Motivative aspect of professional self-development of the future modern teacher of physical culture

Identifies the dependence of the effectiveness of motivation on the ability of the teacher to form the student's need to achieve the goal. Proved that levers of motivation for self-development are incentives as an external motivation for action.

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Дата добавления 23.12.2022
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Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University

Motivative aspect of professional self-development of the future modern teacher of physical culture

Kurnyshev Yu.A., Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor at the Department of Physical Culture and Health Basics

Moseychuk Yu.Yu., Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Head of Department of Physical Culture and Health Basics

Turchenyak S., Master Student at the Department of Physical Culture and Health Basics

The article identifies the dependence of the effectiveness of motivation on the ability of the teacher to form the student's need to achieve the goal, stimulate him to action, the level of creative interaction in the system "teacher-student". It is proved that the main levers of motivation for self-development are incentives as an external motivation for action. The author of the article describes stimulation as the unity of purpose, content, forms, methods, techniques, means of activity of the leader and other subjects, according to psychological, age, gender features, individual style of activity, experience.

In the process of professional training, the future specialist must gain experience of consistent purposeful self-knowledge and personal growth. Only a person with a clear self-awareness is able to assess own individuality, actualize the inner creative potential, become a subject of self-development.

The necessity to study a motivation is caused by the fact it is one of the methods of personality control, influence on the needs and desires. Last time, the positive changes occur in the educational system and they allow a teacher to realize own creative potential, be an active participant of innovative processes. In this context, the target of a teacher is to use a motivation as a process of encouraging a student to the achievement as personal purposes and the purposes of students too. Accordingly, it is important to research a state of motivation and the existence of some incentives of teachers of the secondary school. The concept of personality as a subject of creative activity implies the value attitude of a person to self-development and self-realization and gives us the opportunity to talk about the individual as a subject of self-development. Personality development in the process of professional training is an active creative process carried out by the student in cooperation (partnership) with the teacher, one of the results of which is the individual's ability to self-actualization, ability to find new meanings in a particular case and throughout the life.

Key words: teacher of physical culture; culture of pedagogical communication; motivation, need; self-development; incentives.


У статті визначено залежність ефективності мотивування від здатності педагога сформувати у студента потребу в досягненні мети, стимулювати його до дії, від рівня творчої взаємодії у системі «викладач-студент». Доведено, що головними важелями мотивації до саморозвитку є стимули як зовнішнє спонукання до дії. Автором статті стимулювання охарактеризовано як єдність мети, змісту, форм, методів, прийомів, засобів діяльності керівника та інших суб'єктів, відповідно до психологічних, вікових, статтевих особливостей, індивідуального стилю діяльності, досвіду.

У процесі професійної підготовки майбутній фахівець повинен набути досвіду послідовного цілеспрямованого самопізнання та особистісного зростання. Тільки особистість з яскраво проявленою самосвідомістю здатна оцінити свою індивідуальність, актуалізувати внутрішній творчий потенціал, стати суб'єктом саморозвитку.

Необхідність вивчення мотивації зумовлена тим, що вона є одним з методів управління особистістю, впливу на її потреби та бажання. Останнім часом в освітній системі відбуваються позитивні зміни, що дозволяють педагогу розкрити свій творчий потенціал, бути активним учасником інноваційних процесів. У цьому контексті завдання викладача - використовувати мотивацію як процес спонукання студента до досягнення як особистісних цілей, так і цілей його учнів. У зв'язку з цим важливо дослідити стан мотивації і наявність тих чи інших мотивів у вчителів середньої загальноосвітньої школи.

Поняття особистості як суб'єкта творчої діяльності передбачає ціннісне відношення людини до саморозвитку та самореалізації та дає нам можливість говорити про особистість як суб'єкт саморозвитку. Розвиток особистості в процесі професійної підготовки це активний творчий процес, який здійснюється студентом у співпраці (партнерстві) з викладачем, одним з результатів якого є здібність особистості до самоактуалізації, уміння знаходити нові змісти в конкретній справі та у всьому своєму житті.

