The facilitative approach from the point of view of cognitive psychology

The structure of cognitive activity of pupils at secondary schools. Personality organization in cognitive controls and intellectual abilities. Cognitive psychology the following attributes of the person are shown: his consciousness and activity.

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Nataliia O. Hupavtseva,

PhD in Psychology, Professor s assistant of the Department of General Psychology and Psychological diagnostics, Rivne State University of the Humanities

Therefore, the facilitative approach emphasizes that a person contains remarkable resources for self-knowledge, change of one 's self-concept, purposeful behavior, and complete mastery of these resources becomes possible only if a positive microclimate is created in a social group, that the phases will foster the formation of psychological settings.

The using of the word of foreign origin “facilitation” is explained, first of all, by the fact that it has been included into the psychological and pedagogical conceptual paradigm since the second half of the 20th century, and we understand it as providing assistance to the person, to the client.

Materials and methods. The following theoretical methods of the research were used to solve the tasks: categorical, structural and functional methods, the methods of analysis, systematization, modeling, generalization.

The reform of the educational system should be based on the restructuring of the constant personal preferences of a teacher, which are exploited in the processes of his/her interpersonal interaction with pupils. The scientist identifies three basic directions of the teacher-facilitator. The first is “truth” and “openness”; the second instruction is described in terms of “acceptance” and “trust”; and, finally, the third attitude correlates positively with “empathic understanding”.

It was proved that if teacher adhere to those guidelines (or accept them as personally significant), we would have to deal with a special interpersonal (group) process that would lead to significant personal changes in the process of communication of participants.

The process of facilitation at the process of studying cannot be understood in a simplified way. Involvement in the activity and learning consciously are quite different things. The action, if it is imposed by a team of methodologists and teachers is carried out under pressure on a pupil, then it is perceived out of any sense as a so-called “temporary” need.

In Cognitive Psychology the following attributes of the person are: his/her consciousness and activity; attributes of the person 's psyche - subjectivity, activity, adaptability; attributes of the consciousness - experience, knowledge and attitudes; activity attributes - activity, awareness, commitment, motivation and so on.

Consequently, the concept of “facilitation” reflects conscious and purposeful activity as a phenomenon peculiar to the teacher at the first place. Thus, it is possible to distinguish the attributes of facilitation: 1) the activity; 2) the subject of the activity; 3) the functions of the subject; 4) functions of the activity; 5) motives of the activity; 6) the purpose of the activity; 7) ways of performing the activity; 8) the subject of the activity; 9) methods of realization of the activity; 10) means which are relevant to the implementation of the activity; 11) the result of the activity.

Thus, the components of facilitation were identified. The first component of facilitation is authenticity, “naturalness”, sincerity of the person. The more the teacher is “personal” or “subjective” in relationships with the students, the less he/ she will try to “fend off” from the pupils, the more degree is that the students will strive for constructive personal change. Authenticity (or “naturalness”) means that the teacher is openly “living” the feelings and attitudes that take place in the moment of cognitive activity and interpersonal interaction.

Another component of facilitation is congruence. If in a case of empathy we are talking about empathy with another person's emotional state, then in the case of congruence it is about experiencing his/her own feelings, about people's openness to themselves and to other individuals. Congruence is understood as authenticity, openness, honesty; we consider this quality as necessary and sufficient condition for effective interpersonal contact and mutual relations (also with empathy and unconditional positive acceptance).

Another component of facilitation is empathic understanding. The latter implies that the teacher quite accurately perceives the feelings, personal meanings experienced by the student, and begins to communicate with him/her in terms of a complete understanding. Ideally, the teacher penetrates so deeply into the inner world of the other that he/she can not only grasp the meanings of another person, but also capture them, and in addition, can capture the meanings that are fixed inside the context. Consequently, facilitative interaction is a rather specific, active kind of transition of behavioral patterns into stable sense structures that provide a change in the personality of both the student and the teacher.

Key words: the facilitative approach, Cognitive Psychology, self-knowledge, functions of the activity, motives of the activity, the purpose of the activity, ways of performing the activity, the subject of the activity.

