Scientific bases of using contextual teaching to form the professional competence of future translators

Аnalyzes the essence and structure of the contextual approach, sets out the directions of applying contextual teaching of a foreign languages to students in a higher education establishment. Professionally oriented content of teaching a foreign language.

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Дата добавления 24.09.2023
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Scientific bases of using contextual teaching to form the professional competence of future translators

Tetiana Lazarenko,

Senior Lecturer at the Department of Pedagogies, Foreign Philology and Translation

Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics (Kharkiv, Ukraine)

Svitlana OSMACHKO,

Senior Lecturer at the Department of Pedagogies, Foreign Philology and Translation

Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics (Kharkiv, Ukraine)

The subject of the article is the pedagogical conditions of successful formation ofprofessional competence offuture translators - specialists in the field of international relations and intercultural communication using a contextual approach. The article analyzes the essence and structure of the contextual approach, sets out the directions of applying contextual teaching of a foreign languages to students in a higher education establishment. The term “contextual teaching” is defined. The article gives an insight into the specifics of the translator's professional activity, and on this basis determines the range of professional skills of specialists in the field of intercultural communication. The authors emphasize that in contextual teaching and learning the whole system of didactic forms, methods and tools models the subject and social content offuture professional activity. Such basic forms of activity in contextual learning as academic, quasi-professional and educational-professional activity are considered in detail. The pedagogical conditions that contribute to the improvement of the process of professional training offuture translators in the field of international relations and intercultural communication are highlighted. It is noted that the use of contextual learning helps students to solve a number of professional and communicative tasks, such as to remove barriers to communication, to learn activly professional vocabulary and language cliches, to develop the ability to express their views on professional issues, etc. The article states that professionally oriented content of teaching a foreign language and translation is in itself an important motivating factor. The tasks that students perform to acquire professional communication skills should be related to regulating the issues of professional activity in a foreign language. The authors conclude that a contextual approach to the training of future translators in the field of international relations and intercultural communication is an effective basis for activating the personal potential of students, it involves them into the conditions ofpractical work, contributes to the formation of professional, universal, cultural and moral values.

Key words: contextual learning and teaching, a foreign language, competence approach, foreign language professional-communicative competence, intercultural communication, professional training of translators.


старший викладач кафедри педагогіки, іноземної філології та перекладу Харківського національного економічного університету імені Семена Кузнеця contextual learning teaching foreign language

(Харків, Україна)

Світлана ОСЬМАЧКО,

старший викладач кафедри педагогіки, іноземної філології та перекладу Харківського національного економічного університету імені Семена Кузнеця

(Харків, Україна)


Предметом дослідження статті є педагогічні умови успішного формування професійної компетентності майбутнього перекладача - фахівця у галузі міжнародних відносин і міжкультурної комунікації з використанням контекстного підходу. В статті аналізується сутність і структура контекстного підходу, визначаються напрями застосування контекстного навчання під час опанування студентами іноземної мови у закладі вищої освіти. Дається визначення поняття контекстного навчання. Розкрито специфіку професійної діяльності перекладача, на основі якої визначено спектр професійних умінь фахівців у галузі міжкультурної комунікації. Автори підкреслюють, що при контекстному навчанні вся система дидактичних форм, методів і засобів моделює предметний і соціальний зміст майбутньої професійної діяльності. Докладно розглянуто такі базові форми діяльності в контекстному навчанні, як академічна, квазіпрофесійна і навчально-професійна діяльність. Виділено педагогічні умови, що сприяють удосконаленню процесу професійної підготовки майбутнього перекладача у сфері міжнародних відносин і міжкультурної комунікації. Зазначається, що використання контекстного навчання сприяє вирішенню цілої низки професійно-комунікативних завдань, як то: зняття бар'єрів спілкування, активне засвоєння професійно спрямованої лексики і мовних кліше, розвиток умінь висловлювати свою точку зору з професійних питань та ін. Відмічено, що професійно спрямований зміст навчання іноземної мови і перекладу вже сам по собі являється важливим мотивуючим фактором. Завдання, що виконують студенти для придбання навичок професійного спілкування, повинні бути пов'язані з вирішенням проблеми професійної діяльності на іноземній мові. Автори приходять до висновку, що контекстний підхід до навчання майбутніх перекладачів в галузі міжнародного бізнесу і міжкультурної комунікації є ефективною основою для активізації особистісного потенціалу студентів, залучає їх до умов практичної виробничої діяльності сприяє формуванню системи професійних, загальнолюдських, культурних і моральних цінностей.

