Select aspects of public politics of the state in relation to the phenomenon of poverty

The author gives determination of concept "poverty" in a historical prospect. Analyses reasons of origin of this phenomenon among societies of the world, including Polish: economic changes in the direction of market economy, inevitable economic crises.

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Select aspects of public politics of the state in relation to the phenomenon of poverty

Scotzynska-Prokopovitz B., doctor of humanities,

Higher School ofRight and Administration

(Poland, Peremyshl - Zheshuv ),

The author of the article gives determination of concept ''poverty" in a historical prospect. An author pays attention to study of this phenomenon from XIX of century Gives the basic criteria of determination of types of poverty. Analyses reasons of origin of this phenomenon among societies of the world, including Polish: economic changes in the direction of market economy, inevitable public and economic crises, that conduce to the changes at the market of employment, increase of unemployment, increase of illegal employment and fixing of such state opportunity. International and state organizations create the programs for determination of level of poverty in a certain country and find methods for elimination of her consequences. Implementaziya of these resolutions public politics of the state engages in.

Keywords: concept and phenomenon of poverty, classification public politics of the state, indexes, prophylaxises.

poverty economic crisis

Autor artykulu ukazuje definiowanie pojqcie ubostwa w perspektywie historycznej .Zwraca uwagq na rozwoj badan nad zjawiskiem od XIX wieku .Podaje podstawowe kryteria klasyfikowania rodzajow ubostwa.Zwraca uwagq na przyczyny powstawania tego zjawiska wsrod spoleczenstw swiata , w tym polskiego: to przemiany gospodarcze w kierunku gospodarki rynkowej, nieuniknione kryzysy spoleczne i gospodarcze - prowadzq one do zmian na rynku zatrudnienia ,wzrostu bezrobocia ,wzrostu mozliwosci zatrudniania w tzw. szarej strefie i utrwalania zachowan akceptujqcych taki stan Organizacje miqdzynarodowe i krajowe tworzq programy do okreslania , jaki jest poziom ubostwa w danym kraju oraz okreslajq sposoby do zwalczania jego skutkow . Implementacjq tych wytycznych zajmuje siq polityka spoleczna panstwa .

Slowa kluczowe: pojqcie i zjawisko ubostwa, klasyfikacja , polityka spoleczna panstwa, wskazniki, profilaktyka

Скочиньська-Прокопович Б., Вища Школа Права та Адміністрації (Польща, Перемишль - Жешув),

Вибрані аспекти суспільної політики держави щодо явища бідності

Автор статті дає визначення поняття „бідність” в історичній перспективі, звертає увагу на вивчення цього явища з XIX ст. Подає основні критерії визначення видів бідності. Аналізує причини виникнення цього явища серед суспільств світу, в тому числі й польського: господарські зміни у напрямі ринкової економіки, неминучі суспільні і господарські кризи, які ведуть до змін на ринку працевлаштування, зростання безробіття, зростання можливості нелегального працевлаштування і фіксації такого стану. Міжнародні і державні організації створюють програми для визначення рівня бідності в певній країні та знаходять способи для знищення її наслідків. Імплементацією цих постанов займається суспільна політика держави.

Ключові слова: поняття і явище бідності, класифікація, суспільна політика держави, показники, профілактика.

Ckочиньська- Прокопович Б., доктор гуманистических наук, Высшая Школа Права и Администрации (Польша, Перемышль - Жешув),

Избранные аспекты общественной политики государства относительно явления бедности

Автор статьи дает определение понятия "бедность" в исторической перспективе. Автор обращает внимание на изучение этого явления с XIX ст. Подает основные критерии определения видов бедности. Анализирует причины возникновения этого явления среди обществ мира, в том числе и польского: хозяйственные изменения в направлении рыночной экономики, неминуемые общественные и хозяйственные кризисы, которые ведут к изменениям на рынке трудоустройства, роста безработицы, роста возможности нелегального трудоустройства и фиксации такого состояния. Международные и государственные организации создают программы для определения уровня бедности в определенной стране и находят способы для уничтожения ее последствий. Имплементацией этих постановлений занимается общественная политика государства.

