Physical education and a healthy lifestyle in the orthodox environment of Ukraine: the problem of practical implementation

In the course of the study, the issue of health and sports in the "Social Concept of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church" was considered, as well as what characterizes the general attitude of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (UOC) - to the stated issues.

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Physical education and a healthy lifestyle in the orthodox environment of Ukraine: the problem of practical implementation

Kuryliak V.V.

Ukrainian Institute of Arts and Sciences

Physical education and a healthy lifestyle in the orthodox environment of Ukraine: the problem of practical implementation

The relevance of the study is due to the urgent need to integrate into social practice various types of physical education and ways to maintain a healthy lifestyle in society. The outlined issues are positioned through the prism of the Orthodox environment of Ukraine, since Orthodoxy in Ukraine is the dominant religion, and therefore, its influence on the practical implementation of the promotion and development ofphysical education and a healthy lifestyle is significant. In the course of the study, issues of health and sports in the "Social Concept of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church" were considered, and these were highlighted that characterize the general attitude of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (UOC) to the stated issues. It is reflected in the context of illustrating comprehensive attention to certain issues. The main directions for the implementation of the tasks of the Diocesan Department of Spiritual and Physical Education of the Youth of the UOC are given, in particular those within which the religious organization undertakes to implement the promotion of the development of a healthy lifestyle, and physical culture and sports among society. As a fact of carrying out the declared events of the UOC, media evidence of the practical implementation of physical education events is presented on the example of materials from the website of the Kyiv metropolis of the UOC for the period 2014-2021. The study characterizes the attitude of the UOC to the issues of health and sports, identifies the elements of the problematic nature of their practical implementation.

Key words: sports, physical education, sports and religion, Orthodoxy, the introduction of sports in religion.


Актуальність дослідження зумовлена гострою необхідністю інтеграції у соціальну практику різних видів фізичного виховання та способів підтримки здорового способу життя в суспільстві. Зазначені питання позиціонуються через призму православного середовища України, оскільки православ'я в Україні є панівною релігією, а отже, його вплив на практичну реалізацію пропаганди та розвитку фізичної культури та здорового способу життя є значним. У ході дослідження було розглянуто питання здоров'я та спорту у "Соціальній концепції Української Православної Церкви", а також виділено те, що характеризує загальне ставлення Української Православної Церкви (УПЦ) до заявлених питань. Це відображається в контексті ілюстрації всебічної уваги до тих чи інших питань. Наведено основні напрямки реалізації завдань Єпархіального відділу духовного та фізичного виховання молоді УПЦ, зокрема ті, в рамках яких релігійна організація зобов'язується пропагувати формування здорового способу життя, фізичної культури та спорту серед суспільства. Як факт проведення заявлених заходів УПЦ, медійні свідчення практичної реалізації фізкультурних заходів представлені на прикладі матеріалів сайту Київської митрополії УПЦ за період 2014-2021 років. Дослідження характеризує ставлення УПЦ до питань здоров'я та спорту, виявляє елементи проблемності їхньої практичної реалізації.

Ключові слова: спорт, фізична культура, спорт та релігія, православ'я, впровадження спорту в релігію. church sports orthodox

Formulation of the problem. The ideological religious paradigm is mostly consonant with different ways of maintaining a healthy lifestyle. This is clearly expressed in confessional concepts that call for the confession of postulates that affect human health. One of the main components of maintaining health is sports. The issue of the interaction between sports and religion is relevant in the context of the study of the relationship between the religious worldview and health-saving elements. Since "Orthodoxy in Ukraine is the dominant religion" [5], it is obvious that its influence on the practical implementation of the promotion and development of physical education and a healthy lifestyle is significant. That is why the study of the problems of posing questions and the practical implementation of sports in the Orthodox environment is relevant in the context of studying the positive factors in the development of the health of the nation.

