Psychotechnics of cognitive-verbal skills development of future psychologists in the process of mastering English

The main problems of the development of language skills, as components of the mnemonic-speech activity of psychologists by means of listening in the process of learning English, have been determined. Processes of mnemonic and speech activity are analyzed.

Рубрика Психология
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Язык английский
Дата добавления 03.08.2022
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Voloshyna Valentyna Vitaliivna Dr. in Psychology, Associate Professor, Professor of the Theoretical and Advisory Psychology Department, Faculty of Psychology National Pedagogical Dragomanov University, Saratovska St., 20, Kyiv,

Zhovniruk Andrii Ivanovych Ph.D. in Psychological Sciences, Lecturer, Department of Ukrainian and Foreign Linguistics, Lutsk National Technical University, Lvivska St., 75, Lutsk,


Purpose. The article presents the results of the theoretical and empirical study of the problem of the cognitive-verbal skills development of the individual by means of listening comprehension in the process of mastering foreign language.

Research Methods. Theoretical methods: analysis of psychological and philological literature on the problem of the research, synthesis and comparison which made it possible to determine the theoretical and methodological principles of the study, theoretical modeling; empirical methods: survey, testing, questionnaires; statistical methods: quantitative and qualitative analysis of experimental data.

Findings. In order to increase the productivity of the development of cognitive- verbal skills and improve the mnemic speech activity of the individual, we have developed the system of logical-semantic schemes of the text: sun-like, pyramidal, treelike and mixed. Recoding of the information in the process of its preservation through the logical-semantic scheme contributes to the qualitative processing of new information and predetermines the ability of the individual to subjectivism of his/her own activities.

Implications for Research and Practice. According to the results of the study the effectiveness of the process of mastering foreign language by a person depends on the development of his/her cognitive-verbal skills, the ability to use rational methods of coding the information and the development of mnemic speech activity. The development of the cognitive-verbal skills of the individual by means of listening comprehension in the process of learning foreign language involves the formation of psychological audio representations which is not possible without activating such mechanisms of listening comprehension as agitation of the speech-language analyzers, adaptation of the listener to the audio text, segmentation of the sound chain, understanding by the individual of words and prediction of their content in the context, comprehension of a speech message and abstraction from unfamiliar words.

Keywords: cognitive-verbal skills, mnemic speech activity, logical-semantic schemes, listening comprehension, psycholinguistic patterns, audio representations.


Психотехніки розвитку когнітивно-вербальних умінь майбутніх психологів у процесі вивчення англійської мови. Волошина Валентина Віталіївна доктор психологічних наук, доцент, професор кафедри теоретичної та консультативної психології, Національний педагогічний університет імені М.П.Драгоманова факультет психології, вул. Саратовська, 20, м. Київ, Жовнірук Андрій Іванович кандидат психологічних наук, викладач кафедри української та іноземної лінгвістики, Луцький Національний технічний університет, вул. Львівська, 75, м. Луцьк

У статті презентовано результати теоретико-емпіричного вивчення проблеми розвитку мовних навичок, як структурних компонентів мнемічно-мовленнєвої діяльності майбутніх психологів засобами аудіювання в процесі засвоєння англійської мови. Розкрито особливості розвитку процесів мнемічно-мовленнєвої діяльності особистості, описано її критерії та рівні.

За результатами дослідження встановлено, що ефективність процесу оволодіння особистістю іноземною мовою залежить від розвитку в неї мовних навичок, спроможності до використання раціональних способів психолінгвістичного кодування інформації та розвитку мнемічної мовленнєвої діяльності в цілому. Модель розвитку мнемічної мовленнєвої діяльності особистості засобами аудіювання в процесі засвоєння іноземної мови передбачає формування психологічних аудіальних уявлень, яке не можливе без активізації таких механізмів аудіювання як збудження мовнорухових аналізаторів, адаптація слухача до аудіотексту, сегментація мовленнєвого ланцюга, розуміння окремих слів і прогнозування їх змісту в контексті, осмислення мовленнєвого повідомлення та абстрагування від незнайомих слів.

