Theory and practice of higher professional education in Ukraine

The process of association of Ukraine with European Union and integration into European, world educational spheres the features of which are related to of global processes, the specific terms of development of social, economic, political, cultural life.

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Theory and practice of higher professional education in Ukraine

Шандрук Світлана Іванівна - доктор педагогічних наук, професор, завідувач кафедри лінгводидактики та іноземних мов Центральноукраїнського державного педагогічного університету імені Володимира Винниченка

Formulation and justification of the problem topicality. The process of association of Ukraine with European Union and integration into European and world educational spheres the features of which are related to the nature of global processes, and also with the specific terms of development of social, economic, political, cultural and educational life of our country, predetermines the demand of different problems decision.

Dynamic processes of social and economic life, changes in the system of compulsory secondary education revealed contradictory tendencies in the sphere of professional preparation of teachers in Ukraine: deep professionalization of secondary school teachers' practice becomes more important; integration of knowledge from different spheres is noticed; importance of integrated skills and abilities for realization of professional pedagogical practice increases. These tendencies determine new demands for teachers because the task of preparation of secondary school graduates for world market integration, formation of comprehensive world idea, and adoption of cognitive and communicative methods of activity, ability to receive information from different sources is delegated to them.

Analysis of previous studies and publications. Tendencies and challenges in professional activity of teachers can be qualified as global, national and regional. Inevitable transformation of consciousness as the result of globalization changes content and form of education. School plays an extraordinarily important role in this process. The role of education in globalization became a spotlight of international financial institutions which assist development of education and effective support of teachers. The use of technological achievement, in particular of distance education, creates the tendency of transporting of western conceptions into new regions and to the population, giving them knowledge, generated by culturally dominant groups, and helping them to join consumer society. Another tendency of introduction of world standards of professional education, practice and professional development in this context becomes urgent.

International educators contributed into theory and practice of teacher professional preparation in such aspects as: education reform (H. Beare, B. Caldwell, and others); professional education (C. Day, J. Sachs, and others); quality of professional preparation (M. Eraut, J. Leino, and others); skills, abilities and knowledge of teachers (A. Ismat, G. Shacklock, and others); professional development of teachers (C. Day, A. Ismat, G. Shacklock, and others).

Modern pedagogical processes require principle changes of the role of a teacher, his/her mutual relations with students, and his/her transformation into facilitator of students' cognitive activity. It also changes students into active subjects of cognition and transformation. Realization of tasks of professional preparation of teachers depends on the condition of pedagogical education that demands objective analysis of the accumulated international and national experience of pre-service and postgraduate preparation of teachers as the major source of modern professional pedagogic preparation strategy determination.

The purpose of the article. Integration of Ukraine into international education sphere, essentiality of study and implementation of human experience in the sphere of professional preparation of teachers defined the problem of our research that consists in study and analysis of experience of professional preparation of teachers in the USA.

The main material of the study. A clear definition of the classic view of the term «professionalism» is the first step towards understanding the value of professionalism for modern education and practice. Ideology of professionalism is based on functionalist models of John Goody, Robert Merton, Talcott Parsons. The problem of social control of expert evaluation can be successfully solved by the concept of professionalism. Experts are needed to provide services to clients who are not well informed to adequately assess them [3]. Professional qualifications must be created in order to motivate employees to acquire preservice education and training and constantly improve skills of workers during their professional life. From the perspective of the concept of qualification and competence J. Leino formed a structure that consists of knowledge and ability to perform a professional task [5, p.71-90]. The basic principle of teacher training is continuous improvement of teachers' professional qualifications and competences. Every teacher's professional activity competence is important for general educational process [2, p. 3-32]. So we can conclude that competence is a motivating factor responsible for personality achievements.

Scholars came to the conclusion that association of colleagues or experts (professional associations) is an important tool for improving competence of professionals. For example, in the United States National Council for the Accreditation of Teacher Education defines key competences that a future teacher must possess in pre service training; National Board for Professional Teaching Standards develops qualification requirements for a National Teacher Certificate; National Institute of Education conducts research related to increase the level of professional competence of American teachers. M. Eraut [3] emphasizes importance of professional preparation and of higher education arguing that activities currently defined as professions (occupations) use several teaching and training methods and their combinations such as:

The period of pupilage or internship. During this period students spend a significant amount of time studying their «craft» from an expert.

