Aggressiveness and conflict as a source of adolescent delinquency

Study of issues of aggressiveness and conflict in teenage children and its influence on delinquent behavior. Determination of the negative effect of uncontrolled use of mass media (social networks, television) on the unformed personality of the child.

Рубрика Психология
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Дата добавления 21.06.2023
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Aggressiveness and conflict as a source of adolescent delinquency

Inna Shinkarenko

PhD in Psychology, Assistant Professor

(Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs)


The growth of aggressive tendencies in the adolescent environment reflects one of the most acute problems of modern society. The paper defines the characteristics of the transition age, what forms aggression takes in this age category. The main types of reactions of an unformed personality to conflict situations are analyzed. The relationship between aggression and delinquent behavior is addressed. The influence of social networks and Internet technologies on the hyperdeviation of young people (aggression, cynicism, violence) is determined and analyzed, which leads to the formation of antisocial behavior of young people who have not yet learned to evaluate the information obtained. The problem of illegal behavior of adolescents who suffer from violence is considered.

Keywords: aggression, conflict, adolescence, delinquency, aggressive behavior, violence.

Інна Шинкаренко. Агресивність та конфліктність як джерело підліткової делінкветності

Досліджено питання виникнення агресивності та конфліктності у дітей підліткового віку та її вплив на деліквентну поведінку, визначення негативної дії неконтрольованого використання засобів масової інформації (соціальних мереж, телебачення) на несформовану особистість дитини. В роботі з'ясовано поняття «агресія», «агресивні дії», «конфліктність», визначені вікові особливості дітей підліткового віку: кризовий період, нерівномірність розвитку, зміни в психіці. Зазначені основні види реакції на проблемні стосунки з дорослими (батьками): самостійність та незалежність, скептицизм, формування ілюзії захищеності, формування накопичення, формування цинічної ненависті. Відзначено, що підліткова схильність до конфліктів пояснюється не тільки емоційними та фізіологічними віковими змінами, а й недостатністю сформованості соціальних навичок, а отже - і порушеним процесом соціалізації. Всі вищезазначені фактори впливають на підвищену агресивність і конфліктність підлітка. Підкреслено роль сім'ї у формуванні підлітка, зокрема, виявлено, що соціально-економічний статус родини також вагомий у процесі взаємовідносин батьки-діти. Отже, конфліктність як деструктивне особистісне утворення визначено певним комплексом факторів, як особистісно-психологічними (темперамент, рівень агресивності, емоційний стан) соціально-психологічними (установки і цінності, компетентність у спілкуванні, інтелект, поведінкові особливості), соціальними (умови життя і діяльності, соціальне оточення, загальний рівень культури та ін.). Дані аспекти слід враховувати у роботі з неповнолітніми і правоохоронцям, і психологам і педагогам.

Ключові слова: агресія, конфліктність, підлітковий вік, деліквентність, агресивна поведінка, насильство.


Relevance of the study. Changes in the life of modern Ukrainian society are characterized by difficulties in the ethical and psychological sphere. Declining living standards of a large part of the population affect psychological well-being, generating internal conflicts, tension, aggression, and sometimes cruelty. This is confirmed by the words of NV Hutsol: “We live in such a field of cruelty, in such tension that no one is guaranteed anything. Neither from becoming a murderer, nor from becoming a victim. Cruelty has become an everyday affair" [1, p. 225]. In this context, in psychological and pedagogical science, in the research of lawyers, the problems aimed at finding means to prevent and reduce the manifestations of aggression of children and adolescents become especially relevant.

The relationship between aggression and delinquent behavior is clear and needs to be considered separately. However, there is no doubt that in their combination these two phenomena are of threatening significance, both for society as a whole and for the delinquent person in particular.

The manifestation of delinquent behavior among adolescents is a matter of concern, because only at this age can we hope for a change in the delinquent person. Overcoming the limits of their adulthood, they automatically become antisocial individuals and hopes for correction, without high motivation of the delinquent himself are pathetic.

