Modeling the approaches to managing joint co-op institutions of higher education

An overview and an in-depth analysis of a management framework for developing cooperation between international higher education institutions. The key areas and strategic opportunities from the international higher education institution partnership.

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Язык английский
Дата добавления 18.12.2023
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Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design


S.V. Bebko


international higher education institution

The paper offers an overview and an in-depth analysis of a management framework for developing cooperation between international higher education institutions. Given the key areas and strategic opportunities from the international higher education institution partnership, the study has identified the specifics of international cooperation that can affect the performance efficiency of international activities of higher education institutions along with providing a better focus on the range of mechanisms that can be adopted to boost cooperation between international higher education institutions to increase their efficiency. In addition, the study explores the validity prospects for the above management mechanism as an effective toolkit to enhance HEI global competitiveness. The research findings demonstrate that a higher education system, in the narrow sense, is a set of organizations (institutions) that produce (provide) educational services to individuals (consumers) who pursue higher education. From this perspective, the higher education system includes institutions of higher education, as well as other organizations: licensing, certification and accreditation bodies and research institutions that carry out analytical research in the area of higher education development; monitoring organizations - to maintain higher education quality assurance; media; NGOs; donor organizations. In this context, the primary objective of the education system is to gain maximum effectiveness and efficiency of educational activities. Apart from the above, this paper seeks to explore the effects from education internationalization, thus demonstrating that this process is critical in terms of fostering harmonization of different education systems (at the global level, as well as in the nation-wide settings). The study also asserts that education internationalization creates favourable environment to effective implementation of the goals of sustainable development, in particular those related to human capital development through education. Within the framework of this research, sustainable development of society in the context of higher education and science internationalization and global progress of humanity as well as the institutionalization transformations in political, economic and social domains is viewed as a holistic and multi-level interaction of economies, societies, states, social institutions, cultures, peoples, nations, worldviews, etc. that ultimately affects both the national models of education and science, as well as translates into a change of the global educational and research paradigm.

Keywords: education; internationalization of education; institutions of higher education; international cooperation; joint co-op institutions of higher education.


Світлана В. Бебко


У статті представлено й проаналізовано напрями забезпечення управління розвитком кооперації міжнародних закладів вищої освіти. На основі виокремлення ключових сфер та стратегічних можливостей співробітництва міжнародних ЗВО визначено особливості міжнародної кооперації, які можуть вплинути на ефективність міжнародної діяльності ЗВО; розглянуто типи механізмів, що можуть бути використані в контексті кооперації міжнародних закладів вищої освіти з метою підвищення їх ефективності; обґрунтовано складові механізму управління розвитком кооперації міжнародних закладів вищої освіти; спрогнозовано потенційну результативність функціонування такого механізму як дієвого інструментарію розвитку глобальної конкурентоспроможності ЗВО. Визначено та доведено, що у вузькому розумінні, система вищої освіти - це сукупність організацій (інституцій), які виробляють (надають) освітні послуги, завдяки чому фізичні особи (споживачі) здобувають вищу освіту. Зазначено, що до системи вищої освіти входять заклади вищої освіти, а також інші організації - органи ліцензування, атестації та акредитації; наукові установи, які здійснюють аналітичні дослідження проблем розвитку вищої освіти; моніторингові організації, що забезпечують нагляд за якістю вищої освіти; засоби масової інформації; громадські організації; донорські організації. Така система має бути орієнтована на досягнення максимальної результативності та ефективності освітньої діяльності. Проаналізовано процес інтернаціоналізації освіти та доведено, що цей процес виступає важливим чинником гармонізації розвитку освітніх систем (як на глобальному рівні, так і на рівні окремих національних систем) і є підґрунтям для ефективної реалізації цілей сталого розвитку, зокрема тих, що стосуються розвитку людського капіталу через освіту. У рамках цього дослідження, сталий розвиток суспільства в контексті інтернаціоналізації вищої освіти і науки, глобального поступу людства та трансформацій процесу інституалізації світової політичної, економічної та соціальної систем розглядається як цілісна і багаторівнева сфера взаємодії економік, суспільств, держав, соціальних інститутів, культур, народів, націй, світоглядів, що беззаперечно впливає на національні моделі освіти і науки, а також позначається на зміні глобальної освітньо-наукової парадигми.