Ключевые слова: понятие и явление бедности, классификация, общественная политика государства, показатели, профилактика.

The phenomenon of poverty is popularly associated with such a deficit of material resources by which the basic needs of family members are not. satisfied [1]. Branes here, first and foremost, basic life needs such as flat, food and clothing. These features are. denominator of all definitions of poverty and the approach to this topic. This phenomenon is generated by the existence of a set of different conditions having mainly economic background. This is also connected with limited access to some services such as health care, education, culture and social phenomena such as the disappearance of social bonds, social alienation and, finally, exclusion [2].

Literary definitions of poverty are appearing on the basis of literature. widely accepted because they are formulated. quite well and leave. a polemic about what needs to be considered basic and what level should be considered satisfactory [3].

By poverty, we mean "a state below a certain income threshold variable over time or a threshold for meeting needs in relation to an individual, family or social group" [4].

Poverty (with Latin paupertas) "means needs, lack, poverty, which leads to the ness. Generally, poverty can be defined as a state of non-satisfaction of certain human needs, considered as basic, necessary for its normal development and functioning in a given society "[5].

The definition of poverty according to the EEC draws attention to the affected entities, ie people, families and social groups. On the other hand, in the present time poverty is defined through the prism of the balance between the needs and the level of satisfaction that is disturbed. It covers a wide field of recognized and socially important values [6].

On the basis of social policy, poverty is understood as unsatisfactory or insufficient a satisfying state related to satisfying basic and general human needs. Therefore, at least one of the following premises must be present:

- lack or limit the ability to get resources quickly and in a manner consistent with the law,

- the existence of willingness to meet needs, including at a low level,

- lack or limited ability to meet the needs of the means possessed,

- lack or incorrect quality and the amount of resources to meet needs [7].

On the basis of this discipline, poverty is understood as more broadly, not only as a lack of means to satisfy basic needs, but also a link? si? with other difficult situations (deprivations) that occur. including this phenomenon. In the case of these situations on a large scale and in the form of a permanent element destroying human relationships and functioning in a larger group, then poverty already occurs as a social issue [8].

In 1984, the Council of Ministers of the European Community recognized that the problem of poverty appears people who do not have. sufficient material and social resources that would allow them to maintain a living standard at the appropriate level, recognized as acceptable in a given country [9].

In order to be able to identify the types of poverty, the specialists specify. boundaries (lines, poverty thresholds) that indicate. choice of research methodology. These thresholds are divided into to subjective and objective, as well as relative and absolute [10].

However, statutory paternity (official, official) ties to with economic criterion and help ^. from the state for people they own. insufficient maintenance. Another kind is relative poverty, this criterion is taken into account specificity of the given environment, cultural needs and determinants, and ways to satisfy them. This type of poverty is the percentage of average expenditures among households in the country scale [11].

Poverty results from the past, but it is also affected by the present. However, this problem occurs all over the world, and in Poland it is connected with economic changes towards a market economy [12].

Due to the determinants of this phenomenon, we divide them into three groups: random destiny (caused by life events), subjective (lack of life resource, qualifications, skills, falling into nalogi or pathologies) and structural (conditioned by changes in the economy, unemployment , low income or high prices) [13].

Among the determinants of poverty, one can exchange individual characteristics of a given person, his character, attitude towards life or ability. However, most often as reasons? this phenomenon is given socio-economic changes such as growing unemployment, social and economic crisis [14].

For these reasons, the biggest. role? it plays unemployment, in particular when it is long-term, which deprives the person for a longer period of time. people? means to live. It is connected with also with low qualifications and lower social situation which is tied to with the phenomenon of poverty. Economic changes, especially in smaller towns, generate. unemployment and contribute. si? to increase the level of poverty. Another conditioning is. demographic factors such as the size of the family and its structure, because large families or incomplete families are. the most threatened by this phenomenon. Separate ^. a matter ^. there is a poverty which exists among children, for an uprising which did not have any influence. Among families in which there is a disabled person, we can also observe problems with finding means to live, because the treatment and rehabilitation of such persons is very expensive. The issue of poverty in a given group leads to social marginalization [15].