Recent publications review. Representatives of various scientific fields (psychology, sociology, jurisprudence, pedagogy, etc.) I. Andreeva, A. Golyga, I. Kon, V. Rolinsky, T. Safonova, N. Shcherbak, A. Adler, A. Bandura, A. Bass, L. Berkovets, J. Dollard, D. Zilmann, N. Miller, W. Frankl, Z. Freud, B. Ananiev, Y. Antonyan, O. Ratinov, M. Yenikeev, L. Kobernik, L. Kotlova, I. Melnychuk, O. Mizerna, V. Pavelkiv and others. note aggressive behavior as an essential feature that threatens human life, health and dignity. Traditionally, aggression is seen as a kind of deviant behavior, as an action that contradicts the norms of human coexistence.

The research paper's objective is to examine the issue of aggression and conflict in adolescence as a kind of delinquent behavior, to determine the impact of social networks and television on the aggression of adolescents.


aggressiveness conflict teenage delinquent

In order to understand what aggression is, it is necessary to analyze the concepts of "aggression" and "aggressive actions". The problem of aggression and aggressive behavior in science becomes relevant when society is experiencing critical periods of development. In psychology, aggression is understood as a specific form of destructive (destructive) human actions, which involve the use of force and infliction on other people, as well as other living beings or objects, various kinds of harm (it should be noted that harm can be both physical and psychological). Such behavior is perceived by others as not meeting certain standards, norms, rules approved in a particular society. It should be emphasized that various authors who were interested in the problem of aggression from a scientific point of view, considered aggression as a behavior and as a state, as a property of the psyche, that is, this phenomenon is reflected in all forms of human psyche. For example, some have argued that aggression should be understood as a specific event, and aggressive aggression should mean specific actions taken by a person. According to the Austrian psychotherapist, the founder of the psychoanalytic branch of psychology Sigmund Freud, the tendency to aggression and aggressive forms of behavior is the initial instinctive tendency of each person as a representative of a particular species of living beings. Therefore, aggression can be considered a natural form of human response to stress, frustration of its needs (relevant at the moment), the manifestation of which is accompanied by a series of various negative emotional states, such as hostility, hatred, anger, rage.

Under aggression is understood not only behavioral and emotional manifestations, but also analyze it in terms of form - human social behavior. If aggression can be seen as an intention to do harm, then aggressive behavior is aimed at committing an action. Among the main features of such behavior are the following manifestations: the tendency to dominate over others; desire for destruction; causing harm to others, other living beings and things; propensity to show violence and cruelty [2, p. 261]. Thus, aggression is a destructive form of behavior that is in confrontation with existing norms and rules in society, and also creates psychological discomfort of his personality. However, aggression finds its manifestation both in the real world of man and in fantasies or intentions. When there is a manifestation of aggression as a situational reaction of a person, then here we are not talking about aggression, but about aggressive actions. If such reactions and actions are periodically repeated - this is aggressive behavior. Also, aggression in psychology is seen as a property and personality traits, which are manifested in the following: the tendency to attack other people and animals; cause trouble to others. Most psychologists attribute aggression to personality traits, but despite the fact that it stands next to cruelty, human aggression can be considered a more moral category, because not every action supported by aggression will be characterized as cruel.

The causes of aggression stem from both the peculiarities of man himself and the influence of the surrounding reality, so this property is often defined as a bipolar phenomenon - as a negative manifestation of man and as a central function of personality aimed at adapting to living conditions. Aggression as a form of hostility is manifested in fights, quarrels, violence (psychological in the first place), insults, destructive actions. Aggression as a dynamic characteristic of human adaptability and activity is manifested as a way of human self-defense, defending their rights, preserving the independence and autonomy of their personality.

Aggressive wrongdoing is most common in adolescence. This type of criminal offense can be caused by imitation of a certain person, neurotic reaction, antisocial orientation, pathological reactions (as an affect). There are the following types of aggression: instrumental aggression, expressive aggression as a way of emotional relaxation, motivated aggression and cruelty. The latter is a separate type of aggression and is manifested in indifference to the suffering of others, the reduction of man by his actions to the subject (multiple stab wounds, ax blows, etc.). There are different forms of aggression: from verbal aggression in the form of threats, insults to physical aggression.

