Pedagogical strategies for cognitive empowerment: approaches to enhance analytical proficiency in technical university students

Development of critical thinking among students of Ukrainian technical universities. Exploring the intersection of cognitive development theories and teaching practice. Determining the potential of experiential learning in technical universities.

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Дата добавления 19.03.2024
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Vinnytsia national technical university, Ukraine

Department of Foreign Languages

Pedagogical strategies for cognitive empowerment: approaches to enhance analytical proficiency in technical university students

Svitlana Nykyporets

Senior Lecturer

Victoria Chopliak



critical thinking student teaching

This study delves into the methods and approaches aimed at fostering critical thinking among students in Ukrainian technical universities, considering the unique challenges and opportunities presented by the country's dynamic socio-economic and educational context. Through an interdisciplinary lens, the study explores the intersections of cognitive development theories and pedagogical practices. Moreover, the study highlights the transformative potential of experiential learning within Ukrainian technical universities. Furthermore, the study establishes the direct relevance of critical thinking to Ukraine's technical challenges. In conclusion, this study underscores the pivotal role of critical thinking in Ukrainian technical education. By employing pedagogical strategies that foster open dialogue, interdisciplinary collaboration, experiential learning and problem-based learning, educators can empower students with analytical acumen crucial for addressing contemporary technical challenges. Through a comprehensive approach to critical thinking development, Ukrainian technical universities pave the way for a generation of analytical thinkers poised to drive technological innovation and contribute to the nation's progress.

Key words: critical thinking development, experiential learning, technical education, analytical skills, Ukrainian technical universities.

The contemporary landscape of higher education emphasizes not only the acquisition of subject-specific knowledge but also the cultivation of cognitive skills that transcend disciplinary boundaries. Within the context of technical universities, where analytical prowess is fundamental, the demand for graduates capable of critically assessing complex problems has never been more pronounced. This article seeks to dissect the multifaceted challenge of fostering critical thinking among students within the technical domain, highlighting its profound implications for addressing pressing scientific and practical conundrums.

Formulation of the problem

Critical thinking serves as the bedrock upon which intellectual growth and innovation thrive. In the realm of technical education, the ability to analyse, synthesize, and evaluate information is indispensable for generating novel solutions to intricate problems. From engineering marvels to information technology breakthroughs, critical thinking underscores the advancement of knowledge and the formulation of sustainable solutions to real-world challenges. Effective strategies for nurturing critical thinking involve a synergy of cognitive development theories and pedagogical practices. Integrating Piaget's stages of cognitive development, educators can tailor instruction to align with students' evolving cognitive capacities while promoting collaborative learning. [1] This pedagogical scaffold not only facilitates individual growth but also reflects the collaborative nature of modern scientific and industrial undertakings.

Interdisciplinary collaboration mirrors the intricacies of real-world problem-solving. By exposing technical university students to diverse perspectives and methodologies, educators mimic the dynamic nature of modern research and innovation. The ability to seamlessly transition between disciplines fosters cognitive flexibility, enhancing students' analytical dexterity and their preparedness to tackle multifaceted challenges across scientific and practical domains.

Connection with important scientific or practical tasks

The fusion of theoretical knowledge with hands-on experience accelerates the development of critical thinking skills. Through project-based coursework, internships, and research opportunities, technical university students refine their ability to translate abstract concepts into tangible solutions. This approach not only equips students with practical skills but also in stills a problem-solving mindset that resonates with the empirical nature of scientific exploration.

The imperative to foster critical thinking aligns seamlessly with the broader goals of scientific progress and technological advancement. As students mature into professionals, their analytical prowess becomes the driving force behind breakthroughs in diverse fields. From devising sustainable energy solutions to unravelling the complexities of artificial intelligence, critical thinking propels the collective march towards a more informed and innovative society.

In general, the cultivation of critical thinking skills among students of technical universities stands as a pivotal endeavour with far-reaching implications. By integrating cognitive development theories, interdisciplinary collaboration, and experiential learning, educators can mould graduates who possess the acumen to unravel intricate challenges. This undertaking not only empowers individuals but also fuels the engines of scientific discovery and technological progress, ensuring a promising trajectory for both academia and industry.

Analysis of recent research and publications

In recent years, the endeavour to enhance critical thinking skills among students in technical universities has gained significant attention from researchers and educators alike. This analysis delves into several pivotal studies and publications that have initiated the exploration of solutions to this challenge, forming the basis for the present article's investigation into previously unsolved aspects of this overarching problem.

