Adult personality: specifics and psychological mechanisms of development

Thought of the personal development of an adult in the context of natural changes. Analysis of his personality as a subject of activity based on the desire for improvement, personal and spiritual growth, readiness for self-change in the spheres of life.

Рубрика Психология
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Дата добавления 17.12.2022
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Central Institute of Postgraduate Education of the SIHE «University of Educational Management»

Adult personality: specifics and psychological mechanisms of development

Olena Bondarchuk, Dr Prof, Head of Department of Management Psychology

Kyiv, Ukraine


The specifics and psychological mechanisms of personal development of an adult are highlighted. It is established that the personal development of an adult can be considered in the context of natural changes, quantitative, qualitative and structural transformations of his personality as a subject of activity based on the desire for improvement, personal and spiritual growth, readiness for self-change and selfaffirmation in various spheres of life. It is shown that personal development is a complex process, the progressive or regressive direction of which should occur in the cognitive-affective, conative-regulatory and value-semantic spheres, in each of which there are specific psychological mechanisms. It is shown that the development of an adult's personality is largely determined by his position and his own subjective activity in relation to the direction and possibilities of rapid change in the modern world, human desire for continuous self-improvement and selfdevelopment, preservation and development of spiritual principles. The psychological mechanisms of personal development of an adult in cognitive-affective (social comparison, identification, empathy, etc.), conative-regulatory (self-monitoring, self-verification, self-attribution, self-analysis, etc.) and value-semantic sphere of personal development (self-determination, self-design, self-expression, self-realization, selfactualization, etc.) are determined. It is shown that, depending on the specifics of the manifestation of these mechanisms, it is a question of progress or regress in the personal development of an adult. The latter, in particular, is manifested in the inauthenticity of self-presentation, the formation of a system of stable psychological defenses, and others. The expediency of taking into account these mechanisms in the process of psychological support of personal development of an adult is stated, which will provide social and psychological conditions for the harmonious development of personality.

Key words: socialization of adult; personal development; socio- psychological mechanisms of personal development.



Бондарчук Олена Іванівна,

доктор психологічних наук, професор,

завідувач кафедри психології управління

Центрального інституту післядипломної освіти

ДЗВО «Університет менеджменту освіти».

Київ, Україна.

Висвітлено специфіку та психологічні механізми розвитку особистості дорослого. Встановлено, що особистісний розвиток дорослої людини можна розглядати в контексті природних змін, кількісних, якісних та структурних перетворень його особистості як суб'єкта діяльності, заснованого на прагненні до вдосконалення, особистісному та духовному зростанні, готовності до самозміни та самоствердження в різних сферах життя. Показано, що особистісний розвиток - це складний процес, прогресивний чи регресивний напрям якого повинен відбуватися в когнітивно-афективній, конативно-регулятивній та ціннісно- семантичній сферах, у кожній з яких існують специфічні психологічні механізми. Показано, що розвиток особистості дорослої людини значною мірою визначається його позицією та власною суб'єктивною діяльністю щодо спрямованості та можливостей швидких змін у сучасному світі, прагнення людини до постійного самовдосконалення та саморозвитку, збереження та розвиток духовних принципів. Визнчені психологічні механізми особистісного розвитку дорослого в когнітивно-афективній (соціальне порівняння, ідентифікація, емпатія та ін.), конативно- регуляторній (самоконтроль, самоатрибуція, самоаналіз тощо) та ціннісно-смисловій (самовизначення, самовираження, самореалізація, самоакуталізація тощо) сферах розвитку особистості. Показано, що залежно від специфіки прояву цих механізмів мова йде про прогрес або регрес в особистісному розвитку дорослого. Останнє, зокрема, виявляється в неаутентичності самопрезентації, формуванні системи стійких психологічних захистів та ін. Зазначено доцільність врахування цих механізмів у процесі психологічного супроводу особистісного розвитку дорослого, що забезпечить соціально-психологічні умови для гармонійного розвитку особистості.

Ключові слова: соціалізація дорослого; особистісний розвиток; психологічні механізми розвитку особистості.



Бондарчук Елена Ивановна,

доктор психологических наук, профессор, заведующая кафедрой психологии управления Центрального института последипломного образования ГВУЗ «Университет менеджмента образования».

Киев, Украина.