Для підвищення продуктивності процесу розвитку мовних навичок і поліпшення мнемічної мовленнєвої діяльності особистості в цілому нами розроблена система логіко-семантичних схем тексту, яка є організованою певним чином психолінгвістичною структурою, ієрархізованих за принципом першочерговості, символів, що допомагає особистості розрізняти значущі і менш значущі елементи. Відповідно до змісту аудіо -тексту нами запропоновані чотири види логіко-семантичних схем: сонцеподібна, пірамідальна, деревоподібна, змішана. З метою полегшення процесу оволодіння особистістю іноземною мовою логіко-семантичні схеми мнемічної мовленнєвої діяльності мають бути інтегрованими в існуючі, попередньо засвоєні, вербальні схеми особистості. Перекодування інформації у процесі її збереження за допомогою логіко - семантичної схеми сприяє якісному опрацюванню нової інформації та зумовлює здатність особистості суб'єктивувати власну когнітивну діяльності, віднайшовши і засвоївши оптимальні, найефективніші прийоми опрацювання інформації.

Ключові слова: мовні навички, мнемічна мовленнєва діяльність, логіко- семантична схема, психолінгвістичні патерни, аудіальні уявлення, майбутні психологи.

mnemonic speech psychologist listening


Social globalization, which has been the impetus for socioeconomic shifts in all spheres of human activities, has transformed information into a powerful regulator not only of world relations but also of interpersonal relations. Residing quarantine on a planetary scale has once again actualized the value of the individual's cognitive competences, person's capacity for adaptability and mobilization. Perfect foreign language skills and critical information analysis skills are in demand nowadays. The presence of such abilities significantly reduces the level of emotional tension and number of communicative barriers to professional self-improvement and personal self-realization in the new social realities. In a crisis situation society refused to put its own development on a kind of “pause” and in a short time reoriented itself in the ways and forms of qualitative and rapid processing of new technologies. Due to the wide range of educational English-speaking resources the individual is immersed in developing one's own potential and mastering additional professional skills. Of course, rapid information transformations require intellectual flexibility and emotional and volitional stability of the individual. On the other hand, cognitive-verbal skills and their level of adaptability in the field of foreign language use have become a significant element of the information flow understanding for the individual.

Literature review

At the end of the nineteenth century, I.A. Baudouin de Courtenay (1871) identified language as a complex, objectively psychological phenomenon, consisting of many groups of diverse representations. According to the scientist the first element of this phenomenon is phonation, the second one - group of audio representations and the third one - cerebration. That is, the process of mastering language goes through certain stages: 1) emergence of phonological physiological movements; 2) formation of an audio representation of this physiological movement; 3) activation of the individual process in the cerebral cortex. According to these stages the mnemic speech activity of the individual is formed, which in turn acts as a dynamic functional system, because, receiving new information, the person not only conceives and remembers it, but also restructures the whole system of existing speech experience. In this way all existing person's language skills are restructured. Such an understanding of this phenomenon has allowed cognitivists to consider the process of speech activity of the individual as a self-organized and self-regulated system [10; 15], where the main role is played by the cognitive-verbal mechanism, namely, comprehension of the mnemic organization of speech activity [16]. Thus, the structure of the mnemic speech activity of the person as a functional and self-regulated psychological phenomenon is made up of verbal skills, which are a speech action carried out in certain conditions [11] and without which it is impossible to fully master either language as a sign system or speech activity in general [8 ; 11].

In the effort to meet demands of the society the educational space offers many new technologies for fast and perfect learning of foreign language for people of different ages and for various professional fields. One of the compulsory courses in the educational programs of higher education institutions is foreign language for vocational purposes. This extremely important educational component is focused on broadening the outlook, developing students' communicative and professional competences, enhancing competitiveness, and clearly defining and recognizing their own importance in the mental field of future professional activity. However, the motivation of students to active work in foreign language classes for vocational purposes is not always sufficient. In I. Lytovchenko's [16] research the selection of motivational means of students' interest in meaningful activity is called “difficult task for the teacher” for a number of subjective and objective reasons of the educational process. To solve this problem a number of methods, techniques of psycho-pedagogical, philological and psycholinguistic nature have been proposed by modern methodologists, that increase the motivation and facilitate the process of mastering foreign language by students. They include: 1) interactive teaching in pairs or groups using the task-based activities system [9]; 2) visualization, brainstorming, zigzag reading [10]; 3) design techniques [14]; 4) individual educational strategies [12]; 5) identifying of text quantitative units [15] and others.

