Practical aspects of establishing of pedagogical interaction in higher-education institutions

Consideration of theoretical and practical aspects of the organization of pedagogical interaction in higher-educational institutions. Analysis of semantic and functional features of the category "interaction" in the system of pedagogical concepts.

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Дата добавления 27.09.2022
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Ivan Franko National University of Lviv


Yuliya Derkach, Nataliya Machynska


pedagogical educational interaction semantic

The article considers theoretical and practical aspects of the organization of pedagogical interaction in higher-educational institutions. It is noted that the category of “interaction” was first used in the works of philosophers in the context of interpreting natural theories of the origin of the universe in the VII-VI centuries. BC. It is proved that pedagogical interaction in a pandemic time requires new approaches for its practical implementation.

Based on the theoretical analysis of scientific sources, it is shown that pedagogical interaction is the result of awareness of participants of the educational process: social, professional and activity experience; experience of activity and interpersonal relations in a small group; intersubjective experience.

The analysis of separate semantic and functional features of the category “interaction” in the system of psychological and pedagogical concepts, in particular: influence, mutual influence, activity, contacts is offered. The variety of goals of pedagogical interaction, which are realized by its participants, is described: formation of a competent specialist in the chosen field; creating conditions for the formation of motivational readiness of students for professional growth; usage of means for an effective practical component of professional training of students in the conditions of lockdown restrictions.

Emphasis is placed on the role of the mentor (curator) of the academic group in establishing effective pedagogical interaction. It is noted that the effectiveness of mentors is largely due to the usage in their professional activity the main principles of pedagogy of cooperation: the principle of equality, the principle of partnership, the principle of mutual respect.

Practical advice on establishing effective pedagogical interaction in the educational environment of higher-educational institutions is offered. It is essential to have maximum access to various sources of information, keep the rights of all participants of pedagogical interaction and create invariant professionally oriented tasks in order to solve them in the online learning system.

Keywords: pedagogical interaction, academic group advisor, educational process, applicants for higher education, pedagogy of cooperation.



Юлія Деркач, Наталія Мачинська Львівський національний університет імені Івана Франка

Розглянуто теоретичні та практичні аспекти організації педагогічної взаємодії у закладах вищої освіти. Зазначено, що категорія «взаємодія» найперше була використана у працях філософів у контексті тлумачення стихійних теорій походження всесвіту ще у VII-VI ст. до н.е. Доведено, що педагогічна взаємодія в умовах пандемії потребує нових підходів для її практичної реалізації.

На основі теоретичного аналізу наукових джерел показано, що педагогічна взаємодія - це результат усвідомлення учасниками освітнього процесу: соціального, професійного та діяльнісного досвіду; досвіду діяльнісних і міжособистісних стосунків у малій групі; інтерсуб'єктного досвіду.

Запропоновано аналіз окремих змістово-функціональних ознак категорії «взаємодія» в системі психолого-педагогічних понять, зокрема: вплив, взаємовплив, діяльність, контакти. Описано розмаїття цілей педагогічної взаємодії, які реалізуються її учасниками: формування компетентного фахівця обраної галузі; створення умов для формування мотиваційної готовності здобувачів освіти до професійного зростання; використання засобів для ефективної практичної складової професійної підготовки студентів в умовах карантинних обмежень.

Акцентовано увагу на ролі наставника (куратора) академічної групи в налагоджені ефективної педагогічної взаємодії. Зазначено, що ефективність роботи наставників значною мірою зумовлена використанням у їхній професійній діяльності принципів педагогіки співробітництва: принципу рівності, принципу партнерства, принципу взаємної поваги.

Запропоновано практичні поради щодо налагодження ефективної педагогічної взаємодії в освітньому просторі закладу вищої освіти: максимальний доступ до різних джерел інформації; ріні права усіх учасників педагогічної взаємодії; створення інваріативних професійно зорієнтованих завдань для розв'язання їх в системі он -лайн навчання.

Ключові слова: педагогічна взаємодія, порадник академічної групи, освітній процес, здобувачі вищої освіти, педагогіка співробітництва.

Formulation of the problem

The concept of “interaction” belongs to those categories without which it is very difficult to talk about pedagogical theory in the classical sense. The very definition of pedagogy in any case contains an element of “systematic activities for the formation of a person”, so it already implicitly implies a certain interaction. This connection is so strong that most textbooks and monographs on pedagogy, psychology, pedagogical psychology, etc. contain entire sections on the problems of interaction theory. It is necessary to outline that some certain features characterize the activity of a pedagogical worker in any higher- educational institutions. This activity is aimed at organizational activity, which involves cooperation between teachers and students, as well as between students themselves. The interaction between the participants of the educational process has become much more complicated due to significant changes in public life because of the long stay of countries and educational institutions, in particular, under lockdown conditions. It is mainly in the context of this, that the search for socio- pedagogical initiatives aimed at creating a new practice of the way to organize pedagogical interaction in a pandemic situation, which should be distinguished by the management system and organizational structure, is extremely important.

