The role of HEIs of Ukraine in the implementation of social innovations

An assessment of possible forms of development of social innovations on the basis of higher education institutions of Ukraine, namely social entrepreneurship, outreach activities of universities, and socially oriented models of education is given.

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Дата добавления 06.11.2023
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The role of HEIs of Ukraine in the Implementation of Social Innovations

Olena Vovchenko, Doctor of Philosophy in Economics (PhD), researcher officer, Dobrov Institute for Scientific and Technological Potential and Science History Studies of the NAS of Ukraine


The study is devoted to the analysis of university forms of social innovation, necessary during the war and for the post-war reconstruction of Ukraine. Methods. In the process of research the methods of theoretical search, historical, abstract-logical, comparative and descriptive were used. Results. An assessment of possible forms of development of social innovations on the basis of higher education institutions (HEIs) of Ukraine, namely social entrepreneurship, outreach activities of universities, and socially oriented models of education is given. An analysis of the rating higher education institutions of Ukraine regarding the implementation of social innovations in the scientific and educational process is carried out. Examples of the implementation of socially oriented learning outcomes that provide war-related societal demands are presented. Scientific and methodical recommendations for higher education institutions on improving the quality of the scientific and educational process with the help of social innovations during the post-war reconstruction of Ukraine have been developed. Conclusions. The results of the study demonstrate the increasing role of the HEIs in the implementation of social innovations as a method of post-war reconstruction of Ukraine and establishment of partnership relations with external participants, including at the international arena.

Key words: higher education institution, social innovation, socially oriented education, recommendations, post-war reconstruction of Ukraine.


Роль ЗВО України у впровадженні соціальних інновацій

Олена Владиславівна Вовченко, к.е.н., науковий співробітник, ДУ «Інститут досліджень науково-технічного потенціалу та історії науки ім. Г.М. Доброва НАН України»

Дослідження присвячено аналізу університетських форм соціальних інновацій, необхідних у період війни та для післявоєнного відновлення України. Методи. У процесі дослідження використовувалися методи теоретичного пошуку, історичний, абстрактно-логічний, порівняльний та описовий. Результати. Дано оцінку можливим формам розвитку соціальних інновацій на базі ЗВО України, а саме соціальному підприємництву, аутрич діяльності університетів та соціально орієнтованим моделям навчання. Здійснено аналіз рейтингових ЗВО України щодо впровадження соціальних інновацій у науково-освітній процес. Наведено приклади впровадження результатів соціально спрямованого навчання, які забезпечують суспільні запити, пов'язані з війною. Розроблено науково-методичні рекомендації для ЗВО щодо підвищення якості науково-освітнього процесу за допомогою соціальних інновацій у період післявоєнного відновлення України. Висновки. Результати дослідження демонструють підвищення ролі ЗВО у впровадженні соціальних інновацій як методу післявоєнної відбудови України та налагодження партнерських відносин із зовнішніми учасниками, у тому числі на міжнародному рівні.

Ключові слова: заклад вищої освіти, соціальна інновація, соціально спрямоване навчання, рекомендації, післявоєнне відновлення України.


The concept of social innovations is relatively not new, since even in the studies of M. Weber (Weber, 1930) and D.E. Durkheim (Durkheim, 1933; Durkheim et al., 1960) drew attention to the role of social innovations in the process of establishing public order, especially in periods of social and technological changes. Initially, researchers considered social innovation only in the context of work organization, but later their ideas began to be presented in a much broader context. Today, social innovations are gaining significant popularity, especially in European countries, as a tool to combat the biggest social problems, such as: major economic crises; consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic; problems related to armed conflicts and wars, etc. This is confirmed by the Sustainable Development Goals adopted by the United Nations in 2015 (Global Goals) as a universal call to action to reduce poverty, protect the planet and ensure that by 2030 all people live in peace and prosperity. The SGD 1 is poverty reduction: by 2030, EU countries are expected to make significant progress in poverty reduction and social inclusion, ensuring access to quality social protection (medicine, education, housing and social services) for the entire population. To achieve this complex goal, most researchers prefer the participation of public organizations and social entrepreneurs, while the role of universities in this process is little studied and poorly represented in the scientific literature.

The question of how universities can contribute to social innovation is considered within the framework of the concept of the «third mission of universities» (Abreu et al., 2016; Urdari et al., 2017). This concept encourages universities to cooperate with the authorities, public organizations, enterprises and social institutions in the creation and implementation of joint social, economic and cultural initiatives aimed at the development of the regions where they work. Such cooperation takes place through the transfer of knowledge and technologies to industry and society as a whole. The concept of the «third mission» can be interpreted both in a narrow and in a broad sense. In a narrow sense, it is the transfer of knowledge and technologies (Trencher et al., 2014) (entrepreneurial university, the «triple spiral» model), and in a broad sense, it is a wide range of activities of higher education institutions aimed at the development of entrepreneurial skills, innovations, social well-being and the formation of human capital, as well as, it concerns the development of science and society through various forms of communication and social interaction (Etzkowitz, 2003; Rothaermel et al., 2007). In the context of this concept, the main task is formed: the departure of universities from their traditional self-goals in the form of teaching and scientific research. Instead, universities should deal with industrial tasks and social needs.