Analysis of recent publications. The Ukrainian experience of forming approaches to the study of the functioning of physical education in a religious environment approaches the definition of the stated problems from different angles. For example, V. Shepitko, N. Boruta and E. Stetsuk note that "according to statistics, in Ukraine there is an annual deterioration in the health of young people, primarily due to the use of alcoholic beverages, narcotic and other psychotropic substances" [7]. Of course, in the process of developing a healthy lifestyle, an important role is played by the involvement of parishioners by religious organizations in health-improving sports disciplines. V. Kurilyak, in a study of the practice of a healthy lifestyle in the Protestant denomination, notes that with Ukraine gaining independence, "Adventists are actively promoting the ideas of a healthy lifestyle, boarding houses, sanatoriums and other health facilities are being opened on the territory of Ukraine" [1]. Это свидетельствует о наличии планомерного развития в определенной конфессии практической реализации практик здорового образа жизни. It is logical to assume that, depending on the number of certain religious beliefs within society, the influence of a particular denomination as a religious organization on the promotion and development of healthy lifestyle practices, in particular physical culture and sports, is also growing. According to P Livak, Yu. Polukhin and V. Vyatokha, "physical training should have a holistic focus, that is, to develop the physical, mental and spiritual qualities of the individual" [2]. Here we are talking about complexity, thanks to which a multifaceted approach to solving the problems of a healthy lifestyle can be most effective. That is, the development of this direction should not be limited to only one component. Foreign scientists J. Tucker and P. Halstead note that "sport is the main problem of the modern world. For many people, this works as the functional equivalent of religion, providing them with a way to interpret and understand the world" [9]. Here we are talking about the fact that sport as one of the forms of social consciousness is a full-fledged component of social integrity. K. Hallmann, C. Artime believe that sports and cultural volunteering are additional activities. According to the authors, "religiosity and education were the main driving forces behind both types of volunteering" [8]. Scientists pay attention not to the fact that a special area of sports and cultural volunteering includes religiosity and education. In the works of these authors, various issues of integrating the elements of a religious worldview into social practice are considered, however, an analysis of recent publications shows that the problem of the practical implementation of physical education practices and a healthy lifestyle in the Orthodox environment of Ukraine was not a field of research for these scientists. That is why the purpose of the study is to establish the directions for the implementation of public practices in the development of health and sports, declared by the UOC, and to identify the problems of their practical implementation.

Main part. The issue of the interaction between sports and religion and the promotion of health and sports issues in public arenas by a certain religious organization is relevant in the conext of studying the relationship between the religious worldview and the development of a healthy lifestyle in society. Physical education and a healthy lifestyle in the Orthodox environment in the study is considered through the prism of the problems of the practical implementation of this direction. Since the Ukrainian Orthodox Church in its concepts declares the promotion of a healthy lifestyle, in the context of the study, there is a need to consider and analyze them. This is done by studying the formulation of the issue of health and sports in the "Social Concept of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church", a confessional document that regulates the interaction of the organization with soci processes (see Fig.1).

Figure 1. Health and sports issues in the "Social Concept of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church" [6]

Figure 1 shows the individual elements of the actual declaration of health and sports issues in the Social Concept of the UOC. In chapter XI "Health of the individual and the people", in subsections 9.1-9.6, a number of components are given that indicate attention to this direction within the framework of the concepts of religious beliefs. In Figure 1, using the example of the above eight points, it is shown that health and sports issues for the UOC are not a single phenomenon taken out of context. On the contrary, in the provisions of the ninth section we see a comprehensive attention to the stated issues. The main markers in this context are the following problems: mental and physical health of a person, respect for the medical profession, integration of health problems into church practice, in particular, for interaction with society, "creation of real conditions for sports". These theses testify to the actual declaration by the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the promotion and development of healthy lifestyle practices, in particular, in the field of physical culture and sports. In the context of this, it is necessary to consider the main directions for the implementation of activities in the context of the development of a healthy lifestyle, physical culture and sports. A specialized unit that deals with this issue within the framework of a religious organization is the Diocesan Department of Spiritual and Physical Education of Youth of the UOC. Its head, Archpriest R. Matyushenko, defines the implementation of the tasks in a certain direction as follows (see Fig.2).

Figure 2 shows the main directions, according to the chairman of the Diocesan Department of Spiritual and Physical Education of Youth, Archpriest R. Matyushenko, within which the UOC undertakes to promote the development of a healthy lifestyle and physical culture and sports among society since 2014. To determine the effectiveness of the implementation of the ten indicated areas shown in Figure 2, they should be considered through the prism of media coverage of such events in official representative church sources reporting on the work of the UOC in various areas. For example, the official website of the Kyiv metropolis of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, which is one of such resources, was chosen. The rationale for choosing this resource is due to the fact that the metropolitan clergy are armed with the largest number of resources, and, accordingly, a platform for deploying socially beneficial activities in the direction of physical education. Any socially significant events with the participation of the UOC should be covered in the public plane, since such information is a factor in shaping the image of the church and its authority in the field of socially useful activities. The problem of practical implementation of the practices of physical education and a healthy lifestyle has been considered since the moment of voicing the main directions in the interview (see Fig. 2).