Criminal aggression of young people and adolescents has its own specific feature - it is the influence of the group, the criminal situation and the influence of substance abuse on the commission of a criminal offense. Quite often drug addiction, substance abuse is the basis of aggressive offenses, such as robbery.

Manifestation of physical aggression in adolescents is manifested in attempts to hit, push, scratch a person nearby to make it as painful as possible. Adolescents with side aggression try to express it by directing it at someone specific through other people, using slander, slander, evil jokes, or actively spreading rumors and gossip.

Irritation is manifested in negative emotions, uncontrolled reactions directed at a person or group of people or an unpleasant situation. This condition is most often manifested in rapid eye movements, loud voice, monotonous repetitive movements. Adolescents behave defiantly, become inflammatory, rude.

Negativism arises as a protective reaction of adolescents to influences that contradict their needs. Under these conditions, failure to comply is a way out of the conflict and release from its traumatic impact. Verbal aggression manifests itself in the form of attempts to cause moral harm to a person through words. Adolescents seek harm through shouting, screaming, and personal abusive words, anger, hatred, or ridicule. Most often, they shout curses or threats against other people. Adolescents who resort to object aggression most often transfer it to the surrounding objects. They knock on doors, ruin clothes, throw things, contaminate walls, break things and break glass, light fires, damage valuables, and stomp their feet, punching the table. During emotional aggression, the adolescent develops emotional alienation when communicating with others, which is accompanied by suspicion, hostility, or disrespect for them. Thus, there is a relationship between the strategy of behavior in conflict and the aggression of adolescents.

Destructiveness, motivated by the undermining of faith, usually occurs as a result of a breach of the trusting relationship between children and parents. The child begins his life believing in love, goodness and justice, the baby trusts the mother and relies on the fact that the mother is always ready to feed him when he is hungry, to dress him when he is cold, and to take care of him when he is sick.

For many, this faith is undermined in early childhood. The child does not receive proper care, suffers because his parents lie, leave him alone or do not punish him fairly. He is unhappy and intimidated, but neither his mother nor his father, who are so concerned about his well-being, notice him. They absolutely do not listen to him when he talks about his fears and sufferings [3, p. 123].

The reaction to such experiences is different, both in children and adults:

- formation of independence and independence (a person ceases to depend on who disappointed him, while he becomes more independent and finds new friends, teachers and loved ones whom he trusts and in whose reliability he believes; this is the most desirable reaction to disappointment);

- the formation of skepticism (in this case, the shock leads to the fact that a person becomes a skeptic and each new object of attachment is tested, and disappointed in it, again seeks and tests other people; this phenomenon is called "vicious circle"; it is closed for the reason that does not allow the relationship to develop);

- the formation of the illusion of security (in this case, to find faith again, a person relies on someone's powerful authority; such reactions have a clear regressive orientation; insecure and frightened child clings to the mother, next to whom she feels comfortable and safe);

- the formation of accumulation (often a person overcomes his despair, loss of faith in life through a convulsive pursuit of material values - money, as well as power, status, prestige, popularity);

- the formation of cynical hatred (a deeply disappointed person who feels cheated may begin to hate life; if nothing and no one can rely on, and faith in goodness and justice turned out to be an illusion, then life is truly hateful and want to prove that life evil, people are evil).

Examining the existing and discussed above definitions, of course, we can conclude that they are too contradictory. All these theories seek to understand the nature and content of this concept and in the role of such explanatory mediators are instincts, instrumental learning, anger, genetic factors.

It should be noted that adolescence is a crisis period in the development of personality. The child's development is uneven. At some stages, changes in the child's psyche occur slowly and gradually (stable periods), at others - rapidly and rapidly (crisis periods). The sequence of development is determined by the alternation of stable and critical periods. During a crisis, the child in a very short period of time changes in its main features. This is a revolutionary, tumultuous, rapid course of events, both in tempo and in the content of the changes that are taking place. Crisis periods are characterized by certain features: their boundaries are extremely vague, blurred. The crisis comes unnoticed, it is very difficult to determine the beginning and end. The apogee of the crisis for the child is manifested in a change of behavior or "difficult upbringing." The child seems to get out of control of adults, becomes cranky, the number of conflicts with the environment increases. Development during the crisis is mostly negative. In contrast to stable periods, here is more destructive than creative work.

