Trends in professional training of agricultural specialists in Ukraine

The essence, structure of the manager's managerial competence. Justification of the expediency of using the training method of learning in the formation of managerial competence. Problems of their application in professional training of future farmers.

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Дата добавления 24.09.2023
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Academy of sciences, higher education of Ukraine higher educational institution «Podillia state university»

Trends in professional training of agricultural specialists in Ukraine

Iryna Yasinetska,

doctor of economics, professor, academician

Iryna Mushenyk,

Ph.D in economic

Alexander Burlakov,

Ph.D in economic



management training agrarian training

The relevance of the material presented in the scientific article is due to the need to implement innovative approaches to the professional training of future managers of the agricultural sector. The article analyzes the main approaches of scientists to the problem of using training as a method of forming managerial competence in future managers of the agrarian sector. The latest scientific research and publications on the use of training technologies in the process of training are analyzed. The most significant works on the development of managerial potential of future specialists, which reveal the essence and structure of managerial competence of the leader, are selected. The attention is focused on the expediency of using the training method of teaching in the formation of managerial competence.

The problems of using training technologies in the professional training of future agrarians are considered. The necessity of gradual introduction of training into the training program to ensure interactive learning is substantiated. The main types of trainings and the forms of work used during trainings are investigated.

The role and place of training in the development of professional managerial competence of managers in the agricultural sector is outlined. The target aspects of the use of training in the professional training of future managers are specified, which involves solving certain problems and achieving a certain goal in the formation of the necessary qualities in higher education students.

The study used general scientific theoretical methods (comparison of different views on the problem under study, analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization, systematization) and a specific scientific theoretical method (retrospective analysis of specialized literature). The method of comparative and structural analysis of existing training technologies was used.

The results of the study are focused on the fact that the training method has one of the main roles in solving the problem of the didactic challenge of the optimal combination of different ways of presenting educational material and group work in the conditions of an individual approach to each student, which should be adequately addressed by research and teaching staff in the higher education system.

Keywords: education, training, student, competency management, training methods.

Main part

Introduction. Very often, education only forms an abstract idea of a specialist's future work. That is why graduates often have to literally relearn while working in practice, adapting to the working environment.

It is well known that there is always a distance between theory and practice, and what is desired does not always coincide with what is real. It is no coincidence that the problem of the discrepancy between the training of specialists in modern universities (which is carried out through academic education) and the requirements of practical activity remains unresolved to this day.

The developments in the field of modern management theory and practice are so diverse that they require a reassessment of the concept, strategy, content and methods of forming the managerial competence of future agricultural professionals.

In order to keep up with the requirements of the times, the educational process in universities is being intensified by introducing interactive teaching technologies, creating a psychologically comfortable environment for the development of general managerial skills and abilities, and acquiring the basics of managerial culture. Effective methods of teaching students to manage are active methods that focus on the acquisition of skills and abilities of constructive decision-making in the process of solving a management task, active listening, establishing contacts with the interlocutor, relieving emotional stress.

Analysis of recent research and publications. The works of the following scientists are devoted to solving the problem of forming managerial competence in future specialists: V. Krychevskyi, P.; O. Marmaza; L. Troelnikova; O. Atlasova, O. Tonkonoha, T. Shamova.

Ukrainian psychologist O.I. Kulchytska suggests using the following group methods of training creative abilities when preparing students for future work in leadership positions: brainstorming; garlands of associations; synectics.

Y. Yemelianova says that the term «training» should be used not to characterize teaching methods, but to define methods of developing a person's ability to learn or master any complex activity [15].

According to M.P. Khomenko and O.M. Tkachuk [20, p. 9], the formation of a network of powerful university centers based on the sectoral and territorial principle, especially in view of the integration processes of Ukraine's accession to the European Education Area, is a priority area of professional training of agricultural specialists.

However, despite the existence of works by scholars on the problem of forming the competence of future specialists for professional activity, the problem of forming managerial competence in students of agricultural universities remains unresolved.

The purpose of the article. The purpose of our article is to substantiate the theoretical and methodological foundations of using training as an effective method of forming managerial competence in future managers of the agricultural sector.

Presentation of the main material.

