Psychological and pedagogical accompaniment of children with autism spectrum disorders

The increase in the number of children with autism spectrum disorders is noted all over the world, and the problem of their education has become one of the most urgent psychological and pedagogical problems. The study of this question became the goal.

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Psychological and pedagogical accompaniment of children with autism spectrum disorders

Olena Chepka

Candidate of Pedagogic Sciences (Ph.D.),

Associate Professor at the Department of Special and Inclusive Education, Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University,

Kyiv, Ukraine,


The article reveals various aspects of psychological and pedagogical support of children with autism spectrum disorders. It is determined that one of the features of working with preschoolers in this category - is compliance with the principles of learning, as well as the principles of the activity approach in their education. The most common factors that cause difficulties in learning in primary school are the burden of early development, delays in the formation of cognitive processes (thinking, speech), insufficient development of motor functions, visual perception, immaturity of emotional and personal sphere, nervous and somatic disorders, and mental health. It is determined that the completion of classes of correctional and developmental training and appropriate psychological and pedagogical support of children with autism spectrum disorders is carried out on the basis of a comprehensive clinical, psychological and pedagogical examination in accordance with variable curricula. It is established that the acquisition can be of four options. The first is designed for children who have studied for a year or two in general secondary education and who have shown persistent failure in basic subjects. The second is intended for children who started school at the age of 6 and have not mastered the program, as well as for 7-year-old children who have not studied before, but showed a low level of readiness for school. The third - a special case of staffing - is designed for 6-7-year-old children who are unprepared for school. The fourth option of staffing provides training for children in educational complexes “Kindergarten - School”, “Primary School - Kindergarten” with the beginning of correctional and developmental work from 4 or 5 years. The principles, tasks, content, and directions of psychological and pedagogical support of correctional and developmental education are highlighted. It is proved that the most typical features of correctional and developmental education of junior schoolchildren, arising from the nature of their educational activities, are united into four integrated blocks: semantic, procedural, communicative, and interpersonal communication. Keywords: psychological and pedagogical support; features; factors; children; autism spectrum disorders; correctional and developmental learning; difficulties; clinical, psychological and pedagogical examination.

Keywords: children with autism spectrum disorders, psychological and pedagogical support, working with preschoolers.

Problem statement

One of the most acute problems of modern pedagogy is persistent failure of children whose learning difficulties are associated with disturbances in the pace of their mental development. These children do not have pronounced sensory deviations, as well as gross violations of intellectual and speech development. According to various authors, the number of such children who, for various reasons, are unable to master the program in the allotted time in the required amount ranges from 20% to 30%. psychological pedagogical support

Analysis of recent research and publications

The increase in the number of children with autism spectrum disorders is noted all over the world, and the problem of their education has become one of the most urgent psychological and pedagogical problems (S. Alyokhina [1], K. Vasylieva [4], O. Haiash [6], O. Hnoevska [7], O.Hordiichuk [8], K. Hudz [9], Z. Shevtsiv [18]).

Purpose of the article

Accordingly, there is a need for psychological and pedagogical support for such children, in particular children with autism spectrum disorders. The study of this question became the goal of our article.

Presentation of the main material

The system of psychological- pedagogical support is a form of differentiation of education, which allows solving the task of timely active assistance to children with difficulties in learning and adapting to school. This form of differentiation is possible with the usual traditional organization of the educational process, but it is more effective when creating special classes that allow providing optimal psychological and pedagogical conditions for children with learning difficulties and somatic and neuropsychological health problems. It is in such classes that consistent interaction of diagnostic-consultative, corrective-developmental, therapeutic-prophylactic and social-labor areas of work with children is possible.

Learning in these classes is a special type of learning, where the processes of formation, development and correction of personality are synthesized. Development itself is an internal process of self-movement and self-realization of an individual, which is carried out under the influence of external and internal conditions. Among the external conditions, the following can be distinguished: pedagogical influence, the influence of the ecological and social microenvironment. Internal conditions include physical and mental health, human needs, the type of nervous system and its main properties, as well as predispositions, which are anatomical and physiological features that serve as a biological prerequisite for abilities.