Brookfield, S.D. (2012). Teaching for critical thinking: tools and techniques to help students question their assumptions. [2] Brookfield's work focuses on practical strategies for promoting critical thinking in higher education. His emphasis on questioning assumptions, fostering reflective practice, and creating environments that encourage open dialogue resonates with the article's pedagogical framework for cultivating critical thinking.

Halpern, D.F. (2014). Thought and knowledge: an introduction to critical thinking. [3] Halpern's seminal work in the field of critical thinking delineates a theoretical foundation for understanding the cognitive processes underlying analytical thinking. His cognitive psychology perspective aligns with the cognitive development theories discussed in the article, offering a comprehensive lens through which to examine the progression of critical thinking abilities.

Graesser, A.C., & McNamara, D.S. (2011). Computational analyses of multilevel discourse comprehension. [4] This study delves into the intricacies of discourse comprehension, a critical component of analytical thinking. By examining how individuals comprehend and synthesize complex information, Graesser and McNamara contribute to the article's exploration of cognitive flexibility and interdisciplinary learning.

Smith, C., & Cardaciotto, L. (2011). Is active learning like broccoli? Student perceptions of active learning in a college classroom. [5] Smith and Cardaciotto investigate student perceptions of active learning methods. This study's insights into students' attitudes towards experiential and collaborative learning align with the article's emphasis on experiential learning as a vehicle for fostering critical thinking.

Prince, M. (2004). Does active learning work? A review of the research. [6] Prince's comprehensive review of active learning strategies provides empirical evidence for the efficacy of hands-on and participatory approaches. This work's findings corroborate the article's assertion that experiential learning enhances students' ability to apply critical thinking skills to practical scenarios.

These works, authored by a diverse array of scholars, collectively pave the way for a deeper understanding of the nuances surrounding the cultivation of critical thinking skills in technical university students. By addressing specific facets of the overarching problem, such as effective pedagogical techniques, cognitive processes, interdisciplinary learning, and experiential education, these studies lay the groundwork for the article's comprehensive synthesis of methodologies and approaches. As the article bridges theoretical insights with practical applications, it builds upon these foundational research contributions to offer a holistic view of critical thinking development in the context of technical education.

Purpose of the article

The primary purpose of this article is to provide a comprehensive examination of methods and approaches aimed at fostering critical thinking skills among students in technical universities. Within the context of rapidly evolving scientific and technological landscapes, the article seeks to address the imperative need for cultivating analytical prowess among students pursuing disciplines that demand innovative problem-solving and intellectual agility.

The central task of this article is to elucidate how educators and institutions can effectively nurture critical thinking abilities, which encompass the capacity to analyse, evaluate, and synthesize information from diverse sources. By drawing upon established pedagogical theories, empirical research findings, and real-world case studies, the article endeavours to offer educators and stakeholders a nuanced understanding of the multifaceted nature of critical thinking development.

Specifically, the article aims to:

Explore pedagogical strategies. Investigate a range of pedagogical strategies, informed by cognitive development theories and educational best practices, that can be employed to cultivate critical thinking among technical university students. This exploration extends beyond traditional classroom approaches, embracing collaborative learning, reflective practice, and open dialogue as integral components of effective pedagogy.

Emphasize interdisciplinary learning. Highlight the significance of interdisciplinary collaboration as a catalyst for cognitive flexibility and holistic analytical thinking. The article underscores the importance of exposing students to diverse perspectives and methodologies, reflecting the dynamic nature of contemporary scientific and technological advancements.

Examine experiential learning. Delve into the role of experiential learning in honing critical thinking skills. Through project-based coursework, internships, and hands-on experiences, students gain the ability to translate theoretical knowledge into practical solutions, fostering a problem-solving mindset aligned with the empirical nature of scientific exploration.

Connect critical thinking to real-world challenges. Demonstrate how the cultivation of critical thinking skills directly contributes to addressing real-world scientific and practical challenges. By equipping students with the acumen to analyse complex problems, the article illustrates how these skills are pivotal in driving advancements across various technical domains.

Synthesize theoretical insights and practical applications. Provide a comprehensive synthesis of theoretical insights and practical applications, bridging the gap between conceptual frameworks and actionable strategies. The article's objective is to empower educators, administrators, and policymakers with a holistic guide to enhancing critical thinking development within the unique context of technical education.