The agricultural sector plays an important role in the development and formation of Ukraine's economy. Today, the agricultural sector has become the most stable and profitable industry. But this would not have been possible without the development of agricultural science and education. Ukraine has a strong scientific potential, which is the basis of agricultural production. Changes in production technologies and processes require targeted alignment of specialist training with the needs of the labor market.

Higher agricultural education in Ukraine is a strategic resource for the development of society, improving people's well-being, ensuring national interests, strengthening the authority and competitiveness of our country in the international arena.

The current stage of development of higher professional education is associated with the transition to the practical implementation of a new educational paradigm aimed at creating an integrated system of continuous education, forming a scientific style of thinking, and equipping future specialists with mobile information luggage. Today, considerable attention is paid to the integration of disciplines, which raises the question of the theoretical and practical foundations of modeling the relevant didactic process [10].

Reforming education in Ukraine is primarily about creating new educational standards, updating and revising curricula, the content of teaching and learning materials, textbooks, forms and methods of teaching. The purposeful acquisition of knowledge, skills and abilities by young people, focus on competence development, and the development and implementation of effective mechanisms for its formation are an important component of the state's educational policy.

Higher education does not yet provide sufficient depth and breadth of fundamental knowledge. The problem is that a future specialist must have the skills and professional mobility to respond quickly to constantly emerging changes in practical and scientific activities. And this is possible «during the training of a specialist who is able to use the methodology, basic concepts and provisions of each individual discipline in an interdisciplinary, integrative connection with others, as a means of solving problems in professional activities» [6]. Thus, to optimize the training of specialists, it is important not only to identify interdisciplinary links, but also to take into account their professional orientation in the process of selecting the content of academic disciplines [8].

It is a well-known fact that the level of training of future specialists depends on teachers, who are a fundamental component of the learning process. Providing various educational institutions (including economic ones) with experienced professional scientific and pedagogical staff is an important current issue. Current social changes require improvement of the content, types and mechanisms of this training. A modern school needs an erudite, professionally trained, focused on implementing a personal view, competent authoritative teacher in the relevant field.

The field of pedagogy is inherently communicative and focuses on both the teacher's industry knowledge, teaching methods, and ability to communicate professionally. It is advisable to implement new educational tasks using pedagogical interaction, which is formed on the basis of productive communication between the teacher and students. Thus, effective mastery of professional competence should usually promote awareness of its components and assimilation of their significance.

Socio-economic transformations in Ukraine have led to the need to modernize the professional training of agricultural specialists that would meet the current requirements of both professional and social activities. As stated in the regulatory documents, the current state of the country's economy requires the creation of a new system of innovative development of the agricultural sector of the economy «agricultural education - agricultural science - agricultural production».

As noted by the Board of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy of Ukraine, work has been done to optimize the network of agricultural higher education institutions by [16]: creating regional university centers; introducing a multi-level education, improving the content, methods and forms of education; introducing computerization of the educational process; improving practical training of students - regional training and practical centers have been created and are functioning effectively; organizing professional development of research and teaching staff; creating a database and signing agreements on organizing and conducting internships for students at modern agricultural enterprises; taking measures to ensure the employment and retention of graduates in production; creating a modern set of methodological support in terms of specialties and professions [18].

Modern developments in the traditional training of students for management activities (lectures, seminars, discussions, problem solving, etc.) primarily affect the development of their thinking and memory, focusing on «memorization» of knowledge, which does not contribute to the full formation of managerial competence, the essence of which is not only theoretical, but also practical and psychological preparedness of the personality of the future specialist for management activities.

Scientists who study the problem of improving the management training of specialists believe that its effectiveness is largely ensured by the use of innovative pedagogical technologies and reflective and innovative methods (organizational and action games, psychological workshops, trainings) of their training.

Training as a teaching method differs from traditional methods in that during its implementation, firstly, the transfer of knowledge and independent search for ways and mastery of technologies and algorithms for solving educational tasks; secondly, the formation and development of skills and abilities; thirdly, the development of various psychological structures of the specialist's personality, as well as the personality as a whole.

Considering professional training as a student's work on his or her personal development as a future specialist, it is advisable to use trainings as an active and effective method of training agrarians.

The main training methods proposed by I. Vachkov, who groups them into the following:

- the method of concentration of presence (activation of an event taking place in the psychological space);

- the method of group reflection (activation of an event taking place in the space of discourse);

- the method of building dispositions (activation of an event taking place in the space of physical reality) [13].