Researchers (V. Bondar [2], L. Budiak [3], O. Havrylov [5], E. Daniels [10],

I. Dmytriieva [11], T. Illiashenko [12], A. Kolupaieva [13] , N. Leshchii [14], S. Myronova [15], V. Synov [16], N. Sofii [17]) believe that many children with deviations in physical development, despite the efforts of the family, specialists, society, after becoming adults, they still turn out to be unprepared for inclusion in socio-economic life. At the same time, the results of research and practice indicate that any person with a developmental defect can, under appropriate conditions, become a full-fledged person, develop spiritually, provide for himself materially and be useful to society.

In his self-movement, a child with autism spectrum disorders needs the attention of a teacher who includes him in the activity, equips him with the necessary methods of working with the material, puts forward requirements for learning and creates conditions for successful self-realization of the individual. These conditions ensure the active interaction and communication of the child with peers when performing tasks (the position of the subject of activity and communication), friendly relations between children and the teacher, situations of choosing tasks and a heterogeneous environment for the self-realization of everyone's personality. This ensures the humanization of the pedagogical process, in which all learning strategies are focused on the "zone of immediate development" of students and provide the perspective of the maximum possible achievements of everyone.

The teacher, ensuring the general and intellectual development of the child, deals not only with the age norm, but also with individual variants of its development, which he is simply obliged to consider.

As a result of the child's development at its individual age stages, for various reasons (somatic, socio-pedagogical, genetic, etc.), there is a lag in the formation of individual structures (motivational-need, emotional-volitional or intellectual sphere, etc.). This lag, without a doubt, affects the holistic development of the individual and requires the correction of "lagging" structures. The main function of psychological and pedagogical support is to restore "lagging" or temporarily lost personality structures and create a basis for its integral development.

According to research conducted by L. Budiak [2], I. Dmytriieva [11], A. Kolupaeva [13], N. Sofii [17], among the factors causing difficulties in learning in primary school, the most frequent are: delay in the formation of cognitive processes (thinking, speech), insufficient development of motor functions, visual perception, immaturity of the emotional and personal sphere, impaired somatic and neuropsychological health, these are the same conditions that are characteristic of children with autism spectrum disorders.

That is why a comprehensive approach is important when identifying learning difficulties. Not only the characteristics of the child's condition are important, but the main thing in this work is also the definition of the form and terms of corrective and developmental training and its corresponding psychological and pedagogical support.

Completing classes of remedial and developmental education and appropriate psychological and pedagogical support for children with autistic spectrum disorders is carried out based on a comprehensive clinical, psychological and pedagogical examination of the student in accordance with variable educational plans, as well as variable educational programs.

There can be four options for completion: The first is intended for children who have studied for a year or two in institutions of general secondary education and who have shown persistent failure in basic subjects.

The second one is intended for children who started studying in a mass school at the age of 6 and did not learn the program, as well as for 7-year-old children who did not study before but showed a low level of readiness for schooling. The advantage of the second option is that the diagnosis is made at an earlier age compared to the first option. This makes it possible to include children in the system of corrective and developmental education in a timely manner. Adequate learning conditions for their characteristics make it possible to avoid (or minimize) the negative impact of persistent failures in education and the formation of a child's personality (O. Hnoievska [7], S. Myronova [15]).

In the first option, the student enters the 2nd grade and studies from the 2nd to the 4th grade, in the second option, the student enters the 1st grade and studies from the 1st to the 4th grade. In both cases, the child has the opportunity to transfer to education under the mass program.

The third is a special case of completion intended for 6-7-year-old children who are not ready for schooling. "Diagnostic" corrective and developmental classes can be opened for them in a school or kindergarten. With this option, the successful completion of a special remedial program within one to two years is the basis for transferring the child to a mass program or continuing to work with him in remedial and developmental classes. The content of corrective programs of this preparatory period for 1-2 years usually includes sections created for the formation of phonetic- phonemic concepts, sound analysis, vocabulary enrichment, language development, and the formation of elements of educational activities.

After successfully mastering these programs, after one or two years of study, children can switch to the traditional education system. In the absence of positive dynamics, children remain in the system of corrective and developmental education with an additional year in primary school and continue their education according to the programs of the first option of completion. In this case, the increase in terms of study falls on the 3rd-4th grades, the years when the share of students' independence in the performance of educational tasks increases and their reading activity is formed.