Ultimately, this article aims to contribute to the ongoing discourse surrounding the development of critical thinking skills in technical university students. By addressing the specific challenges and opportunities within this domain, the article seeks to equip educators with the knowledge and tools needed to foster a new generation of analytical thinkers poised to make significant contributions to scientific progress, technological innovation, and societal advancement.

Presentation of the main material

In the rapidly evolving landscape of technical education, the development of critical thinking skills among students has gained paramount importance. This study delves into the methods and approaches that can effectively foster critical thinking abilities among students in technical universities in Ukraine. By examining the interplay of pedagogical strategies, interdisciplinary learning, experiential education, and real-world challenges, this study contributes to a deeper understanding of how critical thinking can be nurtured in a specific cultural and educational context.

Pedagogical strategies for critical thinking. The study examines the role of pedagogical strategies in cultivating critical thinking. Drawing inspiration from Brookfield's work, which emphasizes questioning assumptions and creating reflective environments, educators in Ukraine's technical universities can encourage students to challenge preconceptions. The scientific result lies in the identification of pedagogical practices tailored to Ukraine's educational milieu that stimulate open dialogue and reflection. This fosters an intellectual atmosphere where students feel empowered to analyse problems from multiple perspectives.

Pedagogical strategies play a pivotal role in shaping the cognitive landscape of students in technical universities. [7] In the context of Ukraine, where technical education is a cornerstone of economic development, the implementation of effective pedagogical strategies holds the key to fostering critical thinking among students. This section delves into practical examples from Ukrainian technical universities to illustrate how specific pedagogical approaches can successfully cultivate critical thinking skills.

Socratic questioning in engineering ethics. In Ukrainian technical universities, integrating Socratic questioning into engineering ethics courses has yielded remarkable results. Professors pose open-ended questions that challenge students' assumptions about ethical dilemmas in engineering practice. By encouraging students to defend their positions and consider alternative viewpoints, this pedagogical strategy cultivates critical thinking. In Ukrainian technical universities, integrating Socratic questioning into engineering ethics courses has yielded remarkable results. Professors pose open-ended questions that challenge students' assumptions about ethical dilemmas in engineering practice. For instance, in a class discussing the ethical implications of environmentally impactful engineering projects, a professor might ask:

"How would you justify the construction of a large-scale infrastructure project that contributes to economic development but also poses significant environmental risks? What factors would you consider in making this decision?"

This question prompts students to critically evaluate conflicting values, such as economic prosperity and environmental sustainability. Students are encouraged to defend their positions and consider alternative viewpoints, fostering a robust discussion that delves beyond surface-level arguments. As students engage in thoughtful debate, they not only refine their ethical decision-making skills but also enhance their ability to analyse complex issues from multiple angles.

Through this pedagogical strategy, students are empowered to think critically about the ethical dimensions of their future engineering endeavours. They learn to navigate intricate ethical landscapes by examining the consequences of their decisions and the broader societal implications of their work. This approach not only enriches their understanding of engineering ethics but also hones their critical thinking abilities, equipping them to tackle multifaceted challenges in their professional careers.

Problem-based learning in computer science. Problem-based learning (PBL) is gaining traction in Ukrainian computer science programs. Students are presented with real-world programming challenges that require interdisciplinary collaboration. For example, a PBL scenario involving developing a healthcare app demands students not only to code but also to critically analyse user needs, ethical considerations, and potential data privacy concerns. This holistic approach cultivates critical thinking by compelling students to view problems from multiple angles. [9]

Case studies in industrial engineering. In industrial engineering programs, the utilization of case studies from Ukrainian industries has proved effective.

Students analyse real operational problems faced by local companies, identifying inefficiencies and proposing solutions. This approach fosters critical thinking by immersing students in authentic problem-solving situations. For instance, examining a manufacturing company's supply chain challenges requires students to assess intricate logistics, economic factors, and environmental impacts, honing their analytical skills.

Collaborative design projects in architecture. Architectural education in Ukraine embraces collaborative design projects that mirror professional practice.

Students work in multidisciplinary teams to design sustainable and functional structures. This pedagogical approach fosters critical thinking by encouraging students to consider structural integrity, aesthetics, cultural contexts, and environmental impact. By engaging in constructive debates within their teams, students learn to synthesize diverse perspectives and make informed design choices.

