Origins of military-patriotic education of Ukrainian youth

The origins of military-patriotic education of Ukrainian youth, ranging from ancient tribes to the cradle of the Ukrainian state - Kievan Rus. The transformation of the present society from faceless masses to a warlike nation that defends its borders.

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Origins of military-patriotic education of Ukrainian youth

Oksana Chychkan, Doc.of Ph. of Physical Education and Sports; Sergiy Kotov, Doc. of Ph. of History, Olena Tyorlo, Doc. of Ph. of Physical Education and Sports Lviv State University of Internal Affairs, Galyna Shutka Doc. of Ph. of Pedagogy, Stepan Gzhytskyi National University of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnologies of Lviv


This article reveals the origins of military-patriotic education of Ukrainian youth, ranging from ancient tribes to the cradle of the Ukrainian state - Kievan Rus. Understanding the traditions of the ancient Ukrainians, we will be able to better understand the transformation of the present society from faceless masses to a warlike nation that defends its borders. For many centuries, the location of Ukraine has stimulated the Ukrainian people to educate not only a cultural, knowledgeable, religious nation, but also a well-trained, physically prepared, militant nation.

Key words: history, military-patriotic education, youth.


The problem of military patriotic education of the youth of modern times is closely connected with the military culture of the community, its social role and significance in the process of formation of the nation and state formation.

In the military culture of modern Ukraine, there is a tendency to «demilitarize» social life. However, one should be aware of the importance of the social role played by the military component of culture in the life of the nation: with its decline, a certain space, emptiness arise in the life of the community, and the fact with what it will be filled, depends on the historical destiny of the people [1].

Studying the works of L.P. Nagornaya [2], we came to the conclusion that the formation of national identity in modern Ukraine is extremely complicated by the variegated ethnic and regional identities. Large groups of people who are legally Ukrainian citizens live in different national semantic determinants of value-semantic fields, are under the influence of different mythologies, the modern Ukrainian society does not feel itself sufficiently Ukrainian.

Thus, how to return national identityto Ukrainians? How can a nation understand that it is Ukrainian? From what are we supposed to develop study?

Probably, from our historical identity, from nomadic tribes to modernity. Because the nation, which does not know its past, has no future.

The purpose of the article is a retrospective analysis of the origins of military- applied training of the Ukrainian nation. The research method is an analysis of literary sources and the Internet network.

Study results

Studying the history of development and formation of military-applied and special physical training can broaden the general cultural and political outlook of future specialists, acquaints them with the general laws of historical development of physical culture of mankind, helps to understand the past and present, it is better to use accumulated positive experience for further improvement of the national system of military education .

The history of the formation and development of military-applied and special physical training in Ukraine took place at the same historical stage as in the whole world. Of course, in the historical formation of each nation there were some differences. These differences influenced the formation of one or another nation, the geographical and climatic conditions of living, the national and religious traditions of the nation, the level of economic development, tolerance of relations with neighboring states, the nature and role of the personalities of rulers of the states, etc.

The history of the formation and development of military-applied and special physical training in Ukraine took place at the same historical stage as in the whole world. Of course, in the historical formation of each nation there were some differences. These differences influenced the formation of one or another nation, the geographical and climatic conditions of living, the national and religious traditions of the nation, the level of economic development, tolerance of relations with neighboring states, the nature and role of the personalities of rulers of the states, etc.

The geopolitical location of Ukraine significantly influenced the nature of military-applied and physical education of ancient Ukrainians [3].