Conflicts in adolescence and adolescence are extremely pronounced and are a mandatory attribute of the whole age period. Conflict between adolescents and young people, according to Tchaikovsky, has a number of features associated with lack of their life experience and low selfcriticism, inability to adequately assess life circumstances, increased emotional excitability, impulsivity, motor and verbal activity, acute aspiration to acquire a certain status in the reference group, negativism, imbalance of excitation and inhibition.

At the same time, as noted by O. Tchaikovsky, adolescent predisposition to conflict can be explained not only by emotional and physiological age changes. One of the characteristics of the unstable uncomfortable position of the adolescent is the insufficient formation of his social skills, which contribute to successful socialization. Insufficiently formed social skills, enhanced by socio-economic insecurity, are often the reason that affects the increased aggression, conflict of the adolescent, his desire to compensate by any means to his dissatisfaction with life [4, p. 252].

Adolescence and adolescence are associated with a problem in self-affirmation, which is expressed in the desire to be independent, independent, free; desire to assume the rights and responsibilities of an adult. The realization of this need may encounter unfavorable conditions in the family environment, which leads to disputes, conflict situations, aggression between adolescents and parents.

According to M. Kots and I. Mudrak, at the beginning of adolescence there is a situation of contradictions - if an adult maintains the attitude to the adolescent as a child. This attitude, on the one hand, contradicts the tasks of raising children of this age and the development of social adulthood, and on the other hand, it contradicts the adolescent's perception of his own adulthood and his claims to new rights. This contradiction is the source of conflicts, aggression and difficulties in the relationship between adult and adolescent [5, p. 163].

Note that the attitude of parents to adolescents and young people as a dependent person also exacerbates their relationship. All this provokes an increase in conflict and aggression of this age group and the consolidation of these personal characteristics. The connection between resentment, vengeance and intolerance as characteristics of a conflicted personality has been revealed. Failure by adults to accept qualitatively new relationships with adolescents and young people leads to misunderstanding and conviction of the injustice of the adult. And on this basis there may be a conscious rejection of requirements, assessments.

Any form of conflict between adolescent and adult, aggravated reactions of the child bears the imprint of the socio-economic situation of the family. Conflicts related to politeness, obedience, and respect are more likely to occur in families with low socioeconomic status, while in middle-income families, parents are more concerned about the development of children's independence and initiative. It has been noticed that in low-income families parents are concerned with protecting children from trouble at school, while in middle-income families parents are more concerned with the successes and achievements of children [5, p. 165].

The environment in which a child is brought up causes the fears and anxieties that a teenager's parents experience. If a teenager grows up in an area with high crime and drug addiction, then, naturally, his parents will be concerned about this issue.

Adolescents and young people have different manifestations of conflict behavior. Thus, adolescence is characterized by personal behaviors, while adolescence - situational. This can be explained by the fact that these age periods differ from each other, namely: personal forms of behavior in adolescence are associated with the desire for self-expression, the realization of their own personal aspirations. The predominance of situational forms of conflict behavior in adolescence can be explained by the fact that at this stage there is an adequate assessment of the conflict situation, as well as a tendency to constructive ways to resolve it [6, p. 98].

Conflict between adolescents and young people is often associated with accentuations of character, ie the excessive development of some characterological qualities at the expense of others. According to L. Kotlova, personality conflict is more characteristic of adolescents and young people with demonstrative, meticulous hyperthymic, affective-labile, dysthymic accentuations of character traits than for representatives of other accentuations. We can assume that this is due to the fact that these accentuations are characterized by stable traits, almost unchanged personality traits, which are manifested in all actions and deeds, including conflict forms of behavior [6, p. 99].

