The motivational features of the military personnel to self-preservation in extreme situations
The research of the leading motivation of the military personnel in an extreme situation and the levels of the self-preservation motivation of the military personnel. Identification of individual and personal levels of motivation for self-preservation.
Рубрика | Психология |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 10.10.2018 |
Размер файла | 25,4 K |
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Department National Academy of Ukrainian National Guard
Yuriy Taymasov, Ph.D., Senior Lecturer
Olena Zub, Ph.D., Associate Professor
Artem Turchynov, Ph.D., Associate Professor
The article presents the results of studying the motivation of the military personnel to self-preservation in the extreme situations. Usually an extreme situation is revealed in terms of disability, health, high negative levels of mental stress and tension. An extreme situation is a situation of the one's vital activity in which the person acts by anyway, carrying out a certain activity.
The analysis of domestic and foreign authors dealing with this problem is carried out in the article. The theoretical models of the self-preservation motivation of Freud, A. Maslou, G. Merrey are stated. The research studies the leading motivation of the military personnel in an extreme situation and the levels of the selfpreservation motivation of the military personnel are analyzed. The research is conducted on the examples of people who served in the anti-terrorist operation zone in the east of Ukraine, the technique of incomplete offers, etc. was used. Two levels of the self-preservation motivation of the military personnel are revealed: individual and personal. It is revealed that the self-preservation motivation of the military personnel is the leading motivation in an extreme situation.
Keywords: an extreme situation; motivation; personality; self-preservation; military personnel. motivation military personnel extreme
Юрій Таймасов, кандидат педагогічних наук, старший викладач навчального пункту аварійно-рятувального загону спеціального призначення Головного управління ДСНС України у Харківській області Олена Зуб, кандидат сільськогосподарських наук, доцент кафедри фундаментальних дисциплін Національної академії Національної гвардії України Артем Турчинов, кандидат педагогічних наук, доцент кафедри фізичної підготовки та спорту Національної академії Національної гвардії України
У статті представлені результати дослідження мотивації військовослужбовців до самозбереження в екстремальній ситуації. Зазвичай екстремальну ситуацію розкривають з точки зору порушення працездатності, здоров'я, високого негативного рівня психічного напруження й напруженості. Екстремальна ситуація є ситуація життєдіяльності людини, до якої він так чи інакше діє, здійснюючи певну діяльність. Проведено аналіз вітчизняних і зарубіжних авторів, які займаються даною проблемою. Викладено теоретичні моделі мотивації самозбереження З. Фрейда, А. Маслоу, Г Меррея. У дослідженні вивчається провідна мотивація військовослужбовців в екстремальній ситуації і аналізуються рівні мотивації самозбереження військовослужбовців. Дослідження проведено на чоловіках які служили в зоні проведення антитерористичної операції на сході України, використовувалася методика незакінчених пропозицій, тощо. Виявлено два рівня мотивації самозбереження військовослужбовців: індивідуальної та особистісної. Виявлено, що мотивація самозбереження військовослужбовців є провідною мотивацією в екстремальній ситуації.
Ключові слова: екстремальна ситуація; мотивація; особистість; самозбереження; військовослужбовець.
An extreme situation, irrespective of the terms applied to its designation, reveal in terms of disability, health, high negative level of mental stress and tension. This situation is in a certain sense a motivational situation in which certain forms of motivation are actualized. As in the general form, the extreme situation is a situation of danger, threat, therefore it is first of all connected with the need for self-preservation.
Analysis of scientific literature
A large number of authors refer to motivation all that induces to carry out real activity. Defined motive as a subject of requirement [9]; Defines motives as “realized that is property of the identity the activity motivation, the requirements arising at higher form of reflection” (at the same time motivation - aspiration to satisfaction of requirements) [8]; according to “the motive is an image of successfully completed actions for requirement realization” [7]. Very often motivational educations are understood as values, interests, the relations, meanings, ideals, installations, norms, beliefs, etc. [2 - 6, 9]; Rubenstein considered that the motivation “always comprises an incentive component” [1].