The center of Europe, temperate climate, fertile soils, mountains, steppes, seas, a large trade route between the eastern and western, northern and southern countries, passed through Ukraine. All these factors from time immemorial, attracted other tribes and peoples and caused a continuous bulk of nomads to the places of historical residence of the Slavic tribes of «pro-Ukrainians» [2]. Since the time of the great relocation of peoples, the eastern Slavs were in a state of forced confrontation with the Huns, Khazars, Pechenegs, Turks, Polovtsians, Mongol-Tatars. It forced to devote a lot of time to the military education of youth and adults. Continuous, unsustainable wars, internal and external conflicts set the native Slavic tribes in a constant struggle for their existence. Under these conditions, physical education was mainly military-applied

The most ancient tribes that inhabited the Black Sea steppes and the Crimea, include Cimmerians, Taurus and others [4]. In the middle of the 1st millennium BC the main role among the population of the Northern Black Sea region was played by the Scythians - powerful tribes that contributed to the economic development of the region.

Inner tribal conflicts were also a particular phenomenon in the life of the Eastern Slavs. Therefore, it is natural that under these conditions the military factor in the development of physical education in Ukraine, in the period of ancient history, became the main and determining among others. Numerous military conflicts were inherent in many peoples and peoples of Europe, not just the pre-Ukrainian ones.

For some time part of the Slavic tribes bordered or entered various state formations. Geographically, this was the confluence of the Dnipro River and the Dniester and the land adjacent to them. In the language they were pro-Slavs. Notes from travelers - the Byzantines and Arabs - show that in the life, labor and military activities of the Slavs, were clearly represented elements of physical education. Parents passed military-practical and physical skills to children, such as the ability to ride a horse properly, shoot with a bow, throw a spear, and swim. The development of these physical qualities was needed throughout the adult population, from which, military units were formed, in the event of war.

Eastern Slavs in the middle of the VI century. were a great coalition of tribes. In the European forest-steppe and Polissya zones, according to Herodotus, lived «sScolots», «Nevres», «Androphags», «Gelons» and other tribes and nationalities. Modern scholars, in particular B. Rybakov, believe that the Scots are directly related to the Slavs. This conviction he substantiated in his monograph «The Paganism of Ancient Rus» [5].

Skolots had a disciplined army, organized by tribes and genera [6]. In armament, the fleet soldier consisted of chain mail, shield, helmet, ax, spear, sword, bow and arrows. Preserved some written evidence of military-applied physical preparedness sculptures. The Roman historian Strabon wrote about Skolts that they were fair, brave, desperate, experienced warriors, not afraid of death, and boasted about wounds. In the process of improving military affairs and the particular forms of physical education, the physical and spiritual image of the Slavs was formed. All of these military and physical qualities were needed throughout the adult population in the event of an enemyinvasion and to protect their territories and their people.

It is known that the youth of Skolots became warriors and could marry only after the traditional «consecration» of soldiers, having passed certain tests in advance. Military affairs were taught not only by men but also by women.

In order to have the right to get married, the Scolots girls often participated in the traditional ritual of «sacring to soldiers», they had to beat men at the same level. With this, we can conclude that girls and women who are well-trained and trained in military-applied affairs will take advantage of them. It is likely that they, if necessary, on a par with men, also participated in military clashes and battles.

From the VII century to the Nativity of Christ, trade relations betwwen the population of the Ukrainian forest-steppe and the rest of the ancient world begun to play a sufficient role in the socio-economic development of pro-Ukrainians.Due to the lively trade ties of the Proto-Slavs, including the Scolots, with the polises of the Northern Black Sea Coast, they were well acquainted with various aspects of the physical culture of antiquity.

In order to educate young people in the spirit of true warriors, and transfer the intricacies of military art and experience, among the primitive tribes, men's military alliances were being created, within which special combat training camps were organized. Exactly in these military camps, which we will conditionally call «forest schools», the military-physical training of young soldiers was implemented.

As noted by L. Zalizniak [6], these entities and the related rituals and beliefs are traced in the development of many Indo-European peoples, in particular, the Slavs. In his opinion, the leading role in the mythology of male unions played the image of a warrior-wolf. All members of the union were considered «wolves», the main god of the war was a wolf, and the subconscious of young people laid on the assimilation of certain features of the behavior of wolves. Young warriors were supposed to live far from settlements by «wicked life», that is, to constantly fight for life, to fight.