Ключові слова: вчитель фізичної' культури; культура педагогічного спілкування; мотивація, потреба; саморозвиток; стимули.


Fundamental life reformation of society created the real preconditions for significant conversions in economics, science and culture. They occur in the background of a global integration in the world educational space, essential modernization of educational system, increasing of the role of ethnic cultural factors and national self-consciousness, as a result the requirements for the professional competence of specialists, their prefessionalism increase. The approval of such social and personal values as «human», «creativity», «spirituality», «professionalism» is identified by the character of modern civilizational processes and causes the intensive spread in educational practice of humanistically oriented approaches and technologies that are directed on the holistic development of personality of all participants of pedagogical process, the activization of their creative, subjective opportunities, increasing of erudition and general culture. The development of personal-oriented education is based on the priorities of humanistic over authoritarian, ecological over technological, axiological over informational and also, on the parities of social and individual, logical and imaginative, traditional and innovational. Mentioned new ideas and approaches are laid down conceptually in the content of «National doctrine of the education development of Ukraine in the XXI century», State national program «Education-ХХІ », Law of Ukraine «On Education», Law of Ukraine «On the higher education». All these cover the fields of professional training of teachers of physical culture.

Intensive spread and implementation the ideas of education and teaching humanization in the theory and practice allow the scientists and practical workers to talk about a development of personality as a self-development where a personality is a subject not only of education, personal vital activity but a subject of self-development. Self-development of personality can be regarded as an integration of social and personal, external and internal factors and their purpose is based on a gradual, free ascent to the perfection.

Analysis of recent researches and publications. Professional knowledge and skills of a teacher and their importance in the teaching of children were researched by famous scientists of the past and present PF. Lesgaft (1988), N.V. Kuzmin (1970), V.O. Slas- tionin (1978), A.I. Shcherbakov (1980) and others. F.N. Gonoblin (1970), G.S. Kostyuk (1980) consentrated on the problems of improvement the professional and teaching training. According to the scientific researches of B.M. Shiyan (1997), G.V. Lozhkin (1998), V.I. Zavatskyi (1998), Y.N.Prystupa (1996), A.V. Tsosia (1994), O.Y. Yemtsia (1988) it is worth to mark that the main condition of development the professional skills of teachers of physical culture is a level of formation of the professional and pedagogical knowledge, skills and abilities.

At the same time, the study of a special training state of the students of the department of physical education showed that it is being carried out without any sufficient pedagogical focus and motivation on the non-stop professional self-development of a specialist personality. The problem of self-development of a personality in practical pedagogical activity hasn't taken a suitable position yet. That was demonstrated by insufficient attention of teachers to the problem, their desire to subdue the process of personality self-creation to the abstract pedagogical idea, indifference of teachers to the essential willingness of a student to self-realize. Accordingly, the ways of solving the problems of personality self-development are still unconscious by the students and unclear for students and for teachers too.

The aim of the article is based in the definition of motivation incentives of professional self-development of a future teacher of physical culture, transforming into the appropriate model of researched phenomenon.


Increasing of the professional skills of a teacher to the level that responds to the demands of today's life is one of the main conditions of a modernization of the education system. In the background of increasing the problem, a motivation of professional development of teachers gets a special importance. That's why, there are a lot of attempts to determine a system of moral and material incentives for the preservation of better teachers in the schools and replenishment the educational establishments with a generation of young teachers who are able to work in the conditions of social-economic and educational reforms and their efforts will be directed on the professional self-development.

The level of activity of the professional development is determined by a structure of incentives of the teacher's activity. The detection of incentives and barriers that have an influence on the motivation development of creative self-development of a teacher of physical culture has a great scientific and practical interest. Thus, an analysis of basic theoretical preconditions of the finding the principles of their interaction in the process of self-development of a teacher of physical culture has a special meaning. Proving the conception of personal-oriented education, E. Bondarevska [1, p. 34] considers a personal development as a development of subjectivity that is operated by valuable and semantic field of a personality's consciousness. The internal changes in a personality: values, needs, incentives, interests, settings, positions, personal senses occur in the process of a personal development. Positive «I-conception» is created, integrative connections among the basic fields of personality are established: value and motivational, emotional and strong-willed, activity and behavioral, as a result, a personality becomes more integrated.