Admission to «a professional college» which is not a part of higher education system.

Qualification examination which is usually established by a qualification association by type of activity.

The period of study at a college, polytechnic or classical university which allows to gain an academic qualification.

Collection of evidence of practical competence in the form of logbook or portfolio.

Each of these methods makes significant contribution to a knowledge base of a student and into the process of student's socialization into profession. Understanding the role of professionalism in the work of a teacher is impossible outside of professional sector and without demonstration of real life experience of teachers [6, p.177-189]. This argument is based on certification and licensing and denies arguments regarding teacher's professionalism not based on social experience which is the very essence of teacher profession.

A. Ismat [4] states that there are four criteria that form traditional view of the notion «profession»: remuneration, social status, autonomous or authoritative power and performance of responsibilities. These characteristics include professional autonomy; well-defined, highly developed, specialized and theoretical knowledge base; control of education, certification and licensing of teachers-beginners; self-governing body with particular respect for professional ethics; an obligation to serve society. According to the scientist's conviction, teaching is not a technical (rational) or skillful task performance since the context of teaching is closer to the texture of upbringing in particular the performance of parenting. The nature of teaching the context in which it exists and the process by which the type of activity traditionally turns into a profession makes it impractical and undesirable to use traditional models of professionalization of teaching. It should be noted that professionalization is the best way to improve working conditions of teachers and schoolteaching itself. At the same time it is obvious that some of the main features associated with professions do not exist in teacher's profession. Teachers should have as high qualifications as possible. They should meet the requirements of teacher profession and be interested in it. Teachers must cultivate the right attitude, be faithful and professionally fit. All these will help them successfully teach nowadays children who in the near future will master our world.

Analysis of the works of famous scholars confirms the need for concentration of teachers around universities as this enables the increase of academic level of teacher education and intensification of interaction between education and research. Reform should be directed to a system of education in which basic education is corresponding formal qualifications that are relatively universal and can easily be completed by further education. The perspective is to coordinate all teacher training programs. At the same time professional preparation of a teacher should also cover other branches of science [8, p. 26-30].

Influence of global processes is multidimensional and has meaningful social, economic and political implication. Massed distribution of education and «western» norms of education at all levels is a greater part of globalization process. Globalization becomes the subject of research, especially in the sphere of comparative pedagogy, which applies historiography and social-scientific theories and methods of international education problems decision. In the process and theory of globalization school plays an important role as the basic formal agency of knowledge transmission. Distribution of education as a component of globalization process is considered to be the contribution to the process of world democratization.

New approaches need considerable strategic and procedural reforms of both the system of public higher education and the state general system that will be resulted in modernization of long-term strategies and methods that do not answer modern demands. These reforms will need collaboration of leaders of higher education, governors and public school administrators in overcoming of political barriers and support of new idea of professional preparation of teachers. Thus teachers must understand significance of their position in the society and their responsibilities to the community. Professional activity of teachers contributes to the development of the school system in accordance with the principles of democracy. Education should be continuous. Increase of further education of teachers is expected: every five years a teacher is obliged to take professional development courses.

Conclusions and prospects for further research of the direction

So we may conclude that in order to increase educational potential of the country much attention should be paid to improving the system of professional preparation of teachers as only due to highly educated teachers the country would be able to take a decent place in the world and be competitive. The level of school cannot be better than the professional level of teachers who work there so improvement of education system of each country depends directly upon the quality of professional preparation of teachers. Education should be coordinated with each stage of the country's development. Educational

infrastructures in the school system are worthless if there are no trained, competent teachers to manage them. This has been shown to be a significant difference between academically competent teachers and professionally qualified teachers.

Professionalization is the best way to improve working conditions of teachers and their professional activity. Measures taken to improve the skills of teachers in many states of the USA are primarily driven by modification strategies, which are influenced by strengthening of the role of the state in the education system.

Most of the analyzed studies emphasize the need for academic education as a supplement to professional preparation and in-service training for teachers. Higher Professional Education and advanced training are the most promising ways to improve any professional activity.

Among the promising areas of further research tendencies of professional preparation of teachers in Ukraine, reform of professional preparation of teachers in Ukraine deserve special attention.

Список джерел

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