Ключові слова: контекстне навчання, іноземна мова, компетентнісний підхід, іншомовна професійно- комунікативна компетенція, між культурна комунікація, професійна підготовка перекладачів.

Problem statement

In a non-language higher education institution, a foreign language is a mandatory component of the training of future specialists. Teaching a foreign language can be effective if it has a clear professional orientation, thus creating the opportunity for practical use of acquired knowledge and skills in the future profession. Therefore, the task of a foreign language teacher is to recreate in the educational activities of students situations similar to their future professional work,

i. e. the context. Thus, the educational process models the situations of foreign language communication and ways to resolve professional issues.

In today's labor market, not only professionally trained staff are valued, but also professionals who are able to communicate at different levels and in different languages. In the process of his or her professional activity, a translator has to listen, read, understand and interpret, obtain information from oral and written sources and send it on to the other participants in the situation. The role of written communication, maintaining business correspondence, exchanging information through modern media is increasing nowadays. All this places increasing demands on the professional training of future translators - specialists in the field of international relations and intercultural communications. Modern society needs not only translators and interpriters who play a secondary role in the process of language communication, but also qualified language consultants of general profile who know not only a foreign language but also all spheres of life, politics, economy, history and culture of the people speaking this language. In our opinion, contextual learning will contribute to the development of these skills.

Recent research and publications analysis

Many domestic (N. Demyanenko, O. Kovtun, V. Maikovska, I. Marchuk, N. Myronchuk, T Nikonenko, O. Popova, O. Shapran) and foreign scientists (E. Biker, R. Burns, A. Verbytsky, O.Grigorenko, M. Klyueva, Y. Maslova, T. Frolova, P.Erickson) consider the specifics, content, forms, methods, tools and other aspects related to the use of contextual learning technologies in the teaching subjects in higher education institutions. Various aspects of the problem of forming the professional competence of a linguist-translator were raised in the works of such scholars as T. Ganicheva, V. Karaban, V. Komissarov, I. Korunets, L. Chernovaty, J. Hunt, Robinson, E. Steiner. These studies contributed to the accumulation and systematization of scientific information on the formation of professional skills of future translators in higher education institutions. However, the structure of the professional skills of translators working in the field of international relations and intercultural communications has not yet been fully defined, and a model for their formation has not been sufficiently developed. Also, as a result of analysis and generalization of modern psychological and pedagogical literature, it becomes clear that the possibility of using a contextual approach in the process of teaching a foreign language in higher education institutions has not yet been the subject of detailed research.

In this regard, the aim of the article is to determine the application of contextual teaching and learning in foreign language classes in higher educational establishments, as well as to determine the specifics of the contextual approach in the process of professional training of future translators in university education.

Main research material

Now in Ukraine there is a growing interest in teaching a foreign language in the context of future professional activities. Higher education is characterized by the development and implementation of new standards of higher professional education, taking into account the basics of the competence approach. The concept of «competence» is a complex synthesis of theoretical knowledge and personal qualities acquired in the learning process, which include the desire to improve the acquired knowledge and the ability to creatively apply them to solve practical problems in future professional activities.

However, the transition from result-based to competency-based education involves profound changes in all parts of the pedagogical system. The formation of competencies that have such characteristics as systematic, metasubjectivity, focus on practical application, can not be carried out in the traditional explanatory-illustrative way, which involves the transfer of samples of knowledge, skills and abilities. Since the successful acquisition of competencies, especially professional, occurs through performing practical actions, it is necessary to arrange the appropriate general didactic and subject conditions. In this regard, we should turn to the contextual approach, which allows to implement in practice the above conceptual provisions and can become a psychological, pedagogical, scientific and methodological basis for solving many problems associated with the implementation of the competence approach.

In this connection, it is necessary to determine the range of special professional skills and abilities of a translator that specialises in the field of international relations and intercultural communication. Thus, during the course in university students must master the following competencies: the ability to analyze specific situations of international relations on the basis of historical, diplomatic, economic, legal approaches; ability to participate in negotiations and diplomatic talks; ability to prepare documents for diplomatic communications in native and foreign languages; ability to prepare business documents; ability to search and primarily process information in native and foreign languages; ability to apply translation skills.