Personal development creates the preconditions for a professional increasing - ability of a future teacher of physical culture to understand, form and solve own vital problems and tasks of professional self-development, demonstrate qualities that testify about the new, higher level of activity, self-reliance, personal self-regulation, achievement of constant success in one or several kinds of activity. Along with this, since an incentive is an expression of readiness to act in a way, the task is based on the creation or activization of such state of the readiness and external control of motivation. Consequantly, a concept of motivation reflects not only an internal state (internal motivation) but external effects that encourage a student to act to some extent (external motivation). The target of modern teacher is to satisfy the interests of a student, appeal and draw to the active self-development and promote the need in the self-development to be predominant among the other qualities of a student. motivation student self development

The necessity to study a motivation is caused by the fact it is one of the methods of personality control, influence on the needs and desires. Last time, the positive changes occur in the educational system and they allow a teacher to realize own creative potential, be an active participant of innovative processes. In this context, the target of a teacher is to use a motivation as a process of encouraging a student to the achievement as personal purposes and the purposes of students too. Accordingly, it is important to research a state of motivation and the existence of some incentives of teachers of the secondary school.

The influence of motivation on a human behavior depends on a number of factors, a lot in something individually and can vary under the influence of a feedback at the side of a human activity [1, p. 8].

The human needs have a lot of common of different people but at the same time, they can be demonstrated differently, depending on human individual peculiarities. Need is something that a person aims to satisfy and gets free because until a need exists, it lets to know about itself and «requires» its satisfaction. In accordance with the systemic understanding about a human activity, it is possible to claim that a person makes a decision at the level of control, adaptation and self-organization. Consequantly, the needs must be realized on each of mentioned levels at once. Analysts claim that lower, higher and the highest needs develop in parallel and in total and are controlled by the human behavior at all levels of its organization, that is a triple character of needs' satisfaction via the material and immaterial encouraging.

Characterising a structure of incentives that form a motivation of professional activity of a teacher of physical culture, it is possible to refer to the classification of B. Dodonov [4].

The researcher finds that the reasons of any activity might be a set of the following factors: satisfaction from the exact process of the activity; direct result of the activity (created product, learned knowledge, in our case own sport success of a future teacher or success of students, etc.); reward for the activity (salary, career development, glory, etc.) willingness to avoid sanctions that are used as a threat in the case of evasion of fulfillment of the obligations. Therefore, it is proposed to characterize a motivational structure by four factors that can play positive and negative role according to certain conditions.

Researchers and teachers-practitioners focus attention on a necessity to develop the ways of motivation and promotion. Incentive causes some human actions, it has «personal» character, depends on the external and internal factors and also, on the actions of other incentives that appear with it in parallel. Incentive encourages a person to the actions and determines what it is necessary to do and how to perform this action. [1] It is noticed that a motivation intends to encourage to some actions through the awakening certain incentives in a person. The efficiency of motivation depends mostly on that fact how a teacher can form a student's need to achieve the aim, stimulate a student to the actions. Motivation is realized with the help of stimulation. Meanwhile, the higher level of creative interaction in the system «teacher-student» is, a teacher must use the less means of stimulation.

It is due to the fact that teaching and studying as one of the motivation methods of people, causes the interest of students to own professional development, doing necessary actions, not waiting or not getting an appropriate stimulative influence.

Appealing the future teachers to a professional development means to ensure a continuity of their professional self-improvement. Professional development of students can occur under the influence of developing educational environment, student and pedagogical staff, own sport and pedagogical activity during the practice. However, the results of such development will occur spontaneously, under the influence of various, mostly unmanaged factors. That's why, our task is to ensure such professional self-development of teachers of physical culture and it will be characterized by conscious actions on the stages of self-knowledge, enrichment of personal senses of educational activity, development of professional competence, personal professionally significant qualities, pedagogical skills and modeling of personal developing activity. We understand the eesence of self-development as a complex, multifaceted, continuous, creative process and its results have bilateral importance: improvement and development of professional knowledge, skills and abilities of a future teacher and quality changes of teacher's personality.

