The theoretical and methodological analysis of "Me-professional" image as a component of future professionals "Me-concept"

The main parameters of the professional selfesteem as the degree of adequacy, criticality and degree of stability of the personality. The structure of the "Me-professional" image. Тhree main components of the ideas of the symbolic interactionism.

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Дата добавления 02.11.2018
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The article

The theoretical and methodological analysis of «ME-professional» image AS A component of future professionals' «ME-concept»

A. Onufriieva

The theoretical and methodological analysis of «Me-professional» image as a component of future professionals' «Me-concept». On the basis of the theoretical and methodological analysis of the problem on the «Me-professional» image as a component of «Me-concept» of the personality, it is defined as a set of subject's representations about his life position, perspective and value in the context of the chosen professional activities implementation. It is emphasized that the image of «Me-professional» is an integral part of the general «Me-concept» of the personality. The structure of the professional «Me-concept» of the personality is allocated. It is shown that the «Me-professional» image is formed in the process of maturation and professional self-determination. It is noted that the structure of the «Me-professional» image includes the ideal image of «Me-professional», the real image of «Me-professional», a mirror image of «Me-professional» and a professional self-esteem. It is found out that professional self-esteem is a central component of a personality's professional self-consciousness, which is connected with value attitude to personal «Me», to professional qualities and results of professional activities. It is noted that professional self-esteem is formed under the influence of the professional activities, the results achieved in activities, individual properties of the personality. The main parameters of the professional selfesteem are the degree of adequacy, criticality and degree of stability of the personality. It is noted that an important component of the professional «Me-concept» is professional self-consciousness, which determines the personality's self-regulation of actions in the professional sphere on the basis of the professional requirements, personal professional capabilities and emotional and value attitude towards oneself as to a subject of particular professional activities.

Key words: professional self-esteem, subject, professional «Me-concept», professional qualities, professional self-consciousness, professional, «Ме-professional» image, individual characteristics of a personality, selfregulation, professional activities.

Теоретико-методологічний аналіз образу «Я-професіонал» як складової «Я-концепції» особистості майбутніх професіоналів. На основі тєорєтико-мєтодологічного аналізу проблеми образу «Я-професіонал» як складової «Я-концєпції» особистості визначено її як сукупність уявлень суб'єкта про свою життєву позицію, перспективи і цінності у контєксті здійснення обраної професійної діяльності. Акцентовано, що образ «Я-професіонал» є складовою частиною загальної «Я-концєпції» особистості. Виділено структуру професійної «Я-концєпції» особистості. Показано, що образ «Я-професіонал» формується у процесі дорослішання та професійного самовизначення. Зазначено, що у структуру образу «Я-професіонал» входить ідеальний образ «Я-професіонал», реальний образ «Я-професіонал», дзеркальний образ «Я-професіонал» та професійна самооцінка. З'ясовано, що професійна самооцінка - центральний компонент професійної самосвідомості особистості, пов'язаний із ціннісним ставленням до власного «Я», до професійних якостей та результатів професійної діяльності. Зазначено, що професійна самооцінка формується під впливом змісту професійної діяльності, результатів, досягнутих у цій діяльності, індивідуальних властивостей особистості. Основними параметрами професійної самооцінки виступають ступінь адекватності, критичність і міра стійкості особистості. Зазначено, що важливою складовою професійної «Я-концєпції» є професійна самосвідомість, що обумовлює саморегуляцію особистістю своїх дій у професійній сфері на основі пізнання професійних вимог, своїх професійних можливостей і ємоційно-ціннісного ставлення до себе як до суб'єкта конкретної професійної діяльності.

Ключові слова: професійна самооцінка, суб'єкт, професійна «Я- концєпція», професійні якості, професійна самосвідомість, професіонал, образ «Я-професіонал», індивідуальні властивості особистості, саморегуляція, професійна діяльність.

Formulation of the problem

The today's conditions of Ukraine's development, and the reforming of school opened wide opportunities for the development of higher education. This education acquires the features of an increasingly humanistic direction.

