Distance learning model while teaching philological disciplines

Disclosure of the concept of distance education, its forms. Tasks of the information and educational environment. Determination of the distance learning model during teaching of philological disciplines, its advantages, disadvantages in a real situation.

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Дата добавления 13.12.2022
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I.V. Kolyada, teacher of the Foreign Languages Department of the National University of Pharmacy

S.V. Zhurkina, teacher of the Foreign Languages Department of the National University of Pharmacy


In this article we have been trying to analyze and identify the distance learning model while teaching philological disciplines and its advantages and disadvantages in the real situation in our country. Distance education is a set of educational services provided to the general population in the country and abroad through a specialized informational educational environment, which is based on the means of exchanging educational information at a distance. Distance learning is a new form of education based on the use of personal computers, electronic textbooks and telecommunications, which are a qualitatively new learning technology. Distance education means a whole set of software and pedagogical components for the transfer of knowledge at a distance. And it can be both synchronized and asynchronous. In the asynchronous method, an applicant determines the pace of obtaining the necessary information, has a choice between different media, can perform tasks according to the classroom program or plan, and then transfer the finished work to the teacher for evaluation. Synchronous form of distance education, with the current level of technology, is much more appropriate. It involves real-time communication through virtual audiences, using a combination of different technical means and methods of transmission for applicants to interact with the teacher and with each other. They also practice joint solving of tasks and exercises by applicants. Your decisions in electronic form are instantly transmitted to the training server and if the right program works, you will immediately know your result. The main task of using the information and educational environment is the education of harmoniously and comprehensively developed personality. To ensure the quality of education, universities are tasked with forming a responsible, socially active, creative and thinking person who will be able to learn throughout his life. The information and educational environment should be such that it develops and develops higher education. The main task of using the informational and educational environment is the education of harmoniously and comprehensively developed personality.

Key words: distance education, comprehensively developed personality, model, lecture, electronic form, educational environment, educators.


Коляда І., Журкіна С.

Дистанційне навчання та його модель для викладання філологічних дисциплін.

У цій статті проаналізовано і визначено модель дистанційного навчання під час викладання філологічних дисциплін, її переваги та недоліки у реальній ситуації у нашій країні. Дистанційна освіта - це сукупність освітніх послуг, які надаються широким верствам населення у країні та за її межами через спеціалізоване інформаційне освітнє середовище, що базується на засобах дистанційного обміну освітньою інформацією.

Під дистанційною освітою розуміють цілий комплекс програмних і педагогічних компонентів для передавання знань на відстані, причому він може бути як синхронізованим, так і асинхронним. У разі асинхронного методу студент сам визначає темп отримання потрібної інформації, вибирає різні її носії, може виконувати завдання згідно з аудиторною програмою або планом, а потім передавати підготовлену роботу викладачу для оцінки. Синхронна форма дистанційної освіти за сучасного рівня технологій є набагато привабливішою. Вона передбачає спілкування у реальному часі через віртуальні аудиторії із використанням різних технічних засобів і методів передавання інформації для взаємодії студентів із викладачем та між собою. Крім того, практикується спільне вирішення завдань і вправ студентами, які в електронному вигляді миттєво передаються на навчальний сервер. Якщо потрібна програма працює, ви відразу ж дізнаєтеся про свій результат. Основним завданням використання інформаційно-освітнього середовища є виховання гармонійно і всебічно розвиненої особистості. Задля забезпечення якості освіти перед ВНЗ ставиться завдання сформувати відповідальну та соціально активну особистість, яка творчо мислить і працює, а також здатну навчатися протягом усього свого життя. Інформаційно-освітнє середовище має бути таким, що розвиває здобувачів вищої освіти і розвивається. Основним завданням використання інформаційно-освітнього середовища є виховання гармонійно і всебічно розвиненої особистості.

Ключові слова: дистанційна освіта, всебічно розвинена особистість, модель, лекція, електронна форма, освітнє середовище, освітяни.