Ключові слова: освіта; інтернаціоналізація освіти; заклади вищої освіти; міжнародні коопераційні зв'язки; спільні кооперативні заклади вищої освіти.

Formulation of the problem

As modern higher education institutions become global drivers that spread knowledge and research results across borders through international academic networks and mobility of students and teachers in all fields and at all levels, managing the development of cooperation of higher education institutions becomes the most relevant tool to ensure their competitiveness in the long-term strategic perspective In addition, the importance of cooperation and the development of international cooperation between higher education institutions is confirmed by the initiative of the European Research Council to create a European education area by 2025 and a new European research area. The Council resolution on the new European Research Area, which was approved on 1 December 2020, emphasizes that "stronger synergies and interconnections between the European Research Area (ERA) and elements of the European Education Area (EEA) should be developed".

Previously unsolved parts of the study

Along with classic institutions of higher education, new forms of higher education institutions, so-called specialized higher education institutions, are appearing in the world today. These include corporate universities, entrepreneurial universities, open universities, network universities and cross-border educational institutions. For example, a corporate university is an educational institution created by a large corporation that provides services, usually from postgraduate education, and prepares students for work in this corporation. Such higher education institutions are a real alternative to usual educational institutions and have their own characteristic features. Corporate universities, which operate within the framework of transnational corporations, are called upon at the international level to provide practical training of highly qualified personnel. The practice of so-called entrepreneurial universities has been known for a long time. Their main goal is to carry out business activities and make a profit. Open universities operate in such countries as Great Britain, France, Spain, India, etc. They are accessible to all segments of the population and provide new opportunities for today's relevant lifelong education. All these types of universities arose in connection with the need to strengthen the practical direction of higher education and are gaining significant popularity in various countries of the world.

Analysis of recent research and publications

The experience of developed industrial countries shows that cooperative integrated structures are the framework of the economy. The development of institutional cooperative structures of the world and national economic systems is oriented towards the strengthening of integration processes. The essence of the latter lies in the establishment of long-term partnership relations between interacting business entities.

Many works of the classics of economic science and modern foreign and domestic economists are devoted to the issue of the formation and functioning of cooperative integrated structures [1-9].

The purpose of the study is to model approaches to the management of joint cooperative institutions of higher education.

Summary of the main results

Joint cooperative institutions of higher education have become an effective form of organization of economic activity in many national markets of educational services. Such institutions use their competitive advantages, mainly due to attracting more available economic resources of the participants.

Joint cooperative institutions of higher education are economic organizations created with the participation of institutions from different countries. Therefore, such institutions have all the attributes of an economic organization, but with certain features. The diagram of the economic organization as an operating system is shown in fig. 1. The platform of this approach is the theory of adaptation of the organization to the requirements of the consumer. At the same time, it is argued that the organization should focus on the achievement of key success factors, which are comprehensive characteristics of products that fully meet consumer expectations.

Source: compiled by the author based on data [2; 5].

Fig. 1 Scheme of economic organization as an operating system

Strategic management in the vast majority of organizations is carried out on the basis of a certain management technology, which in practice is a set of standardized methods and tools for the development, approval and implementation of management decisions based on strategic guidelines [3]. In management technologies, the management process is divided into stages, stages, procedures, which are the basis for calendar-element planning and coordination of the actions of units.

A joint cooperative institution of higher education (hereinafter SKZVO), as a subject of the market of educational services, has a number of features due to its special status. First, such an institution provides educational services to consumers on the basis of various funding programs (some study at the expense of budget funds, others - at the expense of grants, others - at the expense of their own funds, the fourth - at the expense of legal entities, etc.). With this in mind, the institution of higher education is forced to produce services that are sold to different consumers at different prices. Secondly, SKZVO is an institution with established traditions and a certain reputation, it is not only a commercial, but also a spiritual and social institution. Thirdly, the state regulates educational activity, as it feels its responsibility to society for the professional training of future specialists, and therefore higher educational institutions should act as "leaders" of state educational policy. Fourthly, such institutions were created by subjects of different countries (at least two), and therefore in the process of operational activity, the interests of all participants should be taken into account, based on their national characteristics (for some it may be profit, for others - prestige, for others - access to technologies, etc.). Fifthly, SKZVO are organizations that a priori function in the conditions of internationalization, and therefore the processes of internationalization of higher education are of fundamental importance for such organizations.