The fourth version of the package ensures the education of children in educational and educational complexes "Kindergarten - School", "Primary School - Kindergarten" with the beginning of corrective and developmental work from the age of 4 or 5. With successful correction and formed readiness for schooling, children enter regular classes of the traditional education system or, if necessary, to the classes of corrective and developmental education. The curriculum includes basic general education subjects, as well as courses specially aimed at frontal correction of sensorimotor, intellectual and language development of children.

Special attention is paid to continuity in work with this category of children. One of the features of working with preschoolers of this category is the observance of the principles of learning, as well as the principles of the activity approach in their education. Corrective orientation of subject-game activity, plot-role play, productive types of activity, elementary labor and educational-labor activity should be ensured by the introduction of new sections in the content of classes or specific methods of studying the programs of a preschool educational institution.

Raising and teaching children in preschool correctional and developmental groups involves solving such important tasks as ensuring smooth adaptation of children to school and increasing the level of their general development, necessary for full-fledged educational activities in primary school. Observations show that in these preschools, special classes, usually organized by a defectologist or a child psychologist, aim to develop children's general ability to learn. From a methodological point of view, this involves the organization of visual practical actions on a specially created indicative basis and their gradual transfer to the internal mental plan (on this principle, a clearly structured lesson on preparation for learning literacy, formation of elementary mathematical concepts, familiarization with the surrounding world). Work with children is built with the gradual complication of their activities: from the maximum breadth of practical actions, relying on samples, showing and specific instructions of an adult - to the ability to rely on a visual model and verbal instructions.

Psychological-pedagogical support of preschool children in specially created groups can be carried out according to variable programs from 4-5-6 years of age and, accordingly, be from 3 to 1 year.

The selection of educational subjects and the inclusion of work curricula in educational fields must be carried out taking into account the possibility of correcting certain cognitive processes that have not been formed in children before the start of schooling in traditional conditions of upbringing in mass-type preschool institutions (T. Illiashenko [12], N. Leschii [14]).

The implementation of the system of corrective and developmental education involves the continuity of the rehabilitation process: ensuring the continuity of preschool and school education at the primary (1st) level of education and, if necessary, maintaining such classes at the main (2nd) level of education, as well as opening such classes no later than 5 -th grade (6th grade - in exceptional cases). This system should allow students to freely transfer to regular classes when achieving positive results in development and educational and cognitive activities.

In this regard, we consider it legitimate to highlight a number of principles of psychological and pedagogical support for corrective and developmental education of children, which provide for:

1) the introduction of additional material and study time into the content of educational programs, which will allow filling the gaps in previous development;

2) the use of teaching methods and techniques focused on the "zone of immediate development" of the child, that is, the creation of optimal conditions for the realization of his potential opportunities;

3) corrective orientation of the educational process, which ensures the solution of the tasks of general development, upbringing and correction of the child's cognitive activity and language, overcoming individual developmental deficiencies;

4) determination of the optimal content and selection of educational material in accordance with the tasks, which primarily involves strengthening its practical orientation and relying on the life experience of the child himself;

5) reliance on objective internal connections in the content of the studied material both within one subject and between subjects;

6) compliance with the principle of necessity and sufficiency in determining the scope of the researched material;

7) the introduction of corrective sections into the content of educational programs, which provide for the activation of cognitive activity, previously acquired knowledge and skills of children, the formation of functions necessary for solving educational tasks.

Among the priority tasks of corrective and developmental training, we especially single out the following:

- the development of children's cognitive activity, which is achieved thanks to the implementation of the principle of availability of educational material, ensuring the "effect of novelty" when solving educational tasks;

- development of general intellectual skills: methods of analysis, comparison, generalization, grouping and classification skills;

- normalization of educational activities, formation of the ability to navigate the task, education of self-control and self-esteem; - the development of children's oral monologue in unity with the enrichment of knowledge and ideas about the surrounding reality;

- logopedic correction of speech disorders;

- psychocorrection of the child's behavior;

- social prevention, formation of communication skills, correct behavior.

Z. Shevtsiv considers these tasks for children of primary school age as:

1. Development to the necessary level of psychophysiological functions that ensure readiness for learning: articulation apparatus, phonemic hearing, small muscles of the hand, optical-spatial orientation, visual-motor coordination, etc.

