The Model of Psychological Support of Inclusive Training of Hearing-Impaired Children

A model of psychological support of inclusive training of deaf schoolchildren which covers all the subjects of the educational process and their interaction. The ways of organizing a communication of hearing-impaired children and normally hearing coevals.

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The Model of Psychological Support of Inclusive Training of Hearing-Impaired Children

Maslova Yu. A.

At the present time, the development of education is focused on inclusion of all the children, including children with limited health abilities, in the educational process. A unified conception of the special federal state standard for children with limited health abilities (LHA) presupposes various ways of education, including the possibility to cope with a qualification level during the same calendar periodin comparison with healthy contemporaries, through a mass school training on condition of systematic special psychological-pedagogical support [4].

The analysis of practical experience makes it possible to conclude that in comparison with a specialized boarding school children with limited health abilities have much higher educational results, even on condition of achild's adaptation to school conditions, instead of adjustment of educational conditions to needs of a “special” child.

Psychological-pedagogical support of a child with LHA may be treated as a system of various experts' professional activity directed on creation of social-psychological conditions for a child's successful training and development in the educational space [8, 15]. The main problems of psychological support of a child with LHAin school are adaptation and maintenance of social and cognitive activity. For their solution it is necessaryto ensure ways of overcoming of the main difficulties of inclusion: the necessity of adjustment of educational conditions, parents' ignoranceof ways of adaptation and development of a “special” child, insufficiency of the psychological-pedagogical-medical-social (PPMS) support, difficulties of contacts with contemporaries, teachers' unwillingness to work with a child with LHA. Thus the teacher's unwillingness is a central difficulty.Teachers' state of stress in a situation of uncertainty and great responsibility for training of a child with LHA interferes with search of effective ways of work with this group of pupils. In communication it is shown through doubts about cognitive abilities of deaf pupils, discontent, indirect aggression towards him/her.

Working with teachers is a key part in the offered model of psychological support of inclusive training of deaf schoolchildren. It determines deaf pupil's adaptation ina mass school concerning success or unsuccessof training, communication and relationship with schoolmates, and psychological comfort. It presupposes two main areas: education in the field of ways of interaction and training of a hearing-impaired child and emotional support [5].

Brief instructions on organizing a deaf child's training in a comprehensive school and basic principles of communication with him/her are very effective ways of support. The first recommendations solve the problems of education and emotional support simultaneously; therefore the content of recommendations should be concrete, solving the most critical issues by least efforts, if possible. On the other hand, recommendations should correspond witha child's speech abilities. The revelation of speech abilities may be successfully at the first conversation of a psychologist with a deaf pupil entering a comprehensive school. It is necessary to define, whether a child can perceive oral speech without considerable efforts or he/she generally communicatesby writing. When counseling a psychologist should follow the general principles of communication the deaf, which facilitate his/her aural-visual perception of speech (lip-reading).

These principles include the following: ensuring goodobservation of a speaker's face, use of written language when having a problem, brevity of formulations.

It is also necessary to find out what teachers fear in pedagogical activity. The choice of the most relevant recommendations is carried out depending on the oral speech accessibility for a deaf new pupil and the content of the most significant problems of teachers. It is convenient to prepare the list in print for each teacher working in a class with deaf pupils.

Recommendations onworkspace arrangement:

? a hearing-impaired child's place should be near the teacher; it would be better if a hearing ear is turned towards him/her (it is necessary to specify an ear);

? a child must see the teacher's face (for aural-visual perception of speech);

? topermit to turn to other schoolmates ina class conversation, other pupils' answers (for participation in a polylogue).

? Recommendations onorganizing communication:

? to explain a materialsetting his/her face towards a deaf pupil;

? toput on bright lipstick before a lesson;

? to repeat the main information two-three times during a lesson or between lessons bythe same words if possible;

? to draw attention of a deaf pupil by touching;

? to get acquainted with a pupil a few days earlier, before the first lesson, to talk to him/her to make it possible to get used to his/her own articulation; ? when misunderstanding the orally said, to write it down.