Хупавцева Наталія Олександрівна,

кандидат психологічних наук, доцент, доцент кафедри загальної психології та психодіагностики Рівненського державного гуманітарного університету


У статті зазначено, що фасилітативний підхід наголошує, що людина містить неабиякі ресурси для самопізнання, зміни концепції своєї особистості, цілеспрямованої поведінки тощо. Для повного оволодіння цими ресурсами в середніх освітніх закладах треба створити позитивний мікроклімат у соціальній групі, який сприятиме формуванню психологічних настановлень школярів.

Зазначено, що реформа освітньої системи має базуватися на перебудові особистих уподобань учителя, експлуатованих у процесах його міжособистісної взаємодії з учнями. Виокремлюємо три основні аспекти вчителя-фасилітатора. Перший - «правда» та «відкритість»; другий аспект експлікується в термінах «прийняття» та «довіра»; і, нарешті, третій аспект позитивно співвідноситься з «емпатійним розумінням».

Було доведено, що якби вчитель дотримувався цих аспектів (або прийняв їх як особистісно значущі), то він би використовував на уроках спеціальні форми роботи з учнями, спрямовані на організацію міжособистісних (групових) процесів, які призвели б до суттєвих особистісних змін у процесі спілкування учасників.

Процес фасилітації під час навчання не може бути зрозумілим у спрощеному вигляді. Доведено, що провадити діяльність та усвідомлено навчатися - це зовсім різні речі. Дія, якщо її нав'язує команда методистів або викладачів, здійснюється під тиском на учня, і це сприйматимуть як так звану «тимчасову» потребу.

У когнітивній психології експліковано такі ознаки людини, які треба враховувати під час організації фасилітативного навчання: свідомість суб'єкта навчання та його активність; актуалізація атрибутів психіки людини - суб'єктивність, активність, пристосованість; актуалізація атрибутів свідомості - досвід, знання та ставлення; актуалізація атрибутів діяльності - активність, обізнаність, прихильність, мотивація тощо.

Визначено, що фасилітативний підхід наголошує, що людина вміщує неабиякі ресурси для самопізнання, зміни власної Я-концепції, цілеспрямованої поведінки, а цілковите опанування цими ресурсами постає можливим лише в тому випадку, якщо в суспільній групі створено позитивний мікроклімат, що фасилітуватиме становлення психологічних настановлень. Отже, поняття «фасилітація» відображує усвідомлену і цілеспрямовану діяльність як явище, властиве передовсім викладачеві. Отже, можна виокремити атрибути фасилітації: 1) діяльність; 2) суб'єкт діяльності; 3) функції суб'єкта; 4) функції діяльності; 5) мотиви діяльності; 6) мета діяльності; 7) способи виконання діяльності; 8) предмет діяльності; 9) метод реалізації діяльності; 10) засоби, актуальні для реалізації діяльності; 11) результат діяльності.

Виокремлено компоненти фасилітації. Першим компонентом фасилітації є справжність, «природність», щирість особистості. Що більшою мірою педагог буде сам собою у взаємостосункаах з учнями, що менше він намагатиметься «відгородитися» від учнів, то більш імовірним буде те, що учні будуть прагнути досягти конструктивних особистісних змін. Справжність (або «природність») означає, що педагог відкрито ніби «проживає» почуття і настановлення, які мають місце в цей момент пізнавальної діяльності та міжособистісної взаємодії.

Ще одним компонентом фасилітації є конгруентність. Зазначено, що якщо в разі емпатії йдеться про співпереживання емоційному станові іншої людини, то в разі конгруентності - про переживання власних почуттів, про їх відкритість як для себе, так і для інших людей. Конгруентність розуміємо як справжність, відкритість, чесність; ми вважаємо цю якість потрібною і достатньою умовою ефективного міжособистісного контакту та взаємостосунків (поряд з емпатією і безумовним позитивним прийняттям).