Освещены специфика и психологические механизмы развития личности взрослого. Установлено, что личностное развитие взрослого человека можно рассматривать в контексте природных изменений, количественных, качественных и структурных преобразований его личности как субъекта деятельности, основанного на стремлении к совершенствованию, личностном и духовном росте, готовности к само- изменения и самоутверждения в различных сферах жизни . Показано, что личностное развитие - это сложный процесс, прогрессивный или регрессивный направление которого должен происходить в когнитивно-аффективной, конативного-регулятивной и ценностно-семантической сферах, в каждой из которых функционируют специальные психологические механизмы. Установлено, что развитие личности взрослого человека в значительной степени определяется его позицией и собственной субъективной деятельностью по направленности и возможностей быстрых изменений в современном мире, стремление человека к постоянному самосовершенствованию и саморазвитию, сохранение и развитие духовных принципов. Определены психологические механизмы личностного развития взрослого в когнитивно-аффективной (социальное сравнение, идентификация, эмпатия и др.), конативного-регуляторной (самоконтроль, самопроверка, самоатрибуция, самоанализ и т.д.) и ценностно-смысловой сферах развития личности (самоопределение, самовыражение, самореализация, самоакутализация и пр.). Показано, что в зависимости от специфики проявления этих механизмов речь идет о прогрессе или регрессе в личностном развитии взрослого. Последнее, в частности, проявляется в неаутентичности самопрезентации, формировании системы устойчивых психологических защит и др. Указано на целесообразность учета этих механизмов в процессе психологического сопровождения личностного развития взрослого, которое обеспечит социально-психологические условия для гармоничного развития личности.

Ключевые слова: социализация взрослого; личностное развитие; психологические механизмы развития личности.

Introduction / Вступ

Statements of problem. The problem of personality development has always been in the focus of researchers. In today's complex conditions it is important to form and develop the adult personality as an entity that actively, efficiently and creatively implements its professional and other functions with optimal psychological costs, has the means of self-expression and selfdevelopment, combating professional deformities and professional «burnout» etc. At the same time, practice shows the existence of psychological problems of personal development of a significant number of adults.

Thus, there is an objective need to promote the personal development of an adult, to determine the leading psychological mechanisms and conditions that initiate the personal development of adults at different stages of their lives.

Analysis of recent research and publications. Thus, in particular, the problems of personality development and its achievement of social maturity in the general theory of socialization of personality were studied G Andreeva [19], V. Moskalenko [20], G. Turner [28], etc., the analysis was carried out problems of a person as a subject of personal development, capable of creative realization of the program of his own way of life K. Abulkhanova-Slavska [1], A. Brushlinsky [9], S. Maksymenko [12], V. Tatenko [20], T. Tytarenko [21] and others. Psychological aspects that make it difficult for adults to acquire authenticity have been studied А. Anagnostakis [27], R. W. Firestone [30] etc.

The main attention of researchers of most of these approaches is focused mainly on the problems of ontogenesis within child psychology, psychological content and mechanisms of adult personality development are insufficiently studied. At the same time, the problem of psychological mechanisms of personal development of an adult in the conditions of social transformations characteristic of modern society is relevant and insufficiently studied.

This is what determined the purpose of our work - to substantiate the specifics and determine the socio- psychological mechanisms of personal development of an adult in terms of social transformations.

Aim and tasks / Мета та завдання

The aim of the investigation is to determine the specifics and psychological mechanisms of development personality of an adult.

The tasks of the investigation are: 1) to determine the specifics of personal development of an adult; 2) identify the psychological mechanisms of adult personality development.

The theoretical backgrounds / Теоретичні основи дослідження

The research is based on:

conceptual approaches to the development of personality in the process of socialization in general (G. Andreeva, V. Moskalenko, N. Smelzer, A. Teshfel, V. Tsyba and others), as a subject of their own life, in particular, (K. Abulkhanova-Slavska, O. Kirichuk, G. Kostyuk, S. Maksimenko, V. Tatenko, T. Titarenko, etc.);

the paradigm of individual development, determining the uniqueness and uniqueness of the life path of each individual (K. Abulkhanova-Slavska, G. Andreeva, O. Brim, T. Tytarenko and others), which acquires special importance in the conditions of social transformations in the modern world;

ideas of a humanistic approach to the development of personality (G. Ball, M. Boryshevsky, A. Maslow etc.).

Research methods / Методи дослідження

The research have been used theoretical analysis, induction, abstraction, generalization, systematization, modeling used to generalize the theoretical and methodological foundations of personality development in the process of socialization and determination of psychological mechanisms of adult personality development.

Research results / Результати дослідження

Analyzing the specifics of personal development of adults, it should first be noted that the socialization of an adult is always subjective and is a self-development through choices not only in specific, partial situations, but also lifestyle choices in general [18]. Therefore, in the process of adult personality development the emphasis is on critical comprehension of social experience that is learned, in comparison with previous personal experience, norms and values of other people and groups, while the development of the child's personality is associated primarily with learning experience mostly without its critical evaluation.