The success of training in the field of translation is determined mainly by the optimal selection of pedagogical technologies and approaches used in this process. Analysis of psychological, pedagogical and methodological literature, study of regulatory documentation on the organization of future translators training, considering the specifics of their future professional activities, monitoring the process of training make it possible to determine approaches to this training: contextual, cultural, personal. The development of technology for the formation of special professional skills and abilities of the future translator should primarily be based on a contextual approach (Kovtun, 2017: 43-47).

Contextual teaching in modern practice of training is defined as a training process in which the content of education is included in the context of solving vital issues of professional work, its subject and social contexts. In this process contextual educational activities transform into professional ones, cognitive needs and motives, goals, actions, deeds and results are gradually replaced by professional skills; psychological, pedagogical and didactic conditions are created to enable students to set their own goals and achieve them, to direct their activities from learning to work (Maikovska, 2017: 156-165). The basis of contextual teaching lies, first of all, in the action theory of assimiliation of social experience. According to this theory, a person can form, develop and manifest himself only engaging in active, personally meaningful activities.

In vocational education, the proactive approach is manifested in the ways of organizing the educational process, its direction, and goal setting. Thus, the pedagogical process should be based not only on the transfer of information to students, but also on the formation of a holistic personality capable to tackle challenging professional tasks.

Contextual training is closely related to the communicative approach, which involves the speech orientation of foreign language teaching as a means of communication and interaction of people. Teaching, built in accordance with the communicative approach, is characterized by situationality and functionality. This means that the classes create situations that are as close as possible to the real conditions of communication. In addition, language and talking material is selected according to the functions it performs and the situations in which it is used. Cross-cultural communication is a necessary component in the process of learning a foreign language and is an area of reality, where the main thing is the process of interaction of cultures, the nature of which is determined by the goals and objectives of communication, as well as means of its implementation. Cross-cultural communication is a set of specific processes of mutual understanding of communication partners who belong to different cultures and speak different languages. So one of the important goals of foreign language training of students in the field of international economics is to teach them how to achieve mutual understanding in the course of collective activity which is determined by the professional context (Popova, 2015: 156-166).

The contextual approach is aimed at resolving the contradictions of vocational education. The main contradiction, according to A. O. Verbytsky, is the following: mastering professional activities should be provided within a qualitatively different activities that is within educational activities, that have its own program objectives, content, forms, methods, tools, process and result. In other words, doing one thing - learning, you need to learn a fundamentally different - to work. In contextual teaching and learning, this problem is solved by organizing a dynamic movement of students' activities from the educational, through quasi-professional and educational- professional activities to the actual professional activities with the appropriate transformation of needs, motives, goals, actions, means, subject and result (Popova, 2015: 156-166).

This contradiction causes a number of other contradictions: learning activities involve a developed cognitive motivation, while practical activities involve professional motivation; the subject of study is a symbolic system of educational information, but in professional activities the specialist deals with objects of material or spiritual nature; the content of education is presented in the form of many, at first glance, unrelated disciplines, but in the course of work it is applied systematically; students mainly “exploit” attention, perception, memory and motility, while in the process of work he/she acts as a whole person; the student is mostly in a “responsible” position, he/she is active in response to the special controlling influences of the teacher (answers questions, performs tasks, etc.), whereas the work of the specialist requires activity and initiative; while studying the student does not cooperate with other students in the process of “mastering” knowledge, acts as a principal loner, whereas every production process takes place trough the joint activities of specialists.

Contextual teaching as a means of solving these problems is based on the following basic principles:

1) the principle of pedagogical support of the student's personal involvement in educational activities; 2) the principle of consistent modeling in the educational activities of holistic content, forms and conditions of professional activity of specialists; 3) the principle of problematic content of education and its deployment in the process of learning; 4) the principle of correspondence of organization of students' educational activities to the goals and content of education;

5) the principle of the leading role of joint activities, interpersonal interaction and dialogical communication of the participants in the educational process (teacher and students, students among themselves);

6) the principle of pedagogically sound combination of new and traditional pedagogical technologies;

7) the principle of unity of training and education of a specialist's personality; 8) the principle of openness, that is the possibility to use in the educational process of the context type any pedagogical technologies proposed in other theories and approaches (Marchuk, 2009: 1-20).

