The method of forming junior high school efl learners’ competence in listening to and reading texts

The article reveals the theoretical aspects of learning English and its place and role in modern education. The main tasks and content of profilisation are determined. The basis for the subject-oriented instruction implementation is the Laws of Ukraine.

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The method of forming junior high school efl learners' competence in listening to and reading texts

Ihor Romanyshyn,

Candidate of Pedagogic Sciences, Associate Professor,

Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University (Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine)

Svitlana Yatsiv,

Candidate of Pedagogic Sciences, Associate Professor,

Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University (Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine)


The article reveals the theoretical aspects of learning English and its place and role in modern education. The main tasks and content of profilisation are determined. The methods of reading and listening to the texts while learning English and ways of improving them are studied. Nowadays, school profilisation is one of the important directions of Ukrainian general education modernisation. The introduction of subject-oriented instruction in the junior (1st-4th) grades of general educational institutions is determined by the current trends in the national education development, the state and society social services commissioning to school, the socio-economic and socio-cultural development of Ukraine, as well as by the analysis of the successful practices of foreign countries' school education. The theoretical basis for the subject-oriented instruction implementation is the Laws of Ukraine “On Education” and “On General Secondary Education”, the Concept of Subject-Oriented Instruction in Junior School, the State Standard of Basic and Complete General Secondary Education and other regulatory documents. The main theoretical advances of domestic and foreign scientists with reference to the best practices in junior students' education organisation are embodied in the Concept of Subject-Oriented Instruction in Primary School.

Keywords: profilisation, foreign language activity, authentic speech, monologue speech, foreign language communicative competence, reading and listening skills, literary and colloquial speech.


Методика формування в молодших школярів компетенції вивчення англійської мови за допомогою аудіювання та читання текстів

Ігор Романишин,

кандидат педагогічних наук, доцент,

Прикарпатський національний університет імені Василя Стефаника (м. Івано-Франківськ, Україна)

Світлана Яців,

кандидат педагогічних наук, доцент,

Прикарпатський національний університет імені Василя Стефаника (м. Івано-Франківськ, Україна)

Стаття присвячена проблемі формування в молодших школярів компетенції вивчення англійської мови за допомогою аудіювання та читання текстів. Автори розкривають теоретичні аспекти вивчення англійської мови та її місце і роль у сучасній освіті. Визначено основні завдання та зміст профільного навчання; досліджено методики читання та аудіювання текстів. Зроблено висновок, що профілізація школи на сьогоднішній день є одним із важливих напрямів модернізації української загальної освіти. Уведення профільного навчання у молодших (1-4х) класах загальноосвітніх навчальних закладів зумовлено сучасними тенденціями розвитку національної освіти, соціальним замовленням до школи з боку держави та суспільства, соціально-економічним і соціально-культурним розвитком України, а також аналізом позитивного досвіду шкільної освіти зарубіжних країн. Теоретичною базою впровадження профільного навчання є низка освітніх документів: закони України “Про освіту”, “Про загальну середню освіту”, Концепція профільного навчання у молодшій школі, Державний стандарт базової і повної загальної середньої освіти, Концепція «Нова українська школа» та інші нормативно-правові документи. Основні теоретичні напрацювання вітчизняних і зарубіжних учених з урахуванням практичного досвіду в організації навчання школярів молодших класів утілено в Концепції профільного навчання в початковій школі. Наголошено, що сучасній українській школі, як ніколи, потрібні ініціативні, творчі, професійні педагоги, готові до постійної самоосвіти та саморозвитку, пошуку ефективних форм навчання, орієнтованих на використання інноваційних педагогічних технологій у галузі вивчення іноземної мови, тому успішна реалізація предметно-орієнтованого навчання учнів початкової школи (створення нормативно-правової бази, навчально-методичного забезпечення тощо) потребує системної та ефективної співпраці керівників освіти, науковців та всіх учасників навчально-виховного процесу.

Ключові слова: профільне навчання, іншомовна діяльність, автентичне мовлення, монологічне мовлення, іншомовна комунікативна компетенція, літературно-розмовне мовлення.


junior school efl learners reading

The problem formulation. Foreign language occupies a special place in the modern education system because of its social, cognitive and developmental functions as another communication media, means of the outside world perceiving and its expansion. Subject-oriented foreign language instruction is a goal-oriented students' training for further educational and/or professional activities associated with the use of a foreign language as an object of future (professional) activity or as a means of professional communication. In particular, at this stage of subject-oriented foreign language instruction at primary grades, the structure and content of primary school students' subject-oriented foreign language teaching are considered, the primary school students' psychological characteristics and motivation role in foreign language learning are revealed, the main components of subject-oriented foreign language instruction are defined and characterised: elective courses, students' language portfolio.

