Psychophysiological characteristics of the temperament of foreign students

Personality as a special quality that an individual acquires in the process of relationships. Research of personality traits and types of foreign students of the university according to Eysenck's method. Testing with software to improve student behavior.

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Psychophysiological characteristics of the temperament of foreign students

Iana Ushko 1, Oleksii Hliebov 2, Iryna Dubkovetska 3, Tetiana Hliebova 4

1 Ph.D. in Biological Sciences, Associate Professor. Ivano Frankivsk National Medical University

2 Ph.D. in Medical Sciences. American University of Integrative Sciences, School of Medicine, St. Maarten,

3 Assistant Lecturer. Ivano Frankivsk National Medical University

4 Ph.D. in Medical Sciences. American University of Integrative Sciences, School of Medicine, St. Maarten,


personality foreign student behavior

Personality it's a special ability, which individual gain in the process of continuous relations. From one side - human find consistency at their actions, emotions, thoughts. That is, they have certain personality traits. On the other side - there are no people that are completely alike. That's why, question of differences between individuals until this day stays actual. The goal of the research. The aim of this research was sent to the study of the possibilities to use methods of Eysenck for the diagnostics of personality traits and types of foreign students of second course of the Ivano - Frankivsk National Medical University. Methods of research. The study involved 94 unofficial students of the 2 course, boys and girls ages from 19 to 29. Psychodiagnostic survey was held for the use of the (Eisenck Personality Questionnaire (EPQ). The test was carried out on computers for programming software, that was roughened for use by Globovim O. M. (Oleksii Hliebov, American University of Integrative Sciences, School of Medicine, St. Maarten). The results were summarized in the SPSS (Statistical Package of the Social Science) program complex. Research results. According to the study, foreign students of 2nd year with pronounced traits of extraversion (54 %) and emotional stability, better taking time to adapt to new environmental conditions and the learning process. Conclusions. Determining the type of personality makes it possible to better understand the individual characteristics of the student, his behavior, activities, makes better use of its positive features.

Key words: type of personality, Eysenck test, foreign students, temperament.

Яна Ушко, Олексій Глєбов, Ірина Дубковецька, Тетяна Глєбова. Психофізіологічні особливості темпераменту іноземних студентів. Особистість - це особлива якість, яку індивід набуває в процесі безперервних взаємин. З одного боку, людина виявляє постійність у своїх вчинках, емоціях, думках. Тобто вона має певні риси особистості. З іншого - не існує цілком схожих один на одного людей. Тому питання відмінностей між індивідами й по сей день залишається актуальним. Мета дослідження - вивчення можливостей використання методики Айзенка для діагностики рис особистості та типів у іноземних студентів другого курсу Івано - Франківського національного медичного університету. Методи дослідження. У дослідженні взяло участь 94 іноземні студенти другого курсу, чоловіки та жінки віком від 19 до 29 років. Психодіагностичне обстеження проведено за допомогою опитувальника Айзенка (Eysenck Personality Questionnaire, EPQ). Тестування здійснювали на комп'ютерах із використанням програмного забезпечення, яке розроблено безпосередньо для дослідження О. М. Глєбовим (Oleksii Hliebov, American University of Integrative Sciences, School of Medicine, St. Marten). Обробку результатів проводили в програмному комплексі SPSS (Statistical Package of the Social Science). Результати дослідження. За результатами дослідження, іноземні студенти другого курсу мають виражені риси екстраверсії (54 %) та емоційної стабільності, що дає змогу краще проходити період адаптації до нових умов середовища й процесу навчання. Висновки. Визначення типу особистості уможливлює краще розуміння індивідуальних властивостей студента, його поведінки, напряму діяльності, дає змогу більш ефективно задіяти його позитивні риси.

Ключові слова: типи особистості, тест Айзенка, іноземні студенти, темперамент.