The core of contemporary learning is the formation of a positive «Me-concept» of a personality that promotes the full development of a personality. While studying at a higher educational institution, and mastering professional knowledge, skills and abilities, the image of «Me-professional» of «Me-concept» is formed. This image is formed in the process of overcoming the obstacles to the professional formation: the correct choice of professional orientation, overcoming the barriers of adaptation to studying, the correction of personality features that do not correlate with the chosen profession, the need for additional training in a certain direction, the acquisition of knowledge and skills, and further Job search. Having overcome all these and other obstacles, students, graduates form their own image of «Me-professional», influencing the further introduction, adaptation to work and further implementation.

Studying the image of «Me-professional» or professional Me, is carried out in the context of the problem of professional identity. In psychology, a significant contribution to the theoretical and methodological principles of professional identity was made by K. O. Abulhanova-Slavska, R. Burns, V. S. Bibler, B. S. Bratus, S. Kon, K. Levin, O. M. Leontiev, J. Piaget, V.M. Rosin, V. V. Sto- lin, D. Super, S. M. Chystiakova, V. O. Yadov and others.

Despite the fact that a lot of researchers were involved in the study of the problem of professional identity or «Me-professional» image, it is still relevant because it contains many problems that are not enough studied.

The purpose of our work consists in the theoretical and methodological analysis of the «Me-professional» image as a component of «Me-concept» of future professionals.

The methodological and theoretical basis of the research includes the scientific and psychological principles: on the «Me-pro- fessional» image as an integral part of «Me-concept» of a personality (A. O. Rean, W. James, N. V. Chepelieva, Y. M. Pavliutenkov, V. P. Andronov, N.V. Kuzmina, Y. P. Klubov, A. K. Markova, Y. K. Strelkov, E. V. Prokopieva, etc.); on the professional selfesteem as a reflection of a personality's professional formation (V. Abrakhmanova, A. O. Rean, F. Hoppe, etc.); on the peculiarities of the formation of a psychologist-professional in the conditions of higher education (N. V. Chepelieva, Y. I. Umanets, K. V. Nediapkova, R. R. Ihnatenko, T.P. Ivanova, H. S. Abramova, I. Andriichuk and others).

The main material research

Modern social life, oriented to a humanistic paradigm, puts special requirements to the human-human sphere specialists. In order to get a Job, a young specialist must possess not only a standard set of knowledge, but also high moral principles of work, a change in attitude to society, and to himself as a representative of this society. A young specialist should treat himself as a person who has characteristics common to this society, and as a special unit of society, endowed with unique characteristics. That is, a person must feel himself as a personality. One of the essential characteristics of personality is human consciousness. The only consciousness helps in a personal perception of the world. The perception of the world and oneself is correlated with the interaction with this world - society. Due to the interaction with society, a person can reflect and master the social experience on the basis of which the image of the surrounding world and the image of oneself in this world - «Me-concept» is formed. The new structure of «Meconcept» shows the identity of a person, the uniqueness of his own picture of the world.

The core of the «Me-concept» of people who are actively self- actualizing includes the feeling of self-esteem and freedom, the ability to establish and maintain good relationships with others, openness to new experiences, rational behavior, personal responsibility, spiritual and moral lifestyle [2, p. 175].

The founder of the problem on «Me-concept» of a personality, W. James, considered the human «Me-concept», consisting of two parts of the personal Self: Self - the very essence of a man; Me - as an object including all that one can call his own [15]. W. James identified 4 components that are arranged in a distinct sequence in the structure of «Me» as an object, namely: the spiritual «Me», the material «Me», the social «Me» and the physical «Me».

In the first decades of the twentieth century, the study of «Me- concept» has been shifted to the sphere of sociology. This problem was studied by the representatives of symbolic interactionism Charles Kule and J. Mead. «Me-concept» of the personality was considered within the framework of social interaction, or interactivity.

The ideas of the symbolic interactionism include three main components:

people react to the environment depending on the values they give to these elements of their environment;

such values are a product of social interaction;

these social and cultural values are disposed to changes as a result of individual perception within such interaction [14, p. 230].