2. Enrichment of children's horizons, formation of versatile ideas about objects and phenomena of the surrounding reality, which will allow the child to perceive educational material consciously.

3. Formation of social and moral behavior, which ensures children's successful adaptation to school conditions (awareness of the new school role of the student, fulfillment of duties dictated by this role, responsible attitude to learning, compliance with rules of behavior in class, rules of communication, etc.).

4. Formation of educational motivation: successive replacement of the "adult- child" relationship, which prevails at the primary school stage of education in correctional and developmental classes, with the "teacher-student" relationship. The last model of relations is the basis for the formation of cognitive interests.

5. Development of personal components of cognitive activity (cognitive activity, independence, arbitrariness), overcoming intellectual passivity characteristic of children with autistic disorder.

6. Formation of abilities and skills necessary for any kind of activity: the ability to navigate the task, plan future work, perform it in accordance with the visual sample and (or) verbal instructions of the teacher, perform self-monitoring and selfevaluation.

7. Formation of age-appropriate general intellectual skills (operations of analysis, comparison, generalization, practical grouping, logical classification, conclusions, etc.).

8. Increasing the level of general development of schoolchildren and correcting individual deviations (violations) in development (taking into account the pace of activity, readiness to learn new educational material, etc.).

9. Protection and strengthening of the somatic and psychoneurological health of the child: prevention of psychophysical stress, emotional breakdowns, creation of a climate of psychological comfort, ensuring the success of educational activities in its frontal and individual forms; physical hardening of schoolchildren, strengthening and curative and preventive drug therapy.

10. Organization of a favorable social environment that would ensure age- appropriate general development of the child, stimulation of his cognitive activity, communicative functions of speech, active influence on the formation of intellectual and practical skills.

11. Systematic comprehensive control with the help of specialists (doctors, psychologists, defectologists) over the child's development.

12. Creation of teaching and methodical equipment necessary for children's successful mastering of general education (remedial programs in accordance with the requirements of the educational standard for the knowledge and skills of students [18, p. 128].

The corrective focus of the child's psychological and pedagogical support in primary school is provided by a set of basic subjects that are an invariant part of the curriculum. These include, in addition to mathematics and the Ukrainian language, familiarization with the surrounding world and the development of language, rhythm, and technological learning. The specificity of the approach to the selection of the content of the educational material of these basic subjects is completely determined by the mental characteristics of the cognitive and emotional-volitional sphere of children with special educational needs, in particular with disorders of the autistic spectrum.

At the forefront of them is the content that ensures the formation of positive motivation for educational activities, emotional manifestations, expansion of children's worldview, additional preparation for mastering the native language and mathematics, familiarity with natural phenomena. In the learning process during lessons, children should be given the opportunity for subject-practical activities, assimilation of theoretical knowledge in the form of enrichment of sensory experience, observations of natural phenomena, study of native words, mathematical signs, and others.

The educational activities of these children should be rich in content, require intellectual effort from them, but at the same time, educational tasks should be accessible to every student, both in terms of pace and nature of activity.

The formation of the basics of educational activity, the formation of the ability to learn based on the zone of immediate development of children, during the deployment of all stages of the formation of mental actions (from practical actions through speaking to internal, mental actions) - the main, deep idea and tactics of the work of a primary school teacher with children with disorders of the autistic spectrum.

An essential feature of psychological and pedagogical support for children with autism spectrum disorders is individual and group work aimed at correcting their individual developmental deficiencies. Such classes can have general developmental goals, for example, increasing the level of general, sensory, intellectual development, memory, attention, correction of visual-motor and optic- spatial disorders, general and fine motor skills, but they can also be subject-oriented: preparation for the perception of difficult topics of the curriculum, filling the gaps of previous education, etc.

As observations show, many teachers of remedial and developmental classes have their own system of individual and group classes with children. Relying on many years of experience working with these children, we can say that the greatest effect of correctional work is achieved if it is conducted taking into account the main areas of work with such children. Among them we highlight:

1. Improvement of movements and sensory-motor development: development of fine motor skills of the hand and fingers; development of calligraphy skills; development of articulatory motor skills.