All of these methods are aimed at ensuring that events unfold in the course of training that would be unexpected for the students participating in the training and significant for their professional changes, i.e., to build readiness for communication.

So, what is the effectiveness of trainings in educational institutions and why do we propose to implement these methods? First of all, during training sessions, the primary impact is not on the cognitive sphere of the human psyche (perception, attention, memory, thinking), but on access to it through the emotional, sensory and motivational spheres. The approximate scheme of this pedagogical interaction is as follows: teacher's mind ^ student's experiences and feelings ^ student's mind ^ teacher's mind (feedback). That is, through the use of various training methods (role play, group discussion, exercises in verbal and non-verbal communication, training of certain skills, video feedback, etc.), the student gains experience in experiencing certain situations, their mental states, records and remembers the emotional coloring during the solution of certain training tasks. The gained emotional and sensory experience is subjected to intellectual processing and securely stored. As a result, the student develops the necessary skills, knowledge, perceptions, views, and values that are already perceived as their own, not imposed from the outside [19].

Specific features of training are an atmosphere of ease and freedom of communication between its participants; stages determined by the socio - psychological patterns of group development; emphasis on active relationships between group members; use of active methods of group work; the leading role of the trainer's personality in achieving the goals of the training; a certain spatial organization (most often a circle).

Depending on the goals and objectives, trainings are classified according to various criteria: corporate, innovative, management, individual (coaching), group, integrative, psychological, etc. In our opinion, all of them are a modification of social and psychological training (SPT). Basically, SST is an active socio - psychological training aimed at forming competence, activity and orientation of a person in communication with people, improving collective ties and relationships [17]. However, in our opinion, the scope of its application is much wider than the development of effective communication skills.

Training combines the following four generalized principles of activity:

1) training as a kind of training, in which the necessary ways of behavior are formed by rigid manipulative techniques with the help of positive reinforcement, and harmful, unnecessary ones are «erased» with the help of negative reinforcement;

2) training as training, which results in the formation and development of skills and abilities of effective behavior;

3) training as a form of active learning, the purpose of which is primarily the transfer of knowledge, as well as the development of certain skills and abilities;

4) training as a method of creating conditions for self-disclosure of participants and their independent search for ways to solve personal psychological problems [9].

Thus, the participants of the training not only learn how to build an effective model of interaction with colleagues, management, and subordinates in various typical and extraordinary situations, but also directly acquire new knowledge, skills, and abilities in specially modeled behavioral situations.

According to the provisions of D. Uchajdze's theory of guidance, S. Rubinstein's role-playing games, and P. Halperin's idea of forming the tentative foundations of mental actions, human behavior is mostly impulsive. Impulsive reactions in managerial situations are often inadequate in the context of the situation. However, we often do not realize this. If a person is aware of the inadequacy of his or her behavior, he or she is likely to try to react consciously. The best way to facilitate this process is through training, because it is at the stage of objectification that one learns ways of responding and communicating that make a person's behavior more appropriate. After a certain consolidation, the new behavior becomes unconscious and impulsive again, but at a new, more effective level [11].

In our opinion, the training program for the formation of managerial competence of agricultural specialists should consist of the following interrelated content blocks: personal, communicative and professional.

The personal block begins the training program, so the most important thing for the trainer-teacher at this stage is to form group cohesion, work out group rules of behavior during the training, motivate the training participants, and diagnose the personal qualities of the students. These processes take place directly against the background of participants' delving into their inner world, focusing on their feelings, thoughts, and perceptions of themselves. The purpose of this block is to promote participants' awareness of themselves (their personality) and understanding of other people [12].

The communication block is aimed at making participants aware of themselves in the system of professional and personal communication and its purpose is to develop skills of communication with colleagues, administration, business partners, establishing business interaction, developing the ability to listen, express their point of view, find a compromise solution, argue and defend their point of view. Each participant explores his or her own communication style, observes the behavior of other participants, realizes habitual ways of communicating, and analyzes mistakes in interpersonal interaction.

The professional block is focused on participants' awareness of themselves in the system of professional and managerial activities. Its goal is to consolidate new ways of professionally active behavior, develop skills and abilities of management and effective leadership, acquire practical skills and abilities to form their own management career, develop skills of self-analysis of management activities, as well as ways to release their creative potential.