In addition, in the process of socialization of the adult there is a differentiation of types, configurations of patterns of behavior, norms and rituals, behavioral patterns, their detailing while complicating the existing model of the world, for the child such an image is formed for the first time. extreme meanings of the scheme «black and white» or «good and bad».

It should also be noted that children develop through the assimilation of new social spheres and ways of behaving in them, while adults master the specifics of actions in already familiar or similar to familiar spheres of human life. Therefore, the role of interaction with others (common) environment and heredity is especially important for the child in the context of personality development, and in adulthood a special role is played by discovery and reassessment of self, research of opportunities to overcome environmental and genetic limitations, choice of individual environment, etc. [6], [8], [22], [28 etc].

In this case, the adult must learn to structure, organize their activities in the world, independently create psychological techniques for its optimization, determine the choice of action strategy and behavior through the characteristics of their own personal resources [4]. Therefore, with the growth of a person in his life more and more place is occupied by self-development, self-education, self-formation and, accordingly, more share belongs to internal conditions as the basis of development, through which all external causes always act. social world [6], [9].

Thus, the paradigm of individual development is confirmed, which is based on determining the uniqueness and uniqueness of the life path of each individual K. Abulkhanova-Slavska [1], G. Andreeva [19], O. Brim [28], T. Tytarenko [21] and others, which acquires special importance in the conditions of social transformations in the modern world. personality spiritual growth

After all, social instability as a factor in the development of personality is clearly traced on four levels: 1) at the megalevel (specific global planetary processes, natural disasters, catastrophes of artificial sociogenic nature, etc., information about which is available to almost every inhabitant of the globe); 2) at the macro level (crisis of normative-value ideas, stratification of society, which leads to the emergence of new social groups - carriers of new value systems, etc.); 3) at the meso level (increasing the number of situations for which social groups do not have clear regulations, provide for their activities on a flexible, variable basis, necessitate choice, self-organization, self-development, while clearly focusing a significant number of groups on traditional, conservative values); 4) at the micro level (personal problems associated with the contradiction of individual norms and values, violation of the time perspective, the destruction of social identity, etc.) [17].

This leads to the erosion of the specific features of the development of the adult personality, which were discussed above. Because, according to modern scientists [20], based on the study of M. Mead [15], we have approached the era of so-called prefigurative culture or «anticipatory» socialization, when the carriers of new patterns of behavior are, first of all, the new generation. Adults often find themselves in a situation where their previous experience not only does not help, but prevents them from constructively solving problems due to the sharp emergence of new social spheres, new professional fields, specialties, approaches to the organization of everyday life, and so on.

In fact, adults find themselves with their own social experience in the new world, in which children often orient themselves better, «grasping» the best options for its functioning in modern conditions. the direction and possibilities of accepting the changes that are rapidly unfolding in the modern world, the human desire for constant self-improvement and self-development, preservation and development of spiritual principles, etc.

The main vector of personality change is the growing role of experience in the organization of human behavior The social aspect, according to O. Tkachenko, in the psyche of a particular individual appears as: a) a system of social values that determines the intentionality of the subject's behavior; b) the system of social cognitive experience; c) the system of social practical experience [22, p. 143-144].

Taking this into consideration, personal development can be defined as a complex process, the progressive or regressive direction of which, in our opinion, should be assessed in the following areas:

cognitive-affective sphere, aimed at the development of self-concept, the formation of a positive global self-attitude; perception of the social situation as a space of free movement [28];

conative-regulatory sphere, which characterizes the external side of personality development, the degree of its self-sufficiency, assertive behavior, conscious choice and understanding of responsibility for its consequences, internal locus of control, authenticity of self-presentation;

value-semantic sphere; which involves the conscious choice of a certain course of action, understanding the responsibility for the consequences of their own choice [7].

Each sphere of personal development corresponds to the socio- psychological mechanisms of personal development as functional ways of real or mental transformations of the individual's relationship with society and the world, enshrined in the psychological organization of the individual [1, p. 8]. As a result of the functioning of these mechanisms, various psychological neoplasms appear, the level of organization of the personal system increases or decreases; the mode of its interaction with the environment changes. Thus, due to the relationship between the effectiveness of self-change and cognitive processes: personal standards, standards of reference comparison and the value or significance of change A. Bandura [4], in the cognitive-affective sphere of personality development are socio-psychological mechanisms of reference social comparison. determine self-presentation on the basis of identification, socio- psychological reflection, feedback (information about oneself in the perception of others), causal attribution, etc.