Analysis of research and publications

The relevance of the research on the phenomenon of pedagogical interaction is obvious at least in view of the fact that the quality of the educational process, its effectiveness and efficiency largely depends on it. The pedagogical activity in general is a set of interactions at the micro level. Therefore, a real method of influencing the practical side of teaching and education bases on psychological modeling and improving the interaction between all participants in this educational process.

The history of the usage of the category of “interaction” in philosophy goes back to the theories of the origin of the universe, which were formed starting from the VII-VI centuries BC, according to which the world was formed on the bases of one of four elements: water, fire, air or ground.

However, since the 5th century, thinkers began to construct doctrines according to which the world is the result of the interaction of several (mostly two in different combinations) elements under the action of powers. Later, the development of ancient teachings led to the emergence of atomism, whose representatives looked at the universe as the result of the eternal interaction of atoms - the smallest particles of matter. The final stage in the development of ancient atomism is considered to be the work of Epicurus, who transferred atomism from the level of material existence to the level of spiritual existence [1, p. 121128].

The interaction is a prerequisite for establishing a variety of relationships between objects, including causes, results and the basis of any system. Accordingly, a fact of being systematic is also a characteristic of interaction.

The purpose of the article

based on theoretical analysis and experience gained in the organization of the educational process to offer practical aspects of establishing pedagogical interaction in the educational environment of higher education under lockdown restrictions.

Presenting main material

Consideration of pedagogical interaction in the context of the categories of consciousness, personality and activity allows us to characterize their combination in a systemic psychological model. An important aspect of pedagogical interaction is the desire and need to know and understand another person - his/her behavior, needs, motives, current experiences and mental states, areas of dissatisfaction.

I. Beh defines two approaches when the subject: 1) tries to understand a person from the standpoint of his/her internal structure (views, values, etc.); 2) seeks to understand it from the standpoint of an external observer, to explain it, guided by society's ideas about behavior and situation [2, p. 12]. Nevertheless, we support the first point of view of the scientist more. The first approach is more effective, because this understanding of the interlocutor gives us the most truthful information about his/her personality.

According to K.Velytchenko, pedagogical interaction appears when both the educator and the pupil have the awareness of: social, professional and activity experience; experience of activity and interpersonal relations in a small group; intersubjective experience. In the context of personality psychology, pedagogical interaction is gaining importance as an interpersonal interaction between teacher and students, based on:

- experience of interaction with the social environment;

- experience of interpersonal interaction in the group;

- mastered ways of interpersonal interaction [3].

Learning interaction is manifested in cooperation as a form of joint, aimed at achieving a common result of activities and communication. It should be noted that the system, which consists of many individual learning interactions, interacts at the macro level with a system composed of “civil society” or family individual interactions. All these connections are projected in a more or less pronounced form on the educational process directly in the classroom. This is manifested in the attitude of students to learning, teachers, the educational institution itself, which, in turn, is a projection of the system of their values on the nature of educational activities.

The educational process is a multifaceted and polyphonic interaction. This includes the teacher-student interaction, the student-student interaction, the familystudent one, and other possibilities of both simple and complex constructions. In the educational process, a situation of multiple plans and forms of educational interaction is created and its general scheme becomes more complicated.

Z. Kovalchuk outlines that the concept of interaction is closely related in its categorical status to the phenomena of activity and communication, but differs from them in the functions it performs, and therefore has a specific significance for personal development. The role of pedagogical interaction at the early stage of ontogenesis should be especially noted, when the basic structures of the child's personality are laid down [4, p. 7].

We agree with the position of Kovalchuk, who singled out the semantic and functional features of the category “interaction” in the system of psychological and pedagogical concepts (Table 1.) [4, p. 39].

Table 1

“Interaction ” as a category of scientific research



The process of interaction (influence)


Action (system of actions), activity



Social character

Change of state


Mutual transition



Intercoditioned, interchangeable, interdependent nature

Form of social communication






Semantic and functional features of the category “interaction” in the system of psychological and pedagogical concepts

The process of interaction (influence) is most often associated with communication processes. After all, interaction involves the usage of such tools as imitation, suggestion and belief. The maximum effect is achieved through communication of all participants in pedagogical interaction.

In the process of mutual influence, there is an exchange of thoughts, feelings, emotions, experiences and so on. I. Bekh notes that “an important component of interpersonal relationships is the teacher's acceptance of the pupil's personality.

This is manifested in the readiness of the educator and his desire to communicate with the pupil, to be attentive to him and show respect, regardless of his strengths and weaknesses. The more the educator is able to accept the pupil during intimate-personal dialogue, to accept what he/she says about himself/herself, the more the pupil can reveal himself/herself, and thus more freely and deeply discuss and analyze their thoughts and feelings” [2, p. 13].