In the scientific literature certain advantages of contextual teaching and learning are highlighted:

1) in the process of professional training students are in the active position; 2) students acquire knowledge in the context of analysis and solution of simulated professional situations, which stimulates the development of cognitive and professional motivation, forms a personal meaning of learning; 3) in the process of professional training individual work of students is combined with collective one, thus they have the opportunity to share their own intellectual and personal potential; 4) students accumulate the experience of using educational information as a means of regulating their own activities; 5) the humanization of education is ensured by the fact that the personality and individuality of the future specialist become the logical center of the pedagogical process; 6) in contextual learning a student turns from an object of pedagogical influence into the subject of cognitive, professional and socio-cultural activities. The main purpose of contextual learning is to form within the students' educational activities their holistic, intrinsically motivated professional readiness for the future profession (Maikovs'ka, 2017: 160).

It is important to note that in contextual learning there are no dominant pedagogical technologies. And this is its characteristic feature. In the practice of such training complete freedom of teacher's creativity is allowed, provided that the activities of the subjects of the educational process are aimed at the holistic training of qualified professionals.

The basic forms of activity in contextual teaching are actually educational (academic), quasi-professional and educational-professional activities, organized through semiotic, simulation and social learning models. With the help of various intermediate forms, the basic forms smoothly “flow” into each other, thus ensuring a dynamic movement of activity.

The closest to the traditional form of education is the actual educational activity of the academic type, its basis is communication and assimilation of information. Classic examples are information lectures and seminars. Semiotic educational models correspond to educational activities of the academic type. As the name implies, they contain educational information in the professional field, presented in symbolic form as oral or written texts (e.g. lecture material). The unit of student's work is language action. However, in contrast to the traditional approach, the subject and social contexts of future professional activity are set already at this stage: the main contradictions that arise at work are discussed, and the actions of specialists are modeled at the theoretical level. The knowledge gained in this way would no longer be abstract and purely theoretical and prepares students for quasi-professional activities.

In quasi-professional activity in the classroom the context of production processes and relations is modeled. Here the main role is played by simulation learning models, which reproduce the situations of specific professional activities and cause students to use previously obtained theoretical information in practice. The unit of students' work becomes a “professional” subject action (Popova, 2015: 156-166).

Finally, educational and professional activities put students in the position of specialists. Based on previously acquired knowledge and applying it in practice, they perform professional actions not in a model form, but in a real one: do practical training, prepare term papers and final qualifying works, various projects etc. This stage logically corresponds to social learning models - typical for this type of activity problem situations that develop in the collective work of students, teachers, practical training, term papers and graduate works managers. As a result of joint efforts of students, each of them develops not only subject-matter but also social competence. The main unit of student's work here is action.

It should be noted that the allocation of basic forms of activity and their corresponding training models is quite conditional, because these forms have no clear boundaries, logically change from one to the other, which entails a “layering” of training models. A striking example of this is the business game.

A special area of research works performed within the framework of the contextual approach are works in the field of foreign language teaching and teaching speaking in a foreign language.

Language, which is an absolute abstraction, receives its concrete embodiment in speech. As is known, speech is always situational: the addresser and the addressee of the voice message are “inside” the situation, i.e. in a certain situation. Situational learning of foreign languages is one of the principles of communicative approach to learning. Situational- ism is able to reproduce the communicative reality and thus arouse interest by the authenticity of speech. In this case, the “situation” is not a set of extralinguis- tic circumstances, but the system of relationships of interlocutors, reflected in their minds; here “situation- ality” is viewed as the relation of the speech to this relationship. Special situational exercises and situational dialogues are widely used in the methodology of teaching foreign languages.

From the standpoint of the contextual approach, the situation includes not only external conditions, but also the speaker and other people with whom he/ she is communicating and interacting. If we look at the problem through the prism of vocational training, we can say that the “situationality” of training is its “contextuality”. Then the principle of situationality in the communicative approach is transformed into the teaching of language by professionally given situations, which are the basis for the organization of professional language training in contextual education at the higher school.

