Psychological features of personal safety of teachers in educational environment of post-conflict region

Description long military campaigns on the territory of the Chechen republic. Support for increasing a level of comfort of teachers working in comprehensive schools of post-conflict region. Psychological features of teachers from the Chechen republict.

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Psychological features of personal safety of teachers in educational environment of post-conflict region

Masayeva Z.V.

The arisen two long military campaigns on the territory of the Chechen republic have caused a decrease in a level of psychological safety in the educational environment. And to present day it needs a support for increasing a level of comfort of teachers working in comprehensive schools of post-conflict region. In this connection a research of psychological features of teachers from the Chechen republic has been carried out.

Keywords: psychological safety of educational environment, psychological features of teachers, troubled and untroubled schools, personal features, consequences of war, post-conflict region.

military campaign comfort teacher

In a number of southern territories of Russia at the turn of the XX-XXI centuries there were military conflicts of interethnic and military-political character. Developing by centuries, balanced coexistence of peoples with different religions and cultures was broken. The severest one was a military-political conflict in the chechen republic resulted in loss of life and also in mass migration of peaceful population to other districts to find shelter and to foreign states in a status of refugees and forced migrants.

War, interethnic conflicts leave an indelible trace in consciousness of a person. In view of the occurred events studying of psychological safety of teachers working in the post-conflict region becomes especially urgent [1, 6].

The arisen military conflicts have essentially influenced on specificity of personal features of teachers of comprehensive schools of the chechen republic within as participants of educational process [7]. It is especial important that the deepest problems have happened in educational system of the chechen republic. Because of the occurred long military operations teachers have reappraised their values and generated specific personal features.

In this case studying psychological safety of educational environment of the chechen republic has got a special necessity as the past two military campaigns have considerably influenced on mental health of all participants of educational process. An internal crisis of a personality has resulted in personal features, deformations, deviations which require being psychologically studied and corrected.

Within the framework of our work we have studied features of psychological safety of educational environment of post-conflict region.

The purpose of the research is to study psychological features of teachers working at schools of the chechen republic with a different level of psychological comfort and safety.

The tasks of the empirical research are:

1) to carry out an analysis of the situation reflecting a condition of psychological safety of educational environment of some comprehensive schools of the chechen republic on basis of results of questioning;

2) to reveal specific features of a personality and factors influencing on a level of psychological safety of teachers of comprehensive schools of the chechen republic;

3) to generalize results of the research, and to present conclusions and recommendations.

As an object of the research have been investigated teachers of primary school of towns and villages of the chechen republic at the age of 21-59 years old whose average age is 43, and average experience of pedagogical activity is 19,5 years. The total amount of the sample is 102 persons, all of them are women (100 %). And teachers of primary school of towns and villages of the Rostov region have been also investigated in number of 45 persons.

The following hypotheses of the research have been offered.

1. Work in conditions of post-conflict region influences on specificity of personal displays and character of pedagogical activity of a teacher.

2. The teachers who have a psychologic traumatic experience differ from their colleagues from rather safe regions of the Russian Federation in a direction and expressiveness of life-sense orientations, a character of pedagogical contact with pupils.

3. Previous psychologic traumatic experience of a teacher and pupils causes a decrease of a level of psychological safety of educational environment.

4. It is possible to work out a correcting-developing programme directed at solving personal problems of teachers working in post-conflict region, and minimizing negative consequences of psychologic traumatic experience.

According to the offered purposes and hypotheses the task of revealing of interrelations between the structure of value and life-sense orientations and the style of pedagogical contact, character of a social-psychological climate in collective, a level of expressiveness of conventional-stereotyped social attitudes of teachers and an orientation of their motivation has been solved during the research work.

At the preliminary stage the procedure of the research has consisted in selection of techniques the most acceptable for realization of the purpose and tasks of the research.

A package of tests has been offered to teachers of primary school of towns and villages of the chechen republic and the Rostov region on an individual basis.

A complex procedure including following basic methods has been used during carrying out the research work and processing the results:

? questioning;

? interrogation consisting of a package of tests;

? methods of mathematical statistics (STATISTIKA 6.0).

In the research the following techniques have been applied.

1. The questionnaire for researching features of psychological environment of schools of post-conflict region developed by Abakumova I.V., Masayeva Z.V.

2. Life-sense orientations (D.A. Leontjev).

3. Value orientations (M. Rokeach).

4. conventional-stereotyped social attitudes (A. Ellis).