The very idea of subject-oriented teaching (advanced study) is a good and quite old one - it is irrational to “teach everyone everything”, at least some differentiation and introduction of education content elective component is required. But the unified educational standard problem remains urgent in the country, while there is still uncertainty about resources - where to get academic hours, how to provide children with energy. The only way out is through overloading the students.

Junior school profilisation is nothing new for Ukraine. Thus, almost 40% of today's junior school students are more or less subject-oriented. But the sector's management untiringly emphases: race for figures is unwanted; the profilisation shall be carried out where the appropriate conditions have been created.

Analysis of recent research and publications. According to a number of scientists, including N. M. Bibik, V. P. Bondariev, P. S. Lerner, S. M. Chistiakova and others, subject-oriented instruction is a special type of training differentiation and individualisation, a form of organisation of junior students' educational activities, which takes into account their interests, inclinations and abilities, creates conditions for the maximum development of students according to their cognitive and professional intentions thanks to a special structure, content and organisation of the educational process. Profilisation is not just an advanced knowledge of one, two or more academic subjects, but practical experience in a certain professional field, aimed at shaping students' integral knowledge and social competence (Bim, 2007, p. 23). Foreign language activity within the educational process at school has the signs of integrity (language is the totality of language activity types) and organisation (interaction of all language activity types); it is closely connected with the content of education and has a number of specific features. Firstly, “Foreign Language” is a subject that is taught in a foreign language itself, or with its use. On the one hand, foreign language (FL) may not be a major subject, so high language competence is considered only conditionally. At the same time, the level of language knowledge of junior school students must be sufficient.

Secondly, as noted above, FL teaching is the teaching of a complex of various language activity types.

Thirdly, the level of FL mastering is considered at the automated skill level. The FL teaching is fundamentally different from other school subjects teaching. The mechanisms of this process are always individual for each student, and ways of memorising language phenomena are individualised, so the student's activities should be organised to maximum effect.

It is worth noting that FL mastering is focused not only on the activity and communication, i.e., on the interlocutor, and not only on the image of the world, i.e., on perception, but also on the student's personality. It is connected with a number of personal moments, which include motivation, one or another instruction (Uznadze's attitude), the problem of self - personal and group identity, etc. A special problem is a person's attitude to language and positive or negative instruction on speaking this language. Thus, the psychological-pedagogical problem of FL mastering is a multi-component, integral complex that includes practically all varieties of personal-individual and subjective-activity manifestations of personality activity (European Language Portfolio: method, 200, p. 37).

In non-philological profiles, FL acts not only as a goal, but also as a means of studying another non-linguistic subject area (for example, natural science, drawing, computer science, etc.), moreover as a means that should be well mastered. Advanced FL study within the non-philological profile is manifested in greater attention to language forms, language regularities, as well as to socio-cultural features of the language under study, and is assured by a greater number of academic hours than in the basic course. It is worth emphasising that subject-oriented FL study in junior grades of a non-philological profile is currently the most in demand. FL occupies a special place in the modern education system because of its social, cognitive and developmental functions as another communication media, means of the outside world perceiving and its expansion. FL study is an effective means of personal socialisation, self-expression, intellectual, emotional and moral development (European Recommendations on Language Education, 2003, p. 15).

Social life internationalisation, which has intensified recently, makes FL mastery vitally important from a practical perspective. There is no special need to speak about FL educational and developmental functions as an independent process isolated from the unified system of personality education and development (Foreign Language, 2010, p. 17). In any educational system, it fits into a unified process of learning motivation, memory, intellectual abilities, self-dependence, initiative and other personality qualities development. Subject-oriented FL instruction is a targeted training of students for further educational and/or professional activities related to FL application as an object of a future specialty or as a means of professional communication. In addition, when teaching junior students in non-major classes, where the “Foreign Language” subject is the major one, elective integrated FL courses ensure the inter-disciplinary links implementation and previously learned material re-teaching, as well as contribute to the new material learning.

AIM AND TASKS RESEARCH - to reveal the meaning of the “subject-oriented instruction” concept, to consider the effective influence of the profile in foreign language lessons at the initial stage, to describe subject-oriented instruction in teaching reading and listening in English lessons.