Іншим компонентом фасилітації є емпатійне розуміння. Останнє має на увазі, що педагог досить точно сприймає почуття, особистісні смисли, пережиті учнем, і розпочинає комунікацію з ним із погляду цілковитого розуміння клієнта. В ідеальному випадку педагог так глибоко проникає до внутрішнього світу іншого, що може не лише усвідоміти смисли іншої особистості, а й опанувати ними, крім того, може опанувати смислами, фіксованими поза межою. Отже, фасилітативна взаємодія - це досить специфічний, активний різновид переходу поведінкових патернів у стійкі сенсові структури, що забезпечують зміну особистості як школяра, так і самого педагога.

Ключові слова: фасилітативний підхід, когнітивна психологія, самопізнання, функції діяльності, мотиви діяльності, мета діяльності, способи виконання діяльності, предмет діяльності.

The background of the problem

The using of the word of foreign origin “facilitation” is explained, first of all, by the fact that it has been included into the psychological and pedagogical conceptual paradigm since the second half of the 20th century, and we understand it as providing assistance to the person, to the client.

Therefore, the facilitative approach emphasizes that a person contains remarkable resources for self-knowledge, change of one's self-concept, purposeful behavior, and complete mastery of these resources becomes possible only if a positive microclimate is created in a social group, that the phases will foster the formation of psychological settings. But the facilitative approach was not considered in the paradigm of Cognitive Psychology, so it is the subject of our research.

A brief description of the latest researches and publications on the topic. In the paradigm of Cognitive Psychology as C. Rogers thinks, the reform of the educational system should be based on the restructuring of the constant personal preferences of a teacher, which are exploited in the processes of his/her interpersonal interaction with pupils. The scientist identifies three basic directions of the teacher-facilitator. The first is “truth” and “openness”; the second instruction is described in terms of “acceptance” and “trust”; and, finally, the third attitude correlates positively with “empathic understanding” [9; 10].

So, D.H. Day points out that, if the teacher adheres to these guidelines (or accepts them as personally significant), we will have to deal with a special interpersonal (group) process that will lead to significant personal changes in the process of communication of participants [4].

As B.A. Fisher came to understand what content in a great degree facilitates the psychotherapist's personal preferences, he/she increasingly became aware of what exactly facilitates the personal precepts (teacher is regarding the use of the methods of teaching and training of the pupil). B.A. Fisher was increasingly interested not in the methods and forms of the activity in the classroom, nor in the content of education at all, which would form the basis of becoming a meaningful, productive and fairly independent pupils' learning. Just as the successful implementation of these guidelines in psychotherapy leads to the understanding of the principles and features of the organization of interpersonal communication of the therapist and the client, so does the facilitative plan becomes relevant in pedagogical relationships between the teacher and the pupils [5].

Facilitation can be understood in the psychological literature as a specific activity of a subject to the laws of the attributive analysis proposed by J.A. Fodor, M. Garrett & T.G. Bever [6, p. 37]. Such analysis creates a certain algorithm of actions of subjects of interpersonal interaction, in view of which each concept reflects the phenomenon, and the concept model, at the same time, reflects the concept itself. The activity of concepts of this model and the model of the phenomenon of facilitation are not the same definitions. The concept should reflect the attributes, components, functions and the structure of the phenomenon. The concept model may reflect, for example, only the attributes of a phenomenon and their structure, noted by R.W. Gardner, D.N. Jackson & S. Messick [7].

Thus, it is possible to distinguish certain components of the facilitation that create such a microclimate in the stuff that will provide personal growth and development. The first and the foremost there will be a facilitative interaction between a therapist and a client, a parent and a child, a leader and a group, a teacher and a student, a manager and a subordinate one. In fact, these conditions are also relevant in any situation, the purpose of which is the development of the person.

According to the actuality of this article, the purpose of it is:

1. To determine the components of facilitation, to describe and to analyze it.

2. To distinguish the attributes of facilitation.

3. To show how to provide facilitative interaction at the lessons of the English lessons we'll propose some exercises for pupils which describe the activity with the text.

Materials and methods. The following theoretical methods of the research were used to solve the tasks: categorical, structural and functional methods, the methods of analysis, systematization, modeling, generalization.