In the context of the cognitive approach the following principles are relevant to our study: the modeling of cognitive processes [11;13]; encoding new information through logical schemes and semantic networks [20]; a stepwise processing of personally-perceived information during remembering [7]; the dependence of memory efficiency on the verbal symbolization of new information [9].

In her scientific works Ma, Zhang, Li, Huang, & Zhang [16] noted that the audio processes of a person are not limited to meaningful perception. According to the scientist this process is a special complex type of cognitive activity that arises as a result of analytic-synthetic audio perception, which acts as a complex psychic formation and includes semantic prediction, verbal comparison, establishing meaningful connections between significant units of verbal material, formulation of meanings and meaningful decisions of the individual. Under the conditions of listening comprehension at the stage of speech pattern matching new audio images are identified with those already in memory, more precisely, the acoustic speech and emotional intonational-semantic signs of the initial and final language units.

Thus, listening comprehension activates various types of mental processes and consists of such components as: differentiating of perceived sounds, integrating of perceived sounds into notional complexes and keeping them in memory while listening, making of plausible predictions and understanding of the listened sound chain.

However, the integrity and dynamism of these components are ensured by the operation of the basic audio mechanisms, in particular: 1) excitation of speech and motion analyzers [7]; 2) adaptation of the listener to the audio text [10]; 3) segmentation of the speech chain [12]; 4) understanding of individual words and predicting of their meanings in the context [11]; 5) comprehending of the speech message and ignoring unfamiliar words [8;15]; 6) activation of audio guesswork [8].

According to scientific research scientists, listening comprehension is a kind of transition from the acoustic to the mental code of the internal speech of the personality (to the code of thought) [3] and the transcoding itself helps to increase the volume of attention in the conditions of simultaneous memorization of several semantic units, because by transcoding the person integrates meaning units into larger mnemic systems [12].

Based on the position of scientists, we consider listening comprehension as a receptive kind of mnemic speech activity [2], aimed at the perception, recognition and understanding of the verbal speech message encoded by the means of speech [11], characterized by a three-phase (motivational, analytic-synthetic, executive), clearly hierarchical structure, the components of which are subjected in a single one-time process of understanding the subject relations and the content of the listened message [4].

Despite the fact that identifying features of the cognitive-verbal skills development of the individual will contribute to the perfection of person's orientation in the information space, improving the effectiveness of education and the acquisition of foreign languages skills, the problem of forming of these competences of the individual as a unit of organization of mnemic speech activity based on auditory representations has not been completed in scientific and practical substantiation yet.

The main objective of the research is the presentation of the theoretical and empirical rationale results of the psychotechnics of the cognitive-verbal skills development of future psychologists in the process of mastering English.

The aim

Theoretical and empirical study of the psychological features of the mnemic activity of students in the process of learning a foreign language and substantiation of the effectiveness of the logical and semantic schemes use in the process of learning a foreign language.

We hypothesise

Thus, in the course of the study, we hypothesized that: 1) listening comprehension is one of the stages of the cognitive-verbal skills development of a person in the process of mastering foreign language; 2) the clarity of formation of the audio representations of the person as peculiar psycholinguistic patterns of relevant information concepts depends on the level of listening comprehension; 3) the understanding of patterns helps to visualize the scheme of logical connections in the text.


Domestic sphere of psychological science is increasingly implementing European standards of psychological service in the process of professional education and professional assistance to the individual. The process of assessing the competences of a professional psychologist in the context of their compliance with European professional standards of psychological practice is introduced. Therefore, it is extremely important for the future psychologist to have a proficient command of English. In addition, students-psychologists do not always have linguistic abilities, but they are well versed in the techniques of developing the cognitive sphere of personality. Therefore, in order to ensure the consistency of the results of the research, the choice of the category of respondents was oriented precisely to the students of the Psychology Faculty at the National Pedagogical Dragomanov University.


The students-psychologists of 1-4 years (Bachelor's Degree) participated in the process of empirical study of the levels of cognitive - verbal skills development of the individual. Their educational programs provide for the study of foreign language for vocational purposes.

Instruments and procedures

We used a number of different methods in the course of empirical study of the features of the cognitive-verbal skills development of students at different stages of the study: 1) drafting mnemic plans of the text [6]; 2) sequential drafting of the text plan [6]; 3) grouping of words during dictation [6]; 4) selection of keywords in phrases [6]; 5) identification of the ability to recognize the material, active reproduction and activity of the mnemic processes of the individual [8]; 6) the questionnaire “Determining the need for students to improve their mnemic activity” [16], etc.