Based on the fact that subject-oriented instruction is a means of students' differentiation and individualisation, it (subject-oriented instruction) requires personally oriented approach implementation in the educational process, in which each junior student can build an individual educational path or a personal professional plan, provided that the necessary conditions are created for his/her training in accordance with professional interests thanks to the special structure, content and organisation of educational process. This requires teachers to direct the educational process not only towards students' knowledge acquisition but also towards the development of their cognitive abilities (Foreign Language, 2010, p. 98). FL teaching of junior students within the framework of the chosen profile should help to eliminate the inconsistency in the practice of this subject teaching at different stages. Thus, the philological profile framework, which includes the major course, combines the subjects of Ukrainian and foreign languages, which are joined with the course of literature of the language under study, and local history. These subjects are the basis of this profile (Polonska, 2012; Redko, & Pasichnyk, 2012; Foreign Language, 2010; Little, 2003, p. 87).

Foreign language is not only a major subject, but also a basic non-major one.

Therefore, FL should be studied regardless of the educational profile, but in line with the latter the teaching programme should be designed.

At the initial stage of foreign languages teaching in 1-4 grades, students' speech and communicative experience starts to form. At this level of foreign language study at school there are real didactic opportunities for foreign language study through students' subject-oriented training using English language, which will contribute to the achievement of the following objectives of English communication teaching at the primary level: students' mastery of the language as a means of communication in oral and written form. Students should comprehend native speech in standard communication situations, as well as speech in a sound recording, which is developed mainly on the material previously learned orally, being able at the same time to tease out separate pieces of information that is important for achieving listening objective; students' ability to talk about themselves, their friends, the main characters of the text, give their own opinion on what they heard (monologue speech). Students should be able to conduct etiquette dialogues and make both response and prompting remarks; using the foreign language under study to enhance students' general culture, broaden their horizons and knowledge about the country of language under study; forming by means of foreign language students' multicultural worldview, appropriate value orientations, tolerant attitude towards other cultures representatives and language preferences (European Language Portfolio: method, 2008, p. 23).

To achieve the above objectives the following is necessary: training on the technique of working with various types of foreign language reference materials in the library; acquaintance with methods of summarising linguistic and sociocultural observation results in the form of charts; development of skills for working with authentic material (audio and video materials); development of English communication culture skills; development of written language culture (Methods of Teaching Foreign Languages and Cultures, 2013; Bim, 2007, p. 43).

FL comes easily to some students; they willingly study it, despite the fact that they do not intend to link their future professional activity with FL knowledge. Others, on the other hand, show great interest and commitment to the FL study, has a strong belief in the need for its thorough mastery, and would like to obtain in the future a profession that is directly related to FL. However, there is a category of students who find FL difficult, they are significantly behind their peers in learning, have lost motivation to study it, although, perhaps, they would like to master it on an elementary communicative level (Foreign Language, 2010; The Concept of Subject-Oriented Instruction at High School, 2003, p. 12).

The purpose of subject-oriented FL instruction is to achieve a level of foreign language communicative competence that approaches the B2 proficiency level in the European Council terms.

Modern stage of the development of Ukraine's international relations in various spheres of life has brought it to the European and world space. New political, socio-economic and cultural realities require certain transformations in the system of foreign language teaching, which calls for a rethinking of its objectives, content and technology, essential updating of the language education, approaching the educational sector in Ukraine to the common European and world standards (Foreign Language, 2010, p. 97).

Within the framework of modern foreign language study, great attention should be paid to the Europeanization of the teaching content, which includes: introduction to the socio-cultural portrait of Europe and Ukraine as a European state; improving knowledge about common European values; value-oriented interpretation of “quality of life”, “European identity”, “European values” concepts in the European context.

In view of the rich national and international experience in foreign languages teaching, the students' multicultural development by means of foreign languages with its characteristic study of a number of subjects or thematic sections in school courses, both in native and foreign languages, is becoming particularly relevant. This program is designed for object-oriented instruction of communicative skills of primary grades students. It presents the main tasks for mastering English speaking competence.

Therefore, when choosing the program structure and content, we took into account the experience of creating European multi-level standards in foreign languages teaching, foreign and domestic experience in respect of teaching methods.


The purpose of our study was to check whether primary school students are ready to study in classes with subject- oriented instruction of English language.

During the academic internship as a primary school and English teacher, we set ourselves the task to study students' reaching such communicative competence level, which would be sufficient for communication in listening and reading, within certain communicative spheres, situational speech topics on the basis of the studied language and speech material.

Eleven third-graders participated in the experiment. They study under the 1-4 grades programme, from the age of 6. Additional classes in English (2 lessons) were introduced into the educational process.