Z. Freud in his first concept of trains marked out sexual inclinations and inclinations I which he concretized in the form of the self-preservation motivation [11].
More detailed analysis of the self-preservation motivation has given A. Maslou [8]. In the hierarchy of requirements he marks out also the need for safety. The need for A. Maslou's safety carries to the lowest, vital requirements which follow after physiological. At the same time he includes a big variety of motives in this category, such as actually the need for safety; in stability; in dependence; in protection; in freedom for fear, alarm and chaos; need for structure, order, law, restrictions and other needs. Already in the list of motives it is visible that some of them belong to so-called “human”.
Speaking about safety, A. Maslou considers this requirement on the example of children because they instantly react to threat, both from the world around, and from somatic states, experiences. A. Maslou considers that the feeling of threat, danger appears when the world becomes unpredictable when there are not predicted events, when the habitual sequence of actions, for example, in relation to the child from parents, is broken. Even the adult prefers the choice of things familiar to him more often, trying to minimize threat. Therefore for satisfaction of this requirement already from children's age, a man tries to order, structure his life, create “some columns, which can be relied not only in the present, but in the future too” [8].
According to children's psychologists as notices A. Maslou, borders, a framework, contrary to ordinary opinion on desire of boundless freedom and independence are necessary for children. He also emphasizes that in order to form a sense of security, children need care from others, first of all, families and parents.
We also can note in spite of the fact that the need for safety is in hierarchy at the second level and relates to the lower, human needs, A. Maslou in this category also includes human aspirations to religion, knowledge of the universe, recognizes that science and philosophy partially motivated this requirement. So, once again it is possible to tell that this requirement has to concern rather the highest, human needs.
Further, let's pay attention to G. Murray and how he described importance of safety. Here we see another classification of requirements from A. Maslou's classification. On an extreme situation it is possible to consider such requirements as the need for avoidance of danger, the need for protection, the need for counteraction [8].
The need for avoiding danger includes riddance of pain, wounds, diseases, death and dangerous situations. Here the tendency of the person to denial, avoiding of extreme experience is traced. Also as well as in a case with A. Maslou, we see physiological interpretations of this requirement. According to G. Murray, a situation of interaction of the person with the world around, from the point of view of satisfaction of this or that requirement, “organism - environment” is defined as an interaction situation.
Defining the need for counteraction, G. Murray points to activity of the subject, orientation on mastering of a situation, overcoming the weaknesses, fear, which is an important point in an extreme situation.
Unlike A. Maslou who referred the selfpreservation motivation to the lowest needs of the individual, G. Murray marks out in motivation of the self-preservation motivation of the individual and motivation of the personality [11]. The first individual level includes aspiration to maintaining psycho physiological integrity of the person as biological being. If we consider the self-preservation motivation from the point of view of the personality, then it will includes such motives which are defined not by somatic deficiency, but by the system of interests I, structure of the person identity, his character.
There are data confirming the above-stated facts. So, for example, military, while keeping the honor, advantage and respect, often risk the life. These facts show that some people, even in extreme situations, retain the dominance of higher, personal needs over the lower. Also the personal level includes selfpreservation of egoism, self-preservation of identity (the similarity of treatment is present in A. Asmolov who writes: “Individual is born, becomes the personality, and defend identity“ [3]). “Selfpreservation is the preservation of egoism in the horizon of life” [10].
Formulation of the problem
Based on the carried-out theoretical analysis we have set the task to investigate self-preservation motivation of the military personnel in an extreme situation.
According to the task we have put the hypothesis that the self-preservation motivation is based on the self-preservation motivation of the individual and selfpreservation motivation of the personality.
Description of the research
In the research have participated 91 people- the men serving in the antiterrorist operation zone in the east of Ukraine, at the age of 20 - 39 years with the following education: secondary, secondary special, incomplete higher, full higher.
