Language personality of a preschool child: features of development in the process of listening

Study of problems in modern psychological science of the phenomenon "language personality". Definition of psychological conditions and psychodactical methods of development of the language personality of the preschool child in the process of listening.

Рубрика Психология
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Язык английский
Дата добавления 28.12.2017
Размер файла 25,5 K

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Размещено на

UDC 81'23


Nataliia V. Kharchenko

Ph.D. in Pedagogy, Associate Professor of the Department of Psychology

and Pedagogy of a Preschool Education,

SHEE «Pereyaslav-KhmelnytskyiStatePedagogical University

named after Hryhoriy Skovoroda»,

30 Sukhomlynskyi Str., Pereyaslav-Khmelnytskyi, Kyiv Reg., Ukraine, 08401


The article focuses on opening of the problem of study the phenomenon of language personality in modern psychological science as a social new formation, subject of interpersonal relations, the man, which owns a set of language skills, properties and capabilities. The research aim is to present the authorial formulation of the concept «development of language personality of a preschool child in the process of listening»; determination of terms and psychodidactic receptions of the development of language personality of a preschool child in the process of listening. In order to achieve the aim were used such methods: analysis of psycholinguistic and psychological literature, integration of derived from the analysis data, formulation of concepts «language personality», «development of language personality of a preschool child in the process of listening», systematization of the generalized information from theoretical research, formulation of conclusions. Research results enabled us to formulate authorial determination of the concept «development of language personality of a preschool child in the process of listening», which we understand as the complecated process of child's special relationships acquisition with the subjective and social world in a form of communication, operations and capabilities, new possibilities of perception and understanding of the language values, their transformation into personal senses, his becoming as a subject of communicative co-operation, a person, whomastered because of vocal (auditive) activity on realization of this communicative co-operation the new special capabilities, competenses and qualities, which form a child as personality.

Key words: language personality of a preschool child, listening, perception of speech, understanding of speech, value, sense, text, logic and grammatical constructions, words.


Наталия Харченко

кандидат педагогических наук, доцент кафедры психологии и педагогики дошкольного образования,

ГВУЗ «Переяслав-Хмельницкий государственный педагогический университет имени Григория Сковороды»,

ул. Сухомлинского 30, г. Переяслав-Хмельницкий,

Киевская обл., Украина, 08401


Статья посвящена раскрытию проблемы изучения в современной психологической науке феномена «языковая личность», а также обзору психолингвистических и психолого-педагогических исследований в области онтогенеза языковой личности дошкольника в контексте развития аудирования. Исследования языковой личности на пересечении разных наук, разноаспектные взгляды ученых на языковую личность как объект исследования повлекло многообразие подходов к определению данного понятия. Внимание ученых акцентировано как на языковых составляющих личности, так и внеязыковых компонентах. Понятие «языковая личность» ученые раскрывают через категории «обобщенный образ», «субъект», «индивид», «система», «совокупность свойств», «совокупность действий» и т. п. Вариативные толкования языковой личности обусловили потребность экспликации её в качестве многомерной, многоуровневой функциональной системы, которая дает представление о степени владения человеком / ребёнком языком и речью на уровне активного и творческого осмысления действительности. Целью исследования было представление авторского формулирования термина «развитие языковой личности дошкольника в процессе аудирования»; определения психологических условий и психодидактических приемов развития языковой личности дошкольника в процессе аудирования. Для достижения цели были использованы такие методы: анализ психолингвистической и психологической литературы, интеграция полученных в результате анализа данных, формулирование понятий «языковая личность», «развитие языковой личности дошкольника в процессе аудирования», систематизация обобщенных сведений теоретического исследования, формулировка выводов. Результаты исследования позволили сформулировать такие авторские позиции: 1) языковую личность в контексте аудирования рассматриваем как социальное новообразование, субъекта межличностных отношений, человека, владеющего совокупностью рече-языковых качеств, свойств и возможностей (способностей), таких, как: а) осознанная, произвольная реализация аудиативной деятельности в форме коммуникации; б) осуществление аудиативных операций и действий (выделение существенных «смысловых ядер» в сложном высказывании, реализация смыслового прогнозирования, перекодирования, сопоставления компонентов воспринятого сообщения, трансформация поверхностно-синтаксических конструкций в глубинно-синтаксические структуры, абстрагирование от отдельных значений элементов текста и от «внешнего» содержания сообщения, образование индивидуального смысла); в) способность к смыслоформированию; г) смысловые установки, личностный смысл; готовность через эмоционально осуществленное понимание включаться в новые социальные отношения; д) возможность преднамеренно и осознанно изменять иерархию своих рече-языковых ценностей в процессе аудирования; 2) «развитие языковой личности дошкольника в процессе аудирования» понимаем сложный процесс приобретения ребенком особых отношений с предметным и социальным миром в форме коммуникации, операций и способностей, новых возможностей восприятия и понимания языковых значений, их трансформации в личностные смыслы, становление его как субъекта коммуникативного взаимодействия, субъекта, который овладел благодаря своей речевой (аудиативной) деятельности по реализации этого коммуникативного взаимодействия новые особенные способности, компетенции и качества, формирующие ребенка личностью.