2. Correction of certain areas of development of mental activity: development of visual perception and recognition; development of visual memory and attention; formation of generalized views on the properties of objects (color, shape, size); development of spatial ideas and orientation; development of ideas about time; development of auditory attention and memory; development of phonetic and phonemic ideas, formation of sound analysis.

3. Development of basic mental operations: skills of relative analysis; grouping and classification skills (based on mastering basic generic concepts); the ability to work according to verbal and written instructions, an algorithm; ability to plan activities; development of combinatorial abilities.

4. Development of different types of thinking: development of visual thinking, development of verbal and logical thinking (ability to see and establish logical connections between objects, phenomena and events).

5. Correction of violations in the development of the emotional and personal sphere (relational exercises for facial expressions, dramatization, reading from roles, etc.).

6. Development of pronunciation, mastery of speech technique.

7. Expanding ideas about the surrounding world and enriching the vocabulary.

8. Correction of individual gaps in knowledge.

The productivity of classes with a corrective focus on the education of younger schoolchildren depends on the mood with which children came to school, on the extent to which they were prepared for the next stage of knowledge acquisition in the previous class, how they rested during the break, what the state of atmospheric pressure, etc. One of the professional features of the teacher's activities in these classes is to very quickly assess the situation at the beginning of the lesson, understand the general mood of the class and each student individually, make a decision on choosing the optimal methods for each case to influence their emotional and volitional sphere.

To ensure the most favorable course of the beginning of the lesson, it is possible to recommend the use of music. The nature of the musical piece that sounds during the break before the lesson should correspond to the tasks set by the teacher. For example, the light, calm music of Francis Goya (Danish composer and musician) has a calming effect on the nervous system, balances the processes of excitation and inhibition and vice versa. Caprice No. 24 Niccolo Paganini in a modern finish increases the tone of the body, lifts the mood, prepares for serious concentrated work. In order to strengthen the effect of entering the work, to eliminate emotional barriers in communication with students during the lesson, it is possible to listen to short excerpts of musical works. Music, by distracting attention from unpleasant images, facilitates the actualization of educational activities, creates a certain background and facilitates the concentration of attention.

During many years of practice, it has been established that frontal corrective and developmental training, which is carried out by the teacher in all lessons, taking into account the above-mentioned conditions, allows to ensure the assimilation of educational material at the level of requirements for knowledge and skills of the educational standard of primary school.

In our opinion, the most typical features of corrective and developmental education of junior high school students, arising from the nature of their educational activities, can be presented in the form of four integrated blocks: substantive, procedural, communicative and interpersonal communication. Each of these blocks provides the most pronounced essential characteristics of the correctional and developmental activities of the elementary school teacher during the education of children with autism spectrum disorders.

On the basis of the above, an own interpretation of the characteristics of the psychological and pedagogical support of the correctional and developmental activities of the teacher according to these blocks was carried out. So, for example:

1. The content block should be characterized by the saturation of the lesson with content that acquires cognitive significance for students; flexible variable compositional construction of the lesson, its structure, logic; problematic during the selection of the content of educational material, taking into account this problem; continuity of work on general educational skills; using visibility as a source of knowledge; theoretical understanding of the knowledge and phenomena presented to them by children; the involvement of material designed for the differentiation of learning; using material designed for the development of the child's creativity, using his personal experience; striving for children's awareness of the process of cognition, its goals, the system of knowledge; poeticization and aestheticization of the learning process.

2. The procedural block should be characterized by the teacher's energetic power (expressiveness of voice, facial expressions, gestures, speech, ability to suggest); possession of the teacher's self-presentation skills; the ability to support children's active perception of educational material (changing types of activities, dynamic and relaxation pauses); the ability to withstand a pause after formulating a question, a task, so as not to interfere with children's thinking and decision-making; the ability to find positive points in children's inaccurate answers; the teacher's calm reaction to the children's mistakes, who sees them as new problems; the teacher's ability to use the classroom space as a stage; the ability to lead children to independent discovery, finding a solution to a problem; the ability to conduct a directed conversation with children.