Presenting the main material of the research

The components of facilitation were identified. The first component of facilitation is authenticity, “naturalness”, sincerity of the person. The more the teacher is “personal” or “subjective” in relationships with the students, the less he/she will try to “fend off” from the pupils, the more degree is that the students will strive for constructive personal change. Authenticity (or “naturalness”) means that the teacher is openly “living” the feelings and attitudes that take place in the moment of cognitive activity and interpersonal interaction [1].

Another component of facilitation is congruence. If in a case of empathy we are talking about empathy with another person's emotional state, then in the case of congruence it is about experiencing his/her own feelings, about people's openness to themselves and to other individuals. Congruence is understood as authenticity, openness, honesty; we consider this quality as necessary and sufficient condition for effective interpersonal contact and mutual relations (also with empathy and unconditional positive acceptance) [2].

The term “congruence” was explained by C. Rogers to describe the dynamic state of the psychotherapist, which intersected the various elements of his/her internal experience (emotions, feelings, aspirations, wishes, etc.) that were sufficiently adequate, undisturbed and free to “live”, were aware of and expressed directly in the process of the activity with a client. In the case of congruence (and in contrast to empathy) it is about the psychotherapist's experience of his/her own feelings, about his/her openness to himself/herself and to others. Congruence is a process of invaluable acceptance and awareness by a person, of his/her own real and actual feelings, experiences and problems with their further speech explication and reproduction in new behavioral patterns that positively influence other people interaction (or, in other words, they are explication of a subject to human principles and characteristics). Congruence, however, is a rather dynamic state in which a person feels himself/herself the most free and authentic about himself/herself and other people, without a feeling to need the use of psychological protections. Congruence takes place when our inner feelings and experiences are quite accurately reflected in our consciousness and reproduced in our behavior, when we can be perceived and seen by who we really are [9].

It was noted that another important component of facilitative interaction is the acceptance of his/her own personality and the personality of another person, to take care of another person, and, even in the case of acknowledging the shortcomings of another one, to show positive acceptance of that person. When the teacher feels positive, not superficial attitude towards a pupil, despite even some of the negative points that may occur in the educational process, a positive facilitative interaction in this case can take a place [3].

Facilitation involves allowing the pupil to delve into any of his/her immediate experiences - even sad, abusive, feelings of indignation, fear, anger, courage, love or pride. In this case, facilitative interaction takes the form of unhelpful care. When the teacher recognizes the pupil as holistic one and is not in the light of certain prerequisites, facilitative interaction becomes quite plausible.

Another component of facilitation is empathic understanding. The latter implies that the teacher quite accurately perceives the feelings, personal meanings experienced by the student, and begins to communicate with him/her in terms of a complete understanding. Ideally, the teacher penetrates so deeply into the inner world of the other that he/she can not only grasp the meanings of another person, but also capture them, and in addition, can capture the meanings that are fixed inside the context. Consequently, facilitative interaction is a rather specific, active kind of transition of behavioral patterns into stable sense structures that provide a change in the personality of both the student and the teacher [8].

Consequently, the concept of “facilitation” reflects conscious and purposeful activity as a phenomenon peculiar to the teacher at the first place. Thus, it is possible to distinguish the attributes of facilitation: 1) the activity; 2) the subject of the activity; 3) the functions of the subject; 4) functions of the activity; 5) motives of the activity; 6) the purpose of the activity; 7) ways of performing the activity; 8) the subject of the activity; 9) methods of realization of the activity; 10) means which are relevant to the implementation of the activity; 11) the result of the activity (Fig. 1).

Fig. 1. The structure of cognitive activity of pupils at secondary schools

So, to show how to provide facilitative interaction at the lessons of the English lessons we'll propose some exercises for pupils which describe the activity with the text.

Fragment 1.

Stage 1. Post-text exercises to check the basic text information. Aim: To check the understanding of the main content of the text.

Method 1: Use cross-selection text.

Teacher: So, you have read the essay “Life at College”. Now we'll check your comprehension. Here is the matching test. You are to match the beginning of a sentence with its ending (5 minutes for the test).

