogical process at all stages of vocational education, operational interaction between the education system and basic science; encourage the analysis of the purpose, content, technologies, management of higher professional education as a project- targeted activity designed to increase the competitiveness of higher professional education institutions (Competence approach in modern education: world experience and Ukrainian perspectives, 2004).

Subject content (theoretical knowledge, methods of activity, experience of emotional and evaluative attitude and creative activity), semantic support (according to pedagogical approaches, laws and principles of selection of educational content, provision of educational process) and methodical support of future subject teachers should correspond to domestic and global trends in educational theory and practice regarding the competency educational paradigm, the need to harmonize standards of professional activity and standards of professional education, design of modular educational programs (Hrynyova, 2016).

In accordance with the objectives of the study, we implemented the developed N. Sas algorithm for translating the needs of practice to the content of training and identified the following components: identification of a certain component of the professional activity of the future foreign language teachers; selection and generalization of information of theoretical and applied nature in relation to a certain component of the professional activity of the future specialist; identification and description of labor functions - competencies - learning outcomes of a certain component of the professional activity of the future specialist; substantiation of a certain component of the professional activity of a specialist in the model of a graduate of the first (bachelor's) level of higher education; description of diagnostic tools for mastering the competencies of a certain component of the professional activity of the future foreign language teachers; creation of a module of the curriculum for the training of future specialists in a certain component of professional activity; selection of pedagogical conditions and tools that optimize the effectiveness of the training process.

According to A. Kuzminsky, N. Kryvoruchko, K. Kryvoruchko, the dynamic response of the higher education system to changes in the labor market and meeting the need for training in new specialties and specializations is due to the introduction of new disciplines, mastery of which provides quality training, purposeful work on the development of state standards, the content of training of certain profiles (Kryvoruchko N.; Kuzminsky A. 2005).

Traditionally, the advanced nature of education is achieved by systematically updating the content of vocational education in accordance with the development of science and the acquisition of new knowledge and social experience, reproducing it in the information to be assimilated, ie transformed into knowledge; in the methods of activity and experience of their use; in the experience of creative activity, as a result of which there is an objectively new due to specific procedures (independent transfer of previously acquired knowledge and skills in a new situation; identification of a new problem in a familiar situation or in a new function of the object; search for alternative solutions; previously known methods in the new); in the experience of emotional and value attitude, which involves the delineation of knowledge, skills, but not identified with them, and is to form students' attitudes to the world, scientific knowledge, moral norms, ideals and activities (Trubacheva, 2013). The updated content of education forms educational information that accumulates in the form of a curriculum and is structured according to the basic elements of the content of education.

Changes in professional training in higher education institutions of Ukraine are regulated by the updated: Law of Ukraine "On Education", Law of Ukraine "On Higher Education", National Qualifications Framework.

In particular, in the Law of Ukraine "On Higher Education": "vocational training is the acquisition of qualifications in the relevant field of study or specialty" (Law of Ukraine "On Higher Education").

According to Article 5 ("Levels and degrees of higher education"): training of specialists with higher education is carried out according to the relevant educational or scientific programs at the following levels of higher education: initial level (short cycle) of higher education; first (bachelor's) level; second (master's) level; third (educational-scientific / educational-creative) level; scientific level.

The first (bachelor's) level of higher education corresponds to the seventh level of the National Qualifications Framework and provides for the acquisition by a person of theoretical knowledge and practical skills sufficient for successful performance of professional duties in the chosen specialty. In the description of the first (bachelor's) level of higher education qualification levels (according to the National Qualifications Framework) the ability of a person to solve complex specialized problems and practical problems in a certain field of professional activity or in the learning process is defined as integral, characterized by complexity and uncertainty of conditions. The decomposition of integral competence consists of: knowledge, skills, communication, responsibility and autonomy.

For the bachelor's level of higher education, knowledge means conceptual scientific and practical knowledge; critical understanding of theories, principles, methods and concepts in the field of professional activity and / or training (On approval of the National Qualifications Framework Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, 2011).