Simulations in renewable energy studies. In the realm of renewable energy studies, simulations are used to bridge theoretical knowledge with practical applications. Students simulate scenarios related to solar panel efficiency, wind turbine placement, or energy storage systems. This approach fosters critical thinking by requiring students to analyse variables, troubleshoot discrepancies between simulation and real-world results, and iterate their models. [10] By addressing the complexities of renewable energy systems, students develop analytical prowess applicable to broader contexts.

Incorporating these pedagogical strategies in Ukrainian technical universities illustrates their potential to foster critical thinking. These examples showcase how tailored approaches, aligned with the unique challenges and opportunities of Ukrainian industries, can effectively cultivate analytical skills. As students engage with open-ended questions, real-world challenges, and collaborative endeavours, they not only gain technical knowledge but also learn to think critically and innovatively, contributing to Ukraine's technological advancement.

Interdisciplinary learning for cognitive flexibility. Ukraine's technical universities often compartmentalize subjects, limiting cross-disciplinary exposure. Building on the ideas of Graesser and McNamara [4], this study promotes interdisciplinary learning as a conduit for cognitive flexibility. The scientific outcome here is the recognition that collaborative projects, where students from different technical domains collaborate, enhance their ability to synthesize knowledge. For instance, pairing engineering students with computer science students for a robotics project enriches their analytical repertoire and simulates real-world innovation.

Experiential learning and practical skill development. The study acknowledges the transformative potential of experiential learning. In Ukraine's technical universities, integrating theoretical knowledge with hands-on experiences can be seen as analogous to Smith and Cardaciotto's findings. [5] Scientifically, this study concludes that through internships with local industries or on-campus research projects, students acquire skills relevant to their chosen fields.

The transformative potential of experiential learning is increasingly recognized in Ukrainian technical universities as educators seek to bridge the gap between theoretical knowledge and real-world application. This section highlights practical examples of how hands-on experiences are integrated with theoretical concepts to cultivate critical thinking and practical skills among students.

Robotics workshops in mechanical engineering. In Ukrainian technical universities offering mechanical engineering programs, robotics workshops have become a staple. Students not only learn the theoretical principles of robotics but also actively construct and program robots. This experiential approach cultivates critical thinking by requiring students to troubleshoot and optimize their creations. [11]

For instance, designing a robotic arm challenges students to consider mechanical design, programming logic, and the specific tasks the robot should perform.

Environmental field studies in civil engineering. Civil engineering students in Ukraine engage in environmental field studies to comprehend the practical implications of their designs. They visit construction sites, assess soil quality, and analyse the impact of construction on ecosystems. By applying theoretical concepts in real-world contexts, students develop critical thinking skills. [12] For example, evaluating the ecological consequences of a proposed bridge construction fosters analytical abilities in balancing engineering goals with environmental sustainability.

Software development hackathons in computer science. Experiential learning takes the form of intensive software development hackathons in Ukrainian computer science departments. Students collaborate to develop software applications within a constrained timeframe. This approach nurtures critical thinking by requiring quick problem-solving, adaptability, and effective communication. [13] By immersing themselves in the rapid pace of a hackathon, students learn to synthesize their coding skills with creativity and strategic thinking.

Agricultural simulations in agroengineering. Ukrainian agroengineering programs leverage agricultural simulations to augment theoretical learning. Students use simulation software to model crop growth, irrigation systems, and resource allocation. This experiential approach fosters critical thinking by challenging students to optimize yields while considering environmental impact. [14] Analysing a simulation's output against real-world data prompts students to refine their assumptions and develop a more nuanced understanding of agronomic processes.

Energy efficiency audits in electrical engineering. Experiential education extends to energy efficiency audits in Ukrainian electrical engineering curricula. Students conduct audits of local facilities to identify energy wastage and propose improvements. This hands-on experience fosters critical thinking by merging theoretical knowledge of energy systems with practical problem-solving. For example, suggesting energy-efficient lighting solutions not only requires understanding electrical principles but also considering economic feasibility and environmental benefits.

These examples show how experiential learning enriches Ukrainian technical education. By integrating theoretical foundations with practical applications, students develop critical thinking skills that transcend classroom boundaries. Engaging in robotics, environmental studies, software development, agricultural simulations, and energy audits equips students with analytical prowess and a holistic perspective, ensuring they are well-prepared to tackle complex challenges in their respective fields.