Яна Ушко, Алексей Глебов, Ирина Дубковецкая, Татьяна Глебова. Психофизиологические особенности темперамента иностранных студентов. Личность - это особое качество, которое индивид приобретает в процессе непрерывных взаимоотношений. С одной стороны, человек проявляет постоянство в своих поступках, эмоциях, мыслях. То есть он имеет определенные черты личности. С другой - не существует полностью похожих друг на друга людей. Поэтому вопрос различий между индивидами и по сегодня остается актуальным. Цель исследования - изучение возможностей использования методики Айзенка для диагностики черт личности и типов в иностранных студентов второго курса Ивано-Франковского национального медицинского университета. Методы исследования. В исследовании приняло участие 94 иностранных студентов второго курса, мужчины и женщины в возрасте от 19 до 29 лет. Психодиагностическое обследование проводили при помощи опросника Айзенка (Eysenck Personality Questionnaire, EPQ). Тестирование проводилось на компьютерах с использованием программного обеспечения, которое было разработано непосредственно для исследования А. Н. Глебовым (Oleksii Hliebov, American University of Integrative Sciences, School of Medicine, St. Marten). Обработку результатов проводили в программном комплексе SPSS (Statistical Package of the Social Science). Результаты исследования. По результатам исследования, иностранные студенты второго курса имеют выраженные черты экстраверсии (54 %) и эмоциональной стабильности, что позволяет лучше проходить период адаптации к новым условиям среды и процесса обучения. Выводы. Определение типа личности дает возможность лучшего понимания индивидуальных свойств студента, его поведения, направления деятельности, позволяет более эффективно задействовать его положительные черты.

Ключевые слова: типы личности, тест Айзенка, иностранные студенты, темперамент


Understanding the moral and psychological essence of nature of the personality plays an important role in the educational and work organization of different types of rehabilitation to improve quality of human life. Self, achieving goals, understanding their professional orientation, its place in the world helps to better fulfill themselves in life. To do this, everyone have to understand of himself as a person [4; 6].

Personality it's a special ability, which individual gain in the process of continu ous relations. From one side - human find consistency at their actions, emotions, thoughts. That is, they have certain personality traits. On the other side - there are no people that are completely alike. That's why, question of differences between individuals until this day stays actual [2; 3; 5].

The undisputed contribution to the measurement of the main features that form the core of personality, was made Eysenck H. In his conceptual and empirical approaches to solving this problem, he tried to show how the structure of personality traits affect the behavioral responses of the individual. So, Eysenck underlines in specificity two most important parameters: introverts-extroverts and stable-neurotism. Within time, he underlines the third parameter, which is called psychoticism - super-ego. Eysenck was confident that for explanation of more action reactions of the human being there should be only defined three traits. He underlines, that traits of individual and types conditioned, at first by heredity. But, he does not exclude also influence of the situation and environment around them [1; 2].

Our research is devoted to the study of individual characteristics, namely, diagnosis of temperaments of foreign students of Medical University. Their stay in another country for training associated with certain difficulties and manifestations of adaptation. Emotions and motivation in the profession of «doctor» is an important and relevant aspect. Because they characterize the personality and influence the behavior and activity of future specialist. That is why, the problem of the diagnosis of temperament in the profession of «doctor» is important and relevant. This is reflected in a professional activity, teamwork, making decisions, create suitable psychological climate with the patients [2; 4; 6].

The goal of the research. The aim of this research was sent to the study of the possibilities to use methods of Eysenck for the diagnostics of traits of specialty types in foreign students of second course of the Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University.

Materials and methods of the study. The study involved 94 foreign students of the 2 course, boys and girls ages from 19 to 29. Psychodiagnostic survey was held for the use of the Eysenck Personality Questionnaire (EPQ), that have 60 questions. In addition, questionnaire include a scale for the sincerity for detection of individual susceptibility to the falsification of responses to show themselves in better attractive way.

The test was carried out on computers for programming software, that was roughened for use by Globovim O. M. (Oleksii Hliebov, American University of Integrative Sciences, School of Medicine, St. Marten). The results were summarized in the SPSS (Statistical Package of the Social Science) program complex.

Results of the study

Discussion. Received results were seen first by scale of sincerity. This scale diagnose individual predisposition to give socially desirable answers. So if this figure exceeded 6 points, one could argue that the respondent was not sincere in answering the test questions.

According to this scale it can be argued that 68 % of foreign students are not inclined to give socially desirable answers and we can trust them. For 22 % test showed typical situational sincerity. 10 % of students do not tend to sincere respond to the questionnaire. In the future, these students were excluded from the study, their responses were not included.

Eysenck distinguishes two types: introversion-extraversion and neuroticism-stability. These two measurements of individual are orthogonal, that they are not statistically independent of each other. Accordingly, all the people can be divided into 4 groups: combination of high and low scores in the range of one type with high and low estimate of the range of the second type. Each type includes certain characteristics that describe personality traits [1; 2].

For instance, scale of extroverts-introverts letting to have characteristic of individual-psychological orientation. For instance, extroverts make more pauses during work to talk, drink coffee than introverts.