The characteristic of interaction in the context of a system of actions or activities is necessarily characterized by purposefulness - the desire to achieve a certain goal. Pedagogical interaction in the educational institution involves the implementation of various objectives, in particular:

- formation of the applicant of the particular educational program, the competent expert of the chosen branch;

- implementation of tasks of research activities of students at different stages of their training;

- creating conditions for the formation of motivational readiness of students for professional growth and lifelong learning;

- Providing ways and means of proper practical component of professional training of students in the conditions of lockdown restrictions.

We agree with T. Ravchyna, who states: “Creating a business atmosphere while teaching students is an essential condition for the organization of professional training of future professionals, their intellectual and personal development of a person with higher education. It is formed in the process of purposeful organization of educational and cognitive activities, which acquires meaning for students, stimulates them to independent freethinking, truth-seeking, creative decision-making.

Therefore, the procedures for organizing student's learning through selfdiscovery and interpersonal interaction (interactive learning) must be followed. The main thing for students is to determine and understand the purpose of the activity (what needs to be achieved, what - to learn), as well as to discuss, analyze the results obtained, achievements in the general circle. The enthusiasm of students for the process deprives them of fear of possible mistakes or failures” [6, p. 11].

Speaking about the semantic and functional features of the category “interaction” in the system of psychological and pedagogical concepts we have to mention - contacts - as a mutually conditioned, interchangeable, interdependent nature of pedagogical interaction.

In this context, we consider it appropriate to mention about mentoring, which is quite common in different types of educational institutions. The teachertutor (mentor, advisor) in the educational institution is often identified with the class teacher of the secondary education institution. However, it should be noted that the functional responsibilities of the mentor of the higher-educational institution differ significantly from the tasks performed by the class teacher in the secondary school.

Traditionally, the main tasks of mentors are to unite the student group, help students adapt to new conditions of higher education and future professional activities, involve students in scientific and social life of the educational institution and more.

The main condition for effective work of mentors is the use of the principles of pedagogy of cooperation (principle of equality, partnership, principle of mutual respect), which involves joint activities of mentors and students or student's groups in general, while students become full participants of the educational process. The work of advisors (mentors) is regulated by the internal documents of each educational institution. For instance, at the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv - this is the Regulations on the advisor of the academic group of the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv [5].

Conclusions and prospects for further research

Based on the developed and systematized theoretical approaches and on the analysis of the gained experience of the organization of pedagogical interaction under the conditions of lockdown restrictions, we allocate important issues for the establishment of pedagogical interaction in educational environment of higher-educational institution:

1. The student is an active and equal participant in pedagogical interaction, as a subject of the educational process - independently acquires knowledge based on his/her own experience and understanding of the importance of higher education.

2. The received information is perceived and interpreted in a different ways by each individual, depending on the acquired knowledge and experience. That is why it is important in lockdown restrictions to make various information as accessible as possible from different sources concerning the organization of the educational process in a particular educational institution.

3. Pedagogical interaction, organized on the basis of the principles of pedagogy of cooperation, promotes the mastery of different ways of thinking: instead of accepting a ready-made idea contributes to the development of personal knowledge, views and concepts. This should be facilitated by the maximum access of students to various sources of information (educational platforms, e-courses, professionally oriented webinars, etc.).

4. The organization of the educational process in the online learning system provides that students' learning activities should become not only a process of acquiring social, professional knowledge, skills and abilities, but also an incentive for independent analysis of information. It should be a basis for finding real solutions for professionally focused tasks that are relevant to life, social interaction, self-knowledge of students in the context of their training.

5. Learning, organized as interpersonal interaction of students and teachers on the basis of respect and trust, affects the individual's search for their own understanding of social phenomena, the manifestation of impartial, tolerant attitude towards everyone; coordination of own actions with interests, behavior of others.

6. The main task of the teacher in the educational process is to create situations and contexts in which students gain experience of cognitive and social activity, interpersonal interaction with the help of online communication.

7. We see the prospect of further scientific research in the study of problems and negative aspects of the organization of pedagogical interaction in conditions of lockdown restrictions; finding ways to eliminate the problems of establishing pedagogical interaction through social networks.


1. Antiseri D., Real J. Western philosophy from its origins to the present day. Antiquity and the Middle Ages (1-2) / Translated and edited by S. A. Maltseva-Pnevma Publishing House, St. Petersburg, 2003, 688 p.

2. Bekh I. D. Justice - injustice in interpersonal relationships // Pedagogy and Psychology, 2006, № 1 (50). P. 5-14.

3. Velytchenko L. K. Psychological foundations of pedagogical interaction 19.00.07 - pedagogical and age psychology Abstract of the dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Psychological Sciences. Kyiv: 2006. 44 p.

4. Kovalchuk Z. Genetic-psychological principles of optimization of pedagogical interaction: monograph. Lviv: SPOLOM, 2013. 600 p.

5. Regulations on the advisor of the academic group of the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv Electronic resource: Access mode:

6. Ravchyna T. V. Organization of interaction of students with the educational environment in higher education // Visnyk of Ivan Fanko National University of Lviv: Pedagogical series, 2005. Issue. 19. Ch. 2. P. 3-16. Access mode: hyna.pdf

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