Psychological characteristics of using video-phonograms in teaching teenagers foreign languages at secondary schools

A model of the educational process using video phonograms in teaching teenagers foreign languages in secondary education institutions. Psychological features of video phonogram use. Possibilities of comprehensive delineation of textual parameters.

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Дата добавления 09.02.2023
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Psychological characteristics of using video-phonograms in teaching teenagers foreign languages at secondary schools

Mykhalchuk Nataliia, Dr. in Psychology, Professor,

Rivne State University of the Humanities

Koval Iryna, Ph.D. in Psychology, Assistant Professor

of Department of Foreign Language Education and Intercultural

Communication, Khmelnytskyi National University


The purpose of our research is: to determine psychological characteristics of using video-phonograms in teaching pupils foreign languages at secondary schools; to build a model of educational process with using video-phonograms; to show the characteristics and tasks of each sub-cycle of a video-phonogram; to describe this model in the stage of its experimental verification.

Methods of the research. The following theoretical methods of the research were used to solve the tasks formulated in the article: a categorical method, structural and functional methods, the methods of the analysis, systematization, modeling, generalization. The experimental methods are observation and analysis. The participants of our research were 45 pupils of the 7th-B form of school №15 of Rivne (Ukraine). The experiment lasted during 2020-2021 years.

The results of the research. Based on the theory of a dialogue in a paradigm of Secondary Predication (Mykhalchuk & Ivashkevych, 2019), we define the following main characteristics of the concept of “a dialogic text" which is the basis of video-phonograms in teaching teenagers the foreign languages at secondary schools: 1) an attempt to include the listener into a joint search with the author of the truth, focus on the reflection and thinking; 2) the author's desire to make direct contact with a listener, which is expressed in the variability of the material for analysis and understanding, the possibility of providing a creative approach to understanding the content, because only personal involvement of the listener makes the text a work of art.

Conclusions. It is emphasized that any video-phonogram has a triple meaning: 1) a primary or common meaning; 2) a secondary one - which arises due to the syntagmatic reorganization of the text and the opposition of the primary units; 3) tertiary meaning, which is based on non-textual associations of different levels - from the most general to purely personal, authorial ones (they are fixed at the level of authorial paradigms or the author's dictionary).

Therefore, we define the text of a video-phonogram as an extremely complex phenomenon, which emphasizes the impossibility of comprehensive delineation of textual parameters, all components of its content. This, in turn, somewhat prevents the listener from fully understanding the richness and diversity of the meaning of a video-phonogram. It was proved that the semantic structure of the text changed from a reader to reader. And nothing is able, even the development of science, to stop the movement of the text, to master all its semantic richness, because the text is infinitely open to infinity, and the constants of individual style create the openness of the video-phonogram, the possibility of a listener entering the process of dialogical quasi-communication with the text.

Key words: psychological characteristics of using video-phonograms, reflection, thinking, a direct contact with a listener, the syntagmatic reorganization of the text, non-textual associations, dialogical quasi-communication with the text.

Михальчук Наталія, Коваль Ірина

Психологічні особливості використання відеофонограми у навчанні підлітків іноземним мовам у закладах середньої освіти

Метою нашого дослідження є: визначити психологічні особливості використання відеофонограми у навчанні підлітків іноземним мовам у закладах середньої освіти; побудувати модель навчального процесу з використанням відеофонограми; окреслити характеристики та виокремити завдання кожного підциклу відеофонограми; описати та проаналізувати отримані результати на етапі її експериментальної перевірки.

Методи дослідження. Для розв'язання поставлених завдань використовувалися такі теоретичні методи дослідження: категоріальний, структурно-функціональний, аналіз, систематизація, моделювання, узагальнення. В якості експериментального методу використано методи інтерв'ю та спостереження. Учасниками нашого дослідження стали 45 учнів 7-Б класу закладу середньої освіти №15 м. Рівне (Україна). Експеримент тривав упродовж 2020-2021 років.

Результати дослідження. Відштовхуючись від теорії діалогу в парадигмі вторинної предикації (Mykhalchuk & Ivashkevych, 2019), визначено такі основні характеристики поняття «діалогічності тексту», що є основою відеофонограм у навчанні підлітків іноземним мовам у загальноосвітній школі: 1) спроба включити слухача у спільний з автором пошук істини, орієнтація на роздуми та розмірковування; 2) прагнення автора здійснювати безпосередній контакт з слухачем, що експлікується у варіативності матеріалу твору для аналізу та розуміння, можливості творчого підходу до розуміння змісту, тому що лише особистісне включення слухача робить текст твором мистецтва.