Thus, with the help of training, the effectiveness of the formation of managerial competence can be traced at several levels:

- at the cognitive level - gaining new knowledge, information about oneself and others, about more constructive ways of management;

- at the emotional level - feelings about personal inability in some aspects of managerial activity, gaining emotional experience in relations with the group, awareness of one's emotional experiences, and increased self-control;

- at the behavioral level - acquisition of new techniques, ways of behavior, skills and their consolidation;

- at the personal level - correction of attitudes towards oneself and other people, correction of attitudes, personal qualities that interfere with effective communication and optimal performance [4].

It is clear that the most important element of the professional competence of a specialist in the agricultural sector is the amount of relevant knowledge and management principles. In general, knowledge is a generalized social experience realized by a person, which he or she can reproduce and pass on to others. Knowledge is the basis for effective performance, as it is the basis for practical implementation of projects. Competencies, in turn, are knowledge in action. If the competence of a specialist is viewed from a personal point of view, then professional knowledge should include the development of a general outlook [14].

The next component of the content of professional education can be defined as the experience of search and creative activity, which is manifested in: transferring knowledge and skills to a new situation; using known approaches to new conditions in the process of activity; understanding emerging problems and the ability to solve them; forming one's own innovative approach to solving complex issues.

Another element of the content of professional competence is the experience of emotional and value-based attitudes to real events (a set of moral and ethical views that reflect the student's worldview, attitude to people, to oneself, to work, and to the knowledge that must be acquired while studying a particular discipline).

Let's consider the main functions that a competent agricultural specialist should perform in the production process (i.e. today's student in the future): 1) research; 2) design; 3) organizational; 4) managerial; 5) technological; 6) control; 7) forecasting; 8) technical.

Effective performance of these functions requires students of the agricultural sector to master the following skills:

1. performing mathematical calculations during design, making forecasts and plans as a mandatory element of professional activity;

2. collection, processing, monitoring and structuring of scientific and technical data to improve production efficiency;

3. use of statistical procedures for data processing;

4. modeling of phenomena and processes, further analysis of their technological properties;

5. making appropriate successful decisions; use of modern computer technologies.

Thus, the core competencies cover all the production functions of a personality, based on the mathematical and natural science training of agricultural specialists.

Today, in view of the European integration processes taking place in Ukraine, it is advisable to apply the basic principles of European higher education, which is focused primarily on the direct acquisition of knowledge and skills in practice. In the process of teaching agricultural students, more attention should be paid to solving applied, professionally oriented tasks, and developing subject skills, taking into account the specifics of future professional activities.

The above makes it possible to identify the fundamental elements of the professional competence of future agricultural workers:

- a set of intellectual and subject skills in analysis, synthesis, generalization, comparison, systematization, abstraction, and concretization through the use of critical thinking and creative imagination;

- Operational and subject skills, which are characterized by a certain set of skills necessary for the current student to be professionally realized in the future. These include design, forecasting, organizational, methodological, and creative skills;

- regulatory and subject skills for managing one's own behavior, which includes a combination of internal efforts, activity planning, active position, leadership qualities, analysis of the consequences of the educational and cognitive process, and implementation of effective agricultural solutions [7].

Training in education involves informing masters about certain socio - pedagogical phenomena; acquiring professionally relevant knowledge and skills by participants; developing management skills, cooperation and tolerance towards those around them; developing communication skills; presenting and defending their own managerial position; developing skills to adequately assess their own capabilities, overcome difficulties and seek ways of self-improvement and constructive resolution of problem and conflict situations; developing managerial skills [2].

In order to make informed decisions in the conditions of market relations in the management of vocational education, marketing and monitoring studies are used, an integral part of which is information and communication technologies.

The creation and implementation of modern learning tools based on information and communication technologies in vocational training determines the development of Ukraine as a state whose communication and technological subsystems will form the infrastructure of the information society, and whose education will meet socio-economic needs, citizens' demands, employers' requirements, and ensure the renewal of production personnel [3].

At the present stage, the quality of domestic vocational education does not meet European standards, so researchers note the need to develop new pedagogical thinking, new educational technologies and teaching methods [5].