Any institution of higher education is a highly diversified organization that carries out several types of activities at the same time. Therefore, one of the priority problems for higher education institutions is the optimal distribution of resources between different types of activities [6].

The management model of a joint cooperative institution of higher education largely depends on the traditions of higher education of the countries of origin of each of the participants, which were formed in specific states under the influence of historical, social, economic, political, scientific, religious and other factors.

Four main concepts of the university are presented in modern literature [1]:

1. Humboldt (German) model. According to the Humboldt model, a higher educational institution (university) should be engaged in cognition, the search for truth, the accumulation and transfer of relevant knowledge. A higher educational institution should teach a graduate to productive thinking. Educational programs should be aimed not only at mastering a certain profession (specialty), but also at mastering the methodology of learning complex phenomena and processes occurring in the natural and social environment. In a higher educational institution, scientific research should be carried out, which is also a source of new knowledge and serves as a means of mastering the methodology of scientific knowledge. Key principles of the Humboldt model: cooperation between teacher and student; academic freedom; creativity; freedom of scientific creativity; the priority of fundamental research.

2. Newman (English) model. This model assumes that the functioning of a higher educational institution should be aimed at achieving specific practical tasks. The main among these tasks is to ensure the process of learning and mastering the laws of development of nature and society, as well as to raise a smart and good person. Scientific activity is not considered as an element of the educational process, learning (educational activity) is separated from science (scientific activity). Key principles: citizen and personality development; the leading role of the academic community; the advantage of lectures as a type of classroom training.

3. American model. The main goal of a higher educational institution is to educate the "intellectual elite" who will ensure the forward-looking development of society. Scientific research of teachers and students is supported. It is believed that only those individuals who have achieved high results in scientific creativity have creative potential. A higher educational institution should demonstrate the possibilities of combining theory and practice, show the applied nature of the acquired knowledge. Key principles: openness of the world; academic mobility; service to society; balance between educational activities and market realities.

4. Napoleonic (French) model. According to this model, a higher educational institution should ensure the training of the appropriate number of specialists for the public sector. Training should be based on the implementation of defined educational standards, and should involve the study of a certain amount of knowledge (assimilation of information). A graduate must possess a certain set of knowledge, skills and abilities. A competency-based approach is used in the educational process. Key principles: concentration on mastering educational information (assimilation of knowledge); the public nature of the functioning of higher education institutions; tangible influence of the state on the nature of educational activity; the management of a higher educational institution is determined by the state (state body).

None of the presented models of higher education institution functioning organization is dominant. The world's leading institutions of higher education try to take into account the positive aspects of all models (concepts) in real practice.

The autonomy of institutions of higher education in developed countries is a management tool that, in the conditions of a social environment that ensures a continuous process of socialization of the individual, allows management to focus on purely educational and scientific research tasks.

One of the tools of strategic development of joint cooperative higher educational institutions is the implementation of the "lifelong education" concept into educational practice, which involves the use of the latest management technologies in the institution.

In recent years, the mechanisms of knowledge production and transfer have changed radically, the amount of knowledge and professionally significant information is growing rapidly. It is believed that nowadays it is impossible to prepare a person for high-class professional activities for the rest of his life during the years of study at a higher educational institution (within 5 or 6 years of study). Currently, according to some scientists, approximately 5% of theoretical and 20% of professional knowledge is updated every year.

The main institutional unit of the higher education system is higher education institutions - special organizations that directly carry out the process of providing educational services (training) at certain educational and qualification levels (junior specialist, bachelor's degree, master's degree, doctor of science). Institutions of higher education are, as a rule, highly diversified organizations that simultaneously carry out various types of activities: educational (educational), scientific, innovative, methodical, economic, publishing, etc.

Unlike the institutions of higher education of the past, modern institutions operate in a competitive market environment, trying to secure a larger amount of income from the production (provision) of a larger amount of educational and other services. New functions of consulting, entrepreneurship, etc. are added to the main functions of higher educational institutions (education and research) [1]. At the same time, institutions of higher education cannot be perceived only as institutions aimed at obtaining income (profit). Their special mission in society is preserved, because they produce not only individual goods, but also public goods. In addition, higher education institutions of various forms of ownership act as "guides" of the dominant ideology and state educational policy.