1. Universities in Great Britain choose their students...

2. For all British citizens a place at university...

3. The grants cover...

4. If the parents do not earn much money...

5. Most 18 and 19year - olds in Britain...

6. Anyway, the three university terms...

7. The first year university students...

8. During the first week all the clubs and societies...

9. The freshers are learning how difficult it is...

10. In Oxford and Cambridge the study system is based...

a) tution fees and some of the living expenses.

b) their children will receive a full grant.

c) are farely independent people.

d) after interviews, and competition for places at university is fierce.

e) brings with it a grant from Local Educational authority.

f) are called freshers.

g) to change from a school community to one of many thousands.

h) entirely around such tutorials which take place once a week.

i) are only ten weeks each.

j) hold a “freshers' fair” during which they try to persuade the new students to join their society.

Key (Id; 2e; 3a; 4b; 5c; 6i; 7f; 8j; 9g; 10h)

The test is checked immediately after it was proposed to pupils (after time the teacher gave for its doing), thus, the pupils are immediately asserted. The test is performed in the absence of more than one error. Based on the test results, the teacher concludes if the pupils understand the correct statements of the basic facts.

Method 2. Selection of information, reading the sentences aloud and translating them into the Ukrainian language.

Teacher: I see you understand the essay. Now try to find as quickly as possible the sentences containing information about freshers. Read them aloud and translate into Ukrainian.

Pupil 1: (reads) First year university students are called “freshers”, (translates). Студентів першого курсу університету називають “freshers”.

Pupil 2: (reads) Often freshers live in a “Hall of Residence”, or near the college campus. (translates). Часто першокурсники живуть в гуртожитку, який називається “Hall of Residence”, або недалеко від університетського містечка.

Pupil 3: (reads)... etc.

Stage 2. Post-text exercises that prepare pupils for monologues.

Aim: to prepare pupils for monologues based on the text having been read.

Method 1. Preparation of the plan for statements according to the text.

Teacher: You have just read all the information about freshers. Let's compose the outline for our reports on this subject. So, give you proposals as to the first point of the outline.

Pupil 1: How are the first year university students called when they first arrive at college?

Pupil 3: How do they feel for the first week or so?

Pupil 4: What is the “freshers' fair” help for during the first week?

Pupil 5: What do the freshers do on the day that lectures start?

Pupil 6: etc.

The whole plan consists of 9-10 questions. All questions are written by pupils in notebooks.

Method 2. Selection of information about British universities and the completion of the scheme.

Teacher: Dear girls and boys, let's try to find the information about British universities and complete the chart on the poster.

The scheme is presented on a poster or on a board. Pupils reproduce such a scheme in their notebooks and gradually fill it with the information from the text. But before writing information in their notebooks, the pupils express it verbally. They are selected and wrote the information in notebooks, which corresponded the most closely to the questions put in the scheme (Table 1).

Table 1 British universities

1. How many universities are there in Britain?

There are 46 universities in

How can one get a place at university?

What does a place at university bring?

What does the grant depend on?

What's the age of young people when they pick a college?

How do young people choose a college?

How many terms are there at university? How long is each term?

How often do the students have a tutorial?


What are the tutorials organized for?

What do the students do at the regular seminar?

What is the study system of Oxford and Cambridge based on?

What about attending lectures for “oxbridge” students?

When do students take their finals?

14. What degree do most of the students get after three or four years?

After 3 or 4 years.

Fragment 2. Tasks to control the skills and abilities of dialogue speech.

Stage 1. Monologues of pupils on the topic “British Universities”, “Freshers”.

Aim: to teach pupils to speak at the text level.

Method 1. The role game “British students attend Ukrainian school”.

Teacher: Dear friends, meet the students from Oxford and Cambridge Universities. They will tell you how to become a student of their universities. After that you may ask them questions if you want to know more.

Students take the role of British students, speaking about British universities. For a verbal opr you can use a schema that was filled with information from the text in the previous lesson. Then, other students ask questions to “British students”.

Pupil 1: How is the idea of Tony Blair give education for the poor being realized?

Pupil 2: What about fees at universities?

Pupil 3: Do the students get any grants if they aren't able to cover tuition fees? Can a foreign student get a grant from the British Government?