The study was conducted on the basis of two types of language activity. Namely listening and reading newspapers. At the beginning of the experiment, students were offered tasks to determine their listening and reading skills level. To check whether a certain result was achieved, in the process of experimental work, we repeatedly asked the students to complete the following tasks.

Task 1. Study of listening comprehension skills level.

1. The child carefully listens to the text “LIZ AND SAMMY” with easy-to-understand content and word stock.

2. The students are given the task to identify the correct answer and find the correct way to complete the sentences given. (Appendix 2)

Table 1 and 1.1. (Appendix 3)

The task completion level is evaluated by a five-grade scale:

5 grades - the task is completed correctly, without mistakes, the sentences content is not broken, 1-2 mistakes are allowed;

4 grades - 2-3 mistakes are allowed

3 grades - 4-5 mistakes are allowed

2 grades - the sentences content is broken, the student makes more than 5 mistakes.

1 grade - the student is not oriented in the text content.

Tables 1 and 1.1. (Appendix 3)


Student's name

Task performance level

Number of mistakes





Note. An incorrectly translated word is considered a mistake (4).

During the exercises on listening skills development we set the goal to build up students' understanding of a native speaker's literary and spoken language in everyday communication situations, related to the satisfaction of simple needs (greeting, information request and convey, etc.); the ability to determine the topic and purpose of the conversation, its main content, and in cases of language difficulties, ask the partner to repeat the phrase, give an opinion in a different way, speak more slowly and simply, clarifying the meaning of unfamiliar words and encouraging a more thorough explanation of incomprehensible; the ability under conditions of mediated communication to understand the main content of the audio text (what it is about, what is the most important); the ability to fully and accurately understand the teacher's and classmates' phrasing, short messages relating to educational and labour, social and everyday communication; the ability to understand the main content of the listened texts of different nature, containing a small number of unfamiliar words.

In the course of the study, students were offered for comprehension texts of varying difficulty level. At the beginning of the experiment lighter texts related to holiday traditions in Europe and the United States were offered to students for comprehension. Students understood every word from the proposed text. Further, the difficulty of the text listened was constantly increased, so the students did not have the task to understanding every word to follow developments in the story. Students listened and tried to understand the main content of the text - its meaning - or looked for specific information that they had been asked to find before the task started. The study on the introduction of English subject- oriented instruction based on reading skills

Task 1. To check the level of new lexical units' acquisition.

Purpose of the task: to determine the level lexical units' acquisition.

Work organisation:

1. In front of the child there are pictures to the topic “Holidays”. (Appendix 4).

2. To determine the level of lexical units acquiring, children sign pictures in English.

Tables 2 and 2.1. Reading outcome evaluation form (Appendix 5)


Student's name

Task performance level

Number of mistakes





Note. An incorrectly completed task on lexical unit knowledge is taken as a mistake (3).

Assessment of reading comprehension level: Level 4 - complete acquisition of new lexical units, the child correctly signed at least 8 pictures out of 10;

Level 3 - partial acquisition of new lexical units, the child signed at least 5 pictures;

Level 2 - knowledge of lexical units at the recall level, 2 correctly signed pictures;

Level 1 - lexical unites not learned, 0 correct answers.

The goal of our reading teaching was to provide students with a skill that would allow them to comprehend the content information without the accompanying linguistic and technical difficulties hindering the entire process. Students had to learn to read aloud and silently with full comprehension short uncomplicated (adapted) texts, mainly based on the learned language material on the topic "Holidays".

The texts contained a certain number of unfamiliar words, the meaning of which could be found in reference materials or guessed. The most challenging for the students was reading comprehension, which requires a purposeful content analysis based on linguistic phenomena and logical connections. While working with the text in the reading for detail mode, we worked to achieve the following communicative goals: to understand the content of the text read; to compare the information received with one's own experience; to evaluate the information and give an opinion on it; to convey information from the text to others; to comment on individual facts.

Based on the results of the study, we can draw the following conclusions: As the Diagram 1 shows, there were no students with the 5th (high) level of listening and reading skills development in the class. There were 6 students with 4-3 levels of development. And there were 5 students with 1-2 levels of listening and reading proficiency development.

After conducting additional English classes (2 times a week), we achieved certain results. As the Diagram 2 shows, 7 students are at 5-3 levels of listening and reading abilities and skills development. 4 students remained at levels 1-2, due to a poor foreign language base, which did not allow them to work on a level with other students. All students who attended additional English language classes without interruption were able to complete the tasks almost without mistakes, at a high and sufficient level. Considering the information received, we can conclude that the third-grade students are ready to study in the English major classes.


