Influence of european integration processes in education on changes of pedagogical interaction nature

The concept of @pedagogical interaction@ in the context of changes caused by European integration and globalization processes in education. The personality of a university lecturer as a subject of pedagogical interaction in the system of higher education.

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Дата добавления 22.12.2022
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National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine

Influence of european integration processes in education on changes of pedagogical interaction nature

Varava O. B., Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences,

Senior Lecturer at the Department of Social Work and Rehabilitation


Варава О. Б.


У статті досліджено концепт «педагогічна взаємодія» в контексті змін, викликаних євроінтеграційними та глобалізаційними процесами в освіті. Уточнено зміст і структуру цього поняття. Зосереджено увагу на особистості викладача як суб'єкта педагогічної взаємодії та агенті змін у системі національної вищої освіти. Розроблено діагностичний інструментарій для вивчення змін у характері педагогічної взаємодії, викликаних євроінтеграційними впливами; досліджено думку науково-педагогічних працівників Національного університету біоресурсів і природокористування України щодо сучасних пріоритетів педагогічного спілкування.

Ключові слова: педагогічна взаємодія, євроінтеграційні процеси,науково- педагогічні працівники, гуманітарний вектор освіти.


The article examines the concept of “pedagogical interaction” in the context of changes caused by European integration and globalization processes in education. The content and structure of this concept are specified. The attention is focused on the personality of a university lecturer as a subject of pedagogical interaction and an agent of changes in the system of national higher education. We have developed the diagnostic tools for studying changes in the nature of pedagogical interaction caused by European integration influences. The opinion of scientific and pedagogical staff of the National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine on current priorities of pedagogical communication is investigated.

Keywords: pedagogical interaction, European integration processes, scientific and pedagogical staff, humanitarian vector of education.


One of the main features of the reforms carried out in Ukrainian education is the strategic course on integration into the European scientific and educational space. This choice opened a wide prospect of higher education improvement at the intersection of two vectors - the reassessment of our own achievements and acquiring the experience of powerful world powers.

The topical issue is the development of pedagogical interaction, as it is the main condition for the formation and development of personality and professional.

Scientific interest for the aspects of pedagogical influence is also driven by the fact that humanity is now experiencing a new stage of development, i.e, era of electronic technologies. This may lead to the fact that the symbiosis "gadget - person” will entail a threat of humanitarian nature, as it causes the substitution of pedagogical communication with only one of its aspects - communication and information exchange. Consequently, it complicates the achievement of the educative nature of interpersonal relations between teacher and student [7]. Finding educational information mainly in the external, virtual space essentially changes the role and functions of a university lecturer and turns the student into an active participant in the educational process [4, p. 79]. The forms of learning that do not provide the opportunity to identify subjectivity and implement individual educational pathways are losing relevance. At present, Google search can instantly respond to most of the queries of a reproductive nature, and in that way minimize the need for teachers who are simply the knowledge retransmitters.

The task of a university lecturer is to understand the needs of student, identify his talents and aspirations, develop his professional, communicative, leadership qualities and help him adapt to challenges of the external environment. “Today we can not teach like it was yesterday, because the world is becoming different,” said academician Andrushchenko V. P. So, today “the teacher must strive for a dialogue, discourse with the student, he must see a person equal to him, and even more promising' [8, p. 60]. These characteristics predetermine the change in the pedagogical positions of university lecturers and students and the relationship between them. The overriding task in solving the organizational pedagogical interaction issues is to preserve the humanitarian vector of development under the pressure of the technological approach. Therefore, pedagogical interaction in modern conditions acquires new content-related, procedural and organizational features. And actually, these features became the subject of our research.

Analysis of recent researches and publications. The philosophical, psychological, communicative, aesthetic and methodological aspects of pedagogical interaction are reflected in the works of scientists V. Kan-Kalyk, O. Bodalov, O.Leontiev, V. Myasishchev, V. Sukhomlinsky, I. Zyazyun, A. Zolotnyakova, O.Kyrychuk, L. Kramushchenko, L. Sedova, N. Tolstolutsky and others. However, in terms of our study, we are interested not so much in the category of pedagogical interaction, as in the changes that took place after signing the Bologna Declaration in 1999. Thus, the basis for our reasoning, in addition to scientific works, was a number of documents defining the fundamental basics of the European Higher Education Area (hereinafter referred to as “EHEA”). Transformations are carried out in accordance with the communiquй (declarations) of the conferences of European Ministers of Higher Education. The main instruments of the Bologna Process are the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS), the EHEA Qualifications Framework, and the higher education quality assurance system. Since the Tuning project implementation in 2000, its aim was to form a common methodology for comparing higher education programs and to implement a competitive and result- based approach. In 2014, the Association Agreement between Ukraine and the EU was signed. Among the documents regulating changes in national education, the most significant ones are the “Concept of Education Development of Ukraine for the period 2015-2025” [6] and the Law of Ukraine “On Higher Education” (2014) [3].

The purpose of the article is to clarify the changes in pedagogical interaction occuring under the influence of European integration processes in education and to detect these changes in the professional activities of scientific and pedagogical staff of the National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine.

Methods. Theoretical: theoretical and methodological analysis, classification, decomposition, systematization and generalization. Empirical methods: diagnostic (questionnaire); experience analysis.