Other reasons for poverty in the world are. also the lack of drinking water, a high level of backwardness of the poorest countries and a high demographic growth in their area and the problem of hunger [16].

People who are. poor people do not have to. be excluded social. At the same time, social exclusion does not have to be connected. with poverty. The market appears more and more entrepreneurs and self-employed persons, therefore a group of people strongly associated with the weakening labor market, gray. % zone employed in part-time or permanently unemployed is isolated. More and more often the phenomenon of poverty is referred to specific individuals and not to entire social classes. The most common effects of the so-called the new poverty is the increase in the number of permanently unemployed people, the increase in the gray zone and considering unemployment as something normal [17].

In the context of the effects of poverty, there should be an inferior start to life for children, the emergence of family conflicts (including notorious sense of fear, stress), increased migration, a sense of hopelessness and lack of recovery from situations and injustices (including depression or neurosis), increased mortality, understatement of self-esteem, family breakdown, social exclusion and marginalization in society, increasing health problems, as well as the emergence of a claim attitude towards state institutions. The phenomenon of marginalization, exclusion of poor people is called the so-called. ^ exclusion. social [18].

In Poland, researchers are guided by the level of poverty. si? the following indicators: minimum subsistence (basic and necessary goods, most urgent needs) and social (household maintenance costs) as well as relative and subjective lines of poverty (matching the level of satisfaction of the needs between an individual and others in a given situation) society and a subjective opinion about its material condition) [19].

According to statistical data from 2012, there is still a downward trend in incomes and expenditures in households, and these data are. similar to the previous year. Extreme poverty (below minimum) was 6.7% and did not change. from the previous year. In contrast, in the case of relative poverty, it was 16% and this threshold is lower than in 2011. some groups of people threatened with poverty - in 2012 there were large families (above 4 children), families with few people having their own people? ^ disabled. On the other hand, among farmers' families, this threat diminished. The condition that affects the phenomenon of poverty is the level of education - the lower it is, the greater the threat of extreme poverty.

he worst is in the countryside, especially in the areas of northern and eastern Poland [20].

Poverty phenomenon and social policy

From the 19th century, the issue of poverty is considered a social problem that should be addressed state. At present in social policy are. two groups of concepts: prosperity, as well as social structure. According to the first group, an economic perspective. man has free. ox? and he makes his own decisions by choosing his property, while sociologists believe that certain functions are. for society more important than others. The concepts of good development policy also refer to economic theories, according to which the state can fight against poverty when they exist. economic surpluses. In terms of social policy, they find. si? areas of eco- nomic poverty, in which the state may interfere [21].

In some countries, such as England, the USA or Canada, the Liberals believe that the state should ultimately only help people who can not cope, they do not. family support or not. access to the private market. Win ^. they burd for such a state. unit ?. Negates ^. they deduct and tax breaks, family commitments and burdens. Do you think that such help precludes you from taking a job, weakens morality and causes other negative effects, and the state should only moderate poverty? [22].

The fight against poverty is one of the basic tasks of social assistance. The phenomenon of social exclusion and homelessness, which is connected with ^. si? with poverty - a big challenge for the social policy of the state. Unfortunately, there are often no initiatives or measures at the local government level in support of the poor [23].

On the basis of social policy as a basis? takes into account distinction between absolute (absolute) and relative poverty. The first type is related to the level of living conditions, which is low enough to appear. si? difficulty in meeting basic needs or it is simply impossible. Is it? from so-called getting hungry. Whereas the second type of poverty is connected with with the subject, i.e. concrete. ^ person. and her family whose means to keep up. below the median in a given social group [24].