Knowledge has a complex structure that contains three levels. The first is the level of reflection of reality, which provides information about it. The second is the level of mental reconstruction of the reproducing object and the creation of its image. The third is the level of the scheme, practical action, represents the materialization of the created image in activity.

Along with the importance of knowledge as a component of competence, it is worth emphasizing the significant role of skills. Skills are in-depth cognitive and practical skills, mastery and innovation at the level required to solve complex specialized tasks and practical problems in the field of professional activity or training. M. Grinyova clarified the meaning of the concepts "skills" and "skills". In particular, skills are understood as knowledge in action, which is consolidated by performing various exercises. Skills - a dynamic formation and when varying the goal, are characterized as creative actions. Skills are understood as an automated part of an action, a component of a complex skill. Under stable conditions, skills are stereotypical. Consolidated by performing monotonous exercises.

Communication - conveying to professionals and non-specialists information, ideas, problems, solutions, personal experience and arguments, collection, interpretation and application of communication data on professional issues, including in a foreign language, orally and in writing.

Responsibility and autonomy - managing complex technical or professional activities or projects, the ability to take responsibility for making and making decisions in unpredictable work and / or learning contexts that make judgments that take into account social, scientific and ethical aspects. training with a significant degree of autonomy. V. Gromovy considers autonomy as an arbitrary activity and defines it as a system-organized process of initiation, construction, support and management of all different types of external and internal activity, which are aimed at achieving the goals adopted by the subject (Gromovy, 2006). This regulatory system is characterized by: high balance of the main links of regulation; plasticity, which allows to make adjustments in the functioning of different regulatory units depending on the conditions of activity: efficiency, high performance of which allows to achieve maximum consistency of self-organization with the goals and conditions of activity and behavior, reliability of such level that ensures stability of units and their structure. As a result, the subject acquires the internal centralization of the regulatory functions of arbitrary activity (Andrushchenko, 2004).

Thus, as a result of autonomy, the subject acquires the centralization of regulatory functions, which in turn is a consequence of the coherence of individual regulatory units in a holistic, self-sufficient system. It may be a full-fledged self-determination, which means independent goal-setting, inclusion of oneself, one's capabilities as significant conditions in the model of goal realization, setting one's assessments and values as the main criteria for the success of this realization. All this allows the subject to feel his authorship, consciously organizing his life and thus determining his own development.

M. Grinyova, based on a comparison of work and study, gives the following description of the latter. The activity can be considered educational only if the change in the subject that occurs meets its goals. When performing educational activities, the experience gained is in the finished form and the subject of knowledge - the student must perform certain actions for its perception and assimilation. Learning activities consist of two subsystems: learning activities and learning activities. The study activity is carried out by the pupil / student and is a cognitive activity, the desired product of which is the necessary transformation of the initial experience of the pupil / student. The study activities include all acts that ensure the assimilation of educational material. The subject of study is a pupil / student. The subject of study is the educational process aimed at obtaining the final product (Hrynyova, 2016). The product of educational activity is competence (knowledge, skills, communication, autonomy and responsibility) of professional activity.

Given the purpose and objectives of professional training of future foreign language teachers, in our opinion, it is necessary to adhere to the general didactic principles (scientific, systematic and consistent, learning consciousness, activity and independence, clarity, thoroughness, connection of learning with practice, unity educational, developmental and upbringing functions of learning) (Kuzminsky, 2005).


Thus, based on the analysis of European and domestic regulations, the main trends of changes in the activities of higher education institutions are characterized. The main attention is paid to the content (according to pedagogical approaches, patterns and principles of selection of educational content, ensuring the educational process). We consider the characteristic of modern technologies of the organization of educational process perspective.


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  • The development in language teaching methodology. Dilemma in language teaching process. Linguistic research. Techniques in language teaching. Principles of learning vocabulary. How words are remembered. Other factors in language learning process.

    учебное пособие [221,2 K], добавлен 27.05.2015

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