Висновки. За результатами дослідження встановлено, що будь-яка відеофонограма має потрійне значення: 1) первинне - загальномовне; 2) вторинне - те, що виникає за рахунок синтагматичної переорганізації тексту та протиставлення первинних одиниць; 3) третинне - базується на позатекстових асоціаціях різних рівнів - від найбільш загальних до суто особистісних, авторських (вони фіксуються на рівні авторських парадигм чи авторського словника).

Текст відеофонограми визначено як надзвичайно складний феномен, який наголошує на неможливості всебічного окреслення текстових параметрів, всіх складових його змісту. Це, у свою чергу, дещо заважає слухачеві до кінця зрозуміти багатство і розмаїття смислу відеофонограми. Доведено, що від слухача до слухача змінюється смислова структура тексту. І ніщо не в змозі, навіть розвиток науки, зупинити рух тексту, оволодіти всім його смисловим багатством, бо текст безмежно відкритий у нескінченість, а константи індивідуального стилю створюють відкритість відеофонограми, можливість входження слухача у процес діалогічного спілкування з текстом.

Ключові слова: психологічні особливості використання відеофонограми, рефлексія, мислення, безпосередній контакт зі слухачем, синтагматична реорганізація тексту, нетекстові асоціації, діалогічна квазікомунікація з текстом.


Regardless of what features underlie cyclization of text fragments, the influence of cyclical context on the understanding of video-phonograms in teaching teenagers the foreign languages at secondary school is not disputed by researchers. Each individual text included into the cycle undergoes of a retrospective rethinking by the reader in the connection with the introduction of new points of view (Гончарук & Онуфрієва, 2018). New situations, new characters make a lot of changes in the comparative significance of the components of the cycle (a story, an essay, etc.). The tension that is arisen in the case of a combination of integrity and fragmentation and occurs due to a syntagmatic combination of texts, the effect of rethinking of each previous link (for example, a whole text) in the connection with the next one and depending on it, allow us to speak about the value of the cycle as a syntagmatic text education, which is not reduced to the sum of its components (as in the case of individual sentences) (Aleksandrov, Memetova & Stankevich, 2020). Thus, the syntagmatic and paradigmatic relations of whole texts are manifested within the individual stylistic author's paradigm (Mykhalchuk & Bihunova, 2019).

Thus, we can conclude that in modern humanities there are different approaches to the definition of a video-phonogram. This is due to the fact that the concept of “a video-phonogram” is based on slightly different aspects of the researches. Psychologists characterize a video-phonogram as a system with a complex internal organization, the actualization of components at the textual level. In the psycholinguistic aspect, the videophonogram is marked by wider boundaries, but psycholinguistic research is characterized by an emphasis on the intratextual components of it, due to which the listener has a process of meaning formation (Максименко, Ткач, Литвинчук & Онуфрієва, 2019). The semiotic view is characterized by the understanding of a video-phonogram as a space for certain “methodological operations” (Mykhalchuk & Khupavsheva, 2020), while the reader's attention is paid to the communicative intention of the text, also taking into account the peculiarities of its output in other texts. Psychologists, characterizing a video-phonogram, focus on the presence of textual and non-textual factors, consider it as a mean of communication between the author and the reader (Charles, 2000). Also we mean the individual style of the author's paradigm.

So, the purpose of our research is:

1. To determine psychological characteristics of using videophonograms in teaching pupils the foreign languages at secondary schools.

2. To build a model of educational process with using videophonograms.

3. To show the characteristics and tasks of each sub-cycle of a video-phonogram.

4. To describe this model in the stage of its experimental verification.

Methods of the research. The following theoretical methods of the research were used to solve the tasks formulated in the article: a categorical method, structural and functional methods, the methods of the analysis, systematization, modeling, generalization. The experimental method is the method of observation.