On the basis of the literature analysis we have marked out the following signs of the self-preservation motivation [10]: resistance of suffering, maintaining psycho physiological integrity, from the point of view of biological integrity, maintaining egoism, preservation of values, ideals, maintaining identity.
To confirm or reject the hypothesis of two levels of the self-preservation motivation: individual and personal, we will analyze in more detail the answers included this category through the content analysis. Here are some examples confirming our hypothesis.
I want: (1) to be healthy; (2) to have a strong family and full equality of all people; (3) to live and to work in normal conditions as all ordinary people; (4) to live normally; (5) constant wellbeing in the family; (6) that there was no war; (7) to have a full order in the family and at work; (8) to remain the person.
We see that it is difficult to carry answers 2, 5, 7, 8 to the individual level (according to A. Maslou) for requirements of safety. Most likely, they express such aspirations of the person as preservation of the values, the need for self-esteem and recognition and also reflect the width of interests and a tendency to look after the friend (2, 5, 7). We will note that in answers 1, 3, 6 the tendency to maintaining the health is noticeable, not only physical (“to be healthy”), but also “mental” (“to live normally...”). So, the hypothesis that the self-preservation motivation, survivals are present as an individual and personal level is confirmed. Also confirm the examples given in work “Transformation of the personality”: the military personnel, keeping the honor, advantage and respect, often risk the life.
The next stage in our analysis was to discover a leading motivational trend among various military personnel. This step has been taken for the purpose of confirmation or a denial of the hypothesis that in an extreme situation, collisions of life with a nonexistence in different respondents can dominate various motivations and also to look what of the three motivational tendencies (the self-preservation motivation, the motivation of refusal (avoiding, leaving), motivation of growth (transgression)) is most characteristic in an extreme situation.
At most of respondents (54 people that makes 59,3% (more than a half) of the general selection) the leading motivation is self-preservation, further on the importance there is a motivation of growth (16 people, 17,6%), further - motivation of refusal (9 people, 9,9%). Unexpectedly - there were groups of examinees in which at the leading level there are two and more motivational tendencies. Really, it is visible that the motivation of survival, self-preservation considerably exceeds other motivational tendencies that it was characteristic also in the general analysis of tendencies and the presented results. The qualitative analysis showed that if the respondent had the tendency to stability, self-preservation, then in his other answers could be actualized not only the tendency to growth, but also a tendency to refusal.
We will note the fact that identical distribution on selection has turned out for examinees in whom the motivation of self-preservation and motivation of growth (3,3%) is the surpassing tendencies and also - motivation of refusal and motivation of growth (3,3%). This fact can show that it is impossible to consider these tendencies (refusal-stability-growth) in linear dependence, and rather in this case we assume that they are independent from each other. An alternative explanation can be the fact that interrelation of these tendencies more difficult and ambiguous that opens the field for further researches in this area.
During the content analysis “on examinees” these observations was also noted by experts. Also in such analysis occurred more deeply than understanding of answers therefore, on the one hand, “understanding” of the complete personality and its leading motivation appeared, on the other hand, we will note that the possibility of incorrect interpretation increased namely if the tendency, for example, to growth was peculiar to the examinee in a number of questions, then answers which raise doubts could “impose” to experts a similar tendency. What has been overcome by means of the fact that the analysis passed at first “down” - irrespective of examinees, and then was checked also “across” - at which as it was told above, there was an opportunity to look and estimate the person as a whole.
Thus, in the research we have confirmed the hypothesis that in motivation of selfpreservation two levels are allocated: individual and personal. The first includes preservation and maintenance of psychobiological integrity of an organism, desire to be healthy, maintenance of the state, orientation on opposition to difficulties; the second includes the personality preservation of values, meanings, manifestation of courage and firmness, support of people around and interaction with them. The self-preservation motivation, survival is leading, dominating more than at a half of examinees.
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