Introverts prefer theoretical and scientific activities, while extroverts prefer to work with people. Excitement increases the effectiveness of their actions, unlike introverts, it prevents them.

In the University introverts achieve greater success. These include more students who leave studies because of mental health reasons. Students who drop out because of failure are often extroverts.

Also, introverts are working better in the morning; and extroverts - work better in the second half of the day, and are able to make decisions quickly.

Both types have ranges of normal distribution of extreme points. That is why each type has a wide range of differences graph.1. Eysenck stays, that most people are arranged closer to the middle point of whole spectrum.

So, people at the same time are introverts and emotionally stable (green area) can adhere to normal behavior like to be caring and attentive. And, otherwise introversion in combination with neuroticism (gray area) manifested anxiety, pessimism and isolation.

People who extroverts and emotionally stable (red zone) have different communication skills, diligence and trust. Conversely, in combination of extraversion with neuroticism (yellow area) appears with aggressiveness, impulsivity and irritability.

Graph. 1. «Circle» Eysenck. Four Types Show the Special Characteristics of the Nervous System

The results of our study 90 % of foreign students of 2 nd year are extroverted, and only 10 % - introverts. Different degrees of emotional instability detected in 43 % of the students.

An interesting aspect of the theory of Eysenck is an attempt to explain the neurophysiological basis for each of these traits.

Introversion - extroversion he connects with the level of cortical activation, as confirmed by electroencephalographic studies. Proved that introverts overly excitable and sensitive to stimulation, so they try to avoid situations that affect them too. Extroverts, rather sensitive to stimulation, because they are constantly looking for different situations to maintain their activity.

Differences in stability - neuroticism Eysenck connects with a force of reaction of autonomous nervous system. Immediately he connects with this aspect of the limbic system, which affects motivation and emotional behavior of person in different situations. People with high level of neuroticism quickly react to unusual stimuli. They cause them anxiety, and excitement. The reaction persists for a long time, even after the disappearance of stimuli.

Neurophysiological theory of Eysenck closely related to the theory of psychopathology. For example: a person with high level of neuroticism and introversion high risk of pathological states of anxiety and phobias. A person with high extraversion and neuroticism exposed to the risk of psychopathic disorders. They can be antisocial people.

The next phase of the study, based on the derived characteristics, we investigated how students were divided over the types of Higher Nervous Activity and compared that with their academic performance.

According to the survey 54 % of students have expressed traits of extraversion and emotional stability. They are - sanguine.

36 % of students - extroverts with emotional instability. They are - choleric.

7 % - phlegmatic. Combine the introversion and emotional stability.

3 % - melancholic.

Choleric and sanguine have in common - impulsivity. They are quick, take the initiative, quickly establishing contacts. But they work in fits, quickly lose interest if something fails, do not pay attention to details.

Phlegmatic and melancholic restrained balanced. They better plan their work and more accurately perform it.

We also have found that student success is not dependent on the type of temperament. The results were not credible (Р>0,05).

Conclusions and prospects for future research

It is interesting that after ranking first module showed that the group of students having an «A» and «В» (on a scale ECTS) consists mostly sanguine and melancholic. In our opinion, this fact needs further research aimed at studying individual differences in adaptation. Because adaptation of students to the specific activities of the university requires the formation of such traits as self-discipline, responsibility, independence. To overcome the difficulties that affect the learning, it is important to be in the zone of optimal functioning. This zone has a certain level of excitement and motivation, and depends on the type of higher nervous activity [5; 7].

Therefore, the definition of personality type makes it possible to better understand the properties of the individual student, his/her behavior, activities, makes better use of its positive features.

Джерела та література

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3. Ghavami N. (2016). Toward an Intersectional Approach in Developmental Science: The Role of Race, Gender, Sexual Orientation, and Immigrant Status. Advances in Child Development and Behavior, 50, 31-73.

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5. Leutner F. (2014). The relationship between the entrepreneurial personality and the Big Five personality traits. Personality and Individual Differences, 63, 58-63.

6. Mroz J. (2016). Relationships between personality, emotional labor, work engagement and job satisfaction in service professions. International Journal of Occupational Medicine and Environmental Health, 29 (5), 767-782.

7. Stoll G. (2016). Vocational Interests Assessed at the End of High School Predict Life Outcomes Assessed 10 Years Later Over and Above IQ and Big Five Personality Traits. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 25, [Epub ahead of print] PMID: 27560608.

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