The appearance of a large number of social problems in Ukraine is connected with Russia's military aggression against our country. In the conditions of the war, there is an understanding that all spheres must direct their activities to the reconstruction of Ukraine and rationally use all possible resources to overcome the consequences of the war. In this matter, educational institutions should not become an exception, but on the contrary, taking into account their main task - the preparation of human capital, already in student classrooms, not only transfer knowledge and prepare graduates, but also create economic and social value by transferring technology and commercializing the results of education to the authorities, business, society.

social innovations education entrepreneurship

Materials and Methods

In the process of research, the methods of theoretical search, historical, abstract-logical, comparative and descriptive were used. The source base of the research was made up of domestic and foreign publications, statistical data of international organizations.

Results and Discussion

The scientific community singles out a number of approaches to the interpretation of social innovations depending on the form of their manifestation (Table 1). Summarizing all the definitions of the concept, we can say that social innovation is a tool for finding a new solution to social problems, which differs from existing ones in its efficiency, stability, inclusiveness and value for society.

Table 1. Approaches to defining the concept of «social innovation»



A pragmatic approach

Social innovation as «innovative activities and services that are motivated by the goal of meeting a social need and that are predominantly developed and diffused through organizations whose primary purposes are social» (Mulgan et al., 2007).

A systemic approach

Social innovation as a «complex process through which new products, processes or programs are introduced, leading to a deep change in daily routines, resources' streams, power relations or values within the system affected by the innovation» (Westley, 2010).

A managerial stance

Social innovation as a «new solution to a social problem which is more effective, efficient, sustainable or fairer compared to existing solutions, and which generates value primarily for society instead of single individuals or organizations» (Phills et al., 2008).

A critical approach

Social innovation is conceived as a process of “empowerment and political mobilization” targeting a bottom-up transformation of the functioning of a social system, in terms of stakeholders and in terms of distribution of material and immaterial resources (Moulaert et al., 2009).

An economic approach

Social innovation defined as «conceptual, process or product change, organizational change and changes in financing, and new relationships with stakeholders and territories» (OECD, 2009).

A comparative approach

Social innovation perceived as being «distinctive both in its outcomes and in its relationships, in the new forms of cooperation and collaboration that it brings. As a result, the processes, metrics, models and methods used in innovation in the commercial or technological fields, for example, are not always directly transferable to the social economy» (Murray et al., 2010).

An universal approach

Social innovations are defined as «new solutions (products, services, models, markets, processes etc.) that simultaneously meet a social need (more effectively than existing solutions) and lead to new or improved capabilities and relationships and better use of assets and resources. In other words, social innovations are both good for society and enhance society's capacity to act.» (The Young Foundation, 2012).

One of the most common forms of social innovation is social entrepreneurship. This is any private activity carried out in the public interest, organized in accordance with a business strategy, the main goal of which is not profit maximization, but the achievement of certain economic and social goals, and which is capable of bringing innovative solutions to the problems of social isolation and unemployment (OECD, 2011). This is what makes social entrepreneurship the most interesting and inspiring business movement in the world, which contains a number of advantages for professors and teaching staff, students and educational institutions themselves. First of all, HEIs serves as a tool for interaction with external institutions - relevant companies, charities and non-governmental organizations, etc. for conducting potential research.

At the same time, work with social enterprises is designed to increase the level of public awareness of the educational institution and increase its reputation. Second, social entrepreneurship improves the student experience because it promotes greater employability, teaches to be socially responsible citizens, and has direct educational benefits. In addition, interaction with social business improves students' understanding of the positive consequences it can have for solving problems of social justice and human well-being. Thirdly, it is an alternative income generation. Instead of the «commercial» route, a social enterprise offers an alternative way of generating income for reinvestment in research activities. Support of social entrepreneurs in institutions of higher education also contributes to a positive image of the institution in the region (Yatsun, 2018).

One of the first ways universities got involved in social entrepreneurship was through the creation of student business incubators. Today, this method remains relevant, for example, the Berkeley SkyDeck Foundation (University of California, Berkeley) offers up to $100,000 for six-month projects related to artificial intelligence and medicine (Berkeley SkyDeck, 2023). Also, a vivid example is the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)'s delta v is an educational startup accelerator for student entrepreneurs to build viable, sustainable businesses (MIT delta v, 2023). The graduates of this incubator are Embr Labs, which is creating wearable heating and cooling technology, W8X, which is bringing strength training enabled by robotics to your home, and Synaps, which runs digital outdoor ads.