Method 2. Role Play “My Experience of Oxford University's First Course”.

Teacher: Dear boys and girls, meat our school leavers who have come on holidays after a year spent at Oxford University as first year students. They will tell you about their experience as “freshers”. Ask them questions if you want to know more.

Students carry out the roles of graduates of their schools, who entered Oxford University and studied there for a year. For the verbal support they use the plan having been drawn up in the previous lesson to the “Freshers” subsystem. After completing the statement, other pupils may ask such questions:

1. Why can a fresher's life be exciting but terrifying for the first week?

2. You have just told that groups of freshers are often seen walking around with a worried look on their faces. Why are they worried?

3. Is attending lectures for freshers optional too?

Stage 2. Commenting on the information received from the text having been read.

Aim: to teach pupils to express their thoughts about the information received.

Method 1. Pupils express their thoughts according to the evaluation or comparative character.

Teacher: I hope the information you have got about British universities is not only interesting but rather useful for you. Next year you'll leave school and try to become university students. Do you think a good school background is an important requirement for success in college?

Pupil 1: No, doubt, one should have good study habits; for unless a student knows how to study, he will not benefit from his courses as fully as he should. To get place at university is not a simple thing not only in Great Britain but in this country as well. We are quite aware of the fact that competitions for places at universities are fierce. So to have a good knowledge is very important.

Pupil 2: I think finances are important also. It's a good idea that for all British citizens a place at university brings with a grant from their Local Educational authority. We know that the amount of this grant depends on the parents' income: if the parents do not earn much money, their children will receive a full grant which will cover all their expenses.

Pupil 3: Unfortunately, it's not the same in our country. Tuition and other expenses are very high nearly in all the colleges of Ukraine. Many young people whose parents don't earn much money have to choose places where fees are not high or look for a job. But to find a job without any profession is very difficult. So many young people become unemployed just after leaving school.

Pupil 4: I'd like to add a comment which is relevant to what P3 has just said. Some days ago I read the essay about Tony Blair's reforms. The British Government spend 4.33 billion dollars on a welfare-to-work training program for young unemployed. The program assumes that the best thing for the poor and disadvantaged is education, so that they can pull themselves up their bootstraps. I wish our government would introduce something like that. Everybody hopes that the situation will change for the better.

As for a dialogue, the program stipulates that at the end of the second class the statements of each partner has to contain not less than 2-3 replicas, correctly used with Grammar. Pupils ask questions of different types, answer them according to linguistic material; react to replicas of the teacher and classmates; express consent, disagreement, excuse, compassion, joy, approval (disapproval), offer, attitude (positive, negative), refusal, conduct dialogue-questioning.

At the next stage pupils are already able to conduct dialogue according to the forms: question - response, statement - consent / disagreement, greetings - response, as well as a dialogue etiquette in standard situations of communication (dialogue-questioning, dialogue-exchange of views), create a micro-dialogue, performing with certain roles; the statement of each partner must contain not less than 4-5 replicas.

We've to admit that at the end of the 5th form pupils should be able (without pre-training) to participate in the dialogue communication, to exchange information, to express their opinion on specific facts and events, using all kinds of questions, tables, and use dialogical unities like invitation-gratitude, consent (consent (or refusal and explanation of the reason), a proposal - a counter proposal, an order - a question about the conditions of the execution of the order or its cause.

The statement of each partner should contain at least 6 replicas. The list of abilities that pupils need to master is not significantly different from the list of skills related to dialogical speech in the 5th form. Only the amount of expressions is increased constantly. At the 8th form pupils must be able to converse with one or more persons without prior training in the context of a particular situation of communication, as well as using the contents of the read information, to participate in dialogues of different types, spontaneously reacting to changes in the linguistic behavior of the partners of communication and expressing their attitude to the subject discussed within the activity of the program of linguistic material of the 8th and previous forms; to conduct a group discussion without support, for example, using arguments, beliefs, elements of controversy and discussion. At the end of the 9th form, according to the program, the volume of each participant's speech is 10 replicas, and at the end of studying at the 9th form it reaches 14 replicas. In addition, pupils must already be able to find and transmit information and, if it is necessary, receive additional information. In accordance with the requirements of facilitative training for controlling the dialogue speech, for example, of adolescents, we propose the following tasks:

1. Listen (read the dialogue), make a similar one. Structural-speech scheme can be offered to "weak” pupils:

PI: I say,... let's go some where on... I'm interested in... What about you?