The participants of our research were 45 pupils of the 7th-B form of school №15 of Rivne (Ukraine). The experiment lasted during 2020-2021 years.

video phonograms psychological

Results and their discussion

Psychological characteristics of using video-phonograms in teaching pupils the foreign languages of secondary school finds its embodiment in the model of educational process in a whole. The model of the educational process using video-phonograms at secondary school should be built in accordance with the concepts and requirements of contemporary teaching methods of foreign languages. The model is developed by us in accordance with the results of experimental training. The basis for creating a model of learning is, first of all, a communicative approach to learning, which involves psycho-linguistic orientation of the learning process. The model is also based on the idea of cycling, which facilitates the optimization of the learning process, so called “phased” formation of skills and the development of pupils' abilities of oral speech in other languages. Cyclicality refers to such an organization of the oral activities of schoolchildren, which is carried out within certain time periods, that is cycled and focused on the continuity of the educational material, the similarity of the methods of instruction and the thematic completeness of the training in general (provided for the solution of the tasks).

The cyclicality involves the systematic use of video-phonograms and the system of exercises on its basis, that is the basic hierarchical set of types of exercises developed in accordance with the modern requirements of Teaching Methodology.

The purpose of each cycle is to reach the pupils with the required level of oral speech competence on the basis of a certain amount of educational material to be mastered.

Each cycle consists of sub-cycles and it is one methodical tool in a whole. A clear distinction between sub-circles is very difficult to be analyzed, since they are interconnected and gradually move from one circle to another one. Each sub-circle has its purpose, characterized by a specific way of organizing learning activities, the appropriate degree of formation of skills and abilities, adaptability to the mental characteristics of pupils and intensive use of the video-phonogram. The type of video-phonogram should also be corresponded to the individual psychological characteristics of pupils, their language level, goals and practical tasks of learning.

Let's turn to the consideration of the characteristics and tasks of each sub-cycle.

In the first sub-circle of the thematic cycle of lessons pupils are introduced to a new linguistic phenomenon and speech material using a video-phonogram. It includes also the explanation of the region-specific nature. From this stage we begin the formation of verbal (phonetic, lexical and grammatical) skills of pupils, from which the further success in the formation of speech skills depend on a large extent.

Considering the peculiarities of presenting a new educational material we'll characterize a cycle of lessons with a dominant learning feature of oral speech in other languages. The presentation of a new educational material is carried out with the help of a video-phonogram. The video-phonogram not only acquaints pupils with a new language and linguistic material, but also puts it in probable communicative situations which are based on the reality, which emphasizes pupils' authenticity and importance. The creation of the emotional atmosphere while viewing the video-phonogram helps to understand better and to memorize linguistic units as it increases the interests and the motivation of pupils in the process of learning.

These studies show us that the most effective way to get acquainted with new linguistic material is combined with postsemantics, which occurs when viewing the video-phonogram.

The means of semantics are translation, using of synonyms and providing general interpretation. Translation by a teacher of linguistic units diverts pupils' attention to only 1-5 seconds, which does not interfere with a general understanding of the situation on the screen. Translation is easier for schoolchildren, but interpreting a foreign language allows them to teach their one-to-one thinking that is difficult to overestimate. During the interpretation, the review of the video-phonogram should be stopped for a few seconds. Semantization of a new material with the help of a video-phonogram can also take place through the visual images of the objects depicted by the video-phonogram, through the gestures, facial expressions and intonation of the speakers who constantly accompany the addresser's speech.

Depending on the size of the video-phonogram, the initial presentation may be integral, and then - fragmentary. Repeated semantics is used as it needed. The video-phonogram at the first and second stages is perceived by us as the basis for introducing new educational material. During further learning of the material it is possible and appropriate use of other types of supports, such as drawings, using Grammar tables, schemes, etc.

New lexical and grammatical units were presented with the help of a video-phonogram and they are activated in exercises that are a part of a general system of exercises and provide the formation of skills for understanding and using new language material in the oral speech of pupils. Exercises are some structural links or components of the lesson, as they have all the main features of the learning process: they always have a task; they have a number of expedient actions, the execution of which is controlled by a teacher. In this sub-circle exercises are performed to train the auditory reception. Exercises have the aim of the development of speech mechanisms of listening (prediction, auditory memory and attention, comprehension). The video-phonogram promotes the formation of intonation skills, listening and speech-driving images of new words. Exercises influence on the perception and recognition of new lexical units, their identifi- cation and imitative talks. Pupils learn to understand the basic content of audio text. There is also the assimilation of paralin- guistic means provided by a video-phonogram. The appropriate use of training video-phonograms, which govern the basis for the perception of new language material, may involve the use of non-learning authentic video-phonogram with incomplete set of authentic attributes.

After completing exercises that are based on intensified linguistic material, and the content of the video-phonogram, pupils are introduced to new grammatical material. The formation of Grammatical skills begins.

