Pedagogical innovation: search for new resources in education

Peculiarity of determining the essential features of innovations in education. Analysis of productive activities of teachers, which is associated with the transformation of novelty into innovation. Creating a reflective and innovative search environment.

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Дата добавления 15.11.2021
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National University “Zaporizhzhia Polytechnic”

Pedagogical innovation: search for new resources in education

Sushchenko L.O. Doctor of Pedagogy Sciences, Associate Professor of Transport Technology

Sushchenko R.V. Doctor of Pedagogy Sciences,

Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine


On the basis of a detailed theoretical analysis of the scientific achievements of the author defines the essence characteristics of innovation in education; summarizes the performance of innovative educational activities; described the priorities of the institution, working in an innovative mode, and is accented on the need to transform the current paradigm of education. The features innovative pedagogical activity as a powerful resource quality educational change. Proved that innovative practices based on empirical knowledge of new means of interaction in the process of co-creation scientists and teachers on the basis of improving professional skills, design and creation of new educational technologies, development of educational work. It was shown skill introducing innovative practices and achieve productive results in training and education are the product of creative practice, because scientific laws also implemented in various personal and productive result. Under the innovative teaching we consider the productive activity of teachers, which is the transformation of innovation into innovation (during novelty refers to a phenomenon that carries the essence of the method, technique, and technology of new content, while innovation is - a new organization). Determined that the driving force of innovation is the personality of the teacher, we note that this professor, teacher or caregiver has a wide range of opportunities and innovation capacity in implementing creativity. For teachers working in the innovation mode, focus particularly important for sustainable development; transferring the object to a new, qualitatively different state; creating, acquiring and implementing new tools (using specially developed algorithms transform teaching ideas on educational technology); a special kind of creative activity aimed at a high level of professionalism of the teaching staff and new horizons for personal and professional growth of its members.

Key words: civilization changes, learning environment, school, innovation, innovation, innovation mode, innovative educational activities.



Сущенко Л. О.

доктор педагогічних наук, доцент кафедри дошкільної та початкової освіти Запорізький національний університет, Запоріжжя, Україна

Сущенко Р. В.

доктор педагогічних наук, доцент кафедри транспортних технологій Національний університет «Запорізька політехніка», м. Запоріжжя, Україна

На основі розгорнутого теоретичного аналізу наукових досягнень авторами визначено сутнісні особливості інновацій в освіті. Під інноваційною педагогічною діяльністю розуміється продуктивна діяльність педагогів, яка пов'язана з перетворенням новизни в нововведення (під новизною розуміється явище, яке містить сутність способу, методики, технології організації та змісту нового, тоді як нововведення це - організація нового). Установлено, що для педагогів, які працюють в інноваційному режимі, особливого значення набуває спрямування на безперервний розвиток; переведення об'єкта в новий, якісно інший стан; створення, опанування та реалізація нових засобів (за допомогою спеціально розроблених алгоритмів перетворення педагогічної ідеї на педагогічну технологію); особливий вид творчої діяльності, що спрямована на високий рівень професіоналізму педагогічного колективу й нові горизонти особистісно- професійного зростання його членів.

Зазначається, що завдання педагогічного колективу, який працює в режимі безперервного розвитку (інноваційному режимі), потребує перетворення та зміни в образі діяльності, стилі мислення самого педагога, створення конгруентної концепції, яка лежить в основі загальної системи освітньої роботи; особистісного підходу, творчого, дослідно-експериментального характеру, стійкої позитивної мети-мотивації на пошук нового в організації освітнього процесу, сприятливого мікроклімату в колективі, відкритості навчального закладу до нововведень, прискореного переходу до елективного навчання.

Підкреслюється: інноваційність педагогічної діяльності полягає в тому, що вона спрямована не стільки на отримання інтелектуального або матеріального продукту, скільки на розвиток гуманістично зорієнтованого типу особистості. У зв'язку з цим визначено психолого-педагогічні умови, що забезпечуватимуть інноваційну педагогічну діяльність: створення рефлексивно-інноваційного середовища пошукового характеру; безоцінне прийняття педагогом кожної особистості, підхід до неї тільки з оптимістичних позицій; урахування особистісних цілей та інтересів кожного; здійснення екофасилілативного підходу; організація спільної діяльності педагога й вихованців на засадах партнерства; збагачення їхнього духовного змісту на кожному віковому етапі.