P2: (a foreign guest) I'm interested in., too.

PI: Then let's go to...

P2: What's on at the... on... ?

PI: Let me see... by.... He/she is a....

P2: All right. Thank you for the information.

2. Draw up a dialogue according to a functional scheme.

Invite your foreign guest to go to the theater or to a concert hall on a day off. Tell him / her about your preferences, find out what your guest is interested in. Use the dialogue scheme and a theater / concert poster.

Functional scheme Partner 1

Offer (where to go on weekends)

+ message (about your tastes)

+ question (about partner tastes)

Partner 2

Message (about your tastes)

+ offer (where to go)

Consent + message (about going to theater / concrete hall)

Gratitude + expression of hope

(on the fact that the partner will also like the performance / concert)

The functional scheme can be submitted in native or foreign language. It can also be presented in the form of direct tips, for example: suggest you somewhere on the weekend, inform your partner about your interests, find out his / her.

3. To make up a dialogue without the help of a functional scheme or a sample.

Consequently, tests have the aim of verifying skills and speaking skills may be included into a sample, supports which are different by nature, and may not contain them. Tests can be scored based on an excerpt form, read or listened text, previewed movie.


The process of facilitation at the process of studying cannot be understood in a simplified way. Having been involved in the activity and learning consciously are quite different things. The action, if it is imposed by a team of methodologists, teachers is carried out under pressure on a pupil, and then it is perceived out of any sense as a so-called “temporary” need.

In Cognitive Psychology the following attributes of the person are shown: his/her consciousness and activity; attributes of the person's psyche - subjectivity, activity, adaptability; attributes of the consciousness - experience, knowledge and attitudes; activity attributes - activity, awareness, commitment, motivation and so on. These components will be analyzed in our further publications.

school intellectual psychology activity


1. Гончарук Н., Онуфрієва Л. Психологічний аналіз рівнів побудови комунікативних дій. Psycholinguistics. Психолінгвістика. Психолингвистика. 2018. Вип. 24 (1). С. 97-117.

2. Максименко С., Ткач Б., Литвинчук Л., Онуфрієва Л. Нейропсихолінгвістичне дослідження політичних гасел із зовнішньої реклами. Psycholinguistics. Психолінгвістика. Психолингвистика, 2019. 26 (1),

3. Collins M.X. Information Density and Dependency Length as Complementary Cognitive Models. Journal of Psycholinguistic Research. Vol. 43, Issue 5, October, 2014. P. 651-681.

4. Day D.H. Infant perception of the invariant size of approaching and re-geding objects. Developmental Psychologiy. 1981. 306 p.

5. Fisher B.A. Perspectives on human communication. New York, 1986. 220 p.

6. Fodor J.A., Garrett M., Bever T.G. Some syntactic determinants of sentential complexity. Perception and Psychophysics. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1968. P. 36-48.

7. Gardner R.W., Jackson D.N., Messick S. Personality organization in cognitive controls and intellectual abilities. Psychological Issues. 1960. Vol. 2. Mon. 8.

8. Mykhalchuk N., Kryshevych O. The peculiarities of the perception and understanding of Sonnets written by W. Shakespeare by the students of the Faculty of Foreign Languages. Psycholinguistics. Психолінгвістика. Психолингвистика: зб. наук. праць. Серія: Психологія. Переяслав-Хмельницький: ФОП Домбровська Я.М. 2019. Vol. 26, Issue 1, С. 265-285.

9. Rogers C.R. A theory of therapy, personality and interpersonal relationship as developed in the dientcehtred framework. Koch S.Psychology: A study of a science. New-York: Mc. Grawn Hill, 2009. 59 p.

10. Stockwell Р. Роеtics: An Intoduction. London, New-York: Penguin Books, 2002. 193 р.

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