The modernization of professional training should be based on a systematic approach to informatization of the educational process in educational institutions of various profiles, based on the systemic principle of integrity of all areas of ICT application in the educational process. The question arises of determining the effectiveness of new forms and methods of organizing the educational process using ICT.

The development of computer equipment and technologies has recently led to significant changes in the understanding of the role of information processes in society and the possibilities of using computing tools in education. The scope of computer technology application in education is constantly expanding: from the use of computers and related information technologies as an object of study in the subject of computer science, the emphasis is shifting to its widespread use as a means of intensifying the educational process in general education disciplines.

In recent years, the greatest stimulator of cultural and educational development of the rural population, the driver of rural intelligentsia, and the basis of rural leadership - higher education - has become less popular and no longer enjoys such a high level of support.

A characteristic feature of the professional training of agricultural specialists in Ukraine is the expansion of the list of areas of training and the updating of the nomenclature of specialties. New forms of management in rural areas, labor market requirements for multifunctionality of a specialist have necessitated changing the names of a number of agricultural specialties, forming new models of training specialists in the relevant specialties, filling the content of educational and professional programs and educational and professional characteristics. Thus, among the new names of specialties are the following.

The devaluation of higher education as an integral element that forms a conscious personality, a leader, leads to the degradation of society, devaluation of public achievements, scientific achievements, diminishes the importance of education and science in production, which leads to their separate existence and functioning [6].

One of the trends in the professional training of agricultural specialists is the expansion of international activities. Recognizing the role of international cooperation and the need for broad integration into the global scientific and educational space, a set of measures has been taken to promote the national education system towards an integrated international educational space. Thus, the targeted program for the formation of human resources in agricultural production provides for the organization of students' internships abroad [1].

It is worth noting that most agricultural universities in Ukraine are members of the World Consortium of Agricultural Education and Research Institutions. This makes it possible to effectively use the experience of EU countries in the professional training of agricultural specialists in Ukraine.

An important component of the development of professional training of agricultural specialists is the on-the-job training of teachers. The main areas of teacher internships are: marketing and management, mechanization, fodder production, breeding, farm animals, farm animals feeding, technology of milk production and processing, and others [20, p. 8].

One of the elements of the development of professional training of agricultural specialists in Ukraine is the use of the experience of EU countries in implementing distance learning. The National Program «Education. Ukraine of the XXI century» [21], provides for the development of professional training of specialists on the basis of new progressive concepts, the introduction of the latest pedagogical technologies and scientific and methodological achievements in the educational process, the creation of a new system of information support for professional training of specialists, Ukraine's entry into the transcontinental computer information system.

Conclusions. Thus, professional competence is a multidimensional, dynamic and creative category that is sensitive to changing processes in society. It involves mastering the main components of the content of the overall educational process. In the current conditions of the country's development, the structure of professional competence in agricultural institutions is periodically transformed and adjusted due to innovative and socio-economic events.

The impact of the level of competence of teachers in the agricultural sector requires further monitoring to improve the educational process and training of future specialists in the agronomic sector. Careful attention should be paid to the issues of forming the content of special disciplines and the methodology of presenting the material by teachers of educational institutions.

First of all, agricultural students need to be interested, taught to process information logically, to comprehend and apply it in practice, achieving effective results. Today, there is a lack of applied processing of the knowledge gained by students. During the period of adaptation of Ukraine's educational system to EU standards, state support for modern mechanisms of functioning of agricultural institutions is particularly important. Thus, the process of educating the professionalism of future specialists in the country's agricultural sector is based on the level of competence of teachers of agricultural institutions, which, in turn, requires the introduction of effective progressive principles in the education system in accordance with European integration socio-economic requirements. This will help to form a sufficient level of competitiveness of the agricultural sector's personnel, ensuring its development in general [22].

Prospects for further development in this area of research are primarily to identify techniques, methods and techniques, search for situations and develop exercises for the effective formation of managerial competence in students of agricultural higher education institutions.

The issue of providing the educational process with a new generation of creative educational and methodological literature remains relevant. As noted by domestic researchers, the increase in the time in the curricula for training agricultural specialists for independent work and the orientation of modern education to the independent and motivational mastery of knowledge by students under the guidance of a teacher requires the creation of a multidirectional methodological support focused not only on the teacher, but above all on the student.


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