Examples of recommendations on organizing the instructional work:

? to use technical means of training (they are convenient in training of the deaf due to visualization and written language);

? topermit to look in a hearing neighbor's exercise book at organizational moments of a lesson;

? performance of a task to check a deaf pupil has understood the task, the instruction (for example, to ask, “What are you going to do? How will you do it?”);

? to offerseveral options for finding an answer;

? when having difficulty in perception of oral speech, to write it down, use technical means of communication (presentation, video, subtitles);

? for understanding the text to stage it or to draw illustrations together with a pupil;

? it is useful to study each new theme of a lesson beforehand (therefore it is possible and necessary to tell the pupil what they will discuss at the following lesson);

? at music lessons a pupil may perceive works touching the instrument or speakers by the back of fingers, to trace own choral singing by touching the resonators (the breast - low sounds; the forehead, the crown - high-pitched sounds), throat. Recommendations on health-saving:

? toadvise a pupil to switch off hearing aids at recess, to sit blindfolded, especially, if the pupil was tired;

? to remind the pupil of turning on hearing aids before a lesson; to inform the pupil if the device emits a squeaking noise;

? to warn the pupil in advance that the teacher will call him to the blackboard, thus the oral form of the answer is obligatory; the answer may either individual or in the presence of schoolmates; ? to prevent overstrain [5].

Existence of concrete, available instructions leads to decrease in emotional tension and possibility to use the released resources for teacher's mastering of didactic methods for the development of speech, thinking and vocabulary expansion of a deaf pupil. A deaf pupil's academic progress is reached by active use of real objects or their images (models, mockups, toys, pictures, images); demonstration of slides, educational films (with subtitles if possible); demonstration of actions, creation of visual situations; offering several options for an answer in the difficult situation of choice; checking understanding of instructions; adapt texts for stage.For a purposeful vocabulary expansion of deaf pupils teachers may use the following methods: selection of synonyms, antonyms, homonyms; rephrasing, transmission of the meaning of a word, phrase with other, lexical-grammatical means which are accessible to children; selection of definitions; morphological analysis of the word structure(snowfall means thatsnow falls); explanation of a gender term through selection of specific terms; negative definitions (disorder is an absence of order); tautological interpretation (leather boots are boots which are sewn of leather); help of a context whichenables children to guess a word meaning by themselves [9]. Methods of organizing the pupil's cogitative activity, effective memorization, logical analysis of the text, work with diagram, schemes and tables; they are the same, as in work with normally hearing pupils [1, 2, 3].

The second element of themodel is parents' participation in the educational process. It should not be reduced to motivating appeals, but it should contain clear recommendations, instructions, which improve parents' competence in rehabilitation of a child with LHA. The psychologist' work with parents of a deaf pupil of a comprehensive school is carried out in the following basic directions: organizing interaction with teachers both in and out of school, parents' participation in the educational process, informing and support in a child's education and rehabilitation.

When counselling the teacher-psychologist motivates parents of a deaf pupil to establishcontact and cooperate with teachers, recommends optimum ways of communication taking into account an individual style and personal features of teachers, explains parents' place and measure of participation in lesson preparation. The psychologist can mediate participants of the educational process, help to arrange communication with the teacher, make it possible to ask him/her for help when they are having difficulties (in this case it is necessary to consider that continuous distraction of the teacher may disturb healthy schoolmates).

Lack of information concerning ways of rehabilitation of a child with LHAis a widespread problem. Thus, parents of a hearing-impaired child are not always adequately informed aboutpossibilities of theimpaired hearing recovery and the development of a child's speech. The psychologist can inform them aboutregularities of formation of oral speech of a child with impaired hearing and concrete methods of his/her development in a family (constantly to organize dialogue, verbalize their own actions), about possibility to improve residual hearing by regular trainings, about fast hearing impairment in the absence of stimulation of the auditory analyzer (for example if there is no hearing aid or it needs repairing), about the necessity of continuous practice and pronunciation control. The psychologist can also initiate parents' appeal to a PPMS-center for the purpose of organizing studies for development of audialperception and articulatoryaspect of speech.

Quite often parents'requirements concern the choice of an optimum volume and content of duties of a child with LHA. The experience of hearing impaired children training shows that if there are no orthopedic injuries, in in everyday life a deaf child can and must be independent just as healthy contemporaries do, or it is a little bit less (taking into account speech competences and features of fine motor skills). The compensation attitude which impedes success is formed differently.

Parents' uncertainty concerning their children's mastering of academic competences is overcome if to give examples of a successful inclusion of the deaf, to make clear recommendations on overcoming difficulties of learning certain subjects, on communication with a supervising teacher and teachers taking into account their personal features. If parents are concerned with the child's uncertainty in success of training in a comprehensive school, it is necessary to help them to master techniques of active listening, to initiate approval and support of a child.

The third part of psychological support of a deaf pupil in a comprehensive school is work with healthy contemporaries. The main goals are forming attitudes towards communication (indirect ways), organizing communication with the deaf and forming pupils' acceptance, positive attitude towards him/her.