3. The communicative block should be characterized by the teacher's willingness to show interest in children, their individuality, thoughts, feelings; the ability to create a mood, to cause a state of cognitive solidarity; the ability to stand on the side of the child's position, to see the circumstances through his eyes; the ability to organize and conduct dialogue, giving children the opportunity to show initiative; the ability to establish productive relationships, regulate intra-collective relationships, increase the child's self-esteem; the teacher's ability to use non-verbal means of communication: visual and physical contact; the teacher's ability to attract children to him, to arouse respect and interest in him; the teacher's desire for natural and calm behavior in class; by the teacher's desire to create in the student the feeling that he is accepted and understood, and thereby cause in him the desire to justify the teacher's hopes; the teacher's ability to plan and flexibly regulate the rhythm of pedagogical communication with children in class.

4. Interpersonal communication during the organization of psychological and pedagogical support should be characterized by the teacher's desire to organize children's communication without the prompting and intervention of adults; the teacher's desire to arouse children's interest in the thoughts, reasoning, and knowledge of classmates; children's ability to listen to other opinions, conduct dialogic communication with the teacher and with each other; the readiness of the teacher to notice the condition of children and the desire to teach this skill to children, which should form in them the need to come to each other's aid; the teacher's ability to involve children in group work, to raise their activity; the ability to unite children for group work in the classroom based on mutual sympathies; the ability to mobilize the collective activity of the class to increase the cognitive activity of each child; the ability to assign roles and organize work in a coordinated and efficient manner in tasks for children's collective creativity; the ability to create an opportunity for children to jointly discuss all educational tasks among themselves; the ability to create an opportunity for children in class to openly convey their feelings, establish eye contact with the interlocutor.

Depending on the way each of these parameters is manifested in the teacher's work experience, one can fully judge the level of his professional skill and readiness to work with children of this category.


So, we have revealed various aspects of psychological and pedagogical support for children with autism spectrum disorders. It was determined that one of the features of working with preschoolers of this category is the observance of the principles of learning, as well as the principles of the activity approach in their education. Factors causing difficulties in learning in primary school are singled out. It was determined that the staffing of classes for corrective and developmental education and appropriate psychological and pedagogical support for children with autism spectrum disorders is carried out on the basis of a comprehensive clinical, psychological and pedagogical examination in accordance with variable educational plans, as well as variable educational programs. Four variants of psychological and pedagogical support for primary school children have been established. The principles, tasks, content and directions of psychological and pedagogical support of corrective and developmental training are highlighted. It is proved that the most typical features of corrective and developmental education of junior high school students, arising from the nature of their educational activities, are combined into four integrated blocks: substantive, procedural, communicative, interpersonal communication.

We see the prospects for further research in revealing the specifics of working with children with speech disorders.


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15. Myronova, S. P. (2007). Teoretyko-metodychni osnovy pidhotovky maibutnikh uchyteliv do korektsiinoi roboty v osvitnikh zakladakh dlia ditei z vadamy intelektu [Theoretical and methodological foundations of training future teachers for correctional work in educational institutions for children with intellectual disabilities]. Extended abstract of candidate's thesis. Kyiv. [in Ukrainian].

16. Synov, V. M., Sheremet, M. K., Rudenko, L. M., Shulzhenko, D. I. (2016). Osvitno- psykholohichna intehratsiia shkoliariv iz psykhofizychnymy porushenniamy u suchasnykh umovakh Ukrainy [Educational and psychological integration of schoolchildren with psychophysical disorders in modern conditions of Ukraine]. Aktualni pytannia korektsiinoi osvity (pedahohichni nauky), issue 7, Vol. 2, 323-344 [in Ukrainian].

17. Sofii, N. Z. (2017). Orhanizatsiino-pedahohichni umovy intehrovanoho suprovodu uchniv z osoblyvymy osvitnimy potrebamy v inkliuzyvnomu navchalnomu zakladi [Organizational and pedagogical conditions of integrated support of students with special educational needs in an inclusive educational institution]. Extended abstract of candidate's thesis. Kyiv. [in Ukrainian].

18. Shevtsiv, Z. M. (2017). Profesiina pidhotovka maibutnikh uchyteliv pochatkovoi shkoly do roboty v inkliuzyvnomu seredovyshchi zahalnoosvitnoho navchalnoho zakladu [Professional training offuture primary school teachers to work in an inclusive environment of a comprehensive educational institution]. Kyiv: Tsentr uchbovoi literatury [in Ukrainian].

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