Many universities in the world, supporting the movement of social entrepreneurship, had to take on many new challenges, including outreach functions (Outreach Projects), i.e. involving students to participate in social projects that solve social problems of a specific region or community. For example, the joint project «Water and Health» of the Universities of Venda (Africa) and Virginia (USA), which focuses on improving water supply and sanitation in South African rural areas and creating educational opportunities for students of both universities. Students and scientists, together with entrepreneurs, were involved in the creation of a stationary ceramic filter, which ensured the efficient use of water and energy in the African region (Cruz, 2018).

The most revealing example in this regard, which made it possible to solve social problems and bring economic benefits to entrepreneurs and the country, in particular, was the project of students of the University of St. Thomas (USA) - Cafe Cocano Project, which received an award from the Ashoka U company for innovative educational approach to social entrepreneurship in higher education. Made by students studying international business, marketing and communications, appropriate calculations on the economic feasibility of investing in coffee rather than in tree crops and proposed measures to develop the proper infrastructure necessary for the marketing of coffee products have enabled Haitian farmers to import and sell Port coffee au Paix, ensuring the receipt of excess profits. Coffee farmers formed a cooperative and exported more than 160,000 pounds of coffee. At the same time, the income of farmers increased significantly from 0.6 to 4.16 $ US per pound. Currently, the University actively collaborates with the Panther Coffee company in Miami, which also promotes fair trade, helps develop packaging and roasting (Lebish, 2018).

In Ukraine, this method of cooperation is also popular, but we meet it under the name «community project», participation in which is mainly aimed at interaction and establishing communication with foreign partners. For example, The Ukraine Project which is implemented in the Village of Makoshyne in the Chernihiv Oblast and involves the youth of Ukraine and Great Britain. However, in Ukraine, outreach functions are implemented at the expense of individual students who take part in such international projects, and not by a certain university as a whole.

Domestic educational institutions are gradually joining the introduction of social innovations in their scientific and educational process. The National Technical University of Ukraine «Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute», where POLYTECO SCIENCE CITY is being built, turned out to be the most proactive. This is an innovative town on the territory of the university, the building of which will house business incubators, prototype laboratories, high-tech production facilities, lecture halls, office premises, a co-working center, a hotel and catering establishments.

V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University is an active implementer of social innovations and entrepreneurship, implementing projects («Opening youth entrepreneurship together», «Entrepreneurial University», «Sustainable thinking and entrepreneurship / StepUP»), conducting courses («Startup Semester») and competitions («Summer startup session»). It is worth noting the Kharkiv Green Urban Fest 2023 event within the framework of the international project FUSILLI, during which the following issues will be raised: responsible consumption and recycling of plastic; social entrepreneurship; green city and waste management; activities of Kharkiv ecohubs, etc.

Dual education is another form of social innovation implementation in higher education institutions. This is a method of learning, according to which the theoretical material is mastered in an institution with a teacher, and practical training takes place at the factory. This approach is significantly different from «practical training», as it is based not only on the consolidation of theory in practice, but also training in production conditions. The level of participation of employers in the dual form of education is the largest in Kyiv (175), Zhytomyr (160), Lviv (134), Vinnytsia and Khmelnytskyi (125), Rivne (111) regions (MES of Ukraine, 2023).

An example of the implementation of a dual form of education is the implementation of the international Ukrainian- Moldovan project «Integration of dual higher education in Moldova and Ukraine / COOPERA / Erasmus +». During the introduction of this form at the «KROK» University, an experiment is conducted with all the elements of the stakeholderuniversity-student cooperation triangle in the «Journalism» specialty. The main stakeholders who provide the practical part of training are: «Internews-Ukraine», «Volodymyretskyi Visnyk», TV channel «Ukraine INFORM». «In the modern educational space, taking into account today's problems, in particular, COVID-19, wartime conditions in Ukraine, it is necessary to switch to innovative forms of education. The search for creative educational approaches in the implementation of educational programs pushes the Ukrainian educational space to use dual education as an opportunity outside the classrooms to form educational platforms within the practice bases» (Momot, 2022).

Following the example of their European colleagues, domestic higher education institutions began to introduce educational programs «Social entrepreneurship» (SHEI «Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology»), separate academic disciplines «social entrepreneurship» (Sumy State University, Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics), summer schools (Western Ukrainian National University) and others. Also, the All-Ukrainian Innovation Festival is held annually at the initiative of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv and KNU Science Park.

