Ефективність селекції у племінних стадах української чорно-рябої молочної породи

Шляхи підвищення генетичного потенціалу корів за надоєм з умовною часткою спадковості голштинської породи до 75 %. Аналіз інтенсивності росту молодняку, молочної продуктивності, відтворної здатності, екстер'єрних особливостей тварин за успадкуванням.

Рубрика Сельское, лесное хозяйство и землепользование
Вид автореферат
Язык украинский
Дата добавления 27.08.2015
Размер файла 176,7 K

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Ключевые слова: поглотительное скрещивание, генетический прогресс, генетический потенциал, часть наследственности, воспроизводимая способность, племенная ценность, формы наследования, интенсивность выращивания, продуктивное использование.

Y. Sotnichenco. Efficiency of selection in the pedigree herds of the Ukrainian Black-and-White dairy breed. - Manuscript.

The dissertation in seek for scientific degree candidate of agricultural sciences in the specialty 06.02.01 - animals breeding and selection. - Institute of Animal Breeding and Genetics UAAS, Kyiv-Chubinsky, 2009.

In work the efficiency of process of the Ukrainian Black-and-White dairy breed making better after the type of the absorptive crossing in pedigree herds with identical technology of production of milk is trained, but with different levels of feeding of animals.

It is set, that the explored herds have a different size of genetic potential after a yield and degree of his realization, as a result of the use of cows with a different pedigree value. The size of genetic progress after a yield relies on intensity of selection of four categories of pedigree animals. Their influence on the rates of genetic improvement of herds makes: parents of cows - 39,1-40,1 %; parents of cows - 33,4-36,6; mothers of cows - 17,9-21,1 %; but mothers of cows - 5,4-5,6 %.

The positive influencing of gene pool of Holstein breed on the increase of intensity of growth of repair is exposed to the sapling and forming of the desired exterior type.

Optimum duration of service-period is set for the cows of the Ukrainian Black-and-White dairy breed taking into account the level of their milk productivity. the greatest milk productivity is collected from cows, that are impregnated in 3-5-that hunt. The increase of part of heredity after a Holstein breed higher 75,1 % is instrumental in lengthening of duration of service-period on 14-22 days (R>0,95).

Frequency of different forms of heredity pedigree value is certain after a yield at the cows of got at different forms of selection and with a different part of heredity after a Holstein breed.

The analysis of duration of the use of cows and principal reasons of their leaving is conducted from a herd. Principal reasons for cows a high-blood after a Holstein breed are difficult confinements (26,7-45,2 %) and subsequent sterile (6,5-46,7 %).

Key words: absorptive crossing, genetic progress, genetic potential, part of heredity, reproduced ability, pedigree value, forms of heredity, intensity of growing, productive use.

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