5. A questionnaire of self-attitude (V.V. Stolin)

6. An orientation of a personality (B. Bass).

7. Motivation of success and fear of failure (A.A. Rean).

8. Style of contact in a collective.

9. Studying of a social-psychological climate.

Results of the carried out research have allowed us to draw the following conclusions.

1. Studying of individual structure of value orientations of teachers from post-conflict region has shown that the structure of value orientations has its own specificity in which values of a personal and individual life are the most extensively represented. That can indicate about the presence of an evident need for family well-being and a desire of selfdisplay. The given results can come out from survived experience in military conflicts and intensification of these basic values.

2. In contrast to two groups of teachers (“troubled” and “untroubled” schools) of the chechen republic the teachers of the Rostov region have shown the importance of the value of professional self-realization and the value of private life.

3. The saturation of a life and the satisfaction of a self-realization, and also an internal locus of control of Self and of life are mostly occurred at teachers from rather safe regions of the Russian Federation in comparison with teachers from the post-conflict region.

4. Psychological portraits of teachers from “troubled” and “untroubled” schools (the chechen republic) have some differences which are shown, first of all, in value orientations, the style of pedagogical contact, and motivational direction.

5. In the “untroubled” group at examinees there is a positive direct correlation between the value of “development” and “achievement motivation” (0,31), and “motivation for success” (0,37); between “creativity” and “motivation for success” (0,38). The given results indicate that achievement motivation and hope for success in the given sample are associated to a greater extent with an opportunity of development and creative selfrealization.

6. In collectives of “untroubled” schools the tendency to positive contact prevails. So, in the given sample the “Union” style has been expressed most of all. It is characterized by an orientation to friendly contact with a preservation of a role distance. Arising educational, organizational, ethical and other problems are creatively solved by joint efforts. It is also confirmed with correlations between the value of “development” and styles of contact.

7. In the “troubled” group altruistic values and values of acceptance of others (tolerance, sensitiveness, a width of views) are insignificant. It is an opinion of teachers from “troubled” group that success of professional and life self-realization to a greater extent depends on that fact that first of all it is necessary to be guided by their own position and to a lesser extent it is necessary to take into consideration an opinion of others, to show less sensitiveness and to concern for others. In general, it is possible to name an intolerant position.

8. Teachers, whose structure of values has got an intolerance and impatience to an opinion of others, are not guarantors of psychological safety of educational environment and they themselves frequently project hostility and an increased proneness to conflict in children's collectives.

9. Studying of conventional-stereotyped social attitudes of teachers has shown that there are irrational attitudes of thinking by all parameters of the test in all samples of teachers.

The carried out research has shown a precise differentiation between “troubled” and “untroubled” schools of the chechen republic. It also reveals differences similarities and differences between schools of the Rostov region and the chechen republic. The received results indicate about a necessity of working out a correcting-developing programme for teachers of the chechen republic directed at solving the revealed problems. In order to increase the level of psychological safety in educational environment of the chechen Republic methodical recommendations for leaders, teachers, and psychologists of comprehensive schools of the republic have been developed after the carried out research. In the work some techniques, and also algorithm of creation of an optimum level of psychological safety in the educational environment of post-conflict region are offered.


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Baeva I.A., Volkova E.N., Laktionova E.B. Psychological safety of the educational environment: Training manual / Ed. by: I.A. Baeva - M.: the Ekon-Inform, 2009. - 248 p.

Dadaev L.M. The report of August conference of teachers of 2003 // Bulletin of Institute of problems of education Ministry of Education and Science of the chechen Republic. - # 1. - grozny: Publishing house “Abbat”, 2003. - 184 p.

Dzhamulaev A.A. Training of pedagogical staff and forming of a personnel reserve for educational establishments of chechen republic // Bulletin of Institute of problems of education Ministry of Education and Science of the chechen Republic. - # 4. - grozny: Publishing house “Abbat”, 2006. - P. 31-36.

Securing of psychological safety in educational establishment: practical guidance / Ed. by: I.A. Baeva. - SPb.: Rech, 2006. - 288 p.

The report based on the results of realization of the joint project of UNEScO and the Russian Federation of “creating the potential in sphere of psychological, pedagogical, medical-social rehabilitation of schoolchildren and education workers of the chechen republic” / Authors V.V. Rubtsov, S. Vedzhetti. - M: MgPPU, 2009. - 68 p.

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