Доведено, що квінтесенцією роботи педагогічного колективу в пошуковому режимі є розв'язання професійних завдань педагогами з високою та стабільною продуктивністю, що виявляється в позитивних змінах результатів освітнього процесу; розвиток свідомості й діяльності суб'єктів інноваційного досвіду, підвищення рівня професіоналізму та кваліфікації педагогів, які розробляють і реалізують інноваційні ідеї; усвідомлення значущості, актуальності й соціальної ефективності власних інноваційних пошуків, ініціатив і відкриттів; забезпечення принципових змін освітньої діяльності, які забезпечуватимуть зростання якості освіти, сприятимуть формуванню кожної особистості, здатної до подальшої успішної життєвої самореалізації.

Ключові слова: цивілізаційні зміни, освітнє середовище, заклад освіти, інновації, нововведення, інноваційний режим, інноваційна педагогічна діяльність.

Problem statement

Modem transitional era requires new mental framework, behaviour, and new social institutions. Post-industrial development is not an inevitable consequence of technogenic civilization. This is, primarily, the beginning of a new development stage of our civilization. And these civi- lizational changes undoubtedly involve the system of education, with its increasing social importance and great significance in the life of every individual.

Today, the progressivity of any society is determined by the development of its individuals. This factor has become the main leverage on further social progress.

Analysis of recent research and publications

Special attention should be paid in this regard to the opinion of V. Kremen, who notes: “For societies, striving to be competitive and future oriented, education alongside with science gain their most priority, because globalization of the environment increases competitiveness in economic and other spheres; thus, the role of each country in this competition is defined by the development of science as a sphere that produces new knowledge, and education that socializes knowledge, and makes it applicable” [3, p. 2].

The studies of philosophers, educators, and sociologists prove that the centre of the worldview paradigm is education, developing in response to the challenges of civilization, and at the same time, as a response to human needs. Education helps people to find their place and gives them opportunities for self-realization in the new global space. The ideas are focused on a new education philosophy that would ensure comfortable wellbeing for a person in the 21st century.

Unfortunately, education in Ukraine has not become of fundamental value yet, and its contribution to social development is insufficient due to the low social demand. It is evident that the country will be successful on condition its human capital increases (in developed countries human capital accounts for 70-80% of national wealth), leading to the advancement of elitist education for both young people and adults.

Legislative framework for innovative processes in pedagogical education consists of the following public documents: National Doctrine of Education Development, State Comprehensive Program “Teacher”, Laws of Ukraine “On Education”, “On Higher Education”, “On Innovative Activities”, “On Priority Areas of Innovative Activity in Ukraine”, State National Program “Education in Ukraine in the 21st Century”, National Strategy for the Development of Education in Ukraine for 2012-2021, “Regulations on the Procedure of Innovative Education”, New Strategic Program of European Cooperation in Education and Training “Education and Training 2020”, “Innovative Development Strategy of Ukraine till 2039”.

The problems of pedagogical innovations are covered in the works of L. Vashchenko, L. Volyk, S. Hon- charenko, L. Danylenko, I. Dychkivska, G. Yelnykova, N. Klokar, O. Kozlova, V. Palamarchuk, I. Pod- lasyi, O. Savchenko, V. Semychenko, V. Slastionin, A. Kharkivska, O. Khomerika, N. Chepurna, et al.

The purpose of the article is to demonstrate the features of innovative pedagogical activity as a powerful resource for efficient educational reforms in education.