During adolescence, the following types of conflicts are identified between adolescents:

- conflicts of status held by adolescents in interpersonal relationships;

- conflicts due to insults, gossip and envy, the level of personal incoherence to each other;

- leadership conflicts, which reflect the struggle of 2-3 leaders for the championship;

- conflicts in the absence of mutual understanding, solidarity, group affiliation, friendly mutual assistance;

- conflicts are related to the difference of moral and spiritual values;

- communicative conflicts that arise due to lack of communication skills;

- conflicts that arise due to individual psychological characteristics of the individual, in particular, aggression;

- conflicts related to the emergence of sympathy for the opposite sex;

- conflicts due to the socio-economic status of the family, different social status (disadvantaged, low-income, antisocial families).

These conflicts, on the one hand, are natural, and on the other - these contradictions will contribute to or hinder the process of forming the personality of the adolescent.

The determination of destructive conflict as personal qualities of young people and adolescents is determined by the interaction of subjective and objective factors. According to O. Chala, important in understanding the determination of destructive conflict in adolescents is the fact that the immediate causes of a particular behavior are associated with a number of contradictions in society, the microenvironment and the individual. The main one is the contradiction between the requirements of society and the aspirations of young people to development and self-realization. Objective conditions create a potential opportunity for conflict in adolescents and young people, which can become a reality only in combination with subjective factors [7, p. 401].

Among the subjective factors, a special place is occupied by the tendency of the individual to choose a negative, destructive tendency to behave in a conflict situation. It also determines how a young person will perceive a situation that has arisen, how he will evaluate another person's behavior. The subjective side of the emergence and consolidation of destructive conflict is associated with those individual characteristics of man, which motivate him to be prone to persistent conflict behavior in a particular situation of interpersonal communication.

Practice shows that adolescents and young people do not know how to constructively resolve conflicts that arise, behave aggressively, show conflicting personality traits, and in their relationships with others (peers or adults) are dominated by destructive tendencies. Thus, the conflict of personality is a destructive personality formation, which is determined by a set of factors:

- personal and psychological (temperament, level of aggression, emotional state (anxiety));

- socio-psychological (social attitudes and values, attitude to the opponent, orientation in interaction, competence in communication, intelligence, basic tendencies of behavior);

- social factor (living and working conditions, the possibility of relaxation, social environment, general level of culture, the ability to meet needs, etc.).

At the same time, personality conflict is one of the age characteristics in adolescence and adolescence. Analysis of the reasons for the formation of conflict between adolescents and young people allows to identify its psychological determinants, among them the main ones are: low conflict resistance, lack of empathy, inadequate level of demands and values, low level of reflection and inadequate self-esteem, accentuations of character and temperament. It has been established that in adolescents, conflict is personally caused by contradictions in relationships with adults, who ignore the adolescent's desire to "be an adult" and are unfair in their relationship with him. The conflict of young people is closely connected with the inner world and the formation of self-awareness, which is the most important task of this age. Arising on the basis of intra-personal conflict, the general conflict of young people significantly affects their relationships with others.

One of the most important problems of our time is also the influence of social networks and television on the aggressive behavior of adolescents and their propensity to violence. Today, social networks have become very popular not only in Ukraine but also around the world. A social network is a community of people who share the same interests, preferences, or other reasons for communicating directly with each other. The younger generation views the Internet as the main source of information and the main means of communication. Young people go online to search for useful information, news, communicate with friends, get acquainted with song hits and movies, shop in online stores, and use its endless opportunities for self-expression and social adaptation. Information through the virtual environment about all spheres of human life has influenced the process of socialization, especially for children and youth.

In cyberspace, a person learns patterns of behavior, social norms, values, must receive information quickly, in real time, without leaving the room. Among the positive qualities of the Internet are the opportunity to meet and communicate with a large number of people, receive education remotely, use a lot of information, develop their thinking, self-improvement, master communication technologies, e-literacy and more. Thus, there is socialization in cyberspace. With the help of the Internet, a person can be better than he or she is, and even be different, not who he or she really is in real life. To do this, Internet users use nicknames (nicknames, nicknames) instead of real names, hiding them, marital status and even gender. Therefore, in addition to the positive phenomenon as Internet technology, it is necessary to pay attention to the fact that the information field of Ukraine is characterized by hyperdeviation (aggression, cynicism, values of the criminal world, etc.), which leads to antisocial behavior of people and youth. The analysis of research confirms that the most prone to the negative impact of modern information space are adolescents who have not yet learned to evaluate the information obtained.