Data Analysis The results of the cognitive-verbal skills development of future psychologists were evaluated by three criteria, in particular: 1) ability to perceive, understand and memorize foreign language information perceived by ear; 2) mastering the ways of logical and semantic processing of foreign language information perceived by ear; 3) accuracy of verbal coding and reproduction of foreign language information perceived by ear.

Validity and reliability of the research results are provided by the complex use of the appropriate research methods, the use of mathematical statistics methods, the combination of quantitative and qualitative analysis of the obtained data, etc.

Ethical issues. Participants of the psychological experimental research agreed to participate on their free will. They signed the consents on data processing and participation. The experimental research was conducted in compliance with the respect to human rights and ethical principles.


With this in mind, prognostic, motivational, mnemic, thinking and verbal components are actively intertwined in the listening comprehension process. This allows us to suggest that in the process of learning a foreign language listening comprehension, as a mechanism of creating psycholinguistic patterns, based on audio representations of a person, promotes the development of the individual's speech skills, which are a part of mnemic speech activity in general.

Thus, we understand the mnemic speech activity of the individual as an active, meaningful and purposeful process of listening comprehension, which involves the perception, comprehension and reproduction of the content of the informational message. Hence, we define cognitive - verbal skills as the ability of future psychologists to use automated and rational ways of listening comprehension of a foreign message.

The generalized results of the study of the cognitive-verbal skills development (in the table cognitive -verbal skills - CVS) of future psychologists using the above methods are given in table. 1.

Table 1 - Peculiarities of quantitative distribution of students by levels of cognitive-verbal skills (%) n=158

Level CVS

of І year

ІІ year

ІІІ year

IV year




















According to the results of the study presented in Table 1, at the initial stages of mastering foreign language in the vast majority of students the level of cognitive- verbal skills (hereinafter CVS) is insufficient. This indicates the need to create innovative methods and techniques that would contribute to their development in future psychologists. Only a small number of students with high level of CVS (11.9% -in the 1st year of studying, 15.2% - in the 2nd year of studying, 17.1% - in the 3rd year of studying and 25.7% - in the 4th year of studying) demonstrated the ability to memorize information by ear, the ability to generalize the listened text and interpret it meaningfully, able to use logical techniques in reproducing information, analyze it on the basis of previous systematization and schematization. Students with intermediate level of CVS (40.5% - in the 1st year of studying, 32.6% - in the 2nd year of studying, 37.6%- in the 3rd year of studying and 48.6% - in the 4th year of studying ) showed average ability to memorize the information by ear, partly using methods of purposeful memorization, not always able to understand the perceived information by ear, capable of distinguishing only certain semantic reference points in the listening material. Students with low level of CVS who are overwhelming majority (47.6% - in the 1st year of studying, 55.2% - in the 2nd year of studying, 45.7% - in the 3rd year of studying and 25.7% - in the 4th year of studying ), showed poor ability to remember information by ear, practically do not use techniques of purposeful memorization, mechanically perceive information without trying to understand it; can draw up a simple plan of the text and make a partial semantic interpretation, but may not always be able to find the logical connections between parts of the material; reproduce from 10% to 30% of the information listened , do not have the skills of generalization of meaning units, practically do not use logical techniques to reproduce information.

According to our observation in the conditions of learning foreign language in the context of the transition of audio conceptual patterns from extrapsychic operations to intrapsychic, active and conscious work with texts through various psychological techniques and techniques of comprehension and visualization of information is very important. However, using them without a dedicated program, that would systematize the skills and abilities of the individual to productively analyze and understand the information heard in order to successfully remember, save and reproduce audio text, is not effective enough.

Accordingly, in order to increase the level of the required competences of future psychologists, we have created and implemented psychotechnics of the cognitive- verbal skills development of a person by means of listening comprehension using methods of psychological modeling. Taking into account the principles of development of cognitive processes of the individual, which are mainly rational cognitive techniques, logical ways of processing information, such as: grouping, selection of the main and minor in the material, recoding or generalization of the material, the concept of "mind-mapping"[1] , to increase the productivity of the process of development of the CVS of a person we have created and proposed a system of logical and semantic schemes of texts for students to use.