Based on the analysis of methodical literature dealing with the problem of introduction of subject-oriented English language instruction in primary grades, we came to the conclusion that subject-oriented instruction, as a type of differentiated training, involves consideration of educational needs, students' aptitudes and abilities, creating conditions for primary school students study by changing the goals, content and structure of the educational organisation. The specific implementation of foreign language teaching goals in primary school is aimed at the further development of foreign language communicative competence (language/linguistic, speech, socio-cultural, socio-linguistic, educational), which involves both mastering foreign language knowledge, skills and abilities and the school students' ability to apply these knowledge and skills in real life situations. A leading role in the subject- oriented foreign language teaching to primary school students belongs to elective courses, which supplement the content of the subject, contribute to the self-determination of students in their choice of further education related to a foreign language. Today, there are only certain general approaches related to the development of elective courses in academic subjects. However, this issue has not yet been resolved at the state level on the scale of all the country's general educational establishments.

Modern methods and types of learning activities are increasingly acquiring forms that are close to the real communication conditions. For primary school students, these are interactive teaching methods that allow to solve communicative and cognitive tasks by means of foreign language communication: role-playing games, educational situational tasks, the project method, reflective methods (intelligence map, cinquain, cluster), etc. Modernisation of national school education, associated with the introduction of subject-oriented instruction, requires qualitative changes in the professional training of foreign language teachers. Modern school, more than ever, needs proactive, creative, artistic and responsive teachers, ready for constant self-education and self-development, searching for effective forms of teaching, focused on innovative pedagogical technologies. Therefore, the successful implementation of subject-oriented instruction for primary school students (creation of a regulatory and legal framework, educational and methodological support, funding, etc.) requires systematic and effective cooperation of education managers, scientists and all participants in the educational process.


Bim, I. L. (2007). Profiled Training in Foreign Languages at the Upper Level of Secondary School: Problems and Prospects. Moscow: Prosveshchenie. European Language Portfolio: method. (2008). ed. / comp. A. Karpiuk. Ternopil: Libra Terra.

European Recommendations on Language Education: Study, Teaching, Evaluation. (2003). / Scien. edit. of Ukrainian ed. Ed.D., Prof. S. Nikolaeva. Kyiv: Lenvit.

Foreign Language: Program for General Educational Institutions: Standard Level. Academic Level. Subject-Oriented Level. 10-11 grades. (2010). Kyiv.

Little, D. (2003). European Language Portfolio: a guide for teachers and teacher trainers / D. Little, edit. Perklova; trans. from English under gener. editorship K. M. Iriskhanova. Moscow: MSLU.

Linguistic Principles of Foreign Language Teaching to Senior Students of General Educational Institutions: teaching guide (2013). / V. H. Redko, T K.

Polonska, N. P. Basai [et al]; under scien. ed. V. H. Redko. Kyiv: Ped. Dumka.

Methods of Teaching Foreign Languages and Cultures: Theory and Practice: textbook for students of linguistic universities and foreign languages departments of higher education institutions (2013). / O. B. Bihich, N. F Borysko, H. E. Boretska [et al]; under general ed. S. Yu. Nikolaieva. Kyiv: Lenvit.

Polonska, T K. (2012). Language Portfolio As an Innovative Component of Foreign Language Teaching-Methodical Complexes for High School.

Problematic Aspects of Modern Textbook: coll. of scien. Papers, 12, 637-640.

Redko, V. H., & Pasichnyk, O. S. (2012). Special Aspects of Introduction of Foreign Languages Level Teaching Content in a Senior Specialised School in Ukraine. Problematic Aspects of Modern Textbook: coll. of scien. Papers, 12, 649-662.

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    реферат [15,2 K], добавлен 01.04.2012

  • Reading is the foundation on which academic skills of an individual are built. The importance of teaching reading. Developing reading skills and strategies. Stages of conducting reading and reading activities. Rules of training of the advanced readers.

    курсовая работа [36,2 K], добавлен 10.04.2012

  • Involvement of pupils to study language as the main task of the teacher. The significance of learners' errors. The definition of possible classifications of mistakes by examples. Correction of mistakes of pupils as a part of educational process.

    курсовая работа [30,2 K], добавлен 05.11.2013

  • Study the history of opening of the first grammar and boarding-schools. Description of monitorial system of education, when teacher teaches the monitors who then pass on their knowledge to the pupils. Analysis the most famous Universities in Britain.

    презентация [394,4 K], добавлен 29.11.2011

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