The traces of the wolf's cult [7], as an totem-ancestor, were preserved in Polissya until the XX century. Until recently, there was believed that when meeting with a wolf in the woods, it is necessary to say: «And I am a wolf», and it will not hurt you. In the VIII-IXth centuries, the tribal unions arose among the Slavs, which, as a rule, united the neighboring tribes. This time, scholars consider the pre-state period in the history of Eastern Slavs.

Tribal unions were formed mostly on a military base, aggravating at the time of the war with its neighbors, then were disintegrated, and if necessary, were recreated, but already in a new composition. These pre-state formations of the Slavs are called Slavonias in Byzantine sources. A peculiar social system, which at this time extends within the Slavs, was called «military democracy». The military leaders of tribal unions create with their warriors small fortified settlements (fortifications) - economic and political centers of the tribal unions, places of gathering of armed warriors. Such settlements archaeologistsexplored in Kyiv, Chernihiv, Ladoga, Polotsk, Izborsk, Hotoml, Zymne and Lezhnytsia (the latter belonged to the Dulibs, one of the earliest Slavic unions).

The emergence of the first political and state unions in the territory of our state refers to the beginning of the first millennium BC. The oldest of them was the slaveholding slaveholding slaveholding state of the ancient Oriental type - Urartu [8]. It was formed at the same time as the ancient states of Sparta and Athens appeared in the historical arena. The population of this state had a combatant military organization and well-trained army, which was one of the strongest in the ancient world. In the training of the army there were also elements of military and physical training of warriors: possession of bow, sword, shield, control of the horse. The demand waswidespread on fencing, horseback riding, archery, throwing spears, fist fights, ball games on the horse, etc.

Physical education of aristocratic youth began from an early age. Under the leadership of warlords, they were engaged in a variety of physical exercises and soldiery. Particular attention was paid to running exercises, jumps and horseridinggames. Hunting took an important place, which was considered as preparation for military service. It hardened the youth, taught to tolerate cold, heat and bad weather, and promoted the education of volitional and physical qualities. The role of the people in the soldiery was small. In the period of major military operations a cavalry went forward, formed mainly from the number of nobles and, in part, peasants. The infantry was completed with artisans and peasants. The latter were horsemen, archers, possessing cold arms, elements of the fight, imperceptibly climbed on the rocks and running fast. Slaves, who constituted a significant part of the population of the slaveholding states, were completely deprived of any opportunity for physical activity.

At the end of the IX century, on the territory of Eastern Europe a mighty old Rus state was formed, the center of which was Kiev. Kievan Rus becomes one of the most powerful states of Europe in economic, military and cultural terms [9].

The information came to us from the chronicles that the founders of Kiev were princes Kyi and Askold. One of them was the Grand Prince Kyi from the Ruriks genus, stood at the head of Kievan Rus, to which other princes with their principalities obeyed. Each of the princes had its own «druzhyna» - the prince's army, completed with the boyars. Military-physical education occupied the most important significance in the prince's army. The prince's warriors almost all the time perfected their military skills. As it is known, the prince's army was very often in military campaigns or collected tribute. The military campaign was the greatest school of military-physical hardening. One of the campaigns of Prince Svyatoslav the Brave lasted two years. Although the prince's army was the foundation of the troops of the principality, however, during significant military operations and lengthy military campaigns, the troop strength was replenished at the expense of the national militia - «warlords». The militia consisted of almost all male population of principalities. In such cases, all the adult population that could carry weapons took partacted in campaign.

An example of such joint military operations can be marinas of 905-910 years, under the leadership of Prince Oleg, on the Caspian, and in 911 year through the Bosphorus to Constantinople in Byzantium (Greece). Having created an inter-tribal Slavic-Varangian-Miraculous army, he finally united the northern (upper) and eastern (lower) Rus into a single state with a capital in Kiev [10].