Taking into account the experience of countries that successfully implement social innovations and entrepreneurship in universities, it is possible to offer scientific and methodological recommendations for higher education institutions on improving the quality of the scientific and educational process with the help of social innovations during the post-war reconstruction of Ukraine:

1. Launching an inclusive, institutionalized process of mobilizing all faculties, departments and disciplines to promote social innovations.

2. Mobilization of internal and external resources of higher education institutions to support social innovations.

3. Adapting research and educational opportunities of universities to social problems and orienting them both to the service of private entrepreneurship and the social sphere.

4. Holding of annual national and regional symposia, forums, schools, seminars, the purpose of which would be to create a platform for students, labor teams of higher education institutions, civil society institutes.

5. Creation of innovation laboratories, university interdisciplinary resource centers for consulting, mentoring and incubation of ideas. Accordingly, it is necessary to develop a legislative framework for regulating their activities.

6. Creation of foundations, organizations, such as the «Schwab Foundation for Social Entrepreneurship» in Switzerland or the «Ashoka Foundation» in India, which would cooperate with schools, universities, public organizations, mass media and leaders of trade union movements, help young people develop their social entrepreneurship skills and solving social problems with business methods.

7. Establishment of public-private partnership for financing socially oriented projects.

8. Development of mutual relations between Ukrainian and foreign educational institutions. Exchange of experiences, launch of joint distance learning projects.


Higher education institutions play an important role in the development of social entrepreneurship, training people who will potentially engage in this type of activity. The experience of foreign countries demonstrates positive examples of the application of social innovations in universities, organizing social hackathons and helping disadvantaged groups in remote regions of the world. By studying such experience, we gain knowledge that prompts us to initiate social initiatives that meet regional needs and expectations. In addition, this practice promotes cooperation and establishes links between organizations from different sectors. In general, social innovations arise at the request of society, which have expanded in Ukraine for known reasons. Large-scale environmental problems arose, unemployment increased, the population lost their homes, and the country lost its territory, where enterprises were located, fertile soil, minerals, etc. To solve these problems, Ukraine should attract all possible resources, including the scientific and educational space, with the help of which it is possible to effectively establish partnership relations with external participants, including at the international level.


1. Abreu M., Demirel P., Grinevich V., Karatas-Ozkan M. (2016). Entrepreneurial practices in research-intensive and teaching-led universities. Small Business Economics, 47, 695-717.

2. Berkeley SkyDeck. (2023).

3. Cruz P. (2018). Social Innovation and Higher Education in the BRICS (1): a background overview. BRICS Policy Center.

4. Durkheim E. (1933). The division of labor. Trans. G. Simpson. Macmillan: New York.

5. Durkheim E., E. Durkheim, F. Sociologue, E. Durkheim, E. Durkheim, F. (1960). Sociologist. De la division du travail social, Presses universitaires de France.

6. Etzkowitz H. (2003). Research groups as `quasi-firms': the invention of the entrepreneurial university. Research Policy, 32 (1), 109-121.

7. Lebish M. (2018). STU Wins Ashoka Award for Innovation in Higher Education.

8. Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. (2023).

9. MIT delta v. (2023).

10. Momot N. (2022). Development of the educational process in war-time through dual education. Scientific Notes of «KROK» University, 3(67), 103-113.

11. Moulaert F., MacCallum D., Hillier J., Haddock S.V. (2009). Social Innovation and Territorial Development. England; Ashgate Publishing Limited.

12. Mulgan G., Tucker S., Rushanara A., Sanders B. (2007). Social Innovation, What It Is, Why It Matters, and How it Can Be Accelerated. London: The Young Foundation

13. Murray R., Caulier-Grice J., Mulgan G. (2010). The Open Book Of Social Innovation.

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16. Phills J., Deiglmeier K., Miller D.T. (2008). Rediscovering Social Innovation. Stanford Social Innovation Review.

17. Rothaermel F.T., Agung S.D., Jiang L. (2007). University entrepreneurship: a taxonomy of the literature. Industrial and Corporate Change, 16 (4), 691-791.

18. The Young Foundation. (2012).

19. Trencher G., Yarime M., McCormick K.B., Doll C.N.H., Kraines S.B. (2014). Beyond the third mission: exploring the emerging university function of co-creation for sustainability. Science and Public Policy, 41 (2), 151-179.

20. Urdari C., Farcas T., Tiron Tudor A. (2017) Assessing the legitimacy of HEIs' contributions to society: the perspective of international rankings. Sustainability Accounting, Management and Policy Journal, 8 (2), 191-215.

21. Weber M. (1930). The Protestant ethic and the spirit of capitalism. Allen and Unwin.

22. Westley F., Antadze N. (2010). Making a difference: Strategies for scaling social innovation for greater impact. The Innovation Journal: The Public Sector Innovation Journal, 15(2), Article 2.

23. Yatsun O.M. (2018). Higher Education As An Agent Of Social Innovation.

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