Research outline

As a result of deep philosophical reflection of modern world and domestic realities, analysis of the notion of education, its place and role in modern Ukraine and in new world realities, a member of the Academy of Sciences V. Andrush- chenko developed certain philosophical principles. These philosophical principles are the basis of the recommendations for strategic development in state education policy. The framework consists of five basic principles that make up conceptual outline of modern educational philosophy:

- Ukraine's modern education system should be considered in the context of its formation and development (transformation, modernization); taking into account the new realities of the world, trying to get rid of former excessive ideologization, administration and authoritarianism, while at the same time inheriting and continuing all that constituted humanistic heritage of the past era. The system is enriched with the latest global benefits and claims for its competitive advantage in European and world educational space; the main trends of modernization of education in the first third of the 21st century are defined by the

Bologna Process and its Arrangements, implemented in Ukraine in compliance with the national pedagogical matrix and those advantages, which the education system of Ukraine has always been famous for in Europe and in the world; innovation education productive

the essence of modern teaching process is not only in the acquiring of certain amount of knowledge by an individual or the formation of practical skills, but comprehensive training of an individual for life in a globalized information space, creating equal conditions for access to efficient education, lifelong education, forming a tolerant outlook and discourse interaction between peoples and cultures;

philosophical basis of educational process is formed by the principles of human priority, freedom of values choice, opportunities for self-development, unity of national and universal interests, consistency, interconnection of theory and practice, humanitarian and natural knowledge;

the latter requires active reforming of educational process, application of information technologies and language strategies, development and implementation of integrative courses, enhancing the role of students' individual work and internship [1, p. 10-11].

To answer the key question: “What adjustments should be made to education in order to prepare an individual for life in a rapidly changing environment?”, we have to clarify that civilizational changes lead to the need to prepare people for new, fundamentally other innovations. The issue of progressive innovations in science and education has always been a burning one. The development of innovative ideas has been directed on systematic creation of favourable conditions for comprehensive development of individuals, their self-actualization, protection, support, full acceptance of their individual experience.

It is hard to deny that innovative practice is based on empirical cognition of new means of interaction in the process of collaboration of scientists and educators on the basis of improvement of their professional skills, design and creation of new educational technologies, development of pedagogical creativity.

It is known that innovative practices and productive results in education and training are a product of creative practice, scientifically-based regularities are also realized in various personal-productive results.

In the project on National Education in Ukraine “The White Book”, innovations in education are seen not only as the final product of pedagogical innovation aimed at efficient changes in educational process and obtaining economic, social, scientific, technical, environmental and other benefits. Innovations are essential for the process of education. Educational (pedagogical) innovations are characterized by novelty, aimed at qualitative improvement of educational process and are reflected in cutting-edge and advanced educational systems (didactic, educational, managerial), components of educational process (purpose, content, structure, forms, methods, means, tools), technologies (didactic, educational, managerial), scientific and methodological developments, information and communication equipment for educational establishments and institutions, as well as normative-legal documents regulating activities of educational institutions and their relations with other institutions [2].

Innovative development of educational institutions suggests, first of all, changes in educational outlook: the notion “education system” should be no longer seen as a sphere of mere knowledge transfer, but a sphere of perspective development. We should also change our attitude to education, and no longer treat it as an expenditure sector, but see it as one of the strategic resources of economic and social development of Ukraine.

In order to understand the positive effects of the innovative development on education, it is important, in our opinion, to address the factors that hinder this process. They are as follows: lack of an integrated state program or conception of innovative education development, lack of coordinating centre for financing programs and projects of innovative development for educational institutions; imperfection of legal framework to ensure the implementation of mechanisms of a consistent information network; lack of mechanisms to identify, support and disseminate the best patterns of innovative pedagogical activity; inconsistency of logistical support of the vast majority of educational institutions in modern environment, etc.

It should be emphasized, that by innovative pedagogical activity we mean productive activity of educators, which refers to the transformation of “novelty” into “innovation” (“novelty” is understood as a phenomenon that involves a new method, methodology, organization technology and new content, whereas “innovation” is a new framework).

In fact, in Ukraine there is a tendency to transition of higher education institutions, institutes of postgraduate pedagogical education to the mode of innovative search: providing professional mobility, application modern information technologies in pedagogical process, intensive development of distance learning, etc.