As well as teachers pupils need adequate ways of communication with a deaf schoolmate. Acquaintance with rules of communication with a hearing-impaired pupil should precede the pupil's introduction. General principles of communication for children are the following:

? set your face towards the deaf pupil;

? speak slowly;

? do not shout, it is better to draw near;

? do not call him/her from far away, it is better to touch; ? repeat or write down if he/she hasn't understood you;

? ask to repeat or write if you haven't understand;

? repeat briefly what you have understood from the speech of a deaf interlocutor.

Pupils of primary school and younger teenagers need an explanation why one of pupils differs from the others. It is necessary to talk about health limitations of the pupil in level tones, briefly, as though it goes without saying. The analogy with weak sight and the necessity to wear glasses is effective. Further the accent is transferred to the pupil's with LHA likeness to healthy contemporaries.

Participation of contemporaries as assistants in training adaptation of a deaf child at comprehensive school is of great importance. Together with a supervising teacher it is necessary to choose a partner (to share the same desk) for a child with impaired hearing. Important traits of the first partner are the following: kindness, responsiveness, composure, attentiveness, responsibility, good results in the main subjects, rather clear diction and the correct speech. The status of the partner should be prestigious in the class from the very beginning. Changing partners is possibleafterwards [9].

Direct and indirect information about the positive traits significant for this age and class and inclusion of a hearing-impaired child in joint out-of-school activities together with healthy children are also effective for ensuring acceptance of a deaf pupil in the environment of healthy schoolmates [7, 9].

Working with a pupil with LHA is the fourth element of the model of support. It includes motivation towards social and cognitive activity, psychological support and help in concrete problem situations.

Observance of the following principles brings good results when the teacher-psychologist workswith a deaf pupil. It is necessary to use the most nonverbal psychodiagnostic techniques, to show tasks and instructions in writing, to offer a preliminary task, similar to the basic one, for mastering a way of implementation, to minimize influence of the diagnosing because of higher suggestibility of hearing-impaired children [6]. In correctional-developing work and consulting it is necessary to consider features of a deaf child: less stable nervous system, increased fatigability in comparison with healthy contemporaries, slower memorization, narrowed social experience, a certain delay in personality development [1]. When communicating it is necessary to use visual materialrelying on written language if having a problem. Workwith a lexical meaning of words and expressionsis possible if to disclose these meanings in phrases and contexts. It isnecessary to give preference to art-therapeutic methods, drawing, journalization, playing situations in choosing means of development and correction [1, 7] Forhealthsaving it is recommended to train a deaf pupil in a muscular relaxation, rational resource allocation (time-management) and dosage of a sensory load.

Important components of psychological-pedagogical support of a hearing-impaired child are training in behavior of the interlocutor (obligations of etiquette, argot, look direction, appropriateness of nods, etc.) and training in socio-perceptual skills [7].

The correction of a hearing-impaired child's self-relation, relation to own abilities in conditions of inclusive training can be organized similar to work with shyness, low self-esteem of healthy children. Applied art, practical skills, sports, dance, pantomime, fine arts, including caricature, sometimes -exact sciences, literary creativity are areas where the deaf usually succeed and which may be offered as a basis for creation of success situations. It is also possible to emphasize the child' inclusive training is an achievement (“You have already done a lot, you study in a ordinary school!”).

Worries connected with understanding of limitations of abilities on hearing can be softened by the following measures: information gathering and searching in the field of well-known and successful hearing-impaired people, informing about possibility to improve hearing by trainings or operations. In the last case it is useful to think over a strategy of gaining the desirable, including health care, training of residual hearing, achievement of welfare necessary for carrying out cochlear implantation.

When discussing professional plans of hearing-impaired pupils it is necessary to consider bothlimitations of health abilities and higher speech and social competence in comparison with hearing contemporaries training out of inclusion. Now possibilities of education and employment the deaf have extended, therefore even imperfect and awkward professional plans of a hearing-impaired teenager should not be rejected at once. It is necessary to consider and think over the steps directed on implementation of a professional plan, to estimate required effort and to place time boundaries.

The described model of psychological-pedagogical support of inclusive education of hearing-impaired schoolchildren is realized in 2011-2013 in lyceum No.13 of Proletarsky district of Rostov-on-Don. The result of its implementation consisted in decrease in teachers' anxiety connected with the necessity of training hearing-impaired children, successful adaptation of pupils with LHA to inclusive training, high enough social status of hearing-impaired pupils in a class.

inclusive training psychological support


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