During the XI-XV centuries, Kievan Rus led a long struggle for its independence with Polovtsi and Tatars.

This struggle with the nomadic tribes demanded from the people the development of volitional qualities, exceptional endurance, strength, agility, ability to rule the horse well and possess weapons. In the memory of foreigners of that time, apparently throughout the world there were no equal people to the ancient Ukrainians in the ingenuity, courage, possession of various weapons, and it was impossible to overcomethe Ukrainian Cossack at all in the hand-to-hand fight.

During the period of feudal fragmentation, the physical education of the ruling class in Rus continues to carry out military orientation [11]. It was caused by numerous wars against the Tatars, the German knights, the Swedes and the Poles. The natives from princes, boyars and noble families commanded the forces. They were prepared in advance for carrying out military service. Since the main kind of troops was a cavalry, so the prominent place in the upbringing of the feudal lords was given to horse riding, equestrian sport, equestrian hunting. They also were taught of the arts of possession of spears, bows, sabers, firearms, shooting from the weapons. Various entertainments were used with military-physical education providing aim. These included the bear, falcon and dog hunting, fencings fights. Military-physical education of feudal lords consisted of equestrian games («tshenburti», «kobahi»), archery, gymnastic and acrobatic exercises, throwing a spear, running and jumping. The wholecomplex of exercises inoculated the military, hunting, service and sports skills, created the ideal of developed human of the era of feudalism.


Thus, the system-forming factor of Ukrainians existence as a large social group is Ukrainianity in its ethnic, cultural-artistic, civic-political, and other forms. Ukrainian identity is a historically formed adaptive-evolutionary system of features and qualities that distinguish a Ukrainian, the Ukrainian community and Ukrainian culture among other similar objects (phenomena) (Obushnyi, Ukrainian Studies). National identity is the acceptance of a certain historical experience when a Ukrainian is consciously saying that his/her poets are Taras Shevchenko and Vasyl Stus, Hetmansare Ivan Mazepa and Pylyp Orlyk, heroes arethe UIA fighters and the warriors of Prince Svyatoslav of Kyiv. Ethnic identity means one of the forms of selfawareness of an individual or group of people, based on their sense of belonging to a particular ethnic community [12].

military-patriotic education nation


The affiliation of any person to a certain people is determined by her personal identification and based on her feelings towards a particular ethnic community. The basis of the Identity of the ethnic is the set of anthropological and cultural-symbolic features rooted in the historical memory (common origin, language, religion, habitat, traditions, customs, etc.). The process of identifying an individual of his ethnic identity is not rigidly determined. It occurs through the multi-level reproduction by the individual (through the family, ethnic organizations, educational societies, cultural and artistic activities) of the signs of their own ethnic identity, group basic values and emotional-will aspirations, as well as ethnic symbols and shrines. The result of this process is a complex interweaving of innate and acquired features, rational and irrational representations and real actual interests, on what education of modern youth is based more and more.


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2. Nahorna L.P. (2012). Istorychna pamiat: teorii, dyskursy, refleksii / Instytut politychnykh i etnonatsionalnykh doslidzhen im. I.F. Kurasa NAN Ukrainy. K.: IPiEND im. I.F. Kurasa. 328 s.

3. Baran V., Kozak D., Terpylovskyi R. (1991). Pokhodzhennia slovian. Kyiv. 144 s.

4. Pritsak O. Pokhodzhennia Rusi. (1997). Starodavni skandynavski dzherela (krim islandskykh sag) / Vidp. red. O. Myshanych; Red. kol.: O. Pritsak (holova), O. Myshanych (zastupnyk), Ya. Isaievych, I. Shevchenko. Instytut skhodoznavstva im. A. Krymskoho NAN Ukrainy. T. I. K.: AT "Oberehy". 1080 s.

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6. Zalizniak L.L. (2012). Starodavnia istoriia Ukrainy, K.: Tempora. 542 s.

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