Ключевые слова: языковая личность дошкольника, аудирование, восприятие речи, понимание речи, значение, смысл, текст, логикограмматические конструкции, слова.

psychological language preschooler psychodactical


Наталія Харченко

кандидат педагогічних наук, доцент кафедри психології і

педагогіки дошкільної освіти,

ДВНЗ «Переяслав-Хмельницький державний педагогічний

університет імені Григорія Сковороди»,

вул. Сухомлинського 30, м. Переяслав-Хмельницький,

Київська обл., Україна, 08401


Статтю присвячено висвітленню проблеми вивчення в сучасній психологічній науці феномену «мовна особистість», а також огляду психолінгвістичних та психолого-педагогічних досліджень у галузі онтогенезу мовної особистості дошкільника в контексті розвитку аудіювання. Дослідження мовної особистості на перетині різних наук, різносторонні підходи вчених до мовної особистості як об'єкта дослідження спричинили багатоманітність підходів до визначення цього поняття. Увага науковців акцентується як на мовних складових особистості, так і позамовних компонентах. Поняття «мовна особистість» вчені розкривають через категорії «узагальнений образ», «суб'єкт», «індивід», «система», «сукупність властивостей», «сукупність дій» тощо. Різні трактування мовної особистості зумовили потребу експлікації її в якості багатовимірної, багаторівневої функціональної системи, що дає уявлення про ступінь володіння людиною / дитиною мовою і мовленням на рівні активного і творчого осмислення дійсності. Метою дослідження було представлення авторського формулювання терміну «розвиток мовної особистості дошкільника в процесі аудіювання»; виокремлення психологічних умов і психодидактичних прийомів розвитку мовної особистості дошкільника в процесі аудіювання. Для досягнення мети було використано такі методи дослідження, як-от: аналіз психолінгвістичної та психологічної літератури, інтеграція отриманих у результаті аналізу даних, формулювання понять «мовна особистість», «розвиток мовної особистості в процесі аудіювання», систематизація узагальнених даних теоретичного дослідження, формулювання висновків. Результати дослідження дозволили сформулювати наступні авторські позиції: 1) мовну особисість в контексті аудіюваннярозглядаємо яксоціальне новоутворення, суб'єкта міжособистісних відносин, людину, яка володіє сукупністю мовно-мовленнєвих якостей, властивостей і можливостей (спроможностей), як-от: а) усвідомлена, навмисна, довільна реалізація аудіативної діяльності у формі комунікації; б) здійснення аудіативних операцій і дій (виокремлення суттєвих «смислових ядер» у цілісному висловлюванні, здійснення смислового прогнозування, перекодування, співставлення компонентів сприйнятого повідомлення, трансформація поверхнево-синтаксичних конструкцій у глибинно- синтаксичні структури, абстрагування від окремих значень елементів тексту і від «зовнішнього» змісту повідомлення, утворення індивідуального смислу); в) здатність до смислоутворення; г) смислові установки, особистісний смисл; д) спроможність до внутрішнього формування й експлікування оцінювальних суджень та власних інтенцій щодо сприйнятого повідомлення; готовність (можливість) через емоційно здійснене розуміння включатися в нові соціальні відношення; спроможність навмисно й усвідомлено змінювати ієрархію своїх мовно-мовленнєвих цінностей у процесі аудіювання; 2) «розвиток мовної особистості дошкільника в процесі аудіювання» розуміємо як складний процес набуття дитиною особливих відношень із предметним і соціальним світом у формі комунікації, операцій і здібностей, нових здатностей сприймання і розуміння мовних значень, їх трансформації в особистісні смисли, становлення її як суб'єкта комунікативної взаємодії, який здобув завдяки своїй мовленнєвій (аудіативній) діяльності по реалізації цієї комунікативної взаємодії нові особливі можливості, компетенції та якості, що роблять дитину особистістю.