Regarding the mechanisms of social comparison, we should point to the opinion of L. Festinger [23], who found that comparing himself with others, the individual gets the opportunity to assess their own abilities, attractiveness, personality traits, correct behavior or attitudes. Based on this mechanism, V. Yanchuk [26] concludes that man, forming an idea of himself, compares, firstly, his present with the past, and claims - with achievements, and secondly, compares himself not in the abstract but in a specific coordinate system (the best of the worst - feels better than the worst of the best). The researcher identifies 3 functions of social comparison: self-esteem (comparison to diagnose and differentiate information about their abilities), self-development (based on self-esteem), self-improvement (based on self-development). Comparison is a necessary condition for self-development and self-change, in which a person can record the positive dynamics, If such an environment does not exist, it is difficult to convince a person of the positive consequences of its actions [26].

The mechanism of social evaluation is based on feedback from the environment and is to assess the desired behavior, which is carried out in the process of social control based on the experience of satisfaction (suffering) from positive (negative) sanctions from other people (real or imaginary, adequate or distorted). As a result, social relations can play the role of social facilitation (stimulation), which activates positive experiences, or social inhibition (suppression, inhibition), which actualizes negative experiences - shame, guilt, etc. [26, p. 344]. It should be noted the special role of experience, which, according to S. Maksymenko, can be considered an independent, very important mechanism of personality development [13].

Identification, as we know, is the identification of the individual with certain people or social groups, through which it is assimilated by various norms, relationships, forms and algorithms of behavior ...In fact - a mechanism of socialization personality of its natural and human essence. At the level of behavior, identification is manifested through imitation - conscious or unconscious reproduction of patterns of behavior, the experience of significant other people, as well as through empathy - emotional experience through sensual identification with others.

Self-presentation as an integral socio-psychological mechanism of personality development in the cognitive-affective sphere is a process of purposeful or spontaneous, conscious or unconscious formation of a certain image of one's personality in the eyes of others through the presentation of authentic or inauthentic qualities and features of role behavior. assessed by her as significant.

In the conative-regulatory sphere of personal development, in our opinion, we are talking about such socio-psychological mechanisms of personal development as self-monitoring and self-verification.

Self-monitoring is a process of self-control over the impression made on others. In the context of M. Snyder's approach [26] it is the ability of an individual to adequately control the impressions of others, making adjustments if necessary, depending on real or imaginary assessments of other people and, accordingly, reflexive approval (disapproval). Self-monitoring is also based on the prediction of imaginary impressions in the future and depends on the general perception of reality - basal trust or distrust of the world E. Erickson [25].

A high correspondence between the desired and real self-presentation requires the establishment of feedback, reflection, social perception in order to record differences in the observation of the reactions of others, flexibility, ability to transform, transformation. At the same time, it is important to preserve the integrity, the core, the desire not to be a «chameleon».

Self-verification is the establishment of feedback from others in order to clarify the adequacy of the self-concept. Forms of self-verification are selective attitude to confirmatory information; selective relationships only with those people who confirm the adequacy of the self-concept, behavior aimed at confirming or rejecting the adequacy of the self-concept, feedback from other people.

The fixation of possible differences in the reactions of others with the presented self-image can be reinterpreted through the discrediting of role prescriptions, reduction of the subjective meaning of the undertaken obligations, etc., aimed at transforming the formed negative impression into a positive one. That is, unfavorable personal development is due to distortion of feedback due to cognitive dissonance, inability to reject information about the inadequacy of self-concept, which forms destructive psychological defense mechanisms, the tendency to maintain self-satisfaction, maintaining a positive attitude through attribution, external locus of control.

In the value-semantic sphere of personal development it is about its highest, meaning-forming level, at which there is an expansion of meanings of personal life, development and self-improvement, self-design on the basis of essential self-determination, self-determination, self-expression and selfrealization [3], [10], [12], [20], [21].

As noted by L. Mitina [15], development - a continuous process of selfdesign of personality (self-determination, self-expression and self-realization), etc. Self-design involves goal-setting activities in the context of professional and personal development in accordance with the ideas of the individual about the meaning of his professional activity and life in general [21].

The mechanism of essential self-imposition, according to V. Tatenka, is realized on the basis of the assertion of the personality as one that has reached a certain level of development and, at the same time, the desire for further development, drawing up an appropriate life program [20].

Self-determination is due to the emergence of contradictions of various kinds, awareness of the need to transform their inner world, the need for change in activities, awareness of their potential, prospects for personal and professional growth, the search for new opportunities for self-realization.

Self-expression occurs through overcoming the one-sidedness of professional and personal development, constant experimentation, which is understood as search, creativity, choice, restructuring of its activities into a practical transformation, development of new, creative solutions to complex problems that do not have standard solutions [20].