Formulation of the problem

During the pandemic, educators faced a major problem: how to teach educational disciplines methodically correctly and accessibly. Nowadays after we have gained some experience, it is safe to say that there are both positive and negative aspects of learning online. It all depends on the skills and information competence of the teacher. Distance learning is a technology based on the principles of «open» learning, widely uses computer training programs for various purposes and creates with the help of modern informational and educational environment for delivery of educational materials and communication.

One of the modern means of implementing the learning process based on information and communication technologies is the distance learning. Distance forms and methods of teaching contribute to the individualization of the process of professional training of future professionals, increase the amount of independent work, form an information culture, and encourage the use of innovative means of finding and using information.

Analysis of recent research and publications.

Recently, the number of studies on issues in the field of development and formation of informational and educational environment of educational institutions has increased. Problems and directions of creation and functioning of the educational space of the educational institution are actively studied by both Ukrainian and foreign scientists, namely V.Yu. Bykovim, R.S. Gurevich, M.I. Zhaldakom, І.G. Zakharova, A.P. Yershov, D.L. Konstantinovsky, A.A. Kuznetsov, V.V. Lapinsky, V.M. Madigon, V.Ya. Nechaev, O.L. Skidin, M.P. Shishkina, I.S. Yakimanskaya, Yu.I. Yakovenko and many others.

In particular, we can define the informational and educational environment as a system designed and created by the subjects of education, capable of self-development, in which connections and relationships are established between the subjects and components on the basis of information activities to achieve educational goals. The informational and educational environment is defined, on the one hand, as a software and technical complex, and, on the other hand, as a pedagogical system, and therefore, in the design, modeling and development of the environment should solve not only problems of information and software, but also socio- psychological and pedagogical issues.

The purpose of the article. The main purpose of the study is to analyze views on the essence of distance learning and its tasks in the educational process of higher education institutions, as well as to determine the prospects for its application in the practice of institutions of higher education. The study was conducted in 2020-2021. The following research methods have been considered: theoretical analysis of normative documents, psychological, pedagogical and methodological literature, which generalize modern innovative integrated methodological approaches to the development of blended learning.

Presenting the main material

The basis of the educational process in the use of informational and educational environment is purposeful and controlled intensive independent work of the applicant for higher education, who can study in a convenient place, on an individual schedule, with a set of special teaching aids and coordinated communication with the head of the course.

The practice of using information technology in the educational process shows that the methods and forms are changing as a form of traditional interaction («a teacher - an applicant for higher education «), because, first of all, a new means of learning is introduced, which becomes a necessary connecting element of the process. Secondly, is also a system, but in the relationship « an applicant for higher education - a computer - a teacher» [3].

The use of informational and educational environment at Universities provides information richness and flexibility of teaching methods using information technology.

The basis for creating the informational and educational environment of the educational institution is the implementation of its informational and educational portal. Informational and educational portal is a portal for obtaining educational information, training, creating, transferring, and controlling the knowledge and confirmation of the achieved educational qualification [2, p. 82].

Goals and objectives of the informational and educational portal of the University [2, p. 82]:

- integration of information, technological, educational resources and services involved in the educational process into a single information space;

- integration and streamlining of all educational resources of University departments;

- providing structured, unified access to all informational and educational resources of University departments;

- support for continuous training of teachers;

- formation of a single informational and educational environment in order to share experiences, accumulate and use knowledge;

- prompt satisfaction of information needs of users;

- providing applicants with opportunities for self-improvement, self-development, independent learning, training and knowledge levels;

- operational control of the educational process;

- creating a personal virtual workplace for each participant in the learning process; ensuring the effective use of accumulated knowledge;

- high level of involvement of applicants in the process of knowledge exchange.

Electronic educational and methodical complexes of disciplines should become one of the components of the informational and educational portal of the University. Electronic educational and methodical complex (EEMC) is a didactic system in which in order to create conditions for pedagogical activity, informational interactions between teachers and applicants, we integrate the application software products, databases, as well as other didactic tools and teaching materials that provide and support educational process.