Social assistance is also provided because of poverty. It is implemented by organizing shelter, meals or clothing, as well as paying various types of energy, for example for health benefits. At the municipal level, they are assigned. loans and subsidies, also help in becoming independent whether to pursue further education. On the other hand, the self-government of the voivodship is obliged to create current solutions and their implementation, which are. connected with preventing social exclusion, seeking conditions of poverty [25].

In the territory of various countries, the minimum income thresholds for the unit that allow it are defined. determine the level of poverty. There is no one general way to set these thresholds, and their source is. political decisions, including budget constraints. For a proper social policy, it is important to distinguish between permanent and temporary poverty and focus on on the first type [26].

In March 2000, during the European Union summit in Lisbon, a new way to fight was initiated? with poverty and social exclusion. By contrast, in March 2001 in Stockholm, the European Commission proposed common basic indicators for all countries. serve to measure the level of these phenomena. In December of the same year, at the Laeken summit, 18 indicators were adopted to observe the problem of poverty and social exclusion, mainly related to the plane. financial participation as well as employment and health and education levels in EU member states [27].

The European Social Fund deals with help in finding a job, leveling opportunities, stimulating entrepreneurship, organizes and covers courses and trainings, as well as apprenticeships and career guidance. On the other hand, the Operational Program Human Capital encourages other countries to invest in Poland, thanks to which they will be created. new jobs, knowledge will develop and will be introduced. innovations. The aim of the Program is also to minimize the phenomenon of social exclusion, to develop education and administration at various levels, to promote the principles of good management [28].

In schools, the poorest children are organized. free lunches or hot milk in winter [29]. It is popular to use the Social Aid Centers that you provide. help mainly in the form of cash benefits - power supplies and so-called help in kind. It is conditioned by the fact that when the poor receive it. resources to meet their basic life needs, often not. already interested in another. form of help; social workers are. overloaded work% because there are a lot of people using these centers. Such a state does not solve the problem of poverty, but only temporarily reduces the effects. But in particular for the poor people. social assistance centers have just been created and social workers have been formed, and they are also. increased funds in a budget for this purpose. Paternity companion. unfortunately, also other problems, i.e. addictions, pathologies, unemployment, family breakdown or mortgage. Social policy must also take into account these factors [30].

In the literature, we meet with an unresolved? t ^. a matter ^. does the state have? mainly to help poor people or rather contribute to to employ those people, and thus increase their resources on life. Institutions dealing with social assistance should be with us. cooperate in order to avoid surplus benefits for one person and omission to another [31].

Among the forms of social assistance we can identify two main groups:

- so-called. targeted help (addressed, group) - is intended for people in specific life situations or for a group with special needs;

- universal help - it can be used by anyone who needs such help and can not cope alone; it is associated with people with low incomes.

Both help groups do not exclude ^. si? each other. Takes ^. they are specific. form: the character of permanent help (money, material) intended for people who can not. to work and must. with something to live; periodic assistance (financial and / or material subsidies) - use. from it people and whole families who do not have. sufficient resources for satisfying life's needs; assistance (in-kind, money, clothes, meals or providing shelter) of a discretionary nature and the form of social welfare homes that they use. people of all ages [32].

In 2013, the Government Population Council presented a draft of the assumptions of Poland's population policy for this year, including how it intends to fight the phenomenon of poverty. To make the assumptions met, they were verified, among others benefits from the social security system, so-called income thresholds entitling to using public aid. It was decided to conduct social campaigns on this problem, changing the perception of the poor (including above all the elderly), dependent and fighting stereotypes [33].

The action in the field of social policy related to the issue of poverty should be connected not only with help but also with prophylaxis of spreading? this phenomenon. Such programs were also created on international grounds, they came into force already in the 1970s on the grounds of the European Union. This policy must be worked out, fine-tuned and should be taken into account? Cooperation? various institutions and organizations, work on creating good programs that will help fight poverty. Do you also need to take into account? adherence to the principles of subsidiarity and solidarity of the weaker and stronger units, also on the regional ground [34].


The fight against poverty is one of the main activities of the state. It is important to choose the right methods and make them different, take into account? human rights, democracy, and personalism, which will allow everyone to develop and allow them to meet basic life needs [35].