Ключові слова: мовна особистість дошкільника, аудіювання, сприймання мовлення, розуміння мовлення, значення, смисл, текст, логіко-граматичні конструкції, слова.

Подано до редакції 24.12.2016 Прорецензовано 30.12.2016 Прийнято до друку 04.01.2017

Interest to the phenomenon of language personality in modem science is marked by the presence of a large number of researches, focused on study the subject of vocal activity by the scientists of different areas of knowledge about a man - cognitive psychology, psycholinguistics of development, linguoculturology, communicative linguistics, neuropsycholinguistics, ontolinguistics, linguodidactics (H.I. Bogin, А.М. Bohush, L.V. Zasiekina, L.O. Kalmykova, V.I. Karasyk, Yu.N. Karaulov, O.M. Korniyaka, V.V. Krasnykh, L.I. Matsko, Т.А. Pyrozhenko, O.O. Selivanova, K.F. Sedov, Ye.F. Tarasov, O.S. Ушакова, N.A. Fomina, N.V. Chepeleva etc.). Researches of language personality on different sciences crossing, different aspects looks of scientists on language personality as a research object entailed the variety of ways concerning this concept determination. Attention of the researchers is focused both on the language constituents of personality and out of language components. Language personality is examined by scientists as the generalized image of a bearer of «cultural-linguistic and communicative-actionable values, knowledge, options, behavioral reactions» (Karasik, 2003: 363), or «linguistic consciousness, national language picture of the world, language knowledge, abilities and skills, language capabilities, language culture, traditions» (Matsko, 2009: 27). Language personality is called a man, who «accomplishes vocal acts, perceives and generates utterances» (Bogin, 1982: 1), «actualize vocal activity» (Klyukanov, 1990: 6970), «express himself in vocal activity» (Krasnyih, 2012: 197), «owns the complex of capabilities and descriptions, which stipulate the generation and perception of vocal utterances (texts) which are differ instructural and language complication, in depth and by exactness of reality reflection» (Karaulov, 1987: 245). Language personality is determined as a totality of «social-psychological and culturological properties of a man, which qualify his capacity for creative text activity and reflections of a specific national language picture of the world, constitutive co-operation with surrounding reality» (Godunova, 1991: 10), or «cognitive, emotional and motivational properties which provide the language competence of man as a transmitter of certain national and cultural space» (Zasekina, 2007: 146-147). Variative interpretations of language personality stipulated the necessity of its explication as a multidimensional, multilevel functional system which gives an idea about the degree of possessing by a man / by a child of language and speech at the level of active and creative comprehension of reality.

