Економіко-екологічне обґрунтування стійких лісостепових агроландшафтів в умовах реформування земельних відносин

Розробка заходів з впровадження комплексу контурно-меліоративної організації території, які спрямовані на ефективне використання і всебічну охорону земельних угідь й екологічно безпечне ведення сільського господарства в агроландшафтах Черкаського регіону.

Рубрика Сельское, лесное хозяйство и землепользование
Вид автореферат
Язык украинский
Дата добавления 23.11.2013
Размер файла 48,0 K

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Создано соответствующую научно-техническую базу в регионе для исследования экологической и экономической эффективности создания устойчивых лесостепных агроландшафтов. Для оценки влияния их на окружающую среду, изучения функциональных особенностей и эксплуатационных характеристик водорегулирующих рубежей и сложных гидросооружений при различных метеорологических условиях в системе контурно-мелиоративной организации территории и усовершенствования нормативно-расчетной базы проектирования различных видов и способов осуществления инженерного обустройства устойчивых лесостепных агроландшафтов в условиях Приднепровья.

Ключевые слова: агроландшафт, земельные отношения, контурно-мелиоративная организация территории, земельная реформа, экологическая стабилизация землепользования, ландшафтное земледелие.


Leonets Vl.A. Еconomical and еcologic substantiation of the stable agricultural landscape under land relations reformation conditions (Kanev region taken as an example). - Manuscript (Typescript).

Thesis submitted for a degree of Master of Economics on 08.08.01 specialty Economics of nature use and environment protection.

Ukrainian NAS Council on study of the productive forces of Ukraine, Kiev, 1999.

Stable partially-wooded steppe agricultural landscape creation has been substantiated preceded by a complex of nature protection measures aimed at cardinal replacement of the approach to the existing land use practice.

Introduction of the resource- protective technologies promoting ecologically safe methods of agriculture and stable agricultural landscape recovery by means of arable lands gradual reduction and agricultural activity decrease to a reasonable (from the point of view of ecological aspects) extent, low-productive and degraded agricultural lands withdrawal and adoption of cultivation area substantiated structure in industry considering the differentiation of the technogenic impact on agricultural landscape have been proposed.

It has been determined that the realization of scientifically substantiated complex of organization, economic and ecologic, social and legal and other measures taking into consideration the peculiarities of land relations reformation in the region would give the possibility to restrain the landscape degradation process and first of all to minimize the process of the soil erosion and to create stable agroecologic system of the land biological resources potential, to raise 1/6-1/8 fold economic and ecologic effectiveness of their use and to reduce land degradation process impact on surroundings.

Ways of reconstruction of the existing commodity agricultural enterprises in the region and their territory organization based on a collective ownership land sharing have been developed. It has been proposed to conduct on a comparative basis in each farm under restructuration a proper substantiation of the optimal parameters of the competitive newly created agricultural units of the market type.

Mechanism of the land owners' and land users' economic promotion in carrying out nature-protective measures and sanctions applied in case of land qualitative conditions deterioration caused by their activity has been proposed.

A number of steps have been examined promoting considerable decrease of the soil physical degradation and at the same time soil economic effectiveness increase and ecological stabilization.

Key words: agricultural landscape, land relations, outline and reclamation territory organization, land reform, land use ecological stabilization, landscape agriculture.

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