The main principles of distance learning are the following ideas: humanism, priority of pedagogical approach in designing the educational process in distance learning, pedagogical expediency of new information technologies, choice of educational content, protection of information circulating in distance learning, starting level of education, compliance with learning technologies, learning mobility. distance education teaching philological

The main types of distance learning are methodological, software, technical, informational, organizational ones.

The need for the development of distance learning is due to the several circumstances. Education is becoming not only a tool for the interpenetration of knowledge and technology on a global scale, but also the capital, the means of fighting for the market, solving geopolitical issues. Modern society needs the mass qualitative education that can meet the growing needs of consumers and producers in material and spiritual goods.

Of course, there are some issues with the restructuring of teachers' activities. New technologies, which are the basis of distance learning, significantly change the nature of the interaction between a teacher and an applicant for higher education, focusing them on the equal collective learning.

Among the psychological and pedagogical advantages of distance learning are the following ideas:

- availability of educational materials,

- the opportunity to study at any time,

- independence on a particular location,

- less emotional, calm environment,

- access to permanent multimedia broadcast.

Among the psychological and pedagogical shortcomings of the distance form are the following ideas:

- lack of technical means of communication for some applicants,

- inability to control the actions of applicants,

- lack of development of communicative abilities,

- lack of a transparent form of assessing the knowledge of applicants.

Thus, as we can see, there are more positive moments, because the use of distance learning creates some conditions for providing the educational process with the quality of continuity through the technological integration of classroom and extracurricular activities in the system of blended learning.

It is important to properly create a virtual environment in which both applicants and teachers would take an active part.

Models of distance learning via the Internet are diverse. The most typical of them can be divided into two groups: contactless (those that exclude face-to- face communication between teacher and applicants) and contact models (with periodic personal meetings of teachers and applicants).

Let's take a look at the model of blended learning in the teaching of philological disciplines online:

1. To be sure to give a lecture with elements of practice, a face-to-face interview will help keep applicants in shape and not be distracted. It is important that the teacher does not take on the primary role of communicator.

2. The screen, i.e. its demonstration is actively used as a form of a virtual board. It is important not to constantly use ready-made presentations, but to try to prescribe theses, so applicants will listen carefully and follow the actions of the teacher.

3. Any accentological trainings should be conducted in the form of live communication: teacher- applicant, i.e. it is desirable to conduct live auditions, because technical capabilities do not always provide a quality opportunity to listen to audio recordings.

4. To be sure to post the material in the form of an online test or time-limited survey after each rule (it is not necessary to use platforms for this, but you can conduct an appropriate test or survey in the form of answers in messengers).

5. By the way, you need to not only collect feedback from applicants, but also to provide them with their own one, i.e. to conduct questionnaires or surveys on the perception or understanding of the material.

6. It is important to have discussions. After all, the experience of electronic discussions shows that the average duration of each applicant's «speech» is much longer than the discussion in the audience due to the nonlinear model of communication (all those people, who are being taught, «speak» simultaneously, i.e. send messages simultaneously). Also, before sending messages, those who are taught usually reread them to check the content and spelling. As a result, the answers are more thoughtful than oral answers.

Conclusions and prospects for the further research

The main task of using the informational and educational environment is the education of harmoniously and comprehensively developed personality. To ensure the quality of education, Universities are tasked with forming a responsible, socially active, creative and thinking person who will be able to learn throughout his life. The informational and educational environment should be such that it develops and develops higher education. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account three main aspects of the idea of development, which are the following ones: the constant development of content and teaching methods, their impact on personal development and, as a result, the impact on the socio-cultural environment of Universities.

Thus, an important factor in the creation and use of informational and educational environment for methodological support of education is the informational infrastructure of the educational institution. The creation of such an infrastructure is the key to the successful implementation of information technology in education at all levels, which allows you to computerize educational, training, management and any other activities of the educational institution. That is why, we can conclude that during the distance learning system the teacher's activity should become more creative, teaching methods should mainly choose problem-based and use active forms of learning.


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