Political Allusions in the Decembrist Revolt

A study of some political allusions to famous historical events that appeared among the Decembrists during the interregnum. Arresting specific senators and forcing them to issue a manifesto. The role of symbolism in the choice of the site of the uprising.

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Дата добавления 16.06.2021
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Moreover, P. Gomez Aparicio emphasizes the fact, that “due to the proximity to Gibraltar, British Masonic lodges had their branches there” Gomez Aparicio P Historia del periodismo espanol, Vol. II. Madrid, 1967. and the political life was in full swing. Thus, it can be concluded that K. F. Ryleev initially speculated that the defeated rebels could allegedly settle in Kronstadt and form the Great Council from the representatives of different provinces. This hypothesis is confirmed by the warning of N. A. Bestuzhev, who was well aware of what was going on in Kronstadt, and claimed that “the only thing they do there is to indulge in cards and billiards” Delo G. S. Baten'kova. P. 84.. This warning implies that K. F. Ryleev's plan was doomed to failure as the military men quartered in Kronstadt were not inclined to engage in political activities.

Summing up, let us outline the main points of this article. Many political allusions can be found in the history of interregnum. Their usage was largely inspired by K. F. Ryleev, the mastermind of the St. Petersburg revolt. It was K. F. Ryleev who proposed a title of the dictator for S. P. Trubestkoi. The underlying motive behind this initiative was to take advantage of the latter's big name in order to promote particular decisions and recruit new members. It was K. F. Ryleev who referred to the name of Brutus in the context of the regicide plan in order to lure the potential executors into committing it. It was K. F. Ryleev's idea to take the rebels to Senate square to take a stand there.

Thus, appealing to the supreme state body, the leader of the Northern Society, was actually eager to implement the model of the Brazil revolution -- an armed public demonstration. The choice of venue (Senate square) was also associated with the Senate's status and its role in the crisis of interregnum. The allusion to Leon Island indicates that one of the prospective scenarios in the case of defeat was to retire to Kronstadt and to form the Great Council there. To put it briefly, the analysis of the political allusions provides the opportunity to modify the existing entrenched views on the plans of the leader of the Northern Society on the eve of St. Petersburg rebellion.


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