The logical-semantic scheme is an organized psycholinguistic structure. In it all symbols are hierarchized on a first-come first-served basis, which helps a person distinguish between meaningful and less meaningful elements. A scheme is created being based on self-selected keywords from the listened text, where meaningful links can be represented by words, symbols, and individually selected images. This scheme creates the effect of grouping the perceived text, enhancing the efficiency of memorizing, using, or creating the necessary information. Being semantically filled logic-semantic scheme reflects the whole psycholinguistic processing of foreign text that takes place at the intellectual level of the individual. It allows to bring to the surface qualitative characteristics of comprehension of foreign terms and make the process more conscious and effective. According to the content of the audio text, we offer four types of logical-semantic schemes: sun-like, pyramidal, tree-like, mixed.

For the audio text of the publicistic style of speech we used a sun-like logical- semantic scheme to convey the logical course of the author's thoughts. According to the logic of the scheme, the development of events unfolds from partial to general and the main opinion is reported not immediately, but after a certain introduction (Fig. 1). In this scheme any ideas and their development are linked to each other through the main pattern, which arises almost at the end, absorbing the elements of all previously declared images.

Fig. 1. Sun-like logical- semantic scheme of a publicistic text and examples of its use by students in practice

Use of the sun-like scheme helped students to enhance the functionality of their cognitive functions in the unity of the basic processes and improve the ability of an individual to reproduce information based on its primary schematic image, which plays the role of an organizing model of cognitive-verbal skills.

Another type of logical - semantic schemes, focused on improving the efficiency of the processing an audio fragment of a scientific style of speech, is a pyramidal scheme. Since scientific texts are characterized by a kind of inductive-deductive way of transmitting material, the use of a scheme on which the cone focuses general information, and based on a concentrated array of specific information, will facilitate the activation of cognitive-verbal activity, simplifying the construction of associative links between texts. The pyramidal scheme can be read from top to bottom, i.e. the key idea leads to two / three concurrently existing ideas, and vice versa , when from a certain number of variants the concepts that most clearly bring the listener closer to the main idea are selected. An example of a pyramidal logical-semantic scheme is presented in Fig. 2.

Fig. 2. Pyramidal logical- semantic scheme of a scientific text and examples of its use by students in practice

The literature style of speech is a reflection of the content of the text through the parallel development of several major themes that unfold separately and can coexist independently. Therefore, a tree-like schematization of the information that needs to be reproduced after understanding it, without losing the logical course of the author' thoughts in the audio-text, will contribute to the formation of the cognitive-verbal skills of students-psychologists. An example of a tree-like logic-semantic scheme is presented in Fig. 3.

Fig.3. Tree-like logical- semantic scheme of literature style text and examples of its use by students in practice

Genre blend is typical for informal texts, that is, a combination of thoughts from different styles of speech, such as publicistic and literature styles. This complicates the student's attention span while working with the text and, as a consequence, reduces the effectiveness of their cognitive-verbal activity. Therefore, in order to support an individual in the course of orientation in the listened information and logical comprehension of the audio text of informal style of speech, we have proposed a logical-semantic scheme of mixed type. Its model is presented in Fig. 4.

Fig. 4. Logical-semantic scheme of the mixed type text and examples of its use by students in practice

Therefore, the effectiveness of the process of forming mnemic language skills of future psychologists in the process of learning foreign language is directly proportional to the level of their ability to make meaningful and rational use of logical-semantic schemes of the text, reflecting its stylistic essence and semantic-grammatical and phonetic consonance.

Psychological program of cognitive-verbal skills development of a person (on the example of mastering foreign language) was based on the logical-semantic schemes of audio-texts. We offered it to a group of second year students (45 people) of the Psychology Faculty of National Pedagogical Dragomanov University. Previously, students were divided into experimental (23 persons) and control (22 persons) groups.

The psychological program for the cognitive-verbal skills development of future psychologists by the means of listening comprehension and their ability to rationally use the ways of listening to the speech message has been constructed taking into account the conceptual paradigm of personal activity approach (Leontiev, 2007). The methodological underpinning of the program was the provisions: 1) the efficacy of foreign material processed by a person depends to a large extent on his/her motivation to use rational methods of its analysis; 2) the processing of foreign material must be intelligent, systematic, schematized and conscious; 3) the process of foreign information analysis involves taking into account the specifics of the leading activity of the person, his/her subject content, goals, motives, methods of implementation; 4) activation of the formation of cognitive-verbal skills of a person occurs through external object-manipulative actions, which gradually move into the internal plan of actions and transcode the perceived material into certain semantic groups; 5) recoding of information in the process of its processing by means of logico-semantic schemes facilitates and accelerates the process of formation of personal language skills [3; 16].