At determination of language personality we based on understanding of the concept «personality», offered V.A. Ivannikov (2010). In particular, for basis in analysing the psycholinguistic literature were taken formulated by him positions in which are exposed the looks on personality. These positions are transformed in to problems of language personality and adapted by us in relation to a category «language personality»:

accounting of psycholinguistic realities which we try to explain through a concept «language personality»: a) language personality as a social new formation; b) a set of genetically defined and acquired qualities and characteristics of each child; c) the personality is a subject of public and interpersonal relations;

criteria of personality: а) language personality as a special property of a man; b) language personality as a man, owning by certain qualities and possibilities; c) a vocal act - a characteristic of a child as language personality; d) «moral - immoral» choice of vocal behavior as a display of human ability to be responsible for the vocal behavior; e) «moral - immoral» choice of language behavior as the criterion of language personality;

to become language personality, a child must be able: а) to estimate from moral position his language interests, necessities and consequences of language actions - own and stranger, orienting on other people and bearing the responsibility for the own language actions; b) arbitrarily produce necessary, but poorly motivated language actions, overcoming personality's language desires, morally inappropriate in a certain vocal situation; c) intentionally and consciously to change the hierarchy of his speech and language values;

to become language personality a child must own by: a) language consciousness and language self-consciousness; b) vocal thought and will; c) ability to sense formation.

Research aim - to give the authorial understanding of the term «development of language personality of a preschool child in the process of listening», to define terms and receptions for development language personality of a preschool child in the process of listening.

Research methods

Analysis of psycholinguistic and psychological literature, integration of derived from analysis data, formulation of concepts «language personality», «development of language personality of a preschool child in the process of listening», systematization of the generalized information of theoretical research, formulation of conclusions.

Exposition of the basic material of a research

As it is generally known, preschoolers begin their listening (to perceive and understand) of verbal speech earlier than to talk. Exactly listening makes the base for generation of the own verbal utterance, it is a major component and basic regulator of children's cognitive activity, anindicator of language acquisition. The unformation of perception and understanding processes to a great extent limits the communicative necessities of preschoolers and on the whole negatively influences on personality's development of a child. Thus, a study of the state and evolution of language personality of a preschool child, exactly on his first stage - initial stage of becoming - is a major scientific problem.

Analysis of the problem of ontogenesis of language personality of a preschool child in the context of listening development is expedient, in our view, to carry out in the paradigm of modern psycholinguistic and psycho-pedagogical researches.

Questions of acquisition by the child of ability to understand the verbal extended report are exposed in works by A.R. Luria (1998; 2002). Decoding of the perceived information a scientist presented as a process, consisting of the successive (but only, according to a psychologist, logical!) stages: 1) distinguishing of the exact meaning from separate words; 2) mastering of those syntactic relations, into which these words are included, creation of more difficult formations - superficially-syntactic and deeply-syntactic structures; 3) distinguishing of the general sense of vocal report (Lurija, 2002: 232).

Thus, based on the researches of A.R. Luria, we distinguish the terms in development of language personality through providing the understanding by her of words values: 1) vocal context (or practical situation) into which a word is included must be familiar to a child, «built-in» into his speech and language experience; 2) that or another value of a word must be used in vocal experience of a child with a certain frequency.

Overcoming the difficulties in understanding the logic and grammatical constructions as a process of acquisition by a child the capabilities and qualities which characterize him as developing language personality, are manifested in children in those cases, when additional transformations are needed, «as a surface syntactic structure (semantic syntax) diverges from the underlying, logic-syntactic» (Lurija, 1998: 290). From all complex sentences, functioning in speech of a child, A.R. Luria distinguished exactly those, that are not always easily understood, and, as a rule, their decoding requires a special internal work. These constructions provide using the flexions, prepositions, relative words, conjunctions; semantic inversions; a double denial; comparative constructions; multiple-valued sentences; constructions with «communication of relation»; distant constructions.

