Фінансовий механізм покращання якості природних ресурсів у сільськогосподарському виробництві

Сутність фінансового управління якістю природних ресурсів та матеріального забезпечення її покращання. Концепція та принципи побудови фінансового механізму. Важелі та інструменти регулювання якості. Шляхи удосконалення інформаційної підтримки процесу.

Рубрика Сельское, лесное хозяйство и землепользование
Вид автореферат
Язык украинский
Дата добавления 07.08.2014
Размер файла 72,6 K

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I.D. Samoshkina. Financial Mechanism of Natural Resources Improvement in Agriculture. - Manuscript.
The dissertation is presented for Candidate of Economic Science Degree in Specialty 08.04.01 - Finance, Money Circulation and Credit. - National Scientific Center "Institute of Agrarian Economy", Ukrainian Academy of Agrarian Sciences, Kyiv, 2005.
The dissertation is dedicated to the issues of theoretical justification and development of the financial mechanism of natural resource improvement in agriculture. The scientific definition of financial component of ensuring quality of natural resources in agriculture has been further developed. The financial component is considered as the main factor for production of ecologically clean agricultural products, provision of the food security and safety. The author's vision of the functional structure of the financial mechanism of improvement of agricultural natural resources has been presented. The elements of such mechanism determine the system of financial management in the resource usage in the region; the financial instruments of quality management for natural resources in agriculture have been studied; its informational provision has been analyzed.
The peculiarities of financial regulation concerning improvement the quality of natural resources have been justified; the role of ecological audit in the financial mechanism of natural resource improvement has been studied; the mechanism of environmental insurance (as the risk-reducing factor in the usage of natural resource) has been improved; the social and economic importance of insuring the natural and resource potential in the agro-industrial complex has been defined. The conceptual foundations of improvement of the financial mechanism of increasing the quality of natural resources have been determined; the assessment of the influence of the quality of natural resources on the indicators of regional economic development has been conducted.
Key words: financial mechanism, financial regulation, environmental audit, environmental insurance, quality of natural resources, tax incentives, provision of investments.

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