The implementation of the psychotechnics was carried out in three stages. The first was that students learned to find keywords (define semantic centers of sentences) and, based on this, reproduce the content of individual syntagms. In the second stage students learned how to process and store listened information by creating different types of logical and semantic schemes. The third phase of the program was focused on developing of students' cognitive-verbal skills by means of reproduction the information with the support of a self-constructed logical and semantic scheme.

In order to visualize the peculiarities of the formation of cognitive-verbal kills of future psychologists in the process of mastering English, we present some elements of the implemented psychotechnics.

The mechanism of creating a logical and semantic scheme is quite simple: after perceiving the material (listening or reading), you should try to depict it schematically through a model of associative, interrelated key concepts and images, starting with the most important. This logical-semantic scheme allows to contain 7-8 basic subtopics or clusters of a particular text, which can give rise to other additional models, depending on the volume of material. It is advisable to have a certain number of keywords (a dozen or more depending on the amount of text) that will be working material. However, it is not recommended to create too large logical and semantic scheme that would complicate the comprehension of new information.

The technique of creating a logical-semantic scheme of the text begins with finding and designating the central concept that will be placed at the heart of the scheme. Then from the central concept, the main theme, vectors ( arrows ) are drawn to convey the subtopics that form the main diagram of the text - the basis of the scheme. Subtopics vectors are used for subtopics and they can form their own diagrams. So, other diagrams can be output from the central diagram, and they can convey more detailed text information.

In this way students reproduce all the text using the model - the basic model is based on it, and on the sides - additional smaller models (see Fig. 3). For greater visualization you can use historical images, symbols, signs, micromanages, and more. If you do not use a symbolic image but a verbal sign, the words should be placed on the lines, one or two words per arrow. Doing so the vectors must be interconnected. The image of a logical-semantic scheme can be multicolored. It is also important to keep in mind that the scheme is open and it can always be continued if new ideas for the text emerge.

After the implementation of the psycho-developmental program into the educational process of future psychologists' professional training, we conducted a re-diagnosis of the levels of students' cognitive-verbal skills. Their results are represented in table 2.

Table 2 - Quantitative indicators of the levels of students' cognitive-verbal skills development according to the results of the implementation of the psychotechnics (%) n=45

Levels of CVS

EG (n=23)

Before forming After forming

CG (n=22)

Before forming After forming




















As you can see at table 2, the number of EG (experimental group) students with high level of cognitive-verbal skills increased by 34.8%. The number of students with an average level of CVS increased by 21.8% (from 30.4% to 52.2%), respectively. However, it should be noted that the proportion of students whose indicators correspond to the low level of CVS has significantly decreased by more than half (from 69.9% to 13.0%). It could be assumed that 13.0% of respondents who, following the implementation of psychotechnics, demonstrated a low level of CVS, they have a l low level of linguistic abilities, eidetic memory, logical and abstract thinking. For the vast majority of students, the use of logical and semantic schemes in the process of processing audio text facilitated (providing, even, game aspects) and accelerated the process of visualization, comprehension, systematization and reproduction of the foreign text, which testified about the increase of their ability to memorize foreign information by ear and the accuracy of its verbal reproduction. Also, positive changes in their motivation to work independently with foreign texts and interest in the process of improving speech competences have been recognized. In the control group no significant changes in the quantitative indicators of these skills have been observed (See CG results in Table 2)

Discussion. Open European space, accessible lecture material from renowned foreign scholars, the opportunity to read original scientific literature and fiction motivate modern young people to study foreign languages.

Existing methodological works on foreign language learning offer individuals different ways of quick mastering spoken and professional vocabulary. They include the development of lexical memory, linguistic-creative thinking to create a cognitive image of a foreign concept [11], building a chain association [10], a system of telecommunication projects [14], etc. A comparative analysis of the effectiveness of classical and innovative foreign language teaching methods has been carried out [9].