The main levers of motivation to the self-development are incentives. Thus, a motivation of self-development is regarded as a process of stimulation of a separate student or a group of students to the actions that are directed to achieve individual or common success in the leading kinds of activity, for example in sports. Incentive is an external stimulation to the actions that is a reason of human behavior. Different kinds of incentives are used in practice.

Stimulation of motivation of teacher's creative self-development is considered to be as a control of increasing the professional and creative activity and creative self-development and it is realized by the following principles: unity of pedagogical diagnostics and making a need of professional advancement; taking into account the main course and content of professional activity; individualization and differentiation of a stimulating program; inclusion into different forms of activity and communication; providing and learning the stimulating information.

From a position of systematic approach, a stimulation of self-development motivation of a teacher is a multi-level system of interection of the object, subject and conditions of the environment and as a result, a need of self-developing appears and grows. Stimulation is characterized by a unity of purpose, content, forms, methods, means of activity of a head and other subjects, according to psychological, age peculiarities, individual style of activity, experience, sex differences and specific nature of innovative activity, on the base of revealed regularities and principles: unity and correlation of pedagogical diagnostics and motivation of self-development; main direction and content of activity in particular a creation of physical culture; individualization and differentiation of stimulating program; involvement in the process of self-development, various forms of activity and communication; extension of stimulating information. Keeping of these principles in a motivation of professional and personal self-development of a teacher of physical culture promotes the level increasing of pedagogical skills.

It is reasonable to direct a process of self-development of future teachers of physical culture and their self-management through the realization of positive incentives that promote a self-improvement, due to the neutralization of negative conditions and barriers of self-development motivation. Driving force of professional self-development or an obstacle of it are incentives and barriers that appear in different fields of activity: pedagogical, social, psychological, sport.

Stimulating factor of self-development of a teacher of physical culture is a success in the gaining sport and pedagogical skills that first of all appear in the ability of a future teacher to a professionally effective orientation and useful restructuring of means of activity and self-improvement in permanently changeable non-standard pedagogical situations. In turn, it foresees the ability to make planning, realization, correlation of creative tasks reasonably. The criteria of self-development effectiveness is an optimal adaptation to the external conditions, neutralization of barriers, designing and regulation, correction of co-creation relations, cooperation, ability to objective self-analysis in the process of solving the creative tasks, orientation and transformation of made creative decisions regarding the non-standard conditions. All these are the evidences of increasing the pedagogical skills of a teacher that is one of the significant professional and pedagogical incentives of motivation of creative self-development of students during the studying.

Among the incentives of self-development motivation of students, the author calls a creative potential of a future teacher; culture of pedagogical communication; tendency and desire to carry out experimental-research and scientific work; interest to the new ideas and technologies in the field of psychology and pedagogy; high results of educational-cognitive activity; ability to co-creation, cooperation; creative use of experience of the others [3, p.1 12].

The results of theoretical research allow generalizing the conclusions about the importance of personal characteristics of a teacher in a professional self-development and underline them as the criteria of a teacher's self-development. In order to define the criteria and their figures, we got out from the positions that a program of personal development is given to each person genetically but its diagnostics is presented insufficiently at the level of practice; that a professional development and self-development is an integrative process that has a certain component structure.

Consequently, a process of self-development and professional growth of a teacher is characterized by the changes of figures of its components. As the most important components of a professional self-development of a teacher of physical culture, there are such:

1. Cognitive - knowledge in the field of pedagogy and psychology, theory and methodology of physical culture and sport, knowledge of mechanisms and ways of a personal and professional self-development (self-esteem, self-affirmation, self-determination).

2. Practical - useful-practical skills of professional self-development of a personality, in particular: mastery of ways how to plan a self-development (goal-setting, choice of forms and technologies of ideas' realization and targets of activity).

3. Emotional component is revealed through the understanding of a position of the own «I», positive perception of myself as a teacher, positive attitude to the pedagogical activity, emotional persistance in the professional self-development.