Self-actualization is considered in two planes [3]: first, as personal selfactualization of an adult in certain activities, primarily professional, and secondly, as the implementation in the process of personal development of socially significant goals.

At this level we are talking about partial mechanisms, which, according to L. Antsiferova [2], provide an adult with the opportunity to independently structure and organize their own way of life, independently create psychological techniques and means of optimal realization of their activities.

In particular, an adult has a broad time perspective of increasingly separate goals, there is an ideal that he wants to achieve. Achieving this ideal requires considerable effort, the preliminary solution of numerous tasks, which can lead to difficulties in maintaining the time perspective, loss of faith in the possibility of achieving the goal. One of the psychological methods of maintaining such a perspective is the method of «overturning» perspective lines at the present time, seeing in current situations situations of elements, blocks of the distant ideal.

Another mechanism for the optimal structuring of a person's life is the correct construction of a system of goals that act as steps to achieve the ideal. If these goals are arranged in one hierarchical row, so that the achievement of the next is determined by the previous one, blocking any of them will stop the progressive movement to the ideal and will be experienced by the individual as an insurmountable obstacle, as a life failure.

Thus, the personal strategy should not be based on the model of single-line determinism, it should provide for the need to create a system of complementary and mutually reinforcing intermediate goals.

Another mechanism is related to the need for the individual to go beyond his own limits, to rise above himself. This mechanism can be found primarily as a search and involvement of other motives that would enhance, complement or completely replace the effect of the motive, which «fades» as an individual's efforts to fit their occupation into a broader system of social relations, and thus find a new meaning, find new impulses in the universality of their social relations. This ability of man to arbitrarily create new systems of motives contains sources of active internal principles of personality.

The next mechanism is the reflexive alienation of the negative meaning B. Zeigarnik [10], which is based on the action of a special experience as an active activity (living) to generate new meanings of life. Attracting additional meanings is due to increased awareness and discovery of new contexts of activity.

The result is what is called the mechanism of semantic connection, when an internal connection is established with the value sphere of the individual, and the previously neutral content becomes emotionally charged. The result of this work will be the emergence of new intentions and harmonization of the inner world of the individual.

Encountering in the realization of one's own activity with the social environment, a person creates from objects (material or ideal) special means-signs that help him to realize his activity. These means are transformed into mental structures of consciousness, developing and changing the latter. This is a combination of essential mechanisms of development with the movement of the individual in society [12, p. 99-100]. In this case, one of the methods that ensures the movement of the individual forward is the process of «wedging» into the currently dominant activity (one that is actually performed and occupies a central place in the functioning and development of personality) activities that can be called subdominant.

Such surfacing in memory, wedging into the consciousness of actions, experiences, situations, conditions, personal states characteristic of subdominant activities - an important condition for the integration of personality, the functional relationship of different ways of its dynamic existence.

We can also talk about the mechanism of anticipatory transfer, when the individual extrapolates to future situations and in relation to possible activities, certain results of the dominant activity. In this regard, L. Antsiferova [2] points out that the loss or even anticipation of the loss of great life goals, which lived a person, reducing its time perspective, the loss of their real future will have a destructive effect on personal development. The broader and such that go into the distant future, the goals of the individual, the more perfect will be the psychological mechanisms of its development.

An important mechanism is also subjective activity as a mechanism for preserving the identity of the individual, expanding, deepening and enriching the continuity, the substantial basis of development. It is carried out, first, through the ability to retain, preserve all the positive content of its history, to accumulate the results of development; secondly - the ability to update the potential content of their consciousness, to include it in relevant relationships, to be sensitive to unpredictable, accidental, spontaneous, past activities; third - the ability to create something new in the world and in themselves, while expanding the scope of potential [10], [20].

In the case of constructive action of these mechanisms, we can talk about progress in personal development. Unfortunately, regression in the personal development of an adult is also possible, which, in particular, is manifested in the inauthenticity of self-presentation, the formation of a system of stable psychological defenses, and so on. [7].

Conclusions and prospects for further research / Висновки та перспективи подальших досліджень

The personal development of an adult occurs through self-development, selfeducation, self-formation in the cognitive-affective, conative-regulatory and value- semantic spheres, in each of which there are specific-psychological mechanisms.

Taking into account these mechanisms in the process of psychological support of personal development of an adult will provide psychological conditions for the harmonious development of personality

Prospects for further research. In the future, it seems appropriate to determine the psychological conditions for the activation of mechanisms in the process of psychological support of personal development of an adult in order to harmoniously develop the personality of an adult.

References (translated and transliterated) / Список використаних джерел

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