It should be noted that a foreign language as a subject is the least “conservative” of all subjects, because the language is constantly changing and evolving, which can not but be reflected in teaching practice. Hence, the contextual approach, which is based on learning in the dynamics of constant changes in conditions, situations, contexts of professional activity, best fits to the teaching of professionally-oriented foreign language.

For the practical implementation of the contextual model of foreign language teaching O. A. Gri- gorenko developed the following set of pedagogical conditions: continuity of education, progressiveness of its content, and development of foreign language competence of the future specialist; the selection of the teaching content, depending on the linguistic features of a foreign language and the content of professional communication, which involves interdisciplinary links of a foreign language and major subjects; together with common language exercises the communicative problems are the appropriate form of the content of foreign language teaching, and the basis for the formation of the relevant competence in speaking a foreign language is the verbalization of the formulation and solution of these problems; mastering professionally oriented foreign language speech activity involves a combination of actual educational, quasiprofessional, educational-professional peer-to-peer dialogic communication in a foreign language; psychological conditions are created in education, which ensure personal inclusion and humanistic relations of the participants in the educational process; situationally generated cognitive and professional motivation of students is organically complemented by motives for achievement; when organizing independent work of students, their individual psychological characteristics, cognitive abilities and life experience should be taken into account; special creative tasks should be designed for which students have to rely on creating images of foreign language information;

the possibilities of computer, audiovisual and other technical means of training and control are used in a didactic way.

Teaching foreign languages using the contextual training is aimed at solving a number of professional and communicative tasks: 1) removing barriers to communication, developing creative communicative abilities, stimulating spontaneous foreign language oral speech; 2) formation and development of motives for professional communication activities; 3) active mastering of professionally-oriented vocabulary and language cliches for their further use in situations of professional communication; 4) development of skills to operate with knowledge and new information on the topic in specific situations of professional communication; 5) learning the skills of communicative interaction, practice of appropriate communicative tactics; 6) developing skills to summarize, analyze, comment, express their views on professionally important issues; 7) practical development of role behavior in situations of professional communication; 8) implementation of professional communicative functions of the future specialist in foreign language communication and interaction.

According to A. Melnyk, students should be constantly involved in professionally oriented work that requires their intellectual activity in the following areas: mastering the lexical (terminological) layer, grammatical and structural forms inherent in a particular profession; involving students in expanding their reading interests; mastering the skills of scientific search for the necessary information and facts in foreign professional literature; achieving a sufficient level of development of the main types of speech activity; mastering the skills of independent work aimed at oral and written speech (Mel'nyk, 2012: 194).

A more detailed study of the content and forms of foreign language speech activity of students in contextual teaching was conducted by Yu.V. Maslova. The author proposes the following content of semiotic, simulation and social learning models, presented in the form of phased blocks.

The semiotic model involves: 1) work with vocabulary, the purpose of which is to practice the language need to discuss a particular topic, this work is performed in the form of group and pair work;

2) communicative exercises, the goal of which is to master vocabulary as a means of foreign language communication within a particular topic. In addition to traditional drilling exercises, various language games are used here, which contribute to the creation of the subject context of real communication and bring the element of competition into learning activity;

3) work with the main texts, the goals of the work is to accumulate information and knowledge on the topic to form and develop skills and abilities for using them in professional communication; 4) communicative exercises to the main texts, the purpose the of the work is to use textual information for communication, to improve the skills of active vocabulary, the ability to summarize, analyze, comment, express their views on professionally important issues.

The simulation training model offers: 1) working out of language cliches and stamps, the goal is to form skills and improve abilities of using language cliches and stamps in situations of professional communication (working of stamps and cliches is carried out in the form of microdialogues); 2) work with texts in addition to those specified in the traditional program, communicative exercises for them; the goal is to develop the skills of analysis and synthesis of professionally significant information; at this stage, the tasks are becoming more complicated: from posing problematic questions and formulating answers to them to tasks aimed at developing the argumentation of their point of view and solving problem situations. The work is aimed not so much at working out language material, accumulation of knowledge, developing skills of using the learned material for professional communication, but at mastering the basic skills that are part of the functions performed by a specialist in a foreign language; 3) training the skills of dialogic communication; the goal is to develop skills to operate knowledge on the topic in specific situations of professional communication, to practice the tactics of professional dialogic communication using cliches and stamps, the communication being aimed at implementing the main functions of the specialist; 4) mastering professional-language situations of role behavior, the goal is to develop the skills of organization and implementation of professional communication, to develop motives for both foreign language speech activity and professional activity.