4. Motivational component is presented by value orientations, needs, settings and interests of a teacher on the professional becoming and self-improvement.

5. Reflexive component is characterized by the ability to a pedagogical reflexion, self-study, self-esteem of own vital and pedagogical experience, analysis of causal relationships, encourages work on yourself.

The presented components can develop irregularly but the improvement of one is a condition of development of any other.

Training of students for a professional self-development occurs in the process of general professional training and has some common components. Meanwhile, it has own specific peculiarities that are caused by a character of pedagogical activity and requirements to a personality who does it. So, a structure of professional self-development of future teachers of physical culture will be regarded as a number of three interconnected components: motivational and emotional, content and operational, reflexive.

Motivational and target component of professional self-development of future teachers of physical culture is based on such main regulations. The purpose in a professional activity is a conscious image of work results of a human, a process of setting the targets for own transformation (self-development) [7, p.162]. Targets can change according to the kind of self-development - personal or professional. Considering the materials of scientific researches, it is came out that a main purpose of professional self-development of a future teacher is in the development of positive motivation to the professional activity, improvement of own skills and self-realization. So, a motivational element of this component promotes the realization of such functions:

• incentive (causes the activism of a future teacher to the professional activity);

• directional (determines a nature of purpose in the future professional activity of a teacher);

• regulatory (determines value orientations, incentives of professional activity, that is a cause to transformation).

Thereby, motivational and target component of professional self-development of future teachers is a number of means that determine a direction and quantity of efforts that are made for the achievement of transformation (self-development) targets; prepares the purposefulness of future bahaviour, though it doesn't provide it.

The set goals and targets determine a content of any process, so the following component in the structure of professional self-development of future teachers is content and operational.

Content and operational component is one of the elements of training and practical activity of a future teacher of physical culture. It shows what the future teachers of physical culture learn during the training and also what they must have formed and developped, what they must be trained to as the teachers of a certain field of educational activity and improvement. This component is a «system of scientific knowledge, skills and abilities, relations and experience of creative activity that ensure a various development of personality» [7, p. 137], promote the self-development of a human in general and a professional self-improvement. The needs of personality that is an objective factor of the determination of the exact content have an influence on the nature of the realization of content and operational component of professional self-development of future teachers of physical culture. Just needs encourage a person to the activity. Own position of a person for the qualities that are desired to improve, has an influence on the structure of a process of professional self-development.

In our opinion, for the content and operational component of professional self-development of future teachers of physical culture, «technological» providing of spiritual content of a profession is important: developed professional self-consciousness; high productivity of work, reliability and stability of high results; professional training and openness for training; creative attitude to the profession.

Final component of a structure of professional self-development of future teachers of physical culture is reflexive. Reflexive component foresees an objective valuation of the actions by students in the process of a purposeful professional self-development. It consists of two parts: self-knowledge and valuation of results.


Considering the creativity as a motivation substance and criteria of development and self-development of students of the future teachers as a subject of creativity, certainly we reach the conclusion that in the conditions of permanent search and experiment, doing the research tasks, the processes of studying that are dynamic by the content and innovative by the technology, self-realization of yourself in a sport and pedagogical activity motivate students to the self-development, encourage to the achievement in sport and pedagogical proficiency. So, a creative potential, a culture of pedagogical communication, an interest to the new ideas in the field of psychology and pedagogy, tendancy and ambition to do experimental-research and scientific work and high results of teaching-learning activity with the readiness to use an experience of the others are considered to be the incentives of motivation.

Бібліографічний список

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  • Planning a research study. Explanation, as an ability to give a good theoretical background of the problem, foresee what can happen later and introduce a way of solution. Identifying a significant research problem. Conducting a pilot and the main study.

    реферат [26,5 K], добавлен 01.04.2012

  • Oxford is the oldest English-speaking university in the world and the largest research center in Oxford more than a hundred libraries and museums, its publisher. The main areas of training students. Admission to the university. Its history and structure.

    презентация [1,6 M], добавлен 28.11.2012

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