The lessons of the second sub-circle of this model begin with the speech charging, which can be represented by the speech of a teacher with selected units for activating the linguistic units or a conversation on the topic for the development of unprepared pupils' speech. Then there is a repeated application of the videophonogram on the topic, on the basis of which comprehensive operations are carried out that make up the structure of speech skills which contribute to its improvement. Improvement of skills occurs during some certain actions in conditional communication and communicative exercises: actions on combining, transforming, constructing. This sub-circle uses the maximum number of exercises with various supports for learning oral speech. Pupils learn to focus on the actions of the characters, trace the logical sequence of events and observe it during the transmission of the content. If these actions are personally motivated and situational, they will primarily result by a way of the combination of different Grammar models and lexical units in the pupils' statements. These actions provide a significant amount of semantic connections. Consequently, language skills are improved due to specific learning conditions that are adequate to the speech and the situational relevance of the speech units.

Teaching a foreign language at this stage takes a place in such kinds of exercises as the transformation of the samples of speech or their expansion, the answers to the questions of different types, the association of samples of speech in over-text and dialogical unity. Teaching of oral speech is transferred by the studying of other types of speech activity - reading and writing, which stimulate, support and actualize the development of oral speech. Therefore, at this stage exercises are also used to listen to new texts, to selective reading and writing.

Consequently, the oral speech of pupils at this stage of education is initially primarily reproductive, then - reproductive and productive, and in some exercises they are productive, that is, it is conditioned by some situation and speech task. Teaching of speech takes a place in conditional communicative and communicative exercises that have been recognized by us as the main ones for schoolchildren of 10-15 years old. In this sub-circle we recommend the teacher to use video-phonogram's training, modified and unmodified excerpts from some films and documentaries, cartoons, etc.

The third sub-cycle of the model continues to improve skills and the development of abilities of monologue and dialogue speech. Pupils learn to understand precisely the coherent audio text; they are given the opportunity to use new language units in different contexts and situations. It helps a teacher to perform exercises that stimulate pupils' unprepared listening to the subject. Thus, mastering the educational material takes a place on a qualitatively new language level.

At this stage of the research, there is a border control, which completes the activity of pupils on some topic. Objects of testing are auditory, lexical, grammatical skills and pupils' ability to carry out speech activities on the subject.

In the third subclass it is appropriate to use authentic materials. These can be fragments from educational and ethnographic courses, feature films and documentaries, cartoons. Advertising is limited because it has a complex level of broadcasting and content for pupils of middle school age.

Consequently, the first, the second and the third sub-circles of the model contribute to the development of mental activity of pupils and the transition of the analytical and synthetic activity of schoolchildren to the inner plan. This testifies to the formation and actualization of complex language actions that allow pupils to perform foreign language activities; teenagers begin to strive for communication, become more free and independent in choosing speech means, the volume of statements comes close to that one defined in the Program of a Foreign Language, they are minimally determined only by some educational and speech situation. The pupils' speech is already predominantly productive. Accordingly, exercises are communicative in nature. Students are practicing the creation of their own statements in various communicative situations that can be presented with the help of a video-phonogram. The information from the screen is perceived through the prism of its own social experience, which increases the motivation of learning, which, from its side, affects the level of speech activity and creates incentives for successful solving of tasks of communication.

Summarizing the results of our research, we have to note that the basis of our model is the communicative approach to learning, which is realized in the predominant use of conditional communication and communicative exercises. The training model based on using a video-phonogram is intended for practical use at secondary school and corresponds to the practical objectives of teaching this level, the peculiarities of the educational process and the age characteristics of schoolchildren of 10-15 years old. In general, we can say that the proposed model of learning using a video-phonogram will help us to implement the requirements of the Program of a Foreign Language, according to which pupils have to obtain a certain level of the formation of receptive and productive skills and skills of oral speech in other languages. So, we'll describe this model in the stage of its experimental verification.