As a category, poverty is a territorially diverse phenomenon that changes over time.

The assessment of this sphere must be broadened beyond the situation Households. For this purpose, panel studies in which households are observed throughout the entire study period (not only quantitative but also qualitative).

Through your legislative and executive bodies, you implement the policy? directed at improving the citizen's living conditions. The basic assumptions for Poland include a document prepared by Rzidowi Rad? Population "The assumptions of Poland's population policy 2013, project), which defines the priorities of government policy (eg Priority I.3 ??Prevention of exclusion and marginalization Social inclusion. Support for families in difficult situations: poor, large-scale, non-disabled, with disabilities, touch? including dysfunctions or pathologies), in them: goals to achieve (Help families in difficult situations: poor families ...), directions of action (reducing poverty and preventing marginalization ..), specific solutions (Contract of work with parents and their constant contact with the Labor Office), responsible entities (Ministry of Labor).


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  • N. Nazarbayev is the head of state, Commander-in-chief and holder of the highest office within of Kazakhstan. B. Obama II is the head of state and head of government of the United States. Queen Elizabeth II as head of a monarchy of the United Kingdom.

    презентация [437,6 K], добавлен 16.02.2014

  • Presidential candidates. Learning the information of the Electoral College, to understanding the process by which the President is officially elected. The formal ceremony of presidential inauguration, including the information about its time, place.

    курсовая работа [34,7 K], добавлен 09.04.2011

  • Barack Hussein Obama and Dmitry Medvedev: childhood years and family, work in politics before the presidential election and political views, the election, the campaign and presidency. The role, significance of these presidents of their countries history.

    курсовая работа [62,3 K], добавлен 02.12.2015

  • Методологические основы процедуры формирования образа политического деятеля. Особенности работы специалиста по политическому Public Relations в многонациональном регионе. Выделение универсальных и отличительных черт имиджа политического деятеля.

    дипломная работа [900,3 K], добавлен 03.05.2011

  • The rivalry between Islam and Chistianity, between Al-Andalus and the Christian kingdoms, between the Christian and Ottoman empires triggered conflicts of interests and ideologies. The cultural explanation of political situations in the Muslim world.

    реферат [52,8 K], добавлен 25.06.2010

  • Analysis of Rousseau's social contract theory and examples of its connection with the real world. Structure of society. Principles of having an efficient governmental system. Theory of separation of powers. The importance of censorship and religion.

    статья [13,1 K], добавлен 30.11.2014

  • Review the controversial issues of the relationship between leadership and hegemony in international relations, especially in the context of geostrategy of the informal neo-empires. The formation of a multipolar world order with the "balance of power".

    статья [64,7 K], добавлен 19.09.2017

  • The concept of a tsunami as a natural phenomenon, the main reasons for its occurrence, assessment of negative impact on the lives of people and the economy. The shape and height of the waves. Stages of origin and knots in the natural phenomenon.

    презентация [1,9 M], добавлен 13.03.2013

  • Basic ingredients of the United States economy. Stabilization and growth of economy. General categories of economic regulation. Main functions of the direct assistance. The United States public and federal debt. The two preceding definitions of poverty.

    реферат [12,8 K], добавлен 06.10.2009

  • Economic system. List by hands-on and hands-off. Types of economic systems. Market economy. Mixed economy. Planned economy. Traditional economy. Participatory economics. Changes of an economic situation in Russia. Recent economic developments.

    реферат [15,0 K], добавлен 27.05.2007

  • Concept and program of transitive economy, foreign experience of transition. Strategic reference points of long-term economic development. Direction of the transition to an innovative community-oriented type of development. Features of transitive economy.

    курсовая работа [29,4 K], добавлен 09.06.2012

  • The stock market and economic growth: theoretical and analytical questions. Analysis of the mechanism of the financial market on the efficient allocation of resources in the economy and to define the specific role of stock market prices in the process.

    дипломная работа [5,3 M], добавлен 07.07.2013

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