Connecting critical thinking to Ukrainian challenges. The study highlights the direct relevance of critical thinking to Ukraine's technical challenges. By extrapolating from Prince's work, [6] this study underscores how critical thinking aligns with addressing real-world issues. The scientific outcome lies in the understanding that students engaged in problem-based learning, such as creating solutions for local infrastructure problems, develop a heightened problem-solving mindset. For example, civil engineering students collaborating with urban planners to optimize traffic flow demonstrate how analytical thinking contributes to their society's betterment.

The study underlines the direct connection between critical thinking skills and the resolution of technical challenges in Ukraine. By examining real-world scenarios, this section provides practical examples that demonstrate how fostering critical thinking is essential for addressing Ukraine's unique technical challenges.

Renewable energy integration. Ukraine faces the pressing need to transition to renewable energy sources. Critical thinking plays a pivotal role in this transition.

Students in energy-related disciplines critically analyse energy consumption patterns, evaluate the feasibility of solar and wind power integration, and devise innovative storage solutions. For instance, engineers adept in critical thinking might propose hybrid energy systems that maximize efficiency and minimize reliance on fossil fuels, ensuring a sustainable energy future. [1 5]

Aging infrastructure rehabilitation. Ukraine's infrastructure demands modernization and repair. Civil engineering students equipped with critical thinking skills evaluate aging bridges, roads, and water systems. They consider cost-effective solutions, safety standards, and environmental impact. A critical thinker might propose innovative materials that enhance durability or suggest rehabilitation strategies that minimize disruption to local communities, contributing to infrastructural advancement.

Cybersecurity in information technology. In an era of increasing cyber threats, critical thinking is crucial in cybersecurity. Computer science students adept in critical analysis dissect potential vulnerabilities in software and networks. They anticipate cyberattacks, design robust encryption systems, and develop proactive defence strategies. [16] A critical thinker might identify novel attack vectors or propose multi-layered security architectures, safeguarding Ukraine's digital infrastructure.

Agricultural efficiency enhancement. Given Ukraine's significant agricultural sector, optimizing agricultural practices is vital. Agricultural engineering students with strong critical thinking abilities assess irrigation techniques, soil health, and crop yield optimization. They scrutinize existing methods, incorporate precision agriculture technologies, and propose sustainable practices. A critical thinker might integrate IoT devices for real-time data collection or suggest crop rotation strategies that conserve soil nutrients and enhance yields.

Smart urban planning. As urbanization accelerates, urban planning becomes paramount. Urban planning students proficient in critical thinking analyse urban congestion, waste management, and resource allocation. They design l iveable spaces that balance economic growth with environmental sustainability. [17] A critical thinker might propose smart traffic management systems or advocate for green spaces that mitigate pollution and improve citizens' quality of life.

These practical examples underscore how critical thinking directly addresses Ukraine's technical challenges. As students develop analytical skills, they become pivotal assets in confronting complex problems such as energy transition, infrastructure renewal, cybersecurity threats, agricultural efficiency, and urban development. By fostering critical thinking, Ukraine's technical universities nurture a generation of problem-solvers who actively contribute to the nation's progress in diverse domains.

Justification of scientific results. The scientific results derived from this study have practical implications for technical universities in Ukraine. By implementing pedagogical strategies that promote open dialogue, interdisciplinary projects that encourage cognitive flexibility, experiential learning that hones practical skills, and problem-based learning that addresses real societal challenges, these institutions can foster graduates equipped not only with technical expertise but also with the analytical prowess demanded by the ever-evolving landscape of Ukrainian industries.

This study's comprehensive exploration of methods and approaches to foster critical thinking in Ukrainian technical universities culminates in several key conclusions, while also pointing towards avenues for future research and development in this crucial area.


The study underscores the fundamental role of pedagogical strategies in nurturing critical thinking. Tailoring classroom environments to encourage open dialogue, questioning assumptions, and reflective practice enhances students' analytical abilities and promotes deeper understanding of technical concepts.

The integration of interdisciplinary learning enriches students' cognitive flexibility. By collaborating across technical domains, students gain broader perspectives and develop the ability to synthesize ideas from diverse fields, enabling them to tackle complex challenges more effectively.

Experiential learning bridges theoretical knowledge with hands-on application, a cornerstone of critical thinking development. Engaging in real-world projects hones practical skills, cultivates problem-solving acumen, and fosters a deeper grasp of how theoretical concepts translate into tangible solutions.

