Метаболізм фібриногену та стан системи фібринолізу за бактерійного маститу у корів

Вивчення етіологічної ролі мікрофлори. Визначення патогенетичного значення метаболізму фібриногену і стану системи фібринолізу в розвитку маститу. Розробка лікувально-профілактичних заходів бактерійного маститу у різні періоди репродуктивного циклу.

Рубрика Сельское, лесное хозяйство и землепользование
Вид автореферат
Язык украинский
Дата добавления 14.08.2015
Размер файла 67,3 K

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The dissertation is on competition of a scientific degree of the candidate of veterinary sciences in the veterinary obstetrics specialty 16.00.07. - The Sumy National Agrarian University. - Sumy, 2011.

The thesis is devoted to the studying of the aetiology-pathogenesis meaning of micro flora, haemostasis during cows' mastitis, and also to the application of treatment and preventive methods.

The analysis of obtained data has showed 6,3-11,4 % cases of cows mastitis in the herd. In case of post delivery mastitis the mammary gland was contaminated mostly with microorganisms' association, where Staphylococcus aureus dominated, during lactation period it was equally infected with Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus agalactiae, Escherichia coli, Mycoplasma bovis, and in the period just before drying off - with Escherichia coli.

During the mammary gland inflammation levels of General Immunoproteins and Sialic acids in cows' blood were increased because of acute faze' proteins production, including Seromucoids.

Mastitis is accompanied by haemostasis disorders. For sick animals deep disorders of coagulative and fibrinolytic links of haemostasis were marked with fibrinosis, accumulation in plasma of soluble fibrin, and fibrinolytic overactivity. It predetermined disorder of blood microcirculation in the inflamed tissues, and origin for separate animals with acute mastitis of threat of inflammation development in other parts of mammary gland and organs with subclinical pathology. At the same time a coagulopathy for cows with chronic mastitis was characterized more substantial increase of Soluble Fibrin level on a background of tendency to growth of Fibrinogenum content. Treatment of sick cows was instrumental in the removal of the blood clot creating condition and proceeding in fibrinolytic activity.

Mastitis cows with obstetrics pathology had the same main aetiology's factor (micro flora), as obstetrics' infection. After therapy of sick cows in postpartum period the highest treatment effect was received when intra-aortal and intra-mammal ways of antibacterial staffs injections were combined. In lactation period the best results were received after treatment of cows with mastitis, using Synulox LC. High producing cows' mastitis prevention must include mammary gland conservation with antibiotics with prolonged action before drying off.

The keywords: cow, mammary gland, bacterial mastitis, fibrinogenesis, fibrinolysis.

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