Figure 2. The main directions for the implementation of the tasks of the Diocesan Department of Spiritual and Physical Education of the Youth of the UOC [4]

Table 1 shows the headlines collected by the search tag "sport" on the official website of the Kyiv metropolis of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church in the period 2014-2021. The above eight headings testify to the minimal participation of the UOC of Kyiv region in the implementation of activities for physical education and sports. It is obvious that the overall picture of participation in such initiatives is higher, but its regional level is indicative for drawing indirect conclusions about the state of affairs. Based on the results of the study, we can conclude that there is an urgent problem of insufficient practical implementation of measures for physical education and a healthy lifestyle in comparison with the declared volumes.


The Ukrainian Orthodox Church in its confessional concepts declares the creation of real conditions for physical culture and sports. In addition, she declares the assistance of the religious denomination in all other ways to develop health and sports issues. The specialized subdivision of the "Diocesan Department of Spiritual and Physical Education of the Youth of the UOC" established the declared directions for the implementation of practices for the development of health and sports in society. However, based on media evidence of physical education events, the main problem of their practical implementation is the minimal participation of the UOC in the implementation of the declared practices. According to the results of the study, the processes described are of an uncertain nature, which can be explained by the following theses: either the UOC, despite the declaration of the development and implementation of physical education and healthy lifestyle practices, for one reason or another, does not effectively develop this direction, or its media coverage by the official media resources of the structure does not properly illustrate the work of the UOC in this context. Thus, the problem of the practical implementation of a healthy lifestyle and physical education in the Orthodox environment of Ukraine needs further scientific research.

Table 1

Media evidence of the practical implementation of physical education measures on the website of the Kyiv metropolis of the UOC for the period 2014-2021 [3]


Year of publication


"Orthodox youth in the sports camp were trained in the basics of rafting, climbing and swimming".



"In the sports and recreation complex of the village of Kruglik received and accommodated internally displaced persons".



"The draw for football was held in the sports complex at Hydropark".



"Athletes of the Ukrainian national team in artistic gymnastics took a blessing for the Olympic Games in Rio".



"Bishop Feodosy Boyarsky blessed the opening of the sports section in the Vladimir Cadet Corps".



"Primate of the UOC received athletes from Vinnytsia region in his residence"



"His Beatitude Metropolitan Onufry supported young athletes at the rhythmic gymnastics tournament".



"The Dean of the Desnyansky Deanery blessed the athletes of the National Team of Ukraine for the World Championship".



1. Куриляк В. Практики здорового способу життя Церкви Адвентистів сьомого дня в Україні. Multiversum. Philosophical Almanac. 2021. Т 2, № 1(173). С. 132-165. URL: https://doi.Org/10.35423/2078-8142.2021.1.2.08.

2. Лівак П., Полухіна Ю., Вятоха В. Здоровий спосіб життя в системі цінностей. Sciences of Europe. 2021. № 77. С. 25-29. URL: https://cyberleninka.rU/article/n/zdoroviy-sposib-zhittya-v-sistemi-tsinnostey

3. Пошук за тегом `#спорт,'. Київська митрополія Української Православної Церкви. URL:спорт (дата звернення: 02.09.2022).

4. Протоієрей Роман Матюшенко: `Спорт для православних, я вважаю, - це ще один засіб свідчити про Православ'я. Київська митрополія Української Православної Церкви. URL: https://mitropolia.kiev. ua/protoiyerej-roman-matyushenko-sport-dlya-pravoslavnix-ya-vvazhayu-ce-shhe-odin-zasib-svidchiti-pro- pravoslavya/ (дата звернення: 02.09.2022).

5. Солодько П. Історія і сучасність українського православ'я. Історична правда. URL: (дата звернення: 03.09.2022).

6. Соціальна концепція Української Православної Церкви. Українська Православна Церква. URL:іalna-kontseptsіya (дата звернення: 03.09.2022).

7. Шепітько В., Борута Н., Стецук Є. Мотивація молоді до здорового способу життя в сучасних умовах. Integration of Scientific Bases into Practice : IV Міжнар. науковопракт. конф. Stockholm, 2020. С. 335-337.

8. Hallmann K., Artime C. Sports and Cultural Volunteering: Competitive or Complementary Activities?. Voluntas. 2022. URL: (date of access: 01.09.2022).

9. Tucker J., Halstead P. Sports and Play in Christian Theology. Fortress Academic, 2021. 234 p.

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