The implementation of the psychotechnics presented above for the development of cognitive-verbal skills of students-psychologists has allowed to solve two-level problem, namely, to increase the level of development of audio mnemic activity of future psychologists and to facilitate the process of mastering foreign language for vocational purposes. The offered logical-semantic schemes of foreign texts provide a psycholinguistic basis for the process of formation of cognitive-verbal skills of a person in the process of foreign verbalization. The study found that the effectiveness of this process for future psychologists depends on their ability to automate and rational use of logical-semantic schemes of the text, reflecting stylistic essence and semantic- grammatical and phonetic consonance of the text. The use of logical and semantic text encoding schemes by students in the process of mastering foreign language has proved effective, in terms of enhancing the eidetic nature of its processing, where the audio conceptual representations are subjected through psycholinguistic patterns, synchronized with past experience and in parallel correlate with similar ideas in the native language of the students. In this way it goes the development of cognitive-verbal skills of future psychologists in the process of mastering foreign language.

The practical significance of the presented psychotechnics is determined by its focus on meaningful listening comprehension, with reliance on logical schemes of the text, which are constructed in accordance with the style the text was written. Mastering psychotechnics has allowed future psychologists to move away from the mechanical reproduction of English texts with psychological terminology. At the same time, understanding the mechanism of creating logical and semantic scheme of English texts of different styles allowed students to use two-level (audio and visual) reinforcement of semantic memorization of the text. Students with high levels of cognitive-verbal skills development have resorted to using logical and semantic schemes as a verbal support of the text not only for memorization but also for creating new ones.

To illustrate the course of implementation of the psychotechnics, we will provide some student comments. Thus, Lesia Sh. shared the following: “When you draw a diagram, you learn to highlight the main theme of the text, the main events, subtopics, and the links between them. Then it is better to reproduce the content”; Ania S. said: “The scheme helps to find out the main essence quickly and the way events unfold. Keywords can help you navigate the information faster” and more. It should be noted that during the course of creating a logical and semantic scheme, students felt how easier it was to memorize material by ear. At the same time, due to the fact that not all students had a sufficiently advanced eidetic ability, imaginative or logical thinking, some of the respondents had difficulty in selecting the symbols needed to construct the central concept of the audio text. In general, after some training, for most students it was enough two listening comprehensions of the text to construct a sun-like logical - semantic scheme that was characteristic of a publicistic style of speech. For students- psychologists, the sun-like scheme proved to be the easiest to use (See Fig. 1).

Thus, the results of the theoretical and empirical study of the problem of the cognitive-verbal skills development of future psychologists confirmed the initial assumption that the audio aptitudes of a person determine the development of his/her cognitive-verbal skills, and the level of listening comprehension determines the clarity of visualization and schematization of English texts patterns.

Also, it should be noted that the level of cognitive-verbal skills of an individual influences the success of the development of his / her professional competences and competitiveness. The latter we have managed to track for the results of the employment of the Psychology Faculty graduates.

We see the prospects for further research in the study of psychological factors of cognitive-verbal skills development of a person in the process of mastering foreign language by means of listening comprehension and determination of the individual's ability to be creative in the process of making verbal patterns of foreign information.


Based on the results of the theoretical analysis and empirical study of the problem of cognitive-verbal skills development of future psychologists, we have developed and implemented psychotechnics of development of these skills in the process of learning foreign language for vocational purposes. The originality of the psychotechnics is that its linguistic basis was the logical and semantic schemes of foreign texts, which reflect the stylistic specificity of the material: publicistic, scientific, literary, informal.

The implementation of this psychotechnics into the educational process allowed us to track the deepening of the knowledge of the participants of the experimental group regarding the specificity of the cognitive-verbal skills of the individual and the ways of their improvement in the process of mastering foreign language. The students were able to master rational ways of listening comprehension of foreign message based on logical and semantic schemes of the foreign text. Along with this, future psychologists mastered the skills of clear distinguishing the main thoughts of foreign text, learned to identify key concepts in the text, increased their own level of eidetic memory and visualization skills. The effectiveness of psychotechnics was found to be a significant activation of most components of students' mnemic speech activity. This contributed to a significant increase in the number of respondents with high and medium levels of cognitive-verbal skills.

The results of the repeated survey confirmed the effectiveness of psychotechnics, which makes it possible to recommend it for use in the educational process of both general educational institutions and in the field of professional training for future psychologists, philologists, mathematicians, etc.


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