Modernization of the education system increases the role of innovation, makes it more and more widespread, since there is an urgent necessity in updating the content of education and achieving new quality through innovative initiatives in priority areas of education. That is why theoretical support and scientific prove of innovations become system-forming elements in the development of education, and the higher the rank of innovations is, the greater the requirements for scientific substantiation of innovations are [2].

Given the fact that the driving force of innovation is teacher's personality, it should be noted that it is the teacher, who has a wide range of opportunities and innovative potential in realization of creative search.

For teachers working in innovation mode, the focus is on constant development; reaching qualitatively different state; creation, mastering and realization of new means (with the help of specially developed algorithms of transformation of pedagogical idea into pedagogical technology); a special kind of creative activity aimed at a high level of professionalism of the teaching staff and new horizons of personal and professional growth of its members.

Researchers note, that introduction of new ideas, project or technology often encounters various obstacles, so called “anti-innovation barriers”. Unfortunately, there are external and internal obstacles that impede innovation.

We support O. Nevmerzhitsky's opinion, who identifies the following external barriers: first, social barriers (incompatibility of the new with former experience and values accepted in the society; stereotypes of thinking of pedagogical community); secondly, organizational barriers (counteraction of educational authorities to the implementation of innovations; lack of coordination centres for the development and implementation of pedagogical innovations); third, methodological barriers (lack of methodological support for innovation, lack of awareness on pedagogical innovation); fourth, financial barriers (teacher's time sheets, poor living conditions, low salary) [4].

Internal barriers include psychological (personal) barriers that involve deep personal and professional problems. These are mental states that manifest themselves in teacher's passive attitude, which impedes the implementation of innovative activities.

Hence, the task of pedagogical team working in the mode of constant development (innovative mode) requires: transformation and change in the way of activity, teacher's style of thinking, creation of a congruent concept, which underlies the overall system of educational work; personal approach, creative, experimental, stable positive goal-motivation for finding new in organization of educational process, favourable microclimate in the team, openness of educational establishment to innovations, accelerated transition to elective learning.

To make teacher's innovative work rewarding and significant, to increase teacher's self-esteem, and to prevent negative consequences from innovations it is necessary to offer a number of tips-conclusions that teachers can use to pre-test their hypotheses, identify the most relevant, and apply them for optimal results.

It should be emphasized that the main criteria for assessing the level of innovative pedagogical activity, according to T. Sushchenko, are the following: the offered materials provide a higher level of personality development; an up-to-date task that meets current concepts and guarantees fundamentally new results; innovation will improve the overall state of comprehensive personality development in general, and the quality of the educational process, in particular; resolves a problem that is difficult to solve using standard methods; accessibility of innovations; such an original pedagogical idea, which by value is approaching scientific novelty; viability of innovation, set of changes that it can produce in the environment during a certain life cycle [5, p. 6].

However, we believe that innovations in pedagogical activity should be aimed not so much at obtaining an intellectual or material product, but at the development of a humanistic type of personality. In this regard, psycho-pedagogical conditions that will provide innovative pedagogical activity are defined as follows: creation of a reflexive-innovative environment of search character; unbiased teacher's acceptance of each personality, optimistic attitude; taking into account goals and interests of each individual; implementation of eco-facilitation approach; partnership-based organization of joint activities of teacher and students; spiritual enrichment at every age stage.

“Schools of Pedagogical Skill” in the framework of the Club “Novator” (Zaporizhzhia) functioning on the regular basis are considered the most efficient activities of scientific and methodological support for innovations. The Club organises interesting meetings with famous personalities of Ukraine, in particular:

Ziazun, expert in Pedagogy, life-long professional education, ethics and aesthetics, theory of Ukrainian and foreign culture, a member of the Academy of Sciences; V. Kudin, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor, author of more than 500 articles; K. Korsak, Professor, founder of Noopedagogy; V. Ivashchenko, Ukrainian poet, theatrical figure, inventor; O. Hapon People's Artist of Ukraine, Honorary Citizen of Zaporizhzhia, and others.