Considering the process of socialization of the younger generation, it should be emphasized that children and young people pay attention to "aggressive forms of culture", which are spreading with the speed of the epidemic. Today, anyone who uses the Internet can find documentary photos, videos of murders, rapes, beatings, torture, and other forms of fear-inducing violence. Based on the above, it should be emphasized that due to different types of communication in the virtual environment there is a criminal exploitation of children.

Studies have shown that viewers do behave more aggressively after watching movies (shows) where violence is presented as sanctioned, especially if they felt angry before watching it. During one of the laboratory experiments, participants deliberately tried to get angry, then showed them a scene of violence (a boxing match, which is a sanctioned form of violence). Later, the participants in the experiment were allowed to apply an electric shock to the person who provoked their anger. Another group of participants, also quite angry, was shown a non-violent film, and members of the third controlled group were not provoked. The researchers found that participants who watched a boxing match applied stronger electric shocks to their abuser than those who watched a neutral film. Further desensitization is noted [8, p. 11].

With regular viewing of scenes of violence, adolescents become less prone to on-screen violence and are more willing to accept violence in real life. Several studies have studied this effect, but data from two laboratory studies have provided sufficient evidence to increase the likelihood of this hypothesis. In one experiment, researchers found that children who were shown scenes of violence were less likely to seek help from adults during fights with other children. Scientists have found that children who are in the Internet space for 2.5 hours or more have changed their process of development and socialization.

The extreme degree of the negative consequences of Internet addiction of adolescents is the transformation into an "Internet Mowgli". People with Mowgli syndrome (phenomenon) are a category of people (including children) who, due to prolonged stay in cyberspace, lose touch with reality, sometimes not even able to distinguish between virtual and real world, lose language skills (unable to reasonably express their point of view), when communicating with others, take a hostile, aggressive negative position towards them. As a rule, in everyday life they are lethargic, apathetic, sad, passive, devoid of cheerfulness, they have reduced cognitive activity, they are not able to constructively get out of a conflict situation. The process of negative impact of the Internet environment on the child's mind can lead to tragic consequences for both health and the level of aggression, and therefore to the level of delinquency.

Particular attention should be paid to children and adolescents who suffer from violence. According to the mechanism of identification, the child resembles the aggressor and uses aggressive manifestations towards younger animals. By aggressive actions the teenager can demonstrate protest against the arbitrariness of adults, use the "aggressive shield" in order to isolate himself from reality with its problems [9, p. 8].

Adolescent aggression can be a manifestation of anxiety and fear, the reverse side of insecurity. In an effort to alleviate his fear, the child chooses protective and aggressive behavior towards others. Another possible overcoming of fear may be the focus of aggression on oneself. Autoaggression can manifest itself in different ways, for example, in self-destructive fantasies, cowardice or ideas of self-punishment. Adolescent self-aggression is characterized by the fact that they can not drive their aggression on the object or person who caused these feelings because of its inaccessibility. In this case, aggression begins to manifest itself. Adolescents begin to openly self-flagellate, humiliate themselves, causing themselves both moral and physical suffering.


So, summarizing the above, we can conclude that the aggressive behavior of adolescents is preceded by:

- the emergence of conflict situations and the need or desire to eliminate mental stress;

- especially strong stimuli that affect the psycho-emotional tone of the adolescent;

- the choice of a specific aggressive action.

The greatest contribution to aggressive behavior is made by irritability, resentment, vengeance. When considering the causes of adolescent delinquency, it should be noted that aggression and conflict are an integral part of it. Illegal behavior of adolescents today is characterized by cynicism, determination, cruelty. Systematization of scientific data on the problem of delinquent behavior of adolescents allows us to state that the analysis of the state of its research requires the implementation of a systematic approach that determines the relationship of various adverse determinants, which negatively affect the process of formation of the personality of the minor and his behavior. Rejuvenation of crime and wrongdoing is a reality today, and this should be taken into account by both law enforcement and psychologists and educators in working with minors.


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