In line with this theory, the main reference point of human «Me- concept» is another person's «Self», that is, the constant thoughts about what people think about him/her, the manifestation of conformism.

The representatives of the social and cognitive theory of A. Bandura and U. Mishel focused the ideas of this theory on a man as an interpreter and figure. This person actively interacts with the social environment by overcoming the obstacles that occur in the path. According to A. Bandura, «Me» is an aspect that concerns the self-effectiveness, or a person's perception of his ability to act successfully in specific situations [8, p. 429-436].

R. Burns, being the founder of the integral internationalist approach, considered «Me-concept» as a set of attitudes aimed at oneself and highlighted three components of «Me-concept»: «Me»-real, «Me»-social (mirror), and «Me»-ideal [13].

According to the phenomenal approach of C. Rogers, which proceeds from the impressions of the subject, the individual perceives himself, perceives the influence imposed on his behavior the needs, feelings, values, beliefs, he forms on the basis of this perception of surrounding circumstances. According to this direction, an individual cannot change events that occur, but he can change his attitude to these events [9].

The psychologist V. Nurkova believes the formation of «Me- concept» to be formed in the autobiographical memoirs about the narrow circle of such evaluations (significant) and their reactions to them. Another way of «Me-concept» forming is to analyze the recorded life-events, on the basis of which the conclusion is drawn about the existing features in the subjects' characters [7, p. 175].

In modern viewpoints of scientists, the definition of «Me-concept» is considered in two opposing views. According to the first view, «Me-concept» is a holistic image of personal Self, a system of instructions about own person that is sufficiently stable, more or less consciously understood [3, p. 132]. Other authors consider the phenomenon of «Me-concept» as dynamic, active and able to change formation. The «I-concept» of the person defines and organizes the activities and experiences of the individual, implements motivational functions, provides plans, rules and scenarios of behavior, determines the adequacy of responses to social changes. The representatives of this understanding of «Me-concept» believe that it mediates the most important inner personality-based processes (emotions, information processing, motivation) and most interpersonal interactions (social perception, partner choice situation, strategy of interaction with him) [5].

In our opinion, the most complete and holistic definition of «Me-concept» is reflected by V. Ahapon: «Me-concept» is a system, integral and one that independently organizes the formation of the psyche, a complex, dynamic, multilevel and multicomponent system of personal attitude towards oneself and the external world. It is a sanctioning mechanism for oneself and the outside world, it partly exists in the unconscious sphere, linking the personality's qualities to himself and the outside world in the past, present and future. It is in the unity with «We-concept» [1, p. 40].

If we accept the point of view that our «Me-concept» has the property to be formed and changed throughout life, then it is necessary to formulate an explanation of the sources of its development and formation.

Among the most significant sources influencing our «Me-concept» are as follows:

The vision of personal body (bodily «Me») (our knowledge of height, weight, physique, color of eyes, hair, body proportions).

Language and speech (with the help of language, a person can identify himself in the world).

Sexual role identification.

The style of raising a child in a family [6, p. 156].

«Me-concept» has the following three functions:

The achievement of internal consistency is ensured through the desire of the individual to ensure maximum internal consistency. To do this, the personality takes a variety of measures, only to avoid psychological internal discomfort, internal disharmony.

The second function (the interpretation of experience) is related to the way of explaining the personality's behavior. So, different people can react differently and evaluate different situations in different ways. The fact that one person considers absolutely normal may appear unacceptable to the other.

The third function (determination of expectations) helps a person to predict what can happen in certain situations based on his behavior, experience, knowledge to plan. For example, a person who shows punctuality will expect the same punctuality from other people [10, p. 235].

Consequently, «Me-concept» can act as a kind of protective screen that protects a coherent image of oneself from the influence that can disturb this image. Behavior of a person varies depending on the situation in which he is, from the psychological or social role it adopts. In each situation, a person has his own patterns of behavior being applied in appropriate situations.

«Me-concept» is divided into real and ideal by its form.

The real «Me-concept» reflects the idea of the person about him actually, at the moment. The ideal «Me-concept» is an idea of a person, about what he wants to be in the future, which ideal he seeks to achieve [2, p. 189-190].