Being based on the results of scientist's researches, we can draw the conclusion: acquisition by children of actions connected with decoding of the complex logic and grammatical constructions as an index of language personality's development occures by additional grammatical operations as transformation of one structure into another, more clear. Thus, the psychodidactic conditions for development of language personality of a preschool child through providing an understanding of difficult grammatical structures are, to our opinion, the next: 1) making of synonymous replacement of the nominative word-combination by a sentence with the purpose of explanation («Letter from friend» - «I've got a letter from the best friend»);

the use of formally-grammatical questions «who?», «what?» with the purpose of facilitation the children's understanding of the abstract value of word-combination («A cup of tea» - «A cup of (what?) - tea»; «A brother of father» - «A brother (whose?) of my father»);

replacement of double denial in language constructions with a semantic inversion by one affirmative judgement for overcoming the inversions in phrases, and, consequently, - facilitations of understanding («I did not get used not to wash hands before dinner» - «I always wash my hands before dinner»), 4) the use of additional questions on establishing correspondence between the sequence of events and sequence of words in constructions with inversions («I had dinner after I washed my hands» - «What did you do at first?», «What did you do later?»).

Thus, the results of psychological analysis related to decoding by children of comlicated logic and grammatical constructions makes the important empiric material for understanding of the genesis of language personality of a preschool child: establishment of the dependence from both understanding from the degree of sentences complication and from the state or the level of child's vocal development. Study the problem of language personality's development of a preschool child in connection with his skills formation to understandthe complicated logic and grammatical constructions is one of the priority directions in achievement of personality, because, the greater amount of understanding the complicated syntactic constructions master the child - a subject of speech, the nearer he is to the state of speech and language ability (competenses), which canbe nominated, as language personality.

The problem of development the language personality of a preschool child is not limited, as it was marked already, by the study of question connected with decoding by children of the values of words and lexico-grammatical constructions. It requires consideration of researches concerning understanding by children of the sense of text on the whole. This process, in opinion of A.R. Luria, is incomparably more difficult and has fundamentally other psychological structure, than understanding of sentences and words. Understanding of the sense of a report is carried out on the principle of «influence of senses» (L.S. Vygotsky), distinguishing of «semantic kernels» (K.F. Sedov). There fore the internal semantic analysis (influence of senses), distinguishing of semantic kernels, advancement of hypotheses about the general sense of a text, abstracting from the separate values of text elements and from «external» maintenance of the report makes the basis for understanding the difficult vocal utterance and simultaneously it is the main condition of the development of language personality of a preschool child. If such vocal activity is not conducted, a child remains at the level of a report separate fragments registration, he is not able to get into its implication, distinguish a key point, he can not apply the brake of the side associations which in a greater degree involuntarily appear for every preschool child.

Thus, the process of verbal extended utterances decoding in different conditions of the development of language personality of a preschool child requires the special psychodidactic influences during the work with text. This process carries an active character and requires first of all distinguishing of the substantial semantic components of utterance, comparison of these components, use of transformations, which facilitate the text understanding, prognostications of the sense of utterance and creation of the individual (personal) sense by every child. Formation in preschoolers the abilities to distinguish the substantial semantic kernels of a text and its general idea - the conditions of listening development, and consequently development of a language personality.

Considering the researches of A.R. Luria, we offer some receptions, allowing preschoolers to acquire competences (distinguishing of substantial «semantic kernels», understanding by children of the general sense of a text and its «emotional implication») which form them as language personalities. Among them: intonation- mimic receptions (increasing or lowering of intonation, distinguishing of words or phrases by an accent, strengthening or weakening of the volume of voice, pauses, tonality, rhythm, «verbal warming up» as a different tempo of reading, mimic coloration, expressive motions and others). Use of these receptions in the process of management of perception and understanding of the verbal extended utterances is one of possibilities to create necessary conditions for preschool child's becoming as language personality.