The idea of cooperation, dialogue, partnership in the relationship of subjects of educational activity is one of the main in pedagogy in recent years.

At the same time, today there is no common approach to defining the essence of this concept and the idea of participants' pedagogical interaction in the educational process in higher education has not yet been fully comprehended and implemented in the process of the future lecturers training [1, p. 16]. The education system requires a radical revision of most ideas [8, p. 58]. The inevitability and necessity of changes in the nature of pedagogical communication are explained by such factors as the creation of EHEA with common principles and the European education development prospects; transition to smart-education that uses communication educational

technologies; changes in the worldview of Generation Z students; focusing the academic community on the ideas of student-centered learning and rethinking the roles of pedagogical interaction participants.

Reform steps prompted the implementation of the following ideas and principles: academic mobility - the opportunity to study, teach, undergo an internship at other higher educational institutions; recognition of academic credits - confirmation of learning outcomes obtained in another institution; competency-based approach - determining learning outcomes in terms of competencies developed under the Tuning project; competence (no one pays a person for what he/she knows anymore (because Google knows everything) - and they pay only for what he/she can do with his/her knowledge, that is, for the competence) [7, p. 16]; student-centered approach - focusing on learning outcomes, taking into account student priorities and the actual workload; at the same time the student is given more opportunities to choose the content, pace, method and place of study; the Dublin descriptors - typical expected achievements of a graduate, formulated in terms of five types of competencies: knowledge and understanding; application of knowledge and understanding; formation of judgments; communication; ability to further study and development [9]; academic freedom - the independence and autonomy of the educational process participants during the pedagogical activities based on the principles of freedom of speech and creativeness [2]. Perhaps the greatest achievement of European integration is the creation of a culture of quality in national education. Quality entails the prevention and detection of academic plagiarism in the scientific works of both scientific and pedagogical staff and students (academic integrity); ensuring publicity of information about educational programs, providing advanced training of scientific and pedagogical staff; the annual assessment and regular disclosure of such assessments results.

Modern pedagogy is gradually freeing itself from the stereotypes of the obligatory domination of the teacher in the student audience, information and reproductive methods and the authoritarian style of managing the educational process. The role of the teacher changes significantly: from an information “transmitter” he transforms into a consultant, accomplice and coorganizer of the educational process. Students take an active part in the modification and correction process of the academic disciplines content and in creation of discipline electronic content;

the student not only absorbs knowledge, but also analyzes, systematizes, generalizes, shares with classmates, seeks to apply in practice [5]. While constructing the correct and successful interaction, the teacher must have emotional intelligence and creativeness, be able to combine learning and research during the educational process. Formulation of the pedagogical communication purposes requires consideration of specialty development trends.

In order to study the changes in the nature of pedagogical interaction caused by European integration influences, we developed a questionnaire and studied the opinion of the scientific and pedagogical staff of National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine on current pedagogical communication priorities. The questionnaire contains 10 questions. We have invited 18 people from the scientific and pedagogical staff working in the specialty "Social Work”. The volume of

the article does not allow to present all results of the survey, so we present them selectively. In particular, we find it interesting to show graphically the respondents answers to the question “Identify current trends in education, which, in your opinion, have the greatest impact on changes in the nature of pedagogical interaction (select up to five answers)' (n = 18) (Figure 1). According to the opinion of the university scientific and pedagogical staff, such factors as “different vision of the teacher's role as a mentor, facilitator and motivator' (22,7 %) and “changes in approaches to the learning goals and results (competence- based approach)' (18,2 %) have the greatest impact on changes in the pedagogical interaction nature.

The results of the answers to the question “What, in your opinion, should be the professional qualities of a pedagogue capable of effective pedagogical interaction? (choose up to five answers)' are presented in Figures 2-3.

Figure 1. Current trends in education affecting changes in the nature of

pedagogical interaction

Figure 2. Professional features of the pedagogue (1)

Figure 3. Professional features of the pedagogue (2)

The scientific and pedagogical staff of the university notes that the professional qualities of a teacher, being a prerequisite for effective pedagogical interaction, are manifested in the ability to understands the needs of students and to make them feel constant support (100%); “The teacher should be an

interesting person, erudite in many matters. It is a pleasure to communicate with him” (83%); “The teacher should be a professional, who constantly asks students opinion and maintains feedback' (72%).

Conclusions and perspectives

The results of the study allow us to conclude that the European integration process has a significant impact on the nature of participants' communication in the educational process, even though we are experiencing some inhibitory effects as regards to the innovations. The desire of Ukrainian higher education to mentally and psychologically become a full-fledged part of the EHEA will require of the scientific and pedagogical staff to combine skills and traits that have traditionally been considered the traits of a good teacher with the new ones needed in the 21st century.

The role of the scientific and pedagogical staff in the educational process, their attitude to students as partners in the educational process is being transformed. The teacher's roles as an informant (knowledge transmitter), controller, monopolist as for knowledge authenticity and organizer of clearly fixed forms of educational process are gradually changing to the roles of student's partner, facilitator, mediator, coach, person who sheds light on the truth, guide to the realm of opportunities, etc.The questionnaire results need to be considered when organizing and choosing the content and teaching methods, and can be further systematized to create psychological and pedagogical recommendations for the scientific and pedagogical staff of National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine. We also consider that the examination of higher education getters' opinion on changes in the nature of pedagogical interaction can be the prospect for further research.


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