The first chapter of this research describes the psychological and linguistic principles of the use of video-phonogram in the teaching of spoken language of schoolchildren; there were described by us the technique of using video-phonograms according to its educational capabilities; the video-phonogram classification was created for teaching of English and German, the main backgrounds for the selection of the video-phonogram were determined, the basic requirements for exercises performed on the basis of the language material and the content of the video-phonograms in the cycle of lessons and in their system. Taking into account the results of this part of the research, we developed a model for teaching oral speech with the use of video-phonograms in the cycle of lessons. However, in the course of its preparation, the question of the place in it of the activity with the video-phonogram remained unclear, and this problem we need to solve. Therefore, we originally created two possible variants of such a model: one variant is using video-phonogram in the first sub-cycle of the cycle of lessons, that is, at the stage of the formation of speech skills, and in his/her second sub-cycle - at the stage of their improvement. The experiments have the aim at determining the effectiveness of the use of video-phonograms in the first or the second sub-circle of the training cycle allowed us to determine the most effective variant of this model. Accordingly, we'll describe the organization and conduction of an experimental study of the place of the activity with the video-phonogram in the proposed cycle of lessons by us, the analysis and the interpretation of the results having been obtained, provided guidance on the use of video-phonograms in training teenagers English and German.

Principles of the experimental research. In the process of the developing this study we relied on the modern theory of methodical experiment and the requirements to it (Івашкевич & Комарніцька, 2020). The reason for the development of the experimental part of the research were theoretical positions regarding the methods of teaching oral speech using video-phonograms for teaching teenagers to speak a foreign language.

The purpose of the experimental research was to determine the place of use of video-phonograms in the teaching of oral English speech in the cycle of lessons at secondary school.

The hypothesis of the research was: listening material evaluation, selection and adaptation should take a place at the stage of the formation of pupils' skills of oral English speaking, and printed materials - at the stage of their improvement.

During the preparation of the experiment, we proceeded from the need to plan four stages of the experiment: 1) a preparatory one (the acquaintance with the literature, setting goals, development of methods and techniques, planning); 2) the stage of providing the actual research; 3) the stage of qualitative and quantitative analysis of the obtained data; 4) the stage of interpretation, generalization, definition of causes, factors that determine the nature of the course of the investigated phenomenon.

The basis of the experiment according to the following requirements were: the exact limitation of the time allowed for us for the experiment; the availability of a pre-formulated goal and hypothesis of the experiment; the adequate purpose of the organizational structure of the experiment; the possibility of the isolated consideration of the methodological influence of the investigated factor; the measurement of the initial and final status of the typical problem of studying the skills and abilities of pupils according to the criteria that corresponds to the specificity of the problem and the purpose of the experiment.

The experiment was educational in nature. It was attended by 52 pupils of the eighth forms (13-14 years old) of the comprehensive school № 15 in the town of Rivne. It took place in the first quarter of 2020-2021 academic year. English teacher in 8-A (experimental form) and in 8-B (control form) was M.Bilunskyi.

The experimental conditions did not vary, we mean:

1. The composition of the groups: the groups were approximately equal (according to the data of the stating section).

2. The total number of hours allocated to the study (1,5 months of classes - 18 hours).

3. Teaching material (video-phonograms, printed textbooks, system of oral and written exercises).

4. The same teacher-experimenter in both groups.

The conditions that were varied in the experiment were the sequencing of the use of video-phonograms and printed teaching materials in the cycle of the lessons.

We determined the conditions to prove the equivalence of experimental and control groups. In order to provide roughly equivalent of experimental and control groups on the mental characteristics of pupils and the level of formation of their English and German speech skills before the experiment, the following steps were made by us: two steps were done for the study of the pupils' mental readiness to learn a foreign language, and two steps - for determining a total level of English proficiency in English and German language skills and abilities.

Two psychological tests were proposed: to verify the accuracy of auditory perception and the sustainability of perceptual attention of pupils.

Test № 1 tested the accuracy of auditory perception.

Task: Today we will check which of you will hear the most clear what I will say. Each of you has a printed card. I will read some of the words, and you have to determine whether they are the same or different. On the one card, along with the corresponding number of words in pairs, put “+” if you think the words are the same, and “-” - if they are different.

Pairs of words presented to pupils orally

1. Billy - Willy

8.bad - bed

14.touch - much

20. rat - red

2. meat - meat

9. pen - pan

15. glass - guess

21. nose - rose

3. name - red - box

16.hand - head

22. fat - cat

4. bread - red

11. write - white

17. knife - five

23. white - while

5.mouth - mouse

12. mouth - mice

18. four - floor

24. flag - cat

6. Pam - Sam

13. three - tree

19. some - son

25. nod - rod

7. lay - play

A card of a pupil


























The maximum number of points which one pupil can get was 50 points: each correct answer received two points. Pupils from group A received 1056 points for this test, teenagers from group B - 1088 points from 1300 of possible ones.

