The impact of television on children

The negative impact of media on children behavior. Television as a common cause of reducing the time to communicate with family and friends. The impact of violence and erotic scenes on adolescent psychology. The relationship between parents and children.

Рубрика Психология
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Язык английский
Дата добавления 09.04.2017
Размер файла 13,6 K

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"In the smallest bookshop you will find more worthwhile thoughts than they were expressed on all TV channels in the history of its existence," said New York journalist Andrew Ross. I think, many modern people will agree with this statement, including me. It is not difficult to agree that the current television corrupts the younger generation. Over the years, scientists repeatedly say that the media have a negative impact on the actions and behavior of children. To date, television remains the main source of information for the child and adolescent, which significantly reduces the time of joint communication with relatives and friends.

Russian researchers conducted a study, and found that in Russia, children spend average from 3 to 5 hours a day on watching TV. In the United States, television, children spend much more time than studying. (Chuprij L. V.) By this research, they wanted to say that in our modern world television provides children with much more information than their parents, friends or acquaintances. Nowadays, television transmits a huge amount of materials, countless films and various programs in which sometimes there is no sense at all, try to enter the confidence of children and adolescents. At the heart of the current cinema lie scenes of violence and erotic scenes, that attract attention, and greatly affect the psychology of the teenager. The situation of the person in these cases is not interesting to producers, since they only think about the profit of contracts.

Another argument, this is an example of a family in the village where I live. In my village there is a family that preaches the Baptist faith, they do not watch TV and do not listen to modern music. There are 12 children in their family and everyone knows what will be done from morning till night. The relationship in their family is fundamentally different from those families in which there are a TV and various gadgets. In their family, there is a constant connection between each other, as all work on the house must go smoothly and together. In their family, every child can ask for a piece of advice from the parents, and not rely on a false opinion from the TV. Relations in this family are much cleaner and more sincere, and that should be taken as an example for each of us.

The last argument says that it is dangerous to show movies with scenes of violence to young children. If we take into account the current cartoons, we can safely say that at least 70% of them are built on battles, insults and violence. The child's psyche is not capable of concretizing what is happening, and they often try to realize all this in real life. As an example, I can bring a story from my life. When I was 5 years old, I watched the movie «Power Rangers» with my cousin, after which he got up and left. When I went outside, he attacked me from behind and shouted: «Defend or die!» From surprise, I turned around, and he jabbed me with a stick. The stick hit my eye, as a result of which the retina of the eye was damaged, and after that, an expensive operation was performed on the cornea of ??the eye. By this, I wanted to say that not always the television series shown on TV could give a positive reaction to the child, which can sometimes prove even dangerous for life.

However, there are also positive aspects of television, for example, cooking, sports and other intellectual shows. All of them can be useful, because you can take benefits from each of them. If we can not count on the event of what happened on November 9 and 10 in Moscow and Lyubertsy, when two teenagers committed suicide as a result of lack of support from relatives. A thirteen-year-old girl hung herself in front of her sister because of a note in her diary, fearing that her parents would react negatively to this remark. A fifteen-year-old teenager killed himself after watching the film "How to commit suicide." A huge number of cases can be cited as an example and all because on TV they show not how to cope with such situations, but how people commit suicide and after it is investigated. Considering all this, it can be said, that the current television carries only dirt and all who will pay attention to it drowns in this dirt.

In conclusion, it should be noted, that the negative impact of the media can only be averted by common forces. Parents should devote more time to their children, the Ministry of Culture should increase the control of TV programs, and directors should exclude scenes of violence from cartoons and enthrall children with something else. After all, children, in most cases, make their idols out of the cartoon characters, but not from their parents, and the «heroes» they choose are often sadists and maniacs. Parents should be an example for their children, inspire them for good deeds and be their moral authority, only then will the children become more intelligent and less cruel. Only by combining the efforts of the state, society and parents, we will be able to achieve significant success in educating the younger generation. media children violence psychology


1. Samodelova, S. , (12.11.12) . Why children do not want to live. MKRU. Retrieved from

2. Andrew Ross. (n.d.). AFORIZMER. Retrieved from

3. Chuprij, L. V., (n.d.). Negative impact on children of television and the Internet. Potesha. Retrieved from

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