Consideration of the manipulative potential of stylistic devices in modern media discourse. Study of stylistic devices used in media discourse for the purpose of manipulating information. The object is articles in English-language newspaper editions.
Empirical methods in signed language research. Methodology for multimodality: One way of working with speech and gesture data. Experimental methods for simulation semantics, studying the mental representation of language. Speaking for the wordless.
Shortcomings in the work of the domestic mass media and ways to overcome them within the framework of the potential of the mass media for establishing a dialogue between the state and civil society. Improving the regulatory framework of the media.
- 1834. The mass protest movement (five star movement in Italy): innovative practices of civic engagement
Innovative mechanisms of public participation and new activity of political structures. The study of the Italian mass protest movement (the movement of five stars), which demonstrates approaches to the problem of improving the practice of civic activity.
- 1835. The mass-media and political regimes (the problem of mass-media determination by political regimes)
The impact of political regimes on the media. Comparative analysis of the mass-media functioning under various types of political regimes. Specific characteristics of the mass-media and journalism under totalitarian, authoritarian and democratic regimes.
The implementation of the algorithm of the mathematical model, the procedure for calculating the necessary expressions and their type of representation. Programming sequence of the mathematical model consideration. The equations for current and voltage.
The mathematization of scientific knowledge. The role of mathematization process as precondition of transformation of science into direct productive force of the industrial society. Factor of scientific communication complementarity in knowledge society.
The Heideggerian thought back to its pre-conceptual origin and demonstrates how thus a transformation of the notion of rationality has been achieved in his philosophy. The thinker focuses his investigation on the ontological basis of Western rationality.
Two stage rationality. Management behavior in the traditional view. Behavioral aspects of the control. Individual conduct for order and stability. Organizational performance. Elements of a control, their forms. Characteristics of an effective system.
- 1840. The meaning of the word
Rules for constructing words in English. The elements of the semantic structure. Lexical meaning of word. The main sources of homonyms. Phonetic change and borrowing. Synonyms - words different in sound-form, but identical or similar in meaning.
Kant's project in the "Critique of Aesthetic Judgment" is to show on what grounds we can make a legitimate "judgment of taste" (i.e., a judgment that something is beautiful). The identifying Kant's argument judgments as a species of imperatives.
The German language is a category that can be viewed through different units of speech and language: plural forms of notional parts of speech, indefinite article and its substitutions, intensifiers, adverbs, adjectives, pronouns and phraseological units.
Reconstruction of religious models of Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome. Analysis of the multi-plot of Olympic mythology. Reflection of the unity of heaven in conceptually different anthropological paradigms. Reasons for the Reformation and cannabis.
- 1844. The measuring monitoring network of toxic pollutants in ecosystem for the sustainable environment
Optimization of the measuring monitoring network of toxic pollutants, taking into account the number and location of pollutant detectors. Content of the system approach to the analysis of heavy technogenic accidents and their ecological consequences.
Development of a therapeutic and diagnostic algorithm for the blockade of natural fistulas of acute rhinosinocytes. Early diagnosis, study of the etiopathogenetic influence on the main factors in the occurrence and development of these complications.
The concept of image in media discourse is defined, the main lexical, phraseological, syntactic and stylistic means of forming media images of political leaders, show business stars and advertising goods in English-language texts of media discourse.
The concept of international economic sanctions. The historical practice of international economic sanctions. Effective criteria for application in practice. Areas, stages and effects of international economic sanctions against the Russian Federation.
The concept of an intellectual migrant. Analysis of international migration of highly skilled workers, problems and consequences of intellectual migration. Factors influencing the state of the migrant in the new environment using the Lysgaard U-curve.
Analyze foreign economic activity of the Russia. The international economics cooperation of Russian Far East with South Korea. Key factors affecting foreign economic activity. A model of economic cooperation of a domestic region with a foreign country.
The description of the mechanisms of learning and assessment of the quality of the classifier of the developed system of the automated processing of large amounts of information. The classifier based on the LibSVM library and the support vector machine.
The media impact on the audience can vary in strength and effect, cases it is very relative. The likely effects of media influence on the opinions, preferences of the audience. Factors influencing different people's perception of the same media message.
Аnalysis of the representation of LGBT social movements in the media using the example of prides in St. Petersburg. Social movements as interest groups that bring new boundaries to public debate. Type of framework: collective action and the status quo.
- 1853. The member states’ contributions to NATO’s policy in Afghanistan during Donald Trump presidency
Reasons for the expansion of the Alliance. Consolidation and strengthening of the positions of the NATO bloc in Asia and the Middle East. Bringing the US mission to Afghanistan to a successful conclusion. Criticism of President D. Trump and his rule.
Karelian battalion and its time: from the history of national armed formations in the north of Russia during the civil war and foreign intervention. Examples of fictional treatment of the Karelians’ ambivalent position in a war between Reds and Whites.
The main characteristic of gradation relations within the basic conceptual field "heart", which is represented by the concept of "container". Research of tendencies of use of nouns heart, heart in function of a metonymic designation of the person.
The study of people’s emotions experienced in the mass-media environment, their understanding of the obtained artefacts under the influence of public TV-live discussion. A narrative analysis of S. Schuster's experience of work at political TV talkshows.
The functions of the meta-language of linguistics and literary studies in the works of Barth and Pelevin, their relatively description. Metatext game in the form of fractal patterns of concentric circles and a spiral as a tool to assess of works.
Metaphors as an integral part of the model of our mind, model in terms of which most of us think. Cognitive approach to metaphor for widens the scope of study from literary works to everyday speech. Metaphors which structure ordinary conceptual system.
Research and characteristics of the methanation of carbon dioxide under atmospheric pressure over a catalyst containing 5% of metals prepared by the impregnation method. Measured of the specific surface area by low-temperature adsorption of argon.
Physical and mechanical characteristics of the barometric sensor. Rules for designing the oscillating circuit a frequency-dependent device. Criterion of reliability of stable resonator systems. The effects of physical degradation of the air signal.