The study highlights the direct relevance of critical thinking to Ukraine's technical challenges. Students equipped with critical thinking skills are poised to address issues such as renewable energy integration, aging infrastructure rehabilitation, cybersecurity threats, agricultural efficiency, and smart urban planning - contributing substantively to Ukraine's technological advancement.

Prospects for Further Exploration

Longitudinal studies on skill retention. Future research could delve into longitudinal studies to gauge the long-term retention and application of critical thinking skills among graduates. Such insights would contribute to refining pedagogical strategies and curricula to ensure the enduring impact of critical thinking education.

Cultural adaptation of strategies. Exploring how pedagogical strategies, such as Socratic questioning and experiential learning, can be tailored to Ukraine's cultural and educational context warrants further investigation. Adapting these strategies to resonate with students' cultural backgrounds could optimize their effectiveness.

Assessment methods for critical thinking. Developing robust assessment methods that effectively measure the development of critical thinking skills presents a promising area of exploration. This could involve designing innovative assessment tools that evaluate students' ability to analyse, synthesize, and evaluate information.

Industry-academia collaboration. Researching the extent of collaboration between Ukrainian technical universities and industries could shed light on how effectively critical thinking skills acquired in academic settings translate to real-world professional contexts. Understanding this linkage could further enhance the practical applicability of critical thinking education.

Investigating how emerging technologies, such as virtual reality and artificial intelligence, can be integrated into critical thinking education offers exciting potential. These technologies could provide immersive environments for students to practice problem-solving in simulated real-world scenarios.

In conclusion, this study underscores the integral role of critical thinking skills in addressing Ukraine's technical challenges. The insights derived from this exploration lay the foundation for future research that can refine pedagogical strategies, measure skill retention, adapt approaches to cultural nuances, enhance assessment methods, explore industry collaboration, and leverage emerging technologies. By embarking on these pathways, Ukraine's technical universities can continue to equip students with the analytical acumen necessary to drive technological innovation and societal progress.

This study's comprehensive exploration and justification of various strategies for fostering critical thinking in technical universities in Ukraine serve as a blueprint for educators, administrators, and policymakers. By grounding the findings in the Ukrainian context and aligning them with the nation's technological challenges, this study paves the way for a new generation of analytical thinkers poised to contribute significantly to Ukraine's scientific progress and technological innovation.


1. Nortje, A. (2023). Piaget's Stages: 4 Stages of Cognitive Development & Theory. Positive Psychology. Retrieved from

2. Brookfield, S.D. (2012). Teaching for critical thinking: Tools and techniques to help students question their assumptions. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.

3. Halpern, D.F. (2014). Thought and knowledge: An introduction to critical thinking (5th ed.). Psychology Press.

4. Graesser, A.C., & McNamara, D.S. (2011). Computational analyses of multilevel discourse comprehension. Topics in cognitive science, 3(2), 371-398.

5. Smith, C.V., & Cardaciotto, L. (2011). Is active learning like broccoli? Student perceptions of active learning in large lecture classes. Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, 11(1), 53-61.

6. Prince, M. (2004). Does Active Learning Work? A Review of the Research. Journal of Engineering Education, 93, 223-231.

7. Nykyporets, S. (2022). Blended interactive foreign language learning in non-linguistic higher education institutions: problems and prospects. Scientific Collection «InterConf», (138), 96-103. Retrieved from

8. Ibrahimova, L., Nykyporets, S., Derun, V., & Herasymenko, N. (2021). Information and communication technologies as a means of teaching foreign languages in technical universities. Scientific Collection «InterConf», 21-22 December 2021: 91-100. Scientific Publishing Center «InterConf». -22.12.2021.010.

9. Nykyporets, S.S., Stepanova, I.S., & Nedobytko, K.O. (2023). Advantages of using the project method in foreign language lessons as an effective method of teaching English to students of non-linguistic universities. Norwegian Journal of Development of the International Science. № 105: 53-57.

10. Nykyporets, S.S. (2021). Interactive technologies in foreign language lessons as a way of critical thinking formation for students of non-linguistic universities. Publishing House "Baltija Publishing".

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17. Pozoukidou, G., & Chatziyiannaki, Z. (2021). 15-Minute City: Decomposing the New Urban Planning Eutopia. Sustainability, 13(2), 928.

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