Test № 2 has the aim at determining the sustainability of perceptual attention of the person. Before proposing the test the teacher repeated the alphabet with the pupils.

Task: Let's check who is the most attentive. Each of you has a card with typed strings of pairs of letters from the English alphabet. I will call one of the pairs of letters, and you have to strike it. I will call pairs of letters quickly (as quick as it is possible).

A card of a pupil



















































The test was performed by pupils on individual cards. The quantitative assessment of the test for verifying the sustainability of perceptual attention was carried out by a 50-point scale: one correct answer was evaluated at one point. Pupils from group A received 946 points for this test, teens from group B - from 957 points to 1300 points.

This section showed that the groups were almost the same in terms of mental development: the pupils of group A scored the first two tests in 2002, the teens in group B - 2045 points. The performed slices showed the almost identical level of such mental qualities of schoolchildren as the accuracy of auditory perception and the constancy of perceptual attention, which gave grounds for considering these groups of pupils to be sufficiently equivalent to participate in the experiment.

In the following two tests the general level of pupils' knowledge of foreign language skills and abilities was checked. These tests were standardized and have the aim at determining the level of language skills and abilities of pupils with a certain degree of accuracy, reliability and possibility. For each person such a test there had 50 points, 10 points for each correct answer.

Test № 1 to determine the level of lexical language skills of pupils.

Task: Solve the short riddles. Up to 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 statements get a correct completion. Example: 6 seconds.

1. A cat has four a/ ears

b/eyes c/ legs d/ heads.

2. We go to school a/ to play b/ to eat c/ to sleep d/ to study.

3. I like to swim a/ in the park

b/ in the river c/ in the yard d/ in the bathroom.

4. We use pencils a/ to eat

b/ to write c/ to speak d/ to run.

5. A watch tells us a/ the time

b/ the weather c/ the temperature d/ stories.

Pupils from group A received 550 points for this test, teens of group B - 540 points.

Test № 2 for determining the level of lexical language skills of pupils.


2022. ISSUE 56

Task: Determine which pictures having been proposed by us have the descriptions being match. In the answer box next to the number write the letter of the corresponding picture. But be careful - one drawing is superfluous.

This animal eats meat or fish. It has four legs and it's green or gray.

This is a bird. It can fly. It's white or brown and one of the biggest birds. It eats fish.

This is a bird but it can't fly. It's big. It's black and white. It eats fish.

This animal is a big brown cat. It can't climb trees. It eats meat.

This animal is very tall. It has long legs and neck. It eats leaves. It's orange and brown.

Pupils from group A received 480 points for this test, teens from group B - 510 points.

For the tests number 1 and number 2, the pupils of group A scored 1030 points, and group B - 1050 points. Thus, the general data obtained by us as a result of four sections showed the equivalence of experimental groups on the mental characteristics of pupils and a high level of their language training.

Based on the theory of a dialogue in a paradigm of Secondary Predication (Mykhalchuk & Ivashkevych, 2019), we define the following main characteristics of the concept of “a dialogic text” which is the basis of video-phonograms in teaching teenagers the foreign languages at secondary school: 1) an attempt to include the listener into a joint search with the author of the truth, focus on the reflection and thinking; 2) the author's desire to make direct contact with a listener, which is expressed in the variability of the material for analysis and understanding, the possibility of providing a creative approach to understanding the content, because only personal involvement of the listener makes the text as a work of art.


We emphasize that any video-phonogram has a triple meaning: 1) a primary or common meaning; 2) a secondary one - which arises due to the syntagmatic reorganization of the text and the opposition of the primary units; 3) tertiary meaning, which is based on non-textual associations of different levels - from the most general to purely personal, authorial ones (they are fixed at the level of authorial paradigms or the author's dictionary).

Therefore, we define the text of a video-phonogram as an extremely complex phenomenon, which emphasizes the impossibility of comprehensive delineation of textual parameters, all components of its content. This, in turn, somewhat prevents the listener from fully understanding the richness and diversity of the meaning of a video-phonogram. It was proved that from a reader to reader the semantic structure of the text changes. And nothing is able, even the development of science, to stop the movement of the text, to master all its semantic richness, because the text is infinitely open to infinity, and the constants of individual style create the openness of the video-phonogram, the possibility of a listener entering the process of dialogical quasicommunication with the text.


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