On the basis of the general «Me-concept», in the process of maturing and professional self-determination a new kind of personal «Me» image is formed - the image of «Me-professional».

According to A. Rean, the professional «Me-concept», or the image of «Me-professional», is a personality's perception of himself as a professional [11, p. 221]. The structure of this concept, according to the researcher, includes four components:

the ideal image of «Me-professional» covers the idea of what should be a true professional, in our case, a true psychologist. Such representations are formed predominantly at the stage of entry into a chosen profession;

the real image of «Me-professional» includes an idea of the real qualities, personality traits, necessary to achieve the ideal image of «Me-professional»;

the mirror image of «Me-professional», which includes an assessment of a future specialist from the point of view of other professionals in his industry;

professional self-assessment of a future specialist [12, p. 207].

The difference between a real and an ideal «Me-concept» may

have different, both negative and positive effects. On one hand, the distinction between the real and the ideal «Me» can be a source of serious intrapersonal conflicts. On the other hand, the difference between the real and ideal «Me-concept» is a source of self-development and self-improvement of the personality.

The researchers Y. Pavliutenkov, V. Andronov, N. Kuzmina, Y. Klubov, A. Markova, Y. Strelkov and others consider the problem of the image of «Me-professional» as a set of representations of the subject about his life position, prospects and values in the context of realization of the chosen professional activities.

Considering the research of these authors, we distinguish the structure of the professional «Me-concept» of a personality. The components of this structure include the same components, as in the structure of the general «Me-concept»:

cognitive component includes the person's presentation of his professional abilities and opportunities, self-identification with the representatives of the professional group and professional activities;

emotional and appraisal component includes the relation of the personality to himself as a professional, emotional identification with the professional environment;

behavioral component includes the desire of the peronality to be understandable to others, the formation of their own style of activities, the desire to increase their professional status, establishing professional contact with various partners in professional communication.

The question arises concerning the correlation between the «Me-professional» image and «Me-concept» of the personality. The researcher E. Prokopieva proposed a possible classification of the concept «Me-professional» on the basis of the correlation of various variants of the professional and general «Me-concept» of the personality:

A human is «wider» for his profession, his professional «Me- concept» is approaching the general «Me-concept».

A person «equals» his profession, his general «Me-concept» is narrowed to a professional «Me-concept».

A person is «already» in his profession, in the general professional «Me-concept» only the individual aspects of his profession are represented.

An important component of the professional «Me-concept» is professional self-consciousness. This psychological structure determines self-regulation of the personality of the actions in the professional sphere on the basis of knowledge of professional requirements, professional capabilities and emotional and value attitude towards oneself as a subject of a particular professional activity.

A. Markova considers the structure of professional self-consciousness as a complex of human representations of oneself as a professional, a system of relations and attitudes towards oneself as a professional. On the basis of this integrative characteristic a personality realizes rules, norms, models of his profession, standards for awareness of his qualities; the basis of the professional outlook and the personal conception of work are formed; the realization of these qualities from other people, comparing oneself with some kind of a middle-level professional is done; the expectations and rating of oneself as a professional from other people are recorded; the personality's positive evaluation of oneself as a whole, determination of his positive qualities, prospects for the creation of «Me-professional» is realized.


selfesteem personality symbolic interactionism

The theoretical and methodological analysis of the problem on the «Me-professional» image as a component of «Me- concept» of the personality made it possible to define it as a set of subject's representations about his life position, perspective and value in the context of the chosen professional activities implementation. The image of «Me-professional» is formed in the process of maturation and professional self-determination. The structure of the «Me-professional» image includes the ideal image of «Me-professional», the real image of «Me-professional», a mirror image of «Me-professional» and a professional self-esteem. The professional self-esteem is a central component of a personality's professional self-consciousness, which is connected with value attitude to personal Me, to professional qualities and results of professional activities. The professional self-esteem is formed under the influence of the professional activities, the results achieved in activities, individual properties of the personality. The main parameters of the professional self-esteem are the degree of adequacy, criticality and degree of stability of the personality.