The program “Schools of Pedagogical Skills” in each educational institution has a specific content, but its obligatory components are: search of optimal options for implementation of scientific ideas and advanced pedagogical experience (innovations) into practice of preschool institutions, institutions of general secondary education, higher secondary education, or institutes of postgraduate pedagogical education; finding the most efficient forms of organization of innovation process and correlating them with traditional in-school (intra-university), methodical and self-educational work of teachers, which will promote the development of pedagogical skills.

Research results and perspectives

Therefore, the abovementioned results make it possible to draw the following conclusions. The quintessence of the teaching staff performance in the search mode is to solve pedagogical professional tasks efficiently.

The results are manifested in the positive changes of the educational process, which are as follows: development of awareness and increase of active participation in innovative practices, professional growth and advancement of teachers who develop and implement innovative ideas; awareness of the importance, relevance and social effectiveness of teachers' own innovative searches, initiatives and discoveries; fundamental changes in educational activities that will ensure the growth of education quality, and contribute to the formation of individuals capable of further successful self-realization in their life.

The perspectives of the research are in further study on the issue of innovative development of higher education institutions in Ukraine.


1. Andrushhenko V. P. (2006) Filosofiya osvity' XXI stolittya : u poshukax perspekty'vy'. Filosofiya osvity' [The Philosophy of Education of the 21st century: Search for Perspective. Philosophy of Education]. 2006. № 1(3). S. 6-12

2. Hutorskoj A. V. (2005) Pedagogy'cheskaya y'nnovaty'ka : metodology'ya, teory'ya, prakty'ka : nauch. y'zd. [Pedagogical Innovation: Methodology, Theory, Practice]. Moskva : Y'zd-vo UNCz DO, 2005. 222 s. [in Russian].

3. Kremen' V. (2010) Osvita v konteksti cy'vilizacijny'x zmin. Shlyax osvity' [Education in the Context of Civilizational Change]. The Path of Education № 4(58). 2010. S. 2-8 [in Ukrainian].

4. Nevmerzhy'cz'ky'j O. (2006) Pedagogichni texnologiyi - zvaby' i zagrozy'. Vy'shha osvita Ukrayiny' [Pedagogical Technologies - Attractions and Threats. Higher education in Ukraine]. 2006. № 1. S. 97-101 [in Ukrainian].

5. Sushhenko T. I. (2004) Naukovo-metody'chne zabezpechennya innovacijnoyi diyal'nosti vchy'teliv. Ped- agogika i psy'xologiya formuvannya tvorchoyi osoby'stosti : problemy' i poshuky' : zb. nauk. pr. / Red- kol.: T. I. Sushhenko (vidp. red.) ta in. Ky'yiv-Zaporizhzhya [Scientific and Methodological Support of Teachers' Innovative Activity. Pedagogy and Psychology of Creative Personality Formation: Problems and Challenges: Scientific collection]. 2004. Vy'p. 30. S. 3-11

6. Voly'k L. V.(2012) Ukrayins'ka osvita ta innovacijny'j rezhy'm diyal'nosti pedagoga: ry'zy'ky', poshuky', strategiyi. Shlyax osvity' [Ukrainian Education and Innovative Mode of Teacher's Activity: Risks, Searches, Strategies. The Path of Education]. № 4. 2012. S. 24-28 [in Ukrainian].

7. Bila kny'ga nacional'noyi osvity' Ukrayiny' (2010) [White Book on National Education of Ukraine] / [T. F. Alyeksyeyenko, V. M. Anishhenko ... V. G. Kremen' ta in.] ; NAPN Ukrayiny' ; za zag. red. V. G. Kremenya. Ky'yiv. : Inform. sy'stemy', 2010. 340 s.

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  • Teaching practice is an important and exciting step in the study of language. Description of extracurricular activities. Feedback of extracurricular activity. Psychological characteristic of a group and a students. Evaluation and testing of students.

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  • Общая информация об уроке, его тип, учебно-методическая задача, этапы, оснащение оборудованием и программным обеспечением. Использование фронтальной, индивидуальной и практической работы. Речевая зарядка, цель аудирования, выполнение тестов и их итоги.

    конспект урока [19,7 K], добавлен 22.11.2011

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