It is important to remember that for text understanding it is not enough to decipher the linguistic level of its structure. It is necessary, according to A.R. Luria, to «to work at psychological level of its construction: to understand connection with activity of a child, with the outer subjective world» [20]. Connection between language signs and objects, in opinion of A.N. Leontiev, establishes by a child in social practice. But it is not once for all the prepared formation. These connections develop as far as the individual gets into socialization (Leontev, 1988), «as far as he captures the language» (Shahnarovich, 1991: 190). Hereupon A.A. Leontiev entered the concept of the image of text maintenance as not as a result or endpoint of understanding, but as actually process of understanding, as method of objectifying the listening, because «behind the text there is the world of events, situations, ideas, feelings, desires, values of man, that is the real world, existing outside and before the text» (Leontev, 1999: 142). The scientist is sure that language is not only «meaningful» but also «semantic» phenomenon. Therefore, mastering of language is simultaneously the process of child's socialization, the means of his development as language personality, capable to make different semantic formations. Text for a child is the component of intercourse situation and the product of speech thinking activity behind which there is a segment of subjective reality (N.I. Zhynkin, A.N. Shakhnarovich). After every phrase, after every text message a child sees the subjective world, and understanding is carried out by a transition from text to subjective activity. This process is the type of cognitive activity and it is determined by the general level of child's cognitive development (A.N. Shakhnarovich). These data are confirmed by the results of psycholinguistic researches made by L.O. Kalmykova, who established that in the process of semantic perception in preschoolers prevailed semantic operations i.e. the information which is perceived, a child sees and reproduces the real situation, represented in language units. A preschool child perceives and understands not a report in its linguistic formally-grammatical registration, but he sees through it the world of things, phenomena, actions, signs, and situations of reality. And herein he is helped by sense, abstracted from the perceived utterance. At the same time, the scientist marks, a deep sense (implication) the children of preschool age do not understand, they perceive it nearly in a direct sense. Specifics of verbal reports perception by children, after L.O. Kalmykova, consists in a fact, that children never seek to understand separate words or phrases which play the role of auxiliary operations. Children aim to decipher the value of a report on the whole (Kalmikova, 2008: 238-243). Consequently, the ability to sense formation is appropriate for language personality which develops. According to D.A. Leontiev, the internal structure of personality as a psychological formation makes such semantic structures: personal sense, semantic setting, motive, semantic disposition, semantic construct and other (Leontev, 1988: 22). Thus, the extension and fixing of child's knowledge about surrounding reality, enriching of his vital (emotionally-perceptible, sensory-perceptible) experience, development of cognitive sphere and cognitive processes make the condition for semantic sphere formation inchild's becoming as language personality.

The no less important condition for the development of language personality is a capture by children the ability of understanding the verbal utterances through creation of not only personal sense, but acquisitionby the system of language values which «stand» after language units, in particular by a word. Yet L.S. Vygotsky in his works closely connected the development of intelligent perception with the development of a word value. Researches of the scientist showed that the age-related features revealed exactly in fact, that a completely another, less generalized value has a word for a child, in comparison with an adult. Already in babyhood in parallel with the advent of speech firstly appears and develops a semantic and systemic structure of consciousness, i.e. the rudiments of comprehension (Vyigotskiy, 1999: 178), which characterize a child as a human being which develops and gets evidences of a language personality.


Language personality is a social new formation, the subject of interpersonal relations, a man, owning the totality of speech and language qualities, properties and capabilities (possibilities), such, as:

the conscious, arbitrary realization of listening activity in a form of communication;

realization of listening operations and actions (distinguishing of substantial «semantic kernels» in a complicated utterance; realization of semantic prognostication; recoding; comparison of the components in a perceived report; transformation of superficially- syntactic constructions into deeply-syntactic structures; abstracting from the separate values of the text elements and from the «external» maintenance of a report; formation of an individual sense);

the ability to sense formation;

semantic options, personal sense; readiness through the emotionally realizable understanding to join the new social relations;

the possibility to change deliberately and consciously the hierarchy of the speech and language values in the process of listening.

Development of language personality of a preschool child in the process of listening we determine as a difficult process of acquisition by a child of the special relationships with the subjective and social world in a form of communication, operations and capabilities, new possibilities of perception and understanding of the language values, their transformation into personal senses, his becoming as a subject of communicative co-operation, a person, who mastered because of vocal (listening) activity on realization of this communicative co-operation the new special capabilities, competenses and qualities, which form a child as personality.

The prospects for further researches we see in working out the program for psycholinguistic diagnosis of listening operations development in children; in determination and grounding the criteria and indexes for diagnosis the level of listening operations development in preschoolers.


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