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  • The term charisma has two senses: compelling attractiveness or charm that can inspire devotion in others and a divinely conferred power or talent. Fundamental Secrets of uniqueness and success. How to use the full force of his charisma to succeed.

    презентация [1,3 M], добавлен 11.03.2015

  • Definition of Leadership. Trait theory. How this theory works. Origin and Analysis and basics Pre-conditions for effective use of Trait theory. Inborn leadership characteristics. Process of impact and interaction among the leader and his followers.

    реферат [436,9 K], добавлен 24.09.2014

  • The functions of image and role for the travel agency. Good name is the key for success. The corporate style. The main carriers of elements of corporate stile. The methods of research organization's image. Selection of target audience for making image.

    реферат [17,4 K], добавлен 28.03.2012

  • Maya is a character animation and visual effects system designed for the professional animator. To understand how Maya works at a conceptual level. The user interface and marking menu. Perspective and orthographic cameras. Image planes onto the camera.

    лабораторная работа [4,8 M], добавлен 05.06.2009

  • Direction of professional self - development. Features of emotional sphere. Personal qualities of the social teacher and teacher of self-knowledge. The concept of vital functions as a continuous process of goal-setting, operations and human behavior.

    презентация [2,5 M], добавлен 08.10.2016

  • Sentimentalism in Western literature. English sentimentalism effect Stern's creativity. The main concept of sentimentalism in the novel "Sentimental Journeys". The image peculiarities of man in the novel. The psychological aspect of the image of the hero.

    курсовая работа [28,1 K], добавлен 31.05.2014

  • A role of job is in everyday life of everybody. The successfully done choice in behalf of good job is a mortgage of success. Professional Resume Samples. Start search for work what to do. Interviewing is not an exam, it is familiarity future colleagues.

    презентация [374,9 K], добавлен 19.12.2010

  • Factors associated with increased risk of deformities in specialty physician. The most important factor in preventing burnout is likely to be considered meeting the need for self-actualization, which is the central concept of humanistic psychology.

    презентация [75,1 K], добавлен 20.10.2014

  • Acquisition of skills of oral and written speech in sphere of professional sea English language. Communication at sea. The basic classes of ships. Parts of a ship and her measurement. Pilotage and pilots. Buoys and beacons. Tides and tidal streams.

    учебное пособие [4,9 M], добавлен 20.02.2012

  • The pillars of any degree of comparison. Morphological composition of the adjectives. An introduction on degrees of comparison. Development and stylistic potential of degrees of comparison. General notes on comparative analysis. Contrastive linguistics.

    курсовая работа [182,5 K], добавлен 23.12.2014

  • Системные требования для установки программного обеспечения Windows XP Professional, особенности его интерфейса, структуры, возможностей, практическое применение и круг пользователей. Характеристика работы приложений операционной системы, ее надежность.

    презентация [1020,0 K], добавлен 02.02.2010

  • Development of harmonious and competent personality - one of main tasks in the process of teaching of future teachers. Theoretical aspects of education and competence of teacher of foreign language are in the context of General European Structure.

    контрольная работа [12,2 K], добавлен 16.05.2009

  • Сущность картографии и обзор возможностей MapInfo Professional. Процедура установки и лицензирование программы. Использование внешних данных. Работа с инструментальными панелями, сохранение, закрытие и экспорт результатов. Внедрение Карт программы.

    учебное пособие [9,1 M], добавлен 24.03.2009

  • Моделирование комнаты в студенческом общежитие с существующей мебелью и возможностью ее передвигать. Возможности программ Home Plan Pro, Google ScketchUp, Sweet Home 3D, IKEA Home, ArchiCAD, 3ds Max, AutoCad. Описание ArCon Eleco 2010 Professional.

    курсовая работа [2,8 M], добавлен 26.09.2013

  • Non-reference image quality measures. Blur as an important factor in its perception. Determination of the intensity of each segment. Research design, data collecting, image markup. Linear regression with known target variable. Comparing feature weights.

    дипломная работа [934,5 K], добавлен 23.12.2015

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