From the point of view of the methodology of economic science, a modern joint cooperative institution of higher education can be characterized from different positions. First of all, as already indicated, a higher education institution is an economic organization in which people unite to carry out a certain type of economic activity (activities in the field of higher education) with the aim of obtaining a certain economic result (receiving income, wages, realization of own intellectual potential, etc.). Secondly, the institution of higher education is, in terms of content, a highly diversified organization, since such an organization provides educational and related services (actually, it is about the implementation of several types of activities). Consequently, the management of higher education institutions is faced with the problem of optimal allocation of resources between different types of activities [3]. Thirdly, the institution of higher education is a kind of "educational corporation" in which the interests of different groups (managers, teaching staff, employers, students) collide, and the corporation itself provides both private market goods (individual educational services) and public goods, which have a non-market nature. Fourth, a higher education institution is an intellectual organization, since the main volume of added value in such an organization is created through the mechanism of realization of the results of intellectual work. Fifth, the institution of higher education of state and communal forms of ownership acts as a budgetary institution, which imposes certain restrictions on the implementation of economic activity (taking into account the prescriptions of budgetary legislation).

In the higher education systems of the leading countries of the world, the so-called "pragmatic approaches to the organization of education" are used, which provide for the introduction of entrepreneurial (commercial) elements of the activity of higher education institutions, primarily in the aspect of taking into account the market demand for graduates (as a special product of education) [3]. Institutions of higher education introduce, in particular, elements of strategic management, which provide for the development of development strategies (strategic guidelines), target programs, a number of coordinated measures in accordance with the declared goals and objectives [1]. This problem is especially relevant for joint cooperative institutions of higher education, since they must take into account and "accumulate" the experience of managing educational corporations of different countries in their management practices.

The specified experience should be studied and developed by Ukrainian science, as well as in an expert environment, which will be the key to the successful integration of the higher education system of Ukraine into the global market of educational services.

Conclusions and results of the study

The results of the study indicate that any commercial organization, including a joint cooperative institution of higher education, should form its own strategy of interaction with the external environment on the basis of maintaining its own competitive potential, developing competitive advantages taking into account the dynamic market environment. Therefore, the development of competitive advantages, that is, attractive in the eyes of consumers of the qualities and characteristics of the manufactured (provided) product (educational services) compared to other institutions, becomes an urgent problem of strategic management of a higher educational institution in the context of minimizing the negative challenges of the external environment. This task in modern conditions is solved through the support of innovative activities, since real competitive advantages (that is, such advantages that are developed for the first time and have the potential for commercialization) can be produced (obtained) as a result of innovations (product or process)


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  • Effective reading is essential for success in acquiring a second language. Approaches to Teaching Reading Skills. The characteristic of methods of Teaching Reading to Learners. The Peculiarities of Reading Comprehension. Approaches to Correcting Mistakes.

    курсовая работа [60,1 K], добавлен 28.03.2012

  • Oxford is the oldest English-speaking university in the world and the largest research center in Oxford more than a hundred libraries and museums, its publisher. The main areas of training students. Admission to the university. Its history and structure.

    презентация [1,6 M], добавлен 28.11.2012

  • Main part: Reading skills. A Writing Approach to–Reading Comprehension–Schema Theory in Action. The nature of foreign-language teaching. Vocabulary teaching techniques.

    курсовая работа [23,8 K], добавлен 05.12.2007

  • Reading is the foundation on which academic skills of an individual are built. The importance of teaching reading. Developing reading skills and strategies. Stages of conducting reading and reading activities. Rules of training of the advanced readers.

    курсовая работа [36,2 K], добавлен 10.04.2012

  • Approach - one’s viewpoint toward teaching. The set of principles, beliefs, or ideas about the nature of learning which is translated into the classroom. Learner, performance and competency based approach. Teacher’s and student’s role in the teaching.

    презентация [447,5 K], добавлен 21.10.2015

  • Disclosure of the concept of the game. Groups of games, developing intelligence, cognitive activity of the child. The classification of educational games in a foreign language. The use of games in the classroom teaching English as a means of improving.

    курсовая работа [88,5 K], добавлен 23.04.2012

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