The social educational model consists of: a) a role play; the purpose of which is to remove barriers to communication, activate creative communication opportunities, stimulate spontaneous foreign language; b) a business game, which systematically models the subject, social and psychological content of holistic professional activity, the purpose of business game is developing systemic skills of implementing the learned professional foreign language functions of the future specialist into a foreign language communication and interaction. Business games promote the development of such social and communicative abilities of students as the ability to cooperate and interact with people from different cultures, the ability to use different information and communication tools in translation, the ability to effectively resolve conflicts, misunderstandings etc. Business (role) plays are extremely important for stimulating speech practice in native and foreign languages in all types of language activity - listening, speaking, reading and writing.

As we can see, collective work prevails in the above forms of organization of educational activities. Today, collective interaction is considered to be the most important factor in the success of mastering a foreign language. In contextual learning this is not only a condition for improving the practical results of learning, but also the process of intensive team building, the most important source of learning motivation.

It should be noted that the professional content of foreign language teaching is in itself an important motivating factor. Foreign language professional communication is mainly intended for adult audiences and requires special consideration of the specifics of the professional activities of this category of professionals. Tasks performed by students to acquire professional communication skills should be related to solving problems of professional activity in a foreign language.


The contextual approach models the educational environment as close as possible to the professional in form and content, it is an effective basis for activating the personal potential of each student, orients them to dynamic, continuous personal development and professional growth.

Based on the above, we can conclude that contextual teaching and learning helps to solve the main problems of professionally oriented foreign language education: involving students in the conditions of practical production activities; providing students with the necessary system of professional knowledge; development of constructive and critical thinking; formation of a system of professional, universal, cultural and moral values, development of skills of social and communicative interaction, communicative abilities. The contextual approach to learning allows the future specialist not only to adapt successfully to a modern educational institution, but also to realize personal creative potential in professional activities.

Of course, our article does not provide a comprehensive solution of the issues related to the use of contextual teaching technologies in the process of training translators in the field of international business and intercultural communication, as well as in the process of learning a foreign language in general. The problems of implementation of this approach in foreign language training of students using a number of active learning methods need further consideration.


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1. Hlotova O. V, Lazarenko T. V. Vykorystannya kontekstnoho navchannya dlya formuvannya profesiynoyi kompetent- nosti maybutnikh perekladachiv [The use of contextual learning for the formation of professional competence of future translators] Suchasni filolohichni i metodychni studiyi: problematyka i perspektyvy [Elektronne vydannya] : materialy Mizhnar. nauk.-prakt. konf. dlya naukovtsiv, vykladachiv, uchyteliv, zdobuvachiv vyshchoyi osvity, Kharkiv, 18 trav. 2022 r Kharkiv. nats. ped. un-t im. H. S. Skovorody ; Kharkiv, 2022, 41-45. [in Ukrainian]

2. Kovtun O. V. Tekhnolohiya formuvannya profesiynykh umin u maybutnikh perekladachiv aviatsiynoyi haluzi [Technology of formation of professional skills of future translators in the aviation industry]. Naukovyy visnyk Pivdennoukrayins'koho natsional'noho pedahohichnoho universytetu im. K .D. Ushyns'koho: zb. nauk. Prats'. Odesa : PNPU im. K. D. Ushyns'koho, 2017. Vyp. 5(118), 43-47. [in Ukrainian]

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6. Myronchuk N. M. Kontekstnyy pidkhid u pidhotovtsi studentiv do profesiynoyi diyal'nosti u zarubizhniy pedahohichniy teoriyi [Contextual approach in preparing students for professional activity in foreign pedagogical theory]. Kreatyvna pedahohika: [nauk.-metod. zhurnal]. Akademiya mizhnarodnoho spivrobitnytstva z kreatyvnoyi pedahohiky “Polissya”. Zhytomyr, 2018. Vyp. 13, 95-101. [in Ukrainian]

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9. Perin Dolores Facilitating Student Learning Through Contextualization. (CCRC Working Paper No. 53). New York, NY: Columbia University, Teachers College, Community College Research Center